

* GLOBK command file to generate daily time series and to combine 
%命令控制文件 用于产生时间序列和多日解合并
* h-files over 2 to 30 days.  

* For combination, set COMB as a globk command-line option to

* invoke the saving of the output h-file

* Last edited by rwk 150618

* << column 1 must be blank if not comment >>    

* This group of commands must appear before any others:
 srt_file @.srt
 srt_dir +1
 eq_file ~/gg/tables/itrf08_comb.eq %地震文件
# Optionally add a second eq_file for analysis-specific renames 

* End commands that must appear first

* ITRF2008 augmented by now-defunct sites and recent IGS solutions;

# matched to itrf08_comb.eq
 apr_file ~/gg/tables/itrf08_comb.apr  %近似坐标文件采用itrf08 如有igs站则起作用
# Optionally add additional apr files for other sites

x apr_file ../../tables/regional.apr 

* Set maximum chi2 and prefit coordinate difference (m),for an h-file to be used;
%卡方增量参数:组合新的文件中卡方增量的最大值默认值100;坐标的拟合残差最大限差默认值100000m(先验坐标比较大时此值可以很小)单位是m;最后一个默认值为10000,惯用30 50 2000;
 max_chii 13 3  

# increase tolerances to include all files for diagnostics
x  max_chi  100  5.0  

# Not necessary unless combining h-files with different a priori EOP
 %地球自转参数先验值文件 需要手动连接(非必须)
 in_pmu ../tables/pmu.usno        

* Invoke glorg  %调用glorg命令文件 合并多日解时不需要 可以注释此行 
 org_cmd glorg_comb.cmd

* Print file options  %打印文件
 crt_opt NOPR(不输出该文件,一般不用 可注释此行)

 prt_opt NOPR GDLF(输出卡方增量列表) CMDS(结果文件中加上命令文件内容) MIDP

 org_opt PSUM(显示坐标值得到点位坐标,VSUM表示得到速度信息一般时间跨度在2年及以上 BLEN输出基线长度BRAT输出基线变化率) CMDS GDLF MIDP FIXA RNRP  

# sh_glred will name the glorg print files  %glorg文件名
x org_out globk_comb.org                                         

* Coordinate parameters to be estimated and a priori constraints%对测站坐标进行约束
 apr_neu  all 10 10 10  0 0 0  分别为n e u vn ve vu 0为不输出(如果上面要求输出速度 则此处必须设置非0)10为松约束 一般igs站  先验坐标精确  可以进行紧约束
  可以对空间直角坐标进行约束:apr_site urum 10 10 10 0 0 0 后面参数与上述相同

* Rotation parameters to be estimated and a priori constraints 

 apr_wob  10 10 0 0   %全球站点解算时采用10 10 1 1 给松弛约束 如果是区域网则强约束例如:0.2 0.2 0.02 0.02 见下

 apr_ut1  10 0   
%全球站点解算时采用10 1
# If combining with global h-files, allow EOPS to change 

# between days

x mar_wob 3650 3650 365 365

x mar_ut1 365  365 

# EOP tight if translation-only stabilization in glorg %区域网则为紧约束
x apr_wob .25 .25 .1 .1 

x apr ut1 .25 .1                                  

* Write out a combined H-file

# Can substitute your analysis name for 'COMB' in the file name below %合并多日解文件
 COMB out_glb  H------_COMB.GLX 

* Optionally put a uselist and/or sig_neu and mar_neu reweight in a source file           

x  source ../tables/uselist       

x  source ../tables/daily_reweights

* Turn off quake log estimates if in the eq_file
 free_log -1

* Remove scratch files for repeatability runs
 del_scra yes

* Correct the pole tide when not compatible with GAMIT
 app_ptid all 

* If orbits free in GAMIT (RELAX) and you want them fixed, use:

x  apr_svs all F F F F F F FR 

* but if you are combining with globk h-files, better to leave them

* on but, if the models are incompatible, turn off radiation-pressure parameters,

x apr_svs all 100 100 100 10 10 10 0R  

* When using MIT GLX files which have satellite phase center positions 

* estimated use:
 apr_svan all  F F F     ! Fix antenna offset to IGS apriori values.

* Glorg command file for daily repeatabilities or combinations  

* Last edited by rwk 130701

* Parameters to be estimated  %选用的参考框架转换的方式是平移加旋转                                          
 pos_org  xtran ytran ztran xrot yrot zrot 

#   or if translation-only %或者是只有平移
x pos_org xtran ytran ztran

* Downweight of height relative to horizontal (default is 10)%控制高度的相对权重 
#   Heavy downweight if reference frame robust and heights suspect
 cnd_hgt  1000    

* Controls for removing sites from the stabilization 

#   Vary these to make the stabilization more robust or more precise%迭代次数 
 stab_it 4 0.8 3.0

x stab_it 4 0.5 4.0                                      

* A priori coordinates

#  ITRF2008 may be replaced by an apr file from a priori velocity solution         

 apr_file ~/gg/tables/itrf08_comb.apr

x apr_file ../../tables/regional.apr

* List of stabilization sites

#   This should match the well-determined sites in the apr_file

 stab_site clear先清除所有稳定站
 stab_site xxxx xxxx可以自己设置稳定站
 source ~/gg/tables/igb08_hierarchy.stab_site%默认将改文件里面的站点设为稳定站
x source ../../tables/regional_stab_site

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