

⛳STM32G070RBT6 GPIO输入输出

在LQFP-64封装当中,可用的IO引脚数量59个,可以说相当多。在Arduino框架下开发,GPIO输入输出引脚模式:INPUT(输入模式/浮空输入= INPUT_FLOATING ), INPUT_PULLUP(输入上拉模式), INPUT_PULLDOWN(输入下拉模式)or OUTPUT(输出模式),INPUT_ANALOG(模拟输入),还有就是OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN(开漏输出)。
  • 📋相关输入输出定义在文件:C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STMicroelectronics\hardware\stm32\2.3.0\cores\arduino\wiring_constants.h头文件当中。


🔖具体的相关函数定义在:C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STMicroelectronics\hardware\stm32\2.3.0\cores\arduino\wiring_digital.h 文件当中。

 * \brief Configures the specified pin to behave either as an input or an output.
 * 设置GPIO引脚输入输出模式
 * \param dwPin The number of the pin whose mode you wish to set
extern void pinMode(uint32_t dwPin, uint32_t dwMode) ;

 * \brief Write a HIGH or a LOW value to a digital pin.
 * 写入对应的电平状态到指定GPIO引脚上
 * If the pin has been configured as an OUTPUT with pinMode(), its voltage will be set to the
 * corresponding value: 3.3V for HIGH, 0V (ground) for LOW.
 * \param dwPin the pin number
 * \param dwVal HIGH or LOW
extern void digitalWrite(uint32_t dwPin, uint32_t dwVal) ;

 * \brief Reads the value from a specified digital pin, either HIGH or LOW.
 * 读取指定GPIO引脚状态
 * \param ulPin The number of the digital pin you want to read (int)
 * \return HIGH or LOW
extern int digitalRead(uint32_t ulPin) ;

 * \brief Toggle the value from a specified digital pin.
 *	GPIO引脚状态翻转
 * \param ulPin The number of the digital pin you want to toggle (int)
extern void digitalToggle(uint32_t ulPin) ;

🌿通过上面的相关函数,我们可以了解到,和AVR单片机功能函数上基本一致,但是新增了一个状态翻转函数。以前的话需要digitalWrite(uint32_t dwPin, !digitalRead(uint32_t dwPin)) ;这样写才能实现。


🔖具体的相关函数定义在:C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STMicroelectronics\hardware\stm32\2.3.0\cores\arduino\stm32\digital_io.h 文件当中。

  • 📢在使用时,注意不要和普通模式的函数的形参混淆,否则编译会报错。
  * @brief  This function set a value to an IO
  * @param  port : one of the gpio port
  * @param  pin : one of the gpio pin
  * @param  val : 0 to set to low, any other value to set to high
  * @retval None
static inline void digital_io_write(GPIO_TypeDef *port, uint32_t pin, uint32_t val)
  if (val) {
    LL_GPIO_SetOutputPin(port, pin);
  } else {
    LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin(port, pin);

  * @brief  This function read the value of an IO
  * @param  port : one of the gpio port
  * @param  pin : one of the gpio pin
  * @retval The pin state (LOW or HIGH)
static inline uint32_t digital_io_read(GPIO_TypeDef *port, uint32_t pin)
  return LL_GPIO_IsInputPinSet(port, pin);

  * @brief  This function toggle value of an IO
  * @param  port : one of the gpio port
  * @param  pin : one of the gpio pin
  * @retval None
static inline void digital_io_toggle(GPIO_TypeDef *port, uint32_t pin)
  LL_GPIO_TogglePin(port, pin);

  * @brief  This function set a value to an IO
  * @param  pn : Pin name
  * @param  val : 0 to set to low, any other value to set to high
  * @retval None
static inline void digitalWriteFast(PinName pn, uint32_t ulVal)
  digital_io_write(get_GPIO_Port(STM_PORT(pn)), STM_LL_GPIO_PIN(pn), ulVal);

  * @brief  This function read the value of an IO
  * @param  pn : Pin name
  * @retval The pin state (LOW or HIGH)
static inline int digitalReadFast(PinName pn)
  uint8_t level = 0;
  level = digital_io_read(get_GPIO_Port(STM_PORT(pn)), STM_LL_GPIO_PIN(pn));
  return (level) ? HIGH : LOW;

