FFmpeg的io 辅助函数

Split a URL string into components.

 * Split a URL string into components.
 * The pointers to buffers for storing individual components may be null,
 * in order to ignore that component. Buffers for components not found are
 * set to empty strings. If the port is not found, it is set to a negative
 * value.
 * @param proto the buffer for the protocol
 * @param proto_size the size of the proto buffer
 * @param authorization the buffer for the authorization
 * @param authorization_size the size of the authorization buffer
 * @param hostname the buffer for the host name
 * @param hostname_size the size of the hostname buffer
 * @param port_ptr a pointer to store the port number in
 * @param path the buffer for the path
 * @param path_size the size of the path buffer
 * @param url the URL to split
void av_url_split(char *proto,         int proto_size,
                  char *authorization, int authorization_size,
                  char *hostname,      int hostname_size,
                  int *port_ptr,
                  char *path,          int path_size,
                  const char *url);


 * Return a positive value if the given filename has one of the given
 * extensions, 0 otherwise.
 * @param filename   file name to check against the given extensions
 * @param extensions a comma-separated list of filename extensions
int av_match_ext(const char *filename, const char *extensions);


 * Test if the given container can store a codec.
 * @param ofmt           container to check for compatibility
 * @param codec_id       codec to potentially store in container
 * @param std_compliance standards compliance level, one of FF_COMPLIANCE_*
 * @return 1 if codec with ID codec_id can be stored in ofmt, 0 if it cannot.
 *         A negative number if this information is not available.
int avformat_query_codec(const AVOutputFormat *ofmt, enum AVCodecID codec_id,
                         int std_compliance);
 * Guess the sample aspect ratio of a frame, based on both the stream and the
 * frame aspect ratio.
 * Since the frame aspect ratio is set by the codec but the stream aspect ratio
 * is set by the demuxer, these two may not be equal. This function tries to
 * return the value that you should use if you would like to display the frame.
 * Basic logic is to use the stream aspect ratio if it is set to something sane
 * otherwise use the frame aspect ratio. This way a container setting, which is
 * usually easy to modify can override the coded value in the frames.
 * @param format the format context which the stream is part of
 * @param stream the stream which the frame is part of
 * @param frame the frame with the aspect ratio to be determined
 * @return the guessed (valid) sample_aspect_ratio, 0/1 if no idea
AVRational av_guess_sample_aspect_ratio(AVFormatContext *format, AVStream *stream, AVFrame *frame);
 * Guess the frame rate, based on both the container and codec information.
 * @param ctx the format context which the stream is part of
 * @param stream the stream which the frame is part of
 * @param frame the frame for which the frame rate should be determined, may be NULL
 * @return the guessed (valid) frame rate, 0/1 if no idea
AVRational av_guess_frame_rate(AVFormatContext *ctx, AVStream *stream, AVFrame *frame);
 * Check if the stream st contained in s is matched by the stream specifier
 * spec.
 * See the "stream specifiers" chapter in the documentation for the syntax
 * of spec.
 * @return  >0 if st is matched by spec;
 *          0  if st is not matched by spec;
 *          AVERROR code if spec is invalid
 * @note  A stream specifier can match several streams in the format.
int avformat_match_stream_specifier(AVFormatContext *s, AVStream *st,
                                    const char *spec);

int avformat_queue_attached_pictures(AVFormatContext *s);
 * Get the internal codec timebase from a stream.
 * @param st  input stream to extract the timebase from
AVRational av_stream_get_codec_timebase(const AVStream *st);
 * @defgroup riff_fourcc RIFF FourCCs
 * @{
 * Get the tables mapping RIFF FourCCs to libavcodec AVCodecIDs. The tables are
 * meant to be passed to av_codec_get_id()/av_codec_get_tag() as in the
 * following code:
 * @code
 * uint32_t tag = MKTAG('H', '2', '6', '4');
 * const struct AVCodecTag *table[] = { avformat_get_riff_video_tags(), 0 };
 * enum AVCodecID id = av_codec_get_id(table, tag);
 * @endcode
 * @return the table mapping RIFF FourCCs for video to libavcodec AVCodecID.
const struct AVCodecTag *avformat_get_riff_video_tags(void);
 * @return the table mapping RIFF FourCCs for audio to AVCodecID.
const struct AVCodecTag *avformat_get_riff_audio_tags(void);
 * @return the table mapping MOV FourCCs for video to libavcodec AVCodecID.
const struct AVCodecTag *avformat_get_mov_video_tags(void);
 * @return the table mapping MOV FourCCs for audio to AVCodecID.
const struct AVCodecTag *avformat_get_mov_audio_tags(void);
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