(1) 用张量表示实际数据---Tabular data

Real-world data representation with tensors

NO. 1 Tabular data
  1. Python offers several options for loading a CSV file quickly.
    Start with the Wine Quality data set: csv
  2. Load your file and turn the resulting NumPy array into a PyTorch tensor.
import csv
import numpy as np
import torch

file = "E:/Deep Learning and PyTorch/No2 Deep Learning with PyTorch/dlwpt-code-master/data/p1ch4/tabular-wine/WineData.csv" # 位置

wine_np = np.loadtxt(file, dtype=np.float32, delimiter=";", skiprows=1)
wine_np >>> 
array([[ 7.  ,  0.27,  0.36, ...,  0.45,  8.8 ,  6.  ],
       [ 6.3 ,  0.3 ,  0.34, ...,  0.49,  9.5 ,  6.  ],
       [ 8.1 ,  0.28,  0.4 , ...,  0.44, 10.1 ,  6.  ],
       [ 6.5 ,  0.24,  0.19, ...,  0.46,  9.4 ,  6.  ],
       [ 5.5 ,  0.29,  0.3 , ...,  0.38, 12.8 ,  7.  ],
       [ 6.  ,  0.21,  0.38, ...,  0.32, 11.8 ,  6.  ]], 		dtype=float32)
col_list = next(csv.reader(open(file), delimiter=';')) #当用next()函数读取文件时:如果只执行一次默认读取第一行
wine_np.shape >>> (4898, 12)
col_list >>> ['fixed acidity',
			 'volatile acidity',
			 'citric acid',
			 'residual sugar',
			 'free sulfur dioxide',
			 'total sulfur dioxide',
wine_tensor = torch.from_numpy(wine_np)
wine_tensor >>> tensor([[ 7.0000,  0.2700,  0.3600,  ...,  0.4500,  8.8000,  6.0000],
        [ 6.3000,  0.3000,  0.3400,  ...,  0.4900,  9.5000,  6.0000],
        [ 8.1000,  0.2800,  0.4000,  ...,  0.4400, 10.1000,  6.0000],
        [ 6.5000,  0.2400,  0.1900,  ...,  0.4600,  9.4000,  6.0000],
        [ 5.5000,  0.2900,  0.3000,  ...,  0.3800, 12.8000,  7.0000],
        [ 6.0000,  0.2100,  0.3800,  ...,  0.3200, 11.8000,  6.0000]])	
  1. Interval, ordinal, and categorical values
  2. you typically remove the score from the tensor of input data and keep it in a separate tensor, so that you can use the score as the ground truth without it being input to your model(分开输入和输出)
x = wine_tensor[:, :-1]
x >>> tensor([[ 7.0000,  0.2700,  0.3600,  ...,  3.0000,  0.4500,  8.8000],
        [ 6.3000,  0.3000,  0.3400,  ...,  3.3000,  0.4900,  9.5000],
        [ 8.1000,  0.2800,  0.4000,  ...,  3.2600,  0.4400, 10.1000],
        [ 6.5000,  0.2400,  0.1900,  ...,  2.9900,  0.4600,  9.4000],
        [ 5.5000,  0.2900,  0.3000,  ...,  3.3400,  0.3800, 12.8000],
        [ 6.0000,  0.2100,  0.3800,  ...,  3.2600,  0.3200, 11.8000]])
y = wine_tensor[:,-1]
y >>> tensor([6., 6., 6.,  ..., 6., 7., 6.])    
y.long() >>> tensor([6, 6, 6,  ..., 6, 7, 6])
  1. One-hot encoding
a = torch.tensor([1,2,3,4,5])
>>> torch.Size([5])
b = a.unsqueeze(0)
>>> tensor([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]])
>>> torch.Size([1, 5])
c = a.unsqueeze(1)
>>> tensor([[1],
>>> torch.Size([5, 1])

(新容器).scatter(行/列, index=要编码的数的索引, 输入的数(可以为整型))

