The impact of radar on society

电子科技大学 格拉斯哥学院 2017级 韩易霏
Radar technology began in the 1930s. Up to now, its various technical theories have been basically improved, whether in military or in real life, radar, as an important electronic sensor, plays a very important military and civil value.
As early as the second world war, radar has been playing a great role. In the battle of the Atlantic, allied submarine tracking teams were equipped with sonar, the equivalent of underwater radar for u-boats. Enemy submarines can no longer hide out at night to recharge their batteries. As the aircraft could strike at any time, the morale and effectiveness of the submarine were reduced. The u-boats were no longer able to prevent supplies from reaching Britain from North America, leading to the invasion of France. In the battle of Britain, radar allowed early warning of air strikes, greatly saving fuel, pilots’ energy and aircraft the need to defend them from the long patrols of fighter jets. A defensive response can be matched to an imminent attack, increasing the chance of success. Churchill said of radar: “radar was a magic weapon to defeat fascism in world war ii.” It can be seen that radar had a significant impact on the outcome of world war ii, because the radar technology of the allied countries was higher than that of Germany and Japan, which played a significant role in promoting the victory of the war.
In our modern social life, radar (doppler radar) is of great significance for preventing and reducing meteorological disasters and improving the accuracy of weather forecast. The working principle of doppler weather radar is based on the doppler effect. Specifically, when the precipitation particles move relative to the transmitted beam of radar, the difference between the received signal and the high-frequency frequency of the transmitted signal can be measured to obtain the required information. By using this principle, the velocity of the scatterer relative to the radar can be measured, and the atmospheric wind field, the vertical velocity distribution of the airflow and turbulence can be obtained under certain conditions. It is of great significance to study the formation of precipitation, analyze the mesoscale weather system and alert the severe convection weather. At present, China has built a new generation of doppler weather radar, which is mainly divided into S band and C band. The s-band radar is mainly distributed in coastal areas and major rainfall basins, while the c-band radar is mainly distributed in inland areas. C-band doppler weather radar can monitor typhoon, rainstorm and other large-scale heavy precipitation weather with a distance of more than 400 and obtain precipitation and wind field information in the precipitation area within a radius of 150 km, so as to make a more accurate estimation of rainfall within a radius of 150 km. Compared with conventional weather radar, CINRAD/CC radar increases wind field information and can effectively monitor and forecast severe weather such as gusts, downburst, tropical cyclones and wind shear. S-band doppler weather radar for typhoon, rainstorm, squall line, hail, tornado, such as a wide range of heavy precipitation weather monitoring range for km radius, the hail cloud, dragon roll the middle and small scale such as cyclone weather phenomenon of effective monitoring and identification of up to 230 kilometers, 150 kilometers from radar to identify hail cloud scale nuclear area for 2 ~ 3 km, or judging scale is about 10 kilometers dragon roll of cyclone. Its advanced technical means will significantly enhance the monitoring and early warning ability of severe weather such as rainstorm and hail, further improve the temporal and spatial resolution of precipitation forecast, realize the fixed point, quantitative and timing of precipitation forecast, and provide better meteorological forecast services for industrial production, agricultural production and people’s life in society.
In general, radar is widely used in our life and can solve a series of problems.

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