【论文精读】A New Predictive Measure Using Agent-Based Behavioral Finance

A New Predictive Measure Using Agent-Based Behavioral Finance

Todd Feldman · Shuming Liu

这篇论文2018年发表在Computational Economics,据摘要介绍其主要是对 Friedman, Abraham, 2009年发表 Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control上的论文Bubbles and crashes: Gradient dynamics in financial markets中所构建模型的calibration,所以我对两篇论文都进行了研读。第一天我读的是关于Agent-Based Model and Simulation的tutorial式的介绍,感觉还是有点虚,所以想结合实际应用看看ABS模型究竟是如何使用的。基于我之前对Quantitative Finance的研究,以及对行为金融学的兴趣,所以想通过这篇论文对ABMS一探究竟。

A New Predictive Measure Using Agent-Based Behavioral Finance这篇论文主要对Friedman, Abraham,的模型(一下简称FA模型)进行参数校验(calibration)以及研究异质性信念(heterogeneity in beliefs )如何影响股票市场的波动和收益。

simulation model的工作流程如下:

  1. every agent or portfolio manager is randomly assigned a portfolio size and an allocation to a risky asset at the start of the simulation 每位agent,即基金经理设置任意的组合头寸大小以及风险资产的配置比例
  2. the portfolio managers update their allocations to the risky asset based on the historical market return, their current idiosyncratic alpha, and a measure of risk from behavioral biases 基金经理根据历史市场收益,异质性的alpha以及行为偏差更新风险资产的配置比例。
  3. simulation program averages each manager’s allocation to the risky asset across all managers weighting by the portfolio size. This measure forms the risky asset’s average market demand. 求出所有基金经理风险资产头寸的平均值,用以衡量风险资产的平均市场需求。
  4. a change in the average market demand leads to a change in the risky asset’s price and a change in the price leads to a change in the average market demand. 风险资产的平均市场需求的变化导致风险资产的价格变动,风险资产的价格变动亦会导致风险资产的平均市场需求的变化。这个feedback loop会持续直到simulation结束。



FA Simulation Model

t h e   p r i c e   o f   t h e   r i s k y   a s s e t   风 险 资 产 的 价 格    P t = 1 R s − g u ˉ t δ g : t h e   g r o w t h   r a t e , R s t h e   d i s c o u n t   r a t e 1 R s − g :   t h e   p r e s e n t   v a l u e   o f   f u t u r e   d i v i d e n t s u ˉ t : t h e   m e a n   a l l o c a t i o n   a c r o s s   a l l   f u n d   m a n a g e r s   w e i g h t e d   b y   p o r t f o l i o   s i z e δ : a   p a r a m e t e r   t h a t   c a p t u r e s   t h e   s e n s i t i v i t y   o f   p r i c e   t o   b u y i n g   p r e s s u r e . the~price~of~the~risky~asset~\\ 风险资产的价格~~P_t=\frac{1}{R_s-g}\bar u_t^\delta \\ g: the~growth~rate, R_sthe~discount~rate\\ \frac{1}{R_s-g}:~the~present~value~of~future~dividents\\ \bar u_t : the~ mean~ allocation~ across~ all~ fund~ managers~ weighted~by~portfolio~size\\ \delta :a~ parameter~ that~ captures~ the~ sensitivity~ of~ price~ to~ buying~pressure.\\ the price of the risky asset   Pt=Rsg1uˉtδg:the growth rate,Rsthe discount rateRsg1: the present value of future dividentsuˉt:the mean allocation across all fund managers weighted by portfolio sizeδ:a parameter that captures the sensitivity of price to buying pressure.

