
Qingyang Zhang, Hong Zhong, Weisong Shi, Lu Liu: A trusted and collaborative framework for deep learning in IoT. Comput. Networks 193: 108055 (2021)


a TEE-enabled pure AI model inference application will be launched as multiple instances, and connected by a pipeline, which consists of several message queues created by the Task Manager module. Therefore, the size of model inferred by one TEE instance could be limited to avoid out of memory on TEE hardware. (会设置队列管理,避免超出TEE的内存限制,但这有点太straightforward了吧,感觉和引言中的挑战描述:In this case, the memory overhead will much larger than the size of protected memory in TEE, resulting in high latency overhead caused by frequent memory exchange between protected memory and normal memory. 不相匹配)


Qingyang Zhang, Hong Zhong, Jie Cui, Lingmei Ren, Weisong Shi: AC4AV: A Flexible and Dynamic Access Control Framework for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. IEEE Internet Things J. 8(3): 1946-1958 (2021)

面向智能网联车场景,其访问控制机制需满足以下三点:1. 未知的应用需要新的访问控制,需要具有可扩展性;2. 细粒度控制,如方向盘的控制数据只能由某些应用所控,其他应用不可见;3. 需要根据场景和系统状态动态变化;4. 需要支持不同的访问控制策略。


Liangkai Liu, Sidi Lu, Ren Zhong, Baofu Wu, Yongtao Yao, Qingyang Zhang, Weisong Shi: Computing Systems for Autonomous Driving: State of the Art and Challenges. IEEE Internet Things J. 8(8): 6469-6486 (2021)


  1. Sensors:Camera(易受环境因素影响,数据体积大),Radar(价格贵),LiDAR(更为准确但价格更贵),Ultrasonic Sensor (短距离),GPS/GNSS/IMU (精度差,错误随时间累积)
  2. Data Source:Data characteristics (实时数据和历史数据); Dataset and Benchmark;Labeling
  3. Autonomous Driving Applications:目标检测;车道检测;定位和地图;预测和规划;车辆控制
  4. Computation Hardware
  5. Storage:确保传感器收集正确的数据,它被立即处理,安全地存储,并转移到链中的其他技术,例如路边单元(RSU)、云数据中心,甚至第三方用户。层级存储和工作流。
  6. Real-Time Operating Systems
  7. Middleware Systems
  8. Vehicular Communication
  9. Security and Privacy:感知安全(jamming attacks and spoofing attacks);传输安全;数据安全(传输和存储过程中);控制安全(replay attack,relay attack);隐私(采集到行人的人脸数据、车辆牌照信息等如何存储,地理位置相关的服务)
  10. Artificial intelligence for AVs:安全问题的标准;可扩展性(PB级数据;精确的标注);完整的测试(耗时很长)
  11. Multi-sensors Data Synchronization(多个传感设备之间的采集数据频率不同,如何在存储系统里面进行同步)
  12. . Failure Detection and Diagnostics(传感器错误的定义;传感器错误;传感数据错误;算法错误)
  13. How to Deal with Normal-Abnormal?(极端天气;紧急情况;工作区work zone?拥挤情况和延迟)
  14. Cyberattack Protection(通过多个传感设备协同纠正其中某个传感设备错误;量子计算发展导致现有技术难以保证数据安全;TEE受限的物理存储空间和执行性能)
  15. Vehicle Operating System(与嵌入式系统的兼容性;鲁棒性开源的操作系统)
  16. Energy Consumption
  17. Cost
  18. How to Benefit from Smart Infrastructure? (找到停车位;交通信息共享;任务卸载)
  19. Dealing with Human Drivers (人擅长感知环境;机器适合控制和信息处理,如何两者之间交互)
  20. Experimental Platform
  21. Physical Worlds Coupling Autonomous (需要结合复杂的交通情况和个人习惯,如个人习惯,急刹还是缓慢)

Prabhjot Kaur, Samira Taghavi, Zhaofeng Tian, Weisong Shi: A Survey on Simulators for Testing Self-Driving Cars. CoRR abs/2101.05337 (2021)


Sidi Lu, Xin Yuan, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, Weisong Shi: Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Video Compressive Sensing. CoRR abs/2105.08205 (2021)

