(课程笔记)Learn How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

[coursera] Learn How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

Teachers: Terrence Sejnowski and Barbara Oakley
McMaster University 麦克马斯特大学
University of California San Diego 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校

Week 1. What is Learning?


  • Focused & Diffuse thinking
  • Procrastination
    • Pomodoro technique
  • Memory
    • spaced repetition
    • working memory和大脑前额叶(prefront cortex)活动有关
  • Sleep
    • 大脑自洁的过程
    • 帮助大脑learning and memory
  • Dr. Terrence Sejnowski
    • Learning by doing
    • learning by osmosis from people who are experts
    • asking a question. Active engagement rather than passive listening
    • 做multitask是不可避免的,要会很好地切换tasks
    • enriched environment 帮助memory,帮助神经生长更丰富和活跃
    • exercise 也是
    • 在一个creative environment 可以enhance你的creativity,别人可以对你的idea进行bounce back,这对于doing science很重要
    • Don’t get hung up if you can’t answer a question.
    • Having youth around is a great way to keep yourself youthful.
    • passionate, persistent
    • Francis Crick’s brain: 弗朗西斯·克里克,因发现DNA获得1962年诺贝尔奖
    • Learning with fresh new eyes.

图1.1 Focused learning

Week 2. Chunking


  • chunk
    • 小chunks组成更大的chunk
    • How to chunk:
      • Focus on
      • Understand
      • Practice
    • 先浏览一遍,掌握bigger picture,再去看details
  • illusions of competence in learning --> ineffective
    • Test yourself!
    • mistakes are good!
    • 不要再fool yourself啦!
    • 可以deliberate learning!
  • Recall
    • [paper] Retrieval Practice Produce More Learning than Elaborative Studying with Concept Mapping --> recall
    • retrieval process 帮助 enhance deep learning
    • [paper] Metacongnitive Strategies in Student Learning: Do Students Practicse Retrieval When They Study on Their Own? --> illusions of competence in learning
    • [paper] Testing Promotes Long-Term Learning via Stabilizing Activation Patterns in a Large Network of Brain Areas
    • 建议在一个新环境里进行recall
  • Motivate
    • 三种神经调节物质:
      • acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱,帮助突出建立新的连接,和长期记忆的形成有关
      • dopamine 多巴胺,是一种reward,缺少会导致anhedonia(快感缺乏)
      • serotonin 血清素,和risk-taking behavior有关
  • Library of Chunks:
    • transfer
    • Law of Serendipity:Lady Luck favors the one who tries.
  • overlearning 过度学习,好处是更加熟练,可以消除紧张(比如演讲之前很多很多次的预演),缺点是会比较浪费时间,而且会停留在对自己来说比较easy的事情上
  • deliberate practice:主动学习一些比较困难的东西
  • Einstellung = mindset,已有的知识会阻碍发现其他解决问题的路径,old idea阻碍new idea的形成
  • interleaving , 知道how to 和when to 使用已学会的技能

Week 3. Procrastination and Memory



  • habit
    • The cue. 进入zombie mode就是从这里。有四种:location, time, how you feel, reactions. 要当心!
    • The routine. 有好的,也有不好的。
    • The reward.
    • The belief. 万事开头难,如何处理自己的想法/信念非常重要。
  • 将注意力放在process上,而不是product上。
  • 省着点用willpower哈哈。
  • 每天列个计划,大概知道需要多久。用番茄钟的时候focused mode,中间break休息的时候diffuse mode。
  • 给每天制定一个quit time。制定quit time甚至和规划work time一样重要。
  • 每天早上用一个番茄钟的时间,做最喜欢的或最不喜欢的task,来wake up。Eat your frogs first everyday.
  • 平衡好专注于学习的时间和leisure的时间,才能表现更好。而不是每天都在endless treadmile。
  • 每天晚上睡觉前列好第二天的to do list。而且列出计划有助于释放大脑的working memory。
  • 给自己reward!在完成一个目标之后!
  • 也要留下处理意外事件的余地,有个backup。


  • 海马体,存储长期记忆。
    • HM,被试,被摘除了海马体
  • reconsolidation
    • 所以学习就间隔着经常多次重复巩固(repetition),而不是一次突击。
  • glial cell,比如astrocyte,给神经细胞提供养分,受伤后的恢复,iron的平衡等,也和学习与记忆有关。
  • memory palace technique,把熟悉的一个地方、一条路和想要记忆的内容联系起来。Imagine!
  • 建立有意义的group去记忆
  • 利用图片联想,声音联想,感受,嗅觉等等,结合多种线索去记忆,更加牢固。