The realized yield on the risky asset is the log derivative of Eq.(1),
风 险 资 产 的 收 益 率 R 1 , t = ( R s − g ) u ˉ t − δ + g + δ ( u ˉ t − u ˉ t − 1 ) u ˉ t − 1 风险资产的收益率\\R_{1,t}=(R_s-g)\bar u_t^{-\delta}+g+\delta \frac{(\bar u_t-\bar u_{t-1})}{\bar u_{t-1}} R1,t=(Rsg)uˉtδ+g+δuˉt1(uˉtuˉt1)
where the first term represents the dividend yield, the second term represents capital gains due to underlying growth, and the third term represents short term capital gains (or losses) due to buying (or selling) pressure.
The payoff function of manager i is,
基 金 经 理 的 收 益 方 差 ϕ ( u i , t ) = u i , t ( R 1 , t + α i , t ~ − R 0 ) − 1 2 c 2 t ∗ u i , t 2 基金经理的收益方差\\ \phi (u_{i,t})=u_{i,t}(R_{1,t}+\widetilde{\alpha_{i,t}}-R_0)-\frac{1}{2}c2_t*u_{i,t}^2 ϕ(ui,t)=ui,t(R1,t+αi,t R0)21c2tui,t2
Managers adjust their exposure to risk by following the slope of the payoff function,
收 益 方 程 的 斜 率 ϕ ( u i , t ) ~ = ( R 1 , t + α i , t ~ − R 0 ) − c 2 t ∗ u i , t 收益方程的斜率\\ \widetilde{ \phi (u_{i,t})}=(R_{1,t}+\widetilde{\alpha_{i,t}}-R_0)-c2_t*u_{i,t} ϕ(ui,t) =(R1,t+αi,t R0)c2tui,t
每位基金经理都会调整他的风险头寸使其与收益方程的斜率成比例。如果$ \widetilde{ \phi (u_{i,t})}$ 为正,她会增加她的风险资产头寸。收益方程越陡峭这个操作的频率越高。
u i , t = ϕ u i , t ~ + u i , t − 1 u ˉ t = ∑ u i , t u_{i,t}=\widetilde{\phi u_{i,t}}+u_{i,t-1}\\ \bar u_t=\sum u_{i,t} ui,t=ϕui,t +ui,t1uˉt=ui,t

$ \widetilde{\alpha_{i,t}}$ is an idiosyncratic mean reverting alpha, 服从mean-reverting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process 。
α i , t ~ = e − η α i , t − 1 ~ + 1 − e − 2 η 2 η σ ν \widetilde{\alpha_{i,t}}=e^{-\eta }\widetilde{\alpha_{i,t-1}}+\sqrt{ \frac{1-e^{-2\eta}}{2\eta}}\sigma \nu αi,t =eηαi,t1 +2η1e2η σν
c2 is the perceived risk factor. determined by using a loss function and exponential averaging
c 2 t = γ L N , t ~ L i , t = m a x 0 , − R G i , t R G i , t = ( R 1 , t + α i , t ~ ) u i , t L i , t ~ = e − η L i , t − 1 ~ + ( 1 − e − η ) L i , t c2_t=\gamma\widetilde{L_{N,t}}\\ L_{i,t}=max{0,-R_{G_i,t}}\\ R_{G_i,t}=(R_{1,t}+\widetilde{\alpha_{i,t}})u_{i,t}\\ \widetilde{L_{i,t}}=e^{-\eta}\widetilde{L_{i,t-1}}+(1-e^{-\eta})L_{i,t} c2t=γLN,t Li,t=max0,RGi,tRGi,t=(R1,t+αi,t )ui,tLi,t =eηLi,t1 +(1eη)Li,t
作者使用Morningstar 上面的美国1990年1月4日至2012年12月31日的至少有5%的资金投资于股票的股权基金的周频数据,一共17616支基金;还使用了3个月美国国债收益率数据、Baa级信用风险溢价、美国年度GDP增长率。

