
Are you deams truly mine? give in(屈服) vision(愿景,想像)
people give in society’s vision of what of they should be
If I hed all the money and time in the world,what would I be doing nurture(养育)
these things will nurture you
Are my friends and family keeping me stuck
most times it’s the ones closest to us that hold us back
**What is calling me but I am afraid to do **
asking someone out,taking a trip
When was the last time I was ecstatic(ecstati狂喜)
notice what you were doing
What’s holding me back from my dreams
it’s usually a bullshit story
Why is it holding me back another bullshit story
Why dou’t I believe in myselfTake a change on yourself
Am I in loop (mundane世俗)
like the mundane existence of most people

what are usefull skill that can be picked up quickly

The ability to make conversation with stranger(s)(audible 可见的)
Conversation is(are) the root of relative(relationship)
Goal: have them talk more than you
you must have Questions
I was a terrible listener when I was young especially in school

the reality of most of us have to attend meetings seminars(研讨会) and classes covering material(需要) we don’t give a rat’s behind about
copious(丰富) embed(嵌入)tuck(折叠隐藏)subtle(微妙)

Something the great adventure is(simply) a conversation

css Rules and Selectors
Css Syntax(语法)
css is composed of style rules that the browser interprets and then applies to the elements in your document
style rules
applies to the elements in your document
h1:Selector color Property orange :Value

 Selector points to the HTML elemetn you want to sytle
 declartion(声明块) block contains one or more declarations,
 sepearated by semicolons(;) Ech declaratoin includes a property name and a value,separated by a colon(:)
  In the rule the "selector" selects which element to style
  Type Selectors 
  The most common and easy to understand selectors are type selectors.This Selectors targets element types on the page

A CSS declaraiton always end with a semicolon,
and declaration groups aresurrounded by curly braces

id and class Selectors
id selectors allow you to style an element that has an id attribute,
regardless of the position in the document tree

To Select an element with a specific di
use a hash character
follow it with the id of the element

Class Selector work in a similar way .
The major difference is tha IDs can only be applied on per page
while classes can be used as many times on apage asneeded

use a period character followed by the name of the class
Not start a class or id name with a number

Descendant Selectors

These selectors are used to select elements that are descendants of anthoner element .
when selecting levels , you can select as many levels deep as you need to.

the descendant selector matches all elements that are descendants of a specific elemt

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