  * @brief  This function toggle value of an IO
  * @param  port : one of the gpio port
  * @param  pin : one of the gpio pin
  * @retval None
static inline void digitalToggleFast(PinName pn)
  digital_io_toggle(get_GPIO_Port(STM_PORT(pn)), STM_LL_GPIO_PIN(pn));
typedef enum {
  // Not connected

  // Pin name definition
  PA_0  = (PortA << 4) + 0x00,
  PA_1  = (PortA << 4) + 0x01,
  PA_2  = (PortA << 4) + 0x02,
  PA_3  = (PortA << 4) + 0x03,
  PA_4  = (PortA << 4) + 0x04,
  PA_5  = (PortA << 4) + 0x05,
  PA_6  = (PortA << 4) + 0x06,
  PA_7  = (PortA << 4) + 0x07,
  PA_8  = (PortA << 4) + 0x08,
  PA_9  = (PortA << 4) + 0x09,
  PA_10 = (PortA << 4) + 0x0A,
  PA_11 = (PortA << 4) + 0x0B,
  PA_12 = (PortA << 4) + 0x0C,
  PA_13 = (PortA << 4) + 0x0D,
  PA_14 = (PortA << 4) + 0x0E,
  PA_15 = (PortA << 4) + 0x0F,

  PB_0  = (PortB << 4) + 0x00,
  PB_1  = (PortB << 4) + 0x01,
  PB_2  = (PortB << 4) + 0x02,
  PB_3  = (PortB << 4) + 0x03,
  PB_4  = (PortB << 4) + 0x04,
  PB_5  = (PortB << 4) + 0x05,
  PB_6  = (PortB << 4) + 0x06,
  PB_7  = (PortB << 4) + 0x07,
  PB_8  = (PortB << 4) + 0x08,
  PB_9  = (PortB << 4) + 0x09,
  PB_10 = (PortB << 4) + 0x0A,
  PB_11 = (PortB << 4) + 0x0B,
  PB_12 = (PortB << 4) + 0x0C,
  PB_13 = (PortB << 4) + 0x0D,
  PB_14 = (PortB << 4) + 0x0E,
  PB_15 = (PortB << 4) + 0x0F,
#if defined GPIOC_BASE
  PC_0  = (PortC << 4) + 0x00,
  PC_1  = (PortC << 4) + 0x01,
  PC_2  = (PortC << 4) + 0x02,
  PC_3  = (PortC << 4) + 0x03,
  PC_4  = (PortC << 4) + 0x04,
  PC_5  = (PortC << 4) + 0x05,
  PC_6  = (PortC << 4) + 0x06,
  PC_7  = (PortC << 4) + 0x07,
  PC_8  = (PortC << 4) + 0x08,
  PC_9  = (PortC << 4) + 0x09,
  PC_10 = (PortC << 4) + 0x0A,
  PC_11 = (PortC << 4) + 0x0B,
  PC_12 = (PortC << 4) + 0x0C,
  PC_13 = (PortC << 4) + 0x0D,
  PC_14 = (PortC << 4) + 0x0E,
  PC_15 = (PortC << 4) + 0x0F,
#if defined GPIOD_BASE
  PD_0  = (PortD << 4) + 0x00,
  PD_1  = (PortD << 4) + 0x01,
  PD_2  = (PortD << 4) + 0x02,
  PD_3  = (PortD << 4) + 0x03,
  PD_4  = (PortD << 4) + 0x04,
  PD_5  = (PortD << 4) + 0x05,
  PD_6  = (PortD << 4) + 0x06,
  PD_7  = (PortD << 4) + 0x07,
  PD_8  = (PortD << 4) + 0x08,
  PD_9  = (PortD << 4) + 0x09,
  PD_10 = (PortD << 4) + 0x0A,
  PD_11 = (PortD << 4) + 0x0B,
  PD_12 = (PortD << 4) + 0x0C,
  PD_13 = (PortD << 4) + 0x0D,
  PD_14 = (PortD << 4) + 0x0E,
  PD_15 = (PortD << 4) + 0x0F,
#if defined GPIOE_BASE
  PE_0  = (PortE << 4) + 0x00,
  PE_1  = (PortE << 4) + 0x01,
  PE_2  = (PortE << 4) + 0x02,
  PE_3  = (PortE << 4) + 0x03,
  PE_4  = (PortE << 4) + 0x04,
  PE_5  = (PortE << 4) + 0x05,
  PE_6  = (PortE << 4) + 0x06,
  PE_7  = (PortE << 4) + 0x07,
  PE_8  = (PortE << 4) + 0x08,
  PE_9  = (PortE << 4) + 0x09,
  PE_10 = (PortE << 4) + 0x0A,
  PE_11 = (PortE << 4) + 0x0B,
  PE_12 = (PortE << 4) + 0x0C,
  PE_13 = (PortE << 4) + 0x0D,
  PE_14 = (PortE << 4) + 0x0E,
  PE_15 = (PortE << 4) + 0x0F,
#if defined GPIOF_BASE
  PF_0  = (PortF << 4) + 0x00,
  PF_1  = (PortF << 4) + 0x01,
  PF_2  = (PortF << 4) + 0x02,
  PF_3  = (PortF << 4) + 0x03,
  PF_4  = (PortF << 4) + 0x04,
  PF_5  = (PortF << 4) + 0x05,
  PF_6  = (PortF << 4) + 0x06,
  PF_7  = (PortF << 4) + 0x07,
  PF_8  = (PortF << 4) + 0x08,
  PF_9  = (PortF << 4) + 0x09,
  PF_10 = (PortF << 4) + 0x0A,
  PF_11 = (PortF << 4) + 0x0B,
