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原创 实验室新电脑ubuntu16.04安装记录

Turn off secure boot mode foreverTurn on UEFIPress e when entering installing interface and then input quiet splash acpi=off acpi=on nomodesetAnd then press F10 to boot.How to disable the acpi = off foreversudo gedit /etc/default/grubChange line GRU

2021-07-26 06:46:28 133

原创 useful link for compiling segmap


2020-12-04 11:51:07 151

原创 Ubuntu 16.04 gcc降级为4.8版本

(1). 下载gcc/g++ 4.8$ sudo apt-get install -y gcc-4.8$ sudo apt-get install -y g++-4.8(2). 链接gcc/g++实现降级$ cd /usr/bin$ sudo rm gcc$ sudo ln -s gcc-4.8 gcc$ sudo rm g++$ sudo ln -s g++-4.8 g++

2020-11-23 12:27:29 528

原创 可视化dot文件

dot -Tpdf grid_best.dot -o grid_best.pdf

2020-10-21 00:16:11 1350

原创 SLAM in the era of deep learning

1. What is SLAM and why we need it?This article is part I of a series that explores the relationship between deep learning and SLAM. We first look at what SLAM is and how it works. This will later on allow us to have deeper insight into which parts of the

2020-09-05 05:38:37 539

原创 4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays

There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively.Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).You may assume nums1 and nums2 cannot be both empty.Example 1:nums1 = [1, 3]nums2

2020-08-17 06:16:22 100

原创 rotate_end_effector in circular

What are singularities in a six-axis robot arm?If you intend to use a six-axis robot arm, such as Mecademic’s Meca500, the example featured in this tutorial, you will probably need to do more than just position and orient the robot end-effector in various

2020-07-11 10:02:32 157

原创 fix no wifi adaper found in ubuntu 18.04

This blog will focus on how to solve the problem about no wireless adapter found after we set up the Ubuntu 18.04 successfully.First: run sudo lshw -C network at a new terminal.it is possibly no display like written in picture patched below*-networkdes

2020-06-14 07:14:11 418

原创 study note about the dvrk_ros

Recently, I am focusing on through controlling the actual MTM(Haptic device) to let the PSM move in virtual environment. The aspiration is from the understanding the script ,through running which in a terminal, the robot arm (PSM) will move correspondingly

2020-06-05 04:17:53 149

原创 Kinematics Simulation for two arms.

Recently there was a task assigned by my boss.First, He want me to know how to load two arms in Rviz together. One is psm another is mtm. Obviously there is a launch file under file named drvk_model. It seems like this function is deprecated.<!-- one

2020-05-12 06:34:26 245

原创 dvrk kinematics simulation in ros

Start a single arm usingrosrun dvrk_robot dvrk_console_json -j <console-file>roslaunch dvrk_robot dvrk_arm_rviz.launch arm:=PSM1 \config:=/home/haotian/catkin_ws/src/cisst-saw/sawIntuitiveRe...

2020-04-24 06:42:57 378

原创 cisstMultiTask tutorial

In this tutorial, I will describe how to use cisst library to write program to implement multitask. This kind of function need two component. One is counter, another is user. Its main function is to ...

2020-04-07 05:39:33 246

原创 非线性最小二乘法


2020-01-03 07:20:17 3505

原创 imu_tool 学习笔记

1.安装imu_tools创建catkin工作空间:mkdir -p ~/imu_tools_catkin_ws/src安装git:sudo apt-get install git-core下载仓库到catkin工作空间中:cd ~/imu_tools_catkin_ws/srcgit clone -b <distro> https://github.com/ccny...

2019-12-27 05:22:05 2246 3

转载 如何在ROS中使用PCL—数据格式(1)

在ROS中点云的数据类型在ROS中表示点云的数据结构有: sensor_msgs::PointCloud sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 pcl::PointCloud关于PCL在ros的数据的结构,具体的介绍可查 看关于sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 和 pcl::PointCloud之间的转换使用pcl::fromROSMsg ...

2019-12-19 00:40:12 130

原创 关于ouster里面的poll client功能

我非得把那么漂亮的代码搞懂不可OUSTER 里面有涉及TCP网络编程的东西,先把这一段代码搞搞清楚。client_state poll_client(const client& c, const int timeout_sec) {//上一句很直观,定义了一个函数,函数的返回值类型是client-state,函数名是poll_client,括号里面是参数。 fd_set r...

2019-12-18 09:37:08 198

原创 Lambda 函数与表达式

Lambda 函数与表达式C++11 提供了对匿名函数的支持,称为 Lambda 函数(也叫 Lambda 表达式)。Lambda 表达式把函数看作对象。Lambda 表达式可以像对象一样使用,比如可以将它们赋给变量和作为参数传递,还可以像函数一样对其求值。Lambda 表达式本质上与函数声明非常类似。Lambda 表达式具体形式如下:声明Lambda表达式Lambda表达式完整的声明格...

2019-12-17 11:58:04 167

原创 头文件

C 头文件头文件是扩展名为 .h 的文件,包含了 C 函数声明和宏定义,被多个源文件中引用共享。有两种类型的头文件:程序员编写的头文件和编译器自带的头文件。在程序中要使用头文件,需要使用 C 预处理指令 #include 来引用它。前面我们已经看过 stdio.h 头文件,它是编译器自带的头文件。引用头文件相当于复制头文件的内容,但是我们不会直接在源文件中复制头文件的内容,因为这么做很容易出...

