-- 按日回退还款明细数据,start_date格式(2019-05-01)
declare start_date date;
set @start_date = daydate;
-- drop table if EXISTS repayment_detail_day;
-- create table repayment_detail_day as
insert into repayment_detail_day
select a.*,
case when date(当前计划还款日) >= @start_date then 0
when date(还款日期) is null then 1
when date(还款日期) is not null and date(还款日期)<= date(当前计划还款日) then 0
when date(还款日期) is not null and date(还款日期)> date(当前计划还款日) and @start_date> date(还款日期) then 0
when date(还款日期) is not null and date(还款日期)> date(当前计划还款日) and @start_date<= date(还款日期) then 1
end as 当前是否逾期,
case when date(当前计划还款日) >= @start_date then 0
when date(还款日期) is null then to_days(@start_date)-to_days( date(当前计划还款日))
when date(还款日期) is not null and date(还款日期)<= date(当前计划还款日) then 0
when date(还款日期) is not null and date(还款日期)> date(当前计划还款日) and @start_date> date(还款日期) then to_days( date(还款日期))-to_days( date(当前计划还款日))
when date(还款日期) is not null and date(还款日期)> date(当前计划还款日) and @start_date<= date(还款日期) then to_days(@start_date)-to_days( date(当前计划还款日))
end as 付清时或当前逾期天数,
@start_date 当前日期
from (
select c.contract_id 合同ID,
c.customer_num 客户编号,
d.repaying_plan_detail_id 还款计划明细ID,
d.current_period 当前期数,
d.current_end_date 当前计划还款日,
d.current_principal 当前应还本金,
d.pay_loan_date 还款日期,
d.repayed_principal 已还本金
from repaying_plan c
join repaying_plan_detail d
on c.repaying_plan_id=d.repaying_plan_id
where pay_loan_date < @start_date
order by contract_id,repaying_plan_id,current_period ) a
order by 合同ID,当前期数;
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