Week 4. Renaissance Learning and Unlocking Your Potential

Renaissance Learning and Unloching Your Potential

  • metaphor & analogy 用比喻和类比
    • more visual, more better.
    • No need for Genius Envy – the Imposter Syndrome
  • Teamwork
    • 选择效率高的group!
    • teammates让你发现自己的error,以及自己哪里go astray了。及时回到正轨!
  • Test
    • checklist 清单
  • 先做难的,几分钟后做不出来,再去做简单的。
    • 这样可以进入diffuse mode。问题解决起来比较容易。
    • 就算在做其他事情,大脑也会下意识思考那些没解决出来的难的事情。
  • 消除紧张:
    • 辨别good worry和bad worry,前者让你更motivated,后者让你只是waste energy。
    • 将注意力集中在breathe technique上,深呼吸。
    • 设定一个plan B,也就是说,就算当下这个做不好,我还有退路。
  • 一边向前走,一边记得回顾。这样,在大脑中保持一种bigger picture,这样每一个步骤才能有意义make sense。
  • 测验的前一天记得好好睡觉~
  • 教会别人。才能自己真正掌握。
  • The time for play is after the work is done.


synapse 突触
dendrite 树突
micron 微米
guinea pig 豚鼠,天竺鼠
Seoul 首尔
flunk 不及格
downright 彻底的,彻底地
grenade 手榴弹
zest 风味,热心,强烈的兴趣,给…调味
metabolic 新陈代谢的
vampire 吸血蝙蝠
dissipate 驱散,使消散
mortar 迫击炮弹,石灰
acropolis (古希腊的)都城,城堡
waylay 伏击
hubbub 喧哗,骚动
wiring 线路
be avid at … 热爱
recess 休息
metaphor 暗喻,比喻
be affiliated with 与什么有关
sinuses 鼻窦炎
asthmatic 气喘的,气喘患者
toss away 抛掉,弃置
banshee (爱尔兰和苏格兰神话中)预告死亡的女妖精
polyglot 通晓并使用多种语言的
shimmering 闪闪发光
scintillating 闪烁的
knit sth into … 针织
karate 空手道
subliminal 潜意识的
anagrams 字谜
metaphor 隐喻
neuromodulator 神经调节物质
acetycholine 乙酰胆碱
dopamine 多巴胺
serotonin 血清素,血管收缩素,5-羟色胺
striatum 纹状体,终脑的皮层
nucleus accumbens 伏核
substantia nigra 黑质
amygdala 杏仁核
serendipity 有发现意外珍宝的本领/运气
lurk 潜伏,隐藏
einstellung 定势
interleaving 交叉存取
punk 废物,年轻无知的人
zombie 僵尸,麻木迟钝的人
harness 驾驭
juggling 杂耍,兼顾,欺骗
arsenic 砷,砒霜
uncanny 离奇的,可怕的,怪诞的
can-do philosophy 乐观进取的哲学
mule 骡,顽固的人,杂交种动物
bray 嘶叫,捣碎,刷油墨
concussion 冲击,震荡,脑震荡
glial cell 胶质细胞
astrocyte 星形胶质细胞
hawthorn 山楂
mustard 芥末
lade 负载,用勺子舀,水道,加沉重负担于
mnemonics 记忆术
carpal 腕关节的
purist 纯粹主义者
oddball 古怪的,古怪的人
gimmick 暗机关,骗人的玩意
gimmicks 噱头
internalize 使内化,使藏在心底
sling 吊索,抛掷,吊起
grandiose 宏伟的,浮夸的
persnickety 爱挑剔的,难应付的,精度极高的
grapple 抓住,格斗机
inebriation 灌醉
imposter 骗子
imposter syndrome 冒充者综合征,负担症候群
farewell 告别
formidable 厉害的
dogmatism 教条主义的
egocentricity 超中心主义
straggler 散兵
all bets are off 赌注全无
cortisole 皮质醇
debunk 揭穿,反驳
self-esteem 自尊心

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As a college student, it is important to strive towards being a good student. This means not only focusing on academic success but also on personal growth and development. There are several ways to become a good college student, and I believe that through hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude, anyone can achieve this goal. Firstly, it is essential to prioritize your studies. This means attending all your classes, completing assignments on time, and studying regularly. It is also important to take advantage of any academic resources available, such as tutoring or study groups. Additionally, being a good college student involves taking care of your physical and mental health. This means getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and seeking help if needed. College can be a stressful time, and it is important to prioritize self-care to avoid burnout. Being an active member of the college community is also important. This means participating in extracurricular activities, volunteering, and attending events. This can help build a network of peers and mentors, as well as provide valuable experiences and skills. Finally, being a good college student involves maintaining a positive attitude and mindset. This means staying motivated, setting goals, and persevering through challenges. It also means having a growth mindset, where mistakes are seen as opportunities for learning and growth. In conclusion, trying to be a good college student requires dedication, hard work, and a positive attitude. By prioritizing academics, taking care of physical and mental health, being an active member of the college community, and maintaining a growth mindset, anyone can achieve success as a college student.


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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