2019-12-16 03:08:35 136

原创 TCP网络编程那些事

网络编程socket之bind函数摘要 :在套接口中,一个套接字只是用户程序与内核交互信息的枢纽,它自身没有太多的信息,也没有网络协议地址和 端口号等信息,在进行网络通信的时候,必须把一个套接字与一个地址相关联,这个过程就是地址绑定的过程。许多时候内核会我们自动绑定一个地址,然而有时用 户可能需要自己来完成这个绑定的过程,以满足实际应用的需要,最典型的情况是一个服务器进程需要绑定一个众所周知的地...

2019-12-15 12:37:21 176

原创 关于数组还有指针那些事情

目前Pproject 遇到一些问题,是把所有点的xyz坐标,用循环的方式读取,形成一个二维数组,然后将该二维数组转化为一维数组。运算中的矩阵是三行N列的,第一行是所有点的X坐标,第二行是所有点的Y坐标,第三行是所有点的Z坐标。在这里先补充一点指针的知识:二维数组和指针⑴用指针表示二维数组元素。要用指针处理二维数组,首先要解决从存储的角度对二维数组的认识问题。我们知道,一个二维数组在计算机中存...

2019-12-14 09:29:23 187

原创 二维数组与一维数组之间的转化

一维数组转换为二位数组#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define ROW 3 #define COL 2int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int arr1D[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6}; int arr2D[ROW][COL]; int i,j;...

2019-12-13 23:48:55 2383

原创 How to play sample bag of ouster?And how to set up network to record ouster bag?

cause the short of the learning material about ouster Lidar. Today i will record the learning material about how to operate the ouster Lidar how to record personal bag for SLAM.about the output of Li...

2019-12-11 22:42:52 1605 4

原创 ouster IMU

做无人驾驶做了好久了,最近老板给安排了一个新的平台,原来的激光雷达是Velodyne的激光雷达,垂直的分辨率是16beams,IMU输出点云以及点的坐标,也包括陀螺仪以及加速度计的角速度以及三个轴的加速度,但是我查看ouster 给的样包里面,数据只是包括了点云的原始信息,还有IMU的输出也只是陀螺仪以及加速度计的原始信息。但是原先实验室师兄的Package里面,包括利用IMU输出的位姿信息。 所...

2019-12-05 12:22:00 1017

原创 两种不同的核函数引发的访问共享内存以及全局内存的区别

最近发现了一条真理,那就是科研项目中遇到问题,千万别企图绕过去,因为,最终还是会发现,那个悬而未决的问题会最终把你带回原地。废话不多说,先盗用大佬的一张图,在CUDA架构下, 显示芯片执行时的最小单位是thread. 数个thread可以组成一个block. 一个block中的thread能存取同一块共享的内存(shared memory), 而且可以快速进行同步的动作, 特别要注意, 这是块(b...

2019-12-04 00:27:24 749

原创 CPU与GPU在大型矩阵计算时的性能对比


2019-12-03 07:58:04 2911

原创 关于CUDA计算矩阵乘法那些事情

我想记录一下今天所做的事情,与我自己对GPU 的对矩阵加速的并行运算的认知有点背道而驰,我一共写了三个相同的并行计算程序,理论上, 在cpu上面运行的应该是最慢的,用共享内存计算的那个应该是最快的,但是,结果却是与预计的相反。我的提前生命一下, cpu 的程序是用NVCC编译的,并不是严格意义的.cpp文件,我生成了.cu文件。接下来贴出我的源码,可以直接运行。算了,源码有些长,但是按照运算的时...

2019-12-02 11:45:02 284 1

原创 数组与指针的理解


2019-11-28 09:42:03 154

原创 CUDA编程实现一个矩阵乘法

最后我们再实现一个稍微复杂一些的例子,就是两个矩阵的乘法,设输入矩阵为A和B,要得到C=A*B。实现思路是每个线程计算C的一个元素值实现思路是每个线程计算 C的一个元素值Cij ,对于矩阵运算,应该选用grid和block为2-D的。首先定义矩阵的结构体:// 矩阵类型,行优先,M(row, col) = *(M.elements + row * M.width + col)struct Ma...

2019-11-27 06:00:43 1162

原创 如何使用一个cuda程序检查自己的电脑配置

如何用一个 cuda 程序检查自己的电脑的配置vim check.cu__global__ void outputAAAAA(){ printf("thread %d,%d output : AAAAA\n",threadIdx.x,threadIdx.y);}int main(){ int deviceCount; cudaGetDeviceCount(...

2019-11-27 00:54:05 345

原创 The installment of CUDA on Ubuntu18.04

Download mateched CUDA pattern on official website.https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-10.0-download-archive?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&target_distro=Ubuntu&target_version=1804&...

2019-05-20 16:55:12 132

原创 installment of NVIDIA on Ubuntu18.04

There are two sentence that i want to say at the first of this blog : the most effective method to avoid falling into pitfall when you prepare to do anything is try to refer the obstacles met by other...

2019-05-18 20:19:14 149

原创 ROS study project

After fall in several pitfalls, I have made an conclusion that is i should clearly think about every possible result no matter bad or good.So before I set up ROS in Ubuntu, Figure out what should i d...

2019-05-18 19:13:36 80

原创 ROS study project

After fall in several pitfalls, I have made an conclusion that is i should clearly think about every possible result no matter bad or good.So before I set up ROS in Ubuntu, Figure out what should i d...

2019-04-05 21:13:11 114

原创 Beautiful Tragedy

Recently I start to open my first new project about the path planning of unmanned vehicle. Ubuntu 18.04 is an effective system to simulate and develop the program. But windows system is necessary for ...

2019-04-04 16:47:49 103



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