C++ primer Plus(第六版)中文版 第三章 处理数据 编程练习答案

第三章 编程练习
1. 编写一个小程序吗,要求用户使用一个整数指出自己的身高(单位为英寸),然后将身高转换为英尺和英寸,

1.1 基础版

#include <iostream>

int main()
    using namespace std;
    int input_in;
    int ft;
    int in;
    const int factor = 12;
    cout << "请输入您的身高:__英寸\b\b\b\b\b\b";
    cin >> input_in;
    ft = input_in / factor;
    in = input_in % factor;

    cout << "您的身高为:" << ft << "英尺" << in << "英寸";
    return 0;

1.2 函数+while版

#include <iostream>

int to_ft(int);
int to_in(int);

int main()
    using namespace std;
    int input_in;

    cout << "请输入您的身高:__英寸\b\b\b\b\b\b";
    while(cin >> input_in && input_in != 'q')
        cout << "您的身高为:" << to_ft(input_in) << "英尺" << to_in(input_in) << "英寸\n";
        cout << "请输入您的身高:__英寸\b\b\b\b\b\b";
    cout << "end";
    return 0;

int to_ft(int input_in)
    int ft;
    const int factor = 12;
    ft = input_in / factor;
    return ft;

int to_in(int input_in)
    int in;
    const int factor = 12;
    in = input_in % factor;
    return in;

2. 编写一个小程序要求以几英尺几英寸的方式输入其身高(单位为英寸),并以磅为单位输入其体重。
   (1英尺为12英寸,1英寸为0.0254 米)
   然后将以磅为单位的体重转换为以千克为单位的体重(1千克=2.2 磅)


#include <iostream>

int main()
    using namespace std;
    int height_input_ft;
    int height_input_in;
    int weight_input_lb;
    int height_in;
    double height_m;
    double weight_kg;
    double bmi;
    const int factor_ft_to_in = 12;
    const double factor_in_to_m = 0.0254;
    const double factor_kg_to_lb = 2.2;
    cout << "请按以下格式输入您的身高:\n";
    cout << "英尺    英寸    ";
    cin >> height_input_ft >> height_input_in;
    cout << "请输入您的体重:";
    cin >> weight_input_lb;
    height_in = height_input_ft * factor_ft_to_in + height_input_in;
    height_m = height_in * factor_in_to_m;
    weight_kg = weight_input_lb / factor_kg_to_lb;
    bmi = weight_kg/(height_m * height_m);
    cout << "您的身高为:" << height_in << " in,即" <<  height_m << " m\n";
    cout << "您的体重为:" << weight_kg << " kg\n";
    cout << "您的IBM指数为:" << bmi;
    return 0;

2.2 函数版

#include <iostream>

int height_input_to_height_in(int, int);
double height_in_to_height_m(int);
double weight_input_lb_to_weight_kg(int);
double get_bmi(double, double);
void show(int, double, double, double);

int main()
    using namespace std;
    int height_input_ft;
    int height_input_in;
    int weight_input_lb;

    cout << "请按以下格式输入您的身高:\n";
    cout << "英尺(空格)英寸:";
    cin >> height_input_ft >> height_input_in;
    cout << "请输入您的体重:";
    cin >> weight_input_lb;
    int height_in = height_input_to_height_in(height_input_ft, height_input_in);
    double height_m = height_in_to_height_m(height_in);
    double weight_kg = weight_input_lb_to_weight_kg(weight_input_lb);
    double bmi = get_bmi(weight_kg, height_m);
    show(height_in, height_m, weight_kg, bmi);
    return 0;

int height_input_to_height_in(int height_input_ft, int height_input_in)
    const int factor_ft_to_in = 12;
    int height_in = height_input_ft * factor_ft_to_in + height_input_in;

    return height_in;
double height_in_to_height_m(int height_in)
    const double factor_in_to_m = 0.0254;
    double height_m = height_in * factor_in_to_m;

    return height_m;
double weight_input_lb_to_weight_kg(int weight_input_lb)
    const double factor_kg_to_lb = 2.2;    
    double weight_kg = weight_input_lb / factor_kg_to_lb;
    return weight_kg;
double get_bmi(double weight_kg, double height_m)
    double bmi = weight_kg/(height_m * height_m);
    return bmi;
void show(int height_in, double height_m, double weight_kg, double bmi)
    using namespace std;
    cout << "您的身高为:" << height_in << " in,即" <<  height_m << " m\n";
    cout << "您的体重为:" << weight_kg << " kg\n";
    cout << "您的IBM指数为:" << bmi;

3. 编写一个程序,要求用户以度、分、秒的方式输入一个纬度,然后以度为单位显示该纬度。
   1 度为60分,1分等于60秒,请以符号常量的方式表示这些值,对于每个输入值,应使用一个独立的变量存储它。
    Enter a latitude in degrees,  minutes, and seconds:
    First ,enter the degrees: 37
    Next ,enter the minutes of arc: 51
    Finally, enter the seconds of arc: 19
    37 degrees, 51 minutes, 19 seconds = 37.8553 degrees

3.1 基础版

#include <iostream>

int main()
    using namespace std;
    double degrees;
    double minutes;
    double seconds;
    double output_degrees;
    const int factor = 60;
    cout << "Enter a latitude in degrees,  minutes, and seconds:\n";
    cout << "First ,enter the degrees: ";
    cin >> degrees;
    cout << "Next ,enter the minutes of arc: ";
    cin >> minutes;
    cout << "Finally, enter the seconds of arc: ";
    cin >> seconds;
    output_degrees = degrees + minutes / factor + seconds / (factor*factor);
    cout << degrees << " degrees, " << minutes << " minutes, " << seconds << " seconds = "
         << output_degrees << " degrees";
    return 0;