(新容器).scatter(行/列, 要编码的数, 输入的数(可以为整型))

box = torch.zeros(5,7) # 行数:样本的个数,列数:编码位数
encode = box.scatter(1, c, 1)
encode >>> tensor([[0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
		        [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
		        [0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
		        [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
		        [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.]])
  1. First, obtain means and standard deviations for each column(数据标准化):
mean = torch.mean(x, dim=0)
mean >>> tensor([6.8548e+00, 2.7824e-01, 3.3419e-01, 6.3914e+00, 4.5772e-02, 3.5308e+01,
	        	 1.3836e+02, 9.9403e-01, 3.1883e+00, 4.8985e-01, 1.0514e+01])
var = torch.var(x, dim=0)
var >>> tensor([7.1211e-01, 1.0160e-02, 1.4646e-02, 2.5726e+01, 4.7733e-04, 2.8924e+02,
        		1.8061e+03, 8.9455e-06, 2.2801e-02, 1.3025e-02, 1.5144e+00])

Normalize the data by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation, which helps with the learning process.

data_normalized = (x-mean)/torch.sqrt(var)
data_normalized >>> tensor([[ 1.7209e-01, -8.1764e-02,  2.1325e-01,  ..., -1.2468e+00,
       						 -3.4914e-01, -1.3930e+00],
					        [-6.5743e-01,  2.1587e-01,  4.7991e-02,  ...,  7.3992e-01,
					          1.3467e-03, -8.2418e-01],
					        [ 1.4756e+00,  1.7448e-02,  5.4378e-01,  ...,  4.7502e-01,
					         -4.3677e-01, -3.3662e-01],
					        [-4.2042e-01, -3.7940e-01, -1.1915e+00,  ..., -1.3131e+00,
					         -2.6152e-01, -9.0544e-01],
					        [-1.6054e+00,  1.1666e-01, -2.8253e-01,  ...,  1.0048e+00,
					         -9.6250e-01,  1.8574e+00],
					        [-1.0129e+00, -6.7703e-01,  3.7852e-01,  ...,  4.7502e-01,
					         -1.4882e+00,  1.0448e+00]])
  1. 将y的数据划分
bad_indexs = torch.le(y, 3) # 将质量3或3以下的数据取出来
bad_indexs >>> tensor([False, False, False,  ..., False, False, False])
bad_indexs.sum() >>> tensor(20)
# 找到quality中<=3的数据
y[bad_indexes] >>> tensor([3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3])
# 找到除quality外的x数据
x[bad_indexes] >>> tensor([[8.5000e+00, 2.6000e-01, 2.1000e-01, 1.6200e+01, 7.4000e-02, 4.1000e+01,
         1.9700e+02, 9.9800e-01, 3.0200e+00, 5.0000e-01, 9.8000e+00],
        [5.8000e+00, 2.4000e-01, 4.4000e-01, 3.5000e+00, 2.9000e-02, 5.0000e+00,
         1.0900e+02, 9.9130e-01, 3.5300e+00, 4.3000e-01, 1.1700e+01],
        [9.1000e+00, 5.9000e-01, 3.8000e-01, 1.6000e+00, 6.6000e-02, 3.4000e+01,
         1.8200e+02, 9.9680e-01, 3.2300e+00, 3.8000e-01, 8.5000e+00],
        [7.1000e+00, 3.2000e-01, 3.2000e-01, 1.1000e+01, 3.8000e-02, 1.6000e+01,
         6.6000e+01, 9.9370e-01, 3.2400e+00, 4.0000e-01, 1.1500e+01],
        [6.9000e+00, 3.9000e-01, 4.0000e-01, 4.6000e+00, 2.2000e-02, 5.0000e+00,
         1.9000e+01, 9.9150e-01, 3.3100e+00, 3.7000e-01, 1.2600e+01],
        [1.0300e+01, 1.7000e-01, 4.7000e-01, 1.4000e+00, 3.7000e-02, 5.0000e+00,
         3.3000e+01, 9.9390e-01, 2.8900e+00, 2.8000e-01, 9.6000e+00],
        [7.9000e+00, 6.4000e-01, 4.6000e-01, 1.0600e+01, 2.4400e-01, 3.3000e+01,
         2.2700e+02, 9.9830e-01, 2.8700e+00, 7.4000e-01, 9.1000e+00],
        [8.3000e+00, 3.3000e-01, 4.2000e-01, 1.1500e+00, 3.3000e-02, 1.8000e+01,
         9.6000e+01, 9.9110e-01, 3.2000e+00, 3.2000e-01, 1.2400e+01],
        [8.6000e+00, 5.5000e-01, 3.5000e-01, 1.5550e+01, 5.7000e-02, 3.5500e+01,
         3.6650e+02, 1.0001e+00, 3.0400e+00, 6.3000e-01, 1.1000e+01],
        [7.5000e+00, 3.2000e-01, 2.4000e-01, 4.6000e+00, 5.3000e-02, 8.0000e+00,
         1.3400e+02, 9.9580e-01, 3.1400e+00, 5.0000e-01, 9.1000e+00],
        [6.7000e+00, 2.5000e-01, 2.6000e-01, 1.5500e+00, 4.1000e-02, 1.1850e+02,
         2.1600e+02, 9.9490e-01, 3.5500e+00, 6.3000e-01, 9.4000e+00],
        [7.1000e+00, 4.9000e-01, 2.2000e-01, 2.0000e+00, 4.7000e-02, 1.4650e+02,
         3.0750e+02, 9.9240e-01, 3.2400e+00, 3.7000e-01, 1.1000e+01],
        [1.1800e+01, 2.3000e-01, 3.8000e-01, 1.1100e+01, 3.4000e-02, 1.5000e+01,
         1.2300e+02, 9.9970e-01, 2.9300e+00, 5.5000e-01, 9.7000e+00],
        [7.6000e+00, 4.8000e-01, 3.7000e-01, 1.2000e+00, 3.4000e-02, 5.0000e+00,
         5.7000e+01, 9.9256e-01, 3.0500e+00, 5.4000e-01, 1.0400e+01],
        [6.1000e+00, 2.0000e-01, 3.4000e-01, 9.5000e+00, 4.1000e-02, 3.8000e+01,
         2.0100e+02, 9.9500e-01, 3.1400e+00, 4.4000e-01, 1.0100e+01],
        [4.2000e+00, 2.1500e-01, 2.3000e-01, 5.1000e+00, 4.1000e-02, 6.4000e+01,
         1.5700e+02, 9.9688e-01, 3.4200e+00, 4.4000e-01, 8.0000e+00],
        [9.4000e+00, 2.4000e-01, 2.9000e-01, 8.5000e+00, 3.7000e-02, 1.2400e+02,
         2.0800e+02, 9.9395e-01, 2.9000e+00, 3.8000e-01, 1.1000e+01],
        [6.2000e+00, 2.3000e-01, 3.5000e-01, 7.0000e-01, 5.1000e-02, 2.4000e+01,
         1.1100e+02, 9.9160e-01, 3.3700e+00, 4.3000e-01, 1.1000e+01],
        [6.8000e+00, 2.6000e-01, 3.4000e-01, 1.5100e+01, 6.0000e-02, 4.2000e+01,
         1.6200e+02, 9.9705e-01, 3.2400e+00, 5.2000e-01, 1.0500e+01],
        [6.1000e+00, 2.6000e-01, 2.5000e-01, 2.9000e+00, 4.7000e-02, 2.8900e+02,
         4.4000e+02, 9.9314e-01, 3.4400e+00, 6.4000e-01, 1.0500e+01]])