Calibration Model

作者用3个月的国债收益率作为 R 0 , t R_{0,t} R0,t, 用Baa级周频债券风险溢价作为 R s , t R_{s,t} Rs,t, 美国GDP增长率作为g,通过CAPM方程和跨期计算的方式来计算 α \alpha α, 通过对基金经理的头寸加权平均来计算 c 2 t c2_t c2t.
α i , t = R i , t − R 0 , t − β i , t ∗ ( R S & P , t − R 0 , t ) α i , t ~ = e − η α i , t − 1 ~ + ( 1 − e − η ) α i , t \alpha_{i,t}=R_{i,t}-R_{0,t}-\beta_{i,t}*(R_{S\&P,t}-R_{0,t})\\ \widetilde{\alpha_{i,t}}=e^{-\eta}\widetilde{\alpha_{i,t-1}}+(1-e^{-\eta})\alpha_{i,t} αi,t=Ri,tR0,tβi,t(RS&PtR0,t)αi,t =eηαi,t1 +(1eη)αi,t

R i , t + k = β 0 + β 1 ∗ S p r e a d B a a − A a a + β 2 ∗ T b i l l 10 y r − 3 m t h + β 4 ∗ ( R m − R f ) + β 5 ∗ S M B + β 6 ∗ H M L + β t ∗ r e c e s s i o n + β 8 ∗ V o l + β 9 ∗ σ u + ε R_{i,t}+k=\beta_0+\beta_1*Spread_{Baa-Aaa}+\beta_2*Tbill_{10yr-3mth}\\ +\beta_4*(R_m-R_f)+\beta_5*SMB+\beta_6*HML+\beta_t*recession \\+\beta_8*Vol+\beta_9*\sigma_u+\varepsilon Ri,t+k=β0+β1SpreadBaaAaa+β2Tbill10yr3mth+β4(RmRf)+β5SMB+β6HML+βtrecession+β8Vol+β9σu+ε
Heterogeneity in Beliefs 的实证分析的部分,也是通过回归进行的。VIX回归主要是想检验头寸的标准差和VIX 的标准差是不是差异不大。
V I X % = β 0 + β 1 ∗ S p r e a d B a a − A a a + β 2 ∗ T b i l l 10 y r − 3 m t h + β 4 ∗ ( R m − R f ) + β 5 ∗ S M B + β 6 ∗ H M L + β t ∗ r e c e s s i o n + β 8 ∗ V o l + β 9 ∗ σ u + ε VIX_\%=\beta_0+\beta_1*Spread_{Baa-Aaa}+\beta_2*Tbill_{10yr-3mth}\\ +\beta_4*(R_m-R_f)+\beta_5*SMB+\beta_6*HML+\beta_t*recession \\+\beta_8*Vol+\beta_9*\sigma_u+\varepsilon VIX%=β0+β1SpreadBaaAaa+β2Tbill10yr3mth+β4(RmRf)+β5SMB+β6HML+βtrecession+β8Vol+β9σu+ε
R e c e s s i o n = β 0 + β 1 ∗ S p r e a d B a a − A a a + β 2 ∗ T b i l l 10 y r − 3 m t h + β 4 ∗ ( R m − R f ) + β 5 ∗ S M B + β 6 ∗ H M L + β t ∗ r e c e s s i o n + β 8 ∗ V o l + β 9 ∗ σ u + ε Recession=\beta_0+\beta_1*Spread_{Baa-Aaa}+\beta_2*Tbill_{10yr-3mth}\\ +\beta_4*(R_m-R_f)+\beta_5*SMB+\beta_6*HML+\beta_t*recession \\+\beta_8*Vol+\beta_9*\sigma_u+\varepsilon Recession=β0+β1SpreadBaaAaa+β2Tbill10yr3mth+β4(RmRf)+β5SMB+β6HML+βtrecession+β8Vol+β9σu+ε



下图显示的是FA Model Validation。结果显示,eta越高(记忆率越低),经济泡沫期的估计价格越准确,eta越低,经济衰退期的估计价格越准确。这意味着在经济泡沫期,基金经理不怎么考虑历史情况,而基金经理对经济危机的记忆力是长久的。










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