3.2 字符串数组+函数版

#include <iostream>

void get_degrees(double degrees, double minutes, double seconds, const int factor);

int main()
    using namespace std;
    double degrees;
    double minutes;
    double seconds;
    const int factor = 60;
    char tips[100] = "Enter a latitude in degrees,  minutes, and seconds:\n";
    char first[100] = "First ,enter the degrees: ";
    char next[100] = "Next ,enter the minutes of arc: ";
    char finally[100] = "Finally, enter the seconds of arc: ";
    cout << tips;
    cout << first;
    cin >> degrees;
    cout << next;
    cin >> minutes;
    cout << finally;
    cin >> seconds;
    get_degrees(degrees, minutes, seconds, factor);

    return 0;

void get_degrees(double degrees, double minutes, double seconds, const int factor)
    using namespace std;
    double output_degrees = degrees + minutes / factor + seconds / (factor*factor);
    cout << degrees << " degrees, " << minutes << " minutes, " << seconds << " seconds = "
         << output_degrees << " degrees";

4. 编写一个程序,要求用户以整数的方式输入秒数(使用long或long long变量存储),
   Enter the number of second: 31600000
   31600000 seconds = 365 days, 17 hours, 46 minutes, 40 seconds

4.1 基础版

#include <iostream>

int main()
    using namespace std;
    long input_seconds;
    const int factor1 = 24;
    const int factor2 = 60;
    int days;
    int hours;
    int minutes;
    int seconds;
    cout << "Enter the number of second: ";
    cin >> input_seconds;
    days = input_seconds / (factor1*factor2*factor2);
    hours = input_seconds % (factor1*factor2*factor2) / (factor2*factor2);
    minutes = input_seconds % (factor1*factor2*factor2) % (factor2*factor2) / factor2;
    seconds  = input_seconds % (factor1*factor2*factor2) % (factor2*factor2) % factor2;

    cout << input_seconds << "seconds = " << days << " days, "
         << hours << " hours, " << minutes << " minutes, "
         << seconds << " seconds ";
    return 0;

5. 编写一个程序,要求用户输入全球当前人口和美国当前的人口(或其他国家的人口),将这些信息存储在long long变量中,
   Enter the world's population: 6898758899
   Enter the population of the US: 310789781
   The population of the US is 4.50492% of the world population.

5.1 基础版

#include <iostream>

int main()
    using namespace std;
    long long world;
    long long us;
    cout << "Enter the world's population: ";
    cin >> world;
    cout << "Enter the population of the US: ";
    cin >> us;
    cout << "The population of the US is " << us * 100.000/ world << "% of the world population.";

    return 0;

6. 编写一个程序,要求用户输入驱车里程(英里)和汽油使用量(加仑),然后指出汽车耗油量为一加仑的里程。

6.1 基础版

#include <iostream>

int main()
    using namespace std;
    double mi;
    double gal;
    cout << "请输入驱车里程(英里): ";
    cin >> mi;
    cout << "请输入耗油量(加仑): ";
    cin >> gal;
    cout << "汽车的耗油量是" << mi / gal << "英里/加仑\n";

    return 0;
#include <iostream>

int main()
    using namespace std;
    double km;
    double l;
    cout << "请输入驱车里程(公里): ";
    cin >> km;
    cout << "请输入耗油量(L): ";
    cin >> l;
    cout << "汽车的耗油量是" << l / km * 100 << "L/100km\n";
    return 0;

6.2 while+switch+函数版

#include <iostream>

void mi_and_gal();
void km_and_l();

int main()
    using namespace std;
    char choice;
    cout << "请输入驱车里程和汽油使用量\n";
    cout << "请选择您要输入的单位类型:\n";
    cout << " a. 英里 加仑       b. 公里 升\n";
    while(cin >> choice && choice != 'q')
        switch (choice)
         case 'A' :
         case 'a' : mi_and_gal(); break;
         case 'B' :         
         case 'b' : km_and_l(); break;

         default     : cout << "请输入a或b: "; break;
    cout << "end";
    return 0;

void mi_and_gal()
    using namespace std;
    double mi;
    double gal;
    cout << "请输入驱车里程(英里): ";
    cin >> mi;
    cout << "请输入耗油量(加仑): ";
    cin >> gal;
    cout << "汽车的耗油量是" << mi / gal << "英里/加仑\n";
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "请选择您要输入的单位类型:\n";
    cout << " a. 英里 加仑       b. 公里 升\n";

void km_and_l()
    using namespace std;
    double km;
    double l;
    cout << "请输入驱车里程(公里): ";
    cin >> km;
    cout << "请输入耗油量(L): ";
    cin >> l;
    cout << "汽车的耗油量是" << l / km * 100 << "L/100km\n";
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "请选择您要输入的单位类型:\n";
    cout << " a. 英里 加仑       b. 公里 升\n";

7. 编写一个程序,要求用户按欧洲风格输入汽车的耗油量(每100公里消耗的汽油量(升)),
   100 公里等于62.14 英里 ,1加仑等于3.875 升
   因此,19mpg合12.4 L/100 km,大约合8.71 L/100 km

7.1 基础版

#include <iostream>

int main()
    using namespace std;
    double l_100km;
    double mpg;
    const double factor_100km_to_mi = 62.14;
    const double factor_gal_to_l = 3.875;
    cout << "请输入欧洲风格的耗油量(L/100 km): ";
    cin >> l_100km;
    mpg = 1/(l_100km/factor_gal_to_l/factor_100km_to_mi);
    cout << "美国风格的耗油量为 "<< mpg << "mpg.";
    return 0;


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