其中, <=3 中y的shape为torch.Size([20]);x的shape为torch.Size([20, 11])

bad_data = wine_tensor[torch.le(y, 3)]
bad_data.shape >>> torch.Size([20, 12])
mid_data = wine_tensor[torch.lt(y,7) & torch.gt(y, 3)]
mid_data.shape >>> torch.Size([3818, 12])
good_data = wine_tensor[torch.ge(y,7)]
good_data.shape >>> torch.Size([1060, 12])
bad_mean = torch.mean(bad_data, dim=0)
mid_mean = torch.mean(mid_data, dim=0)
good_mean = torch.mean(good_data, dim=0)
bad_var = torch.var(bad_data, dim=0)
mid_var = torch.var(mid_data, dim=0)
good_var = torch.var(good_data, dim=0)
  1. last:
for i, args in enumerate(zip(col_list, bad_mean, mid_mean, good_mean)):
    print('{:2} {:20} {:6.2f} {:6.2f} {:6.2f}'.format(i, *args))

>>>  0 fixed acidity          7.60   6.89   6.73
	 1 volatile acidity       0.33   0.28   0.27
	 2 citric acid            0.34   0.34   0.33
	 3 residual sugar         6.39   6.71   5.26
	 4 chlorides              0.05   0.05   0.04
	 5 free sulfur dioxide   53.33  35.42  34.55
	 6 total sulfur dioxide 170.60 141.83 125.25
	 7 density                0.99   0.99   0.99
	 8 pH                     3.19   3.18   3.22
	 9 sulphates              0.47   0.49   0.50
	10 alcohol               10.34  10.26  11.42
	11 quality                3.00   5.53   7.17




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