Jinghui Liao, Fengwei Zhang, Wenhai Sun, Weisong Shi: Speedster: A TEE-assisted State Channel System. CoRR abs/2104.01289 (2021)

针对区块链技术中状态信道网络的可扩展性问题、高昂的交易费用和低交易吞吐,提出了Speedster,一个基于帐户的状态通道系统,旨在解决上述问题。为此,Speedster利用最新开发的安全硬件创建无争议的认证渠道,可在区块链外高效运营。Speedster是完全分散的,提供更好的隐私保护。它支持快速的本机多方契约执行,这在以前启用TEE的信道网络中是不存在的。与Lightning网络相比,Speedster将吞吐量提高了约10000× 在网络规模相当的情况下,生成的链上数据减少了97%。


Quyuan Luo, Changle Li, Tom H. Luan, Weisong Shi: Collaborative Data Scheduling for Vehicular Edge Computing via Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Internet Things J. 7(10): 9637-9650 (2020)


Jie Tang, Shaoshan Liu, Liangkai Liu, Bo Yu, Weisong Shi: LoPECS: A Low-Power Edge Computing System for Real-Time Autonomous Driving Services. IEEE Access 8: 30467-30479 (2020)

首先,我们开发了一个异构资源感知的运行时层(Heterogeneity-Aware Runtime Layer),充分利用车辆的异构计算资源来满足自主驾驶应用的实时性要求;其次,我们开发了一个车辆边缘协调器来动态地将车辆任务卸载到edge cloudlet,以延长电池寿命的方式进一步优化用户体验;第三,我们成功地将这些组件集成到LoPECS系统中,并在nvidiajetsontx1上实现。




  1. Liangkai Liu, Sidi Lu, Ren Zhong, Baofu Wu, Yongtao Yao, Qingyang Zhang, Weisong Shi: Computing Systems for Autonomous Driving: State of the Art and Challenges. IEEE Internet Things J. 8(8): 6469-6486 (2021)
  2. Prabhjot Kaur, Samira Taghavi, Zhaofeng Tian, Weisong Shi: A Survey on Simulators for Testing Self-Driving Cars. CoRR abs/2101.05337 (2021)
  3. Liangkai Liu, Baofu Wu, Weisong Shi: A Comparison of Communication Mechanisms in Vehicular Edge Computing. HotEdge 2020


  1. Qingyang Zhang, Hong Zhong, Jie Cui, Lingmei Ren, Weisong Shi: AC4AV: A Flexible and Dynamic Access Control Framework for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. IEEE Internet Things J. 8(3): 1946-1958 (2021)
  2. Sidi Lu, Xin Yuan, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, Weisong Shi: Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Video Compressive Sensing. CoRR abs/2105.08205 (2021)
  3. Quyuan Luo, Changle Li, Tom H. Luan, Weisong Shi: Collaborative Data Scheduling for Vehicular Edge Computing via Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Internet Things J. 7(10): 9637-9650 (2020)
  4. Jie Tang, Shaoshan Liu, Liangkai Liu, Bo Yu, Weisong Shi: LoPECS: A Low-Power Edge Computing System for Real-Time Autonomous Driving Services. IEEE Access 8: 30467-30479 (2020)
  5. Quyuan Luo, Changle Li, Tom H. Luan, Weisong Shi: EdgeVCD: Intelligent Algorithm-Inspired Content Distribution in Vehicular Edge Computing Network. IEEE Internet Things J. 7(6): 5562-5579 (2020)
  6. Sidi Lu, Xin Yuan, Weisong Shi: Edge Compression: An Integrated Framework for Compressive Imaging Processing on CAVs. SEC 2020: 125-138
  7. Zheng Dong, Yan Lu, Guangmo Tong, Yuanchao Shu, Shuai Wang, Weisong Shi: WatchDog: Real-time Vehicle Tracking on Geo-distributed Edge Nodes. CoRR abs/2002.04597 (2020)


  1. Qingyang Zhang, Hong Zhong, Weisong Shi, Lu Liu: A trusted and collaborative framework for deep learning in IoT. Comput. Networks 193: 108055 (2021)
  2. Bodong Shang, Shiya Liu, Sidi Lu, Yang Yi, Weisong Shi, Lingjia Liu: A Cross-Layer Optimization Framework for Distributed Computing in IoT Networks. SEC 2020: 440-444
  3. Samira Taghavi, Weisong Shi: EdgeMask: An Edge-based Privacy Preserving Service for Video Data Sharing. SEC 2020: 382-387
  4. Huizi Xiao, Qingyang Zhang, Qingqi Pei, and Weisong Shi, Privacy-Preserving Neural Network Inference Framework via Homomorphic Encryption and SGX, in Proceedings of the the 41st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems(ICDCS), July 7-10, 2021, Virtual.