  PF_12 = (PortF << 4) + 0x0C,
  PF_13 = (PortF << 4) + 0x0D,
  PF_14 = (PortF << 4) + 0x0E,
  PF_15 = (PortF << 4) + 0x0F,
#if defined GPIOG_BASE
  PG_0  = (PortG << 4) + 0x00,
  PG_1  = (PortG << 4) + 0x01,
  PG_2  = (PortG << 4) + 0x02,
  PG_3  = (PortG << 4) + 0x03,
  PG_4  = (PortG << 4) + 0x04,
  PG_5  = (PortG << 4) + 0x05,
  PG_6  = (PortG << 4) + 0x06,
  PG_7  = (PortG << 4) + 0x07,
  PG_8  = (PortG << 4) + 0x08,
  PG_9  = (PortG << 4) + 0x09,
  PG_10 = (PortG << 4) + 0x0A,
  PG_11 = (PortG << 4) + 0x0B,
  PG_12 = (PortG << 4) + 0x0C,
  PG_13 = (PortG << 4) + 0x0D,
  PG_14 = (PortG << 4) + 0x0E,
  PG_15 = (PortG << 4) + 0x0F,
#if defined GPIOH_BASE
  PH_0  = (PortH << 4) + 0x00,
  PH_1  = (PortH << 4) + 0x01,
  PH_2  = (PortH << 4) + 0x02,
  PH_3  = (PortH << 4) + 0x03,
  PH_4  = (PortH << 4) + 0x04,
  PH_5  = (PortH << 4) + 0x05,
  PH_6  = (PortH << 4) + 0x06,
  PH_7  = (PortH << 4) + 0x07,
  PH_8  = (PortH << 4) + 0x08,
  PH_9  = (PortH << 4) + 0x09,
  PH_10 = (PortH << 4) + 0x0A,
  PH_11 = (PortH << 4) + 0x0B,
  PH_12 = (PortH << 4) + 0x0C,
  PH_13 = (PortH << 4) + 0x0D,
  PH_14 = (PortH << 4) + 0x0E,
  PH_15 = (PortH << 4) + 0x0F,
#if defined GPIOI_BASE
  PI_0  = (PortI << 4) + 0x00,
  PI_1  = (PortI << 4) + 0x01,
  PI_2  = (PortI << 4) + 0x02,
  PI_3  = (PortI << 4) + 0x03,
  PI_4  = (PortI << 4) + 0x04,
  PI_5  = (PortI << 4) + 0x05,
  PI_6  = (PortI << 4) + 0x06,
  PI_7  = (PortI << 4) + 0x07,
  PI_8  = (PortI << 4) + 0x08,
  PI_9  = (PortI << 4) + 0x09,
  PI_10 = (PortI << 4) + 0x0A,
  PI_11 = (PortI << 4) + 0x0B,
  PI_12 = (PortI << 4) + 0x0C,
  PI_13 = (PortI << 4) + 0x0D,
  PI_14 = (PortI << 4) + 0x0E,
  PI_15 = (PortI << 4) + 0x0F,
#if defined GPIOJ_BASE
  PJ_0  = (PortJ << 4) + 0x00,
  PJ_1  = (PortJ << 4) + 0x01,
  PJ_2  = (PortJ << 4) + 0x02,
  PJ_3  = (PortJ << 4) + 0x03,
  PJ_4  = (PortJ << 4) + 0x04,
  PJ_5  = (PortJ << 4) + 0x05,
  PJ_6  = (PortJ << 4) + 0x06,
  PJ_7  = (PortJ << 4) + 0x07,
  PJ_8  = (PortJ << 4) + 0x08,
  PJ_9  = (PortJ << 4) + 0x09,
  PJ_10 = (PortJ << 4) + 0x0A,
  PJ_11 = (PortJ << 4) + 0x0B,
  PJ_12 = (PortJ << 4) + 0x0C,
  PJ_13 = (PortJ << 4) + 0x0D,
  PJ_14 = (PortJ << 4) + 0x0E,
  PJ_15 = (PortJ << 4) + 0x0F,
#if defined GPIOK_BASE
  PK_0  = (PortK << 4) + 0x00,
  PK_1  = (PortK << 4) + 0x01,
  PK_2  = (PortK << 4) + 0x02,
  PK_3  = (PortK << 4) + 0x03,
  PK_4  = (PortK << 4) + 0x04,
  PK_5  = (PortK << 4) + 0x05,
  PK_6  = (PortK << 4) + 0x06,
  PK_7  = (PortK << 4) + 0x07,
  PK_8  = (PortK << 4) + 0x08,
  PK_9  = (PortK << 4) + 0x09,
  PK_10 = (PortK << 4) + 0x0A,
  PK_11 = (PortK << 4) + 0x0B,
  PK_12 = (PortK << 4) + 0x0C,
  PK_13 = (PortK << 4) + 0x0D,
  PK_14 = (PortK << 4) + 0x0E,
  PK_15 = (PortK << 4) + 0x0F,
#if defined GPIOZ_BASE
  PZ_0  = (PortZ << 4) + 0x00,
  PZ_1  = (PortZ << 4) + 0x01,
  PZ_2  = (PortZ << 4) + 0x02,
  PZ_3  = (PortZ << 4) + 0x03,
  PZ_4  = (PortZ << 4) + 0x04,
  PZ_5  = (PortZ << 4) + 0x05,
  PZ_6  = (PortZ << 4) + 0x06,
  PZ_7  = (PortZ << 4) + 0x07,
  PZ_8  = (PortZ << 4) + 0x08,
  PZ_9  = (PortZ << 4) + 0x09,
  PZ_10 = (PortZ << 4) + 0x0A,
  PZ_11 = (PortZ << 4) + 0x0B,
  PZ_12 = (PortZ << 4) + 0x0C,
  PZ_13 = (PortZ << 4) + 0x0D,
  PZ_14 = (PortZ << 4) + 0x0E,
  PZ_15 = (PortZ << 4) + 0x0F,


