pybind11使用教程笔记__6_ functions--2. call policy

本文介绍了pybind11中额外的调用策略,包括Keep alive和Call guard。Keep alive政策确保参数之间的生命周期关联,如将对象添加到容器时保持容器的生命周期。Call guard允许在函数调用周围放置任意范围守卫,如gil_scoped_release,对于处理全局解释器锁(GIL)非常有用。

Additional call policies

In addition to the above return value policies, further call policies can be specified to indicate dependencies between parameters or ensure a certain state for the function call.

Keep alive

In general, this policy is required when the C++ object is any kind of container and another object is being added to the container. keep_alive<Nurse, Patient> indicates that the argument with index Patient should be kept alive at least until the argument with index Nurse is freed by the garbage collector. Argument indices start at one, while zero refers to the return value. For methods, index 1 refers to the implicit this pointer, while regular arguments begin at index 2. Arbitrarily many call policies can be specified. When a Nurse with value None is detected at runtime, the call policy does nothing.

When the nurse is not a pybind11-registered type, the implementation internally relies on the ability to create a weak reference to the nurse object. When the nurse object is not a pybind11-registered type and does not support weak references, an exception will be thrown.

Consider the following example: here, the binding code for a list append operation ties the lifetime of the newly added element to the underlying container:

py::class_<List>(m, "List")
    .def("append", &List::append, py::keep_alive<1, 2>());

For consistency, the argument indexing is identical for constructors. Index 1 still refers to the implicit this pointer, i.e. the object which is being constructed. Index 0 refers to the return type which is presumed to be void when a constructor is viewed like a function. The following example ties the lifetime of the constructor element to the constructed object:

py::class_<Nurse>(m, "Nurse")
    .def(py::init<Patient &>(), py::keep_alive<1, 2>());


keep_alive is analogous to the with_custodian_and_ward (if Nurse, Patient != 0) and with_custodian_and_ward_postcall (if Nurse/Patient == 0) policies from Boost.Python.

Call guard

The call_guard<T>policy allows any scope guard type T to be placed around the function call. For example, this definition:

m.def("foo", foo, py::call_guard<T>());
is equivalent to the following pseudocode:

m.def("foo", [](args...) {
    T scope_guard;
    return foo(args...); // forwarded arguments

The only requirement is that T is default-constructible, but otherwise any scope guard will work. This is very useful in combination with gil_scoped_release. See Global Interpreter Lock (GIL).

Multiple guards can also be specified as py::call_guard<T1, T2, T3...>. The constructor order is left to right and destruction happens in reverse.





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