  1. Yanming Chen, Chao Li, Luqi Gong, Xiang Wen, Yiwen Zhang, Weisong Shi:A deep neural network compression algorithm based on knowledge transfer for edge devices. Comput. Commun. 163: 186-194 (2020)
  2. Francis McNamee, Schahram Dustdar, Peter Kilpatrick, Weisong Shi, Ivor T. A. Spence, Blesson Varghese: A Case For Adaptive Deep Neural Networks in Edge Computing. CoRR abs/2008.01814 (2020)
  3. Yanming Chen, Xiang Wen, Yiwen Zhang, and Weisong Shi, CCPrune: Collaborative Channel Pruning for Learning Compact Convolutional Networks, Neurocomputing, Vol. 451, September 2021, pp. 35-45.


  1. Congfeng Jiang, Tiantian Fan, Honghao Gao, Weisong Shi, Liangkai Liu, Christophe Cérin, Jian Wan: Energy aware edge computing: A survey. Comput. Commun. 151: 556-580 (2020)
  2. Kaile Xiao, Zhipeng Gao, Weisong Shi, Xuesong Qiu, Yang Yang, Lanlan Rui: EdgeABC: An architecture for task offloading and resource allocation in the Internet of Things. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 107: 498-508 (2020)
  3. Kaile Xiao, Weisong Shi, Zhipeng Gao, Congcong Yao, Xuesong Qiu: DAER: A Resource Preallocation Algorithm of Edge Computing Server by Using Blockchain in Intelligent Driving. IEEE Internet Things J. 7(10): 9291-9302 (2020)
  4. Sa Wang, Yan-Hai Zhu, Shan-Pei Chen, Tian-Ze Wu, Wen-Jie Li, Xusheng Zhan, Haiyang Ding, Weisong Shi, Yungang Bao: A Case for Adaptive Resource Management in Alibaba Datacenter Using Neural Networks. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 35(1): 209-220 (2020)
  5. Mohit Kumar, Xingzhou Zhang, Liangkai Liu, Yifan Wang, Weisong Shi: Energy-Efficient Machine Learning on the Edges. IPDPS Workshops 2020: 912-921
  6. Quyuan Luo, Changle Li, Tom H. Luan and Weisong Shi, Self-Learning based Computation Offloading for Internet of Vehicles: Model and Algorithm, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), March 2021.
  7. Quyuan Luo, Changle Li, Tom H. Luan and Weisong Shi, Minimizing the Delay and Cost of Computation Offloading for Vehicular Edge Computing, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, March 2021.


  1. Jie Tang, Shaoshan Liu, Jie Cao, Dawei Sun, Bolin Ding, Jean-Luc Gaudiot, Weisong Shi: π-Hub: Large-scale video learning, storage, and retrieval on heterogeneous hardware platforms. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 102: 514-523 (2020)
  2. Ruijun Wang, Liangkai Liu, Weisong Shi: HydraSpace: Computational Data Storage for Autonomous Vehicles. CIC 2020: 70-77
  3. Sidi Lu, Bing Luo, Tirthak Patel, Yongtao Yao, Devesh Tiwari, Weisong Shi: Making Disk Failure Predictions SMARTer! FAST 2020: 151-167
  4. Lanyu Xu, Arun Iyengar, Weisong Shi: CHA: A Caching Framework for Home-based Voice Assistant Systems. SEC 2020: 293-306


  1. Jinghui Liao, Fengwei Zhang, Wenhai Sun, Weisong Shi: Speedster: A TEE-assisted State Channel System. CoRR abs/2104.01289 (2021)
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