//#include <digital_io.h>
#define led1  PC2
#define led2  PC3

#define button1  PC0
#define button2  PC1
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
    Serial.setRx(PA10); // using pin name PY_n
    Serial.setTx(PA9); // using pin number PYn
  // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.
  pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
   digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
   digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);
     pinMode(button1, INPUT_PULLUP);
   pinMode(button2, INPUT_PULLUP);


// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
 digitalToggleFast(PC_2);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
  digitalWriteFast(PC_2, !digitalReadFast(PC_2)) ;   // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  digitalWrite(led2, !digitalRead(led2)) ;
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
  Serial.println("Arduino STM32G070RBT6");
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STM32G070RBT6是一款基于Arduino框架的微控制器。它具有59个IO口,但只有16个中断线可供使用。为了将中断线与IO口对应起来,可以参考引用\[1\]中提供的外部中断线和IO口的对应关系图。此外,在Arduino中,相关的中断线定义在interrupt.h头文件中,可以在路径C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\STMicroelectronics\hardware\stm32\2.3.0\cores\arduino\interrupt.h找到。在使用中断时,可以使用stm32_interrupt_enable函数来使能中断,使用stm32_interrupt_disable函数来禁用中断。\[2\] 另外,如果你对STM32G070RBT6开发板感兴趣,可以参考引用\[3\]中提到的硬件开源电路,该开发板的制作过程中可能会遇到一些问题,但最新版本的软件已经修复了其中的bug。 #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* *2* [STM32G070RBT6基于Arduino框架GPIO外部中断]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insert_down1,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] - *3* [【硬件开源电路】STM32G070RBT6开发板]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insert_down1,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] [ .reference_list ]


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