给你一个数组 nums ,请你完成两类查询。
其中一类查询要求 更新 数组 nums 下标对应的值
另一类查询要求返回数组 nums 中索引 left 和索引 right 之间( 包含 )的nums元素的 和 ,其中 left <= right
实现 NumArray 类:NumArray(int[] nums) 用整数数组 nums 初始化对象
void update(int index, int val) 将 nums[index] 的值 更新 为 val
int sumRange(int left, int right) 返回数组 nums 中索引 left 和索引 right 之间( 包含 )的nums元素的 和 (即,nums[left] + nums[left + 1], ..., nums[right])
954. 二倍数对数组 题目:
给定一个长度为偶数的整数数组 arr,只有对 arr 进行重组后可以满足 “对于每个 0 <= i < len(arr) / 2,都有 arr[2 * i + 1] = 2 * arr[2 * i]” 时,返回 true;否则,返回 false。
1. 题目讲什么, 很容易受 “arr[2 * i + 1] = 2 * arr[2 * i]” 这个条件影响,但是实际上就是说一个问题而已,里面是否有值是相互的两倍。
2. 统计问题,如何统计一个值会更加的合理。可以使用一个数组,但是这样你不知道值的长度,这样会照成不必要的空间浪费,所以一个通用的方法 --- HashMap()。
create a HashMap() : Map<dataType, dataType> map = new HashMap<ataType, dataType>()
The follow is the ways which are used on this test
function name note put(key, value); In HashMap will not exist duplicate values. If exist will replace the key and value.
getOrDefault(key, defualValise) if the map value not exist will give bakc a default valuse map.keySet() get all key more detail we can see this link:Java HashMap | 菜鸟教程
I think it is important to learn about the hashMap.
When I can use the hashMap ?
1. need to search the value whether is on the List ? or array ?
2. use the filter the dupicalte data. Because the key is the only.
class Solution {
public boolean canReorderDoubled(int[] arr) {
Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();
for(int x : arr){
map.put(x, map.getOrDefault(x, 0) + 1);
why put the ket is getOrDefault?
Because this will make sure that the key is only one, the num in the arry
if the key is exist, the follow will add one.
it only one, the map valuse will only is one, or will bigger and this should return false;
if(map.getOrDefault(0,0) %2 != 0){
return false;
on this code I think it use to check the first num
but why the an odd number should be false
I think eg:
x = 0; if 2*arr[2*i] = 0; need another 0
and if the 0 is exist, It means should exist two 0;
If not the condition does not hold
List<Integer> vals = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int x : map.keySet()){
thie use a new list to store the map key
Collections.sort(vals, (a,b) -> Math.abs(a) - Math.abs(b));
for(int x : vals){
if(map.getOrDefault(2*x,0) < map.get(x) ){
return false;
// this means the valuse is not arrage, or this key not exist
// or not enough 2x to pair wih x
map.put(2*x, map.getOrDefault(2*x,0) - map.get(x));
map.getOrDefault(2*x,0) - map.get(x)
Because the 2*x should exist on the map and the key will bigger than or queal to 1; so we use this to reduce, so if the key is 0 means this key is not enough and could not use again
return true;