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原创 SDAU数论练习五-F【贪心】

DiscriptionOn one of the Caribbean Islands there are N tourists and you want to move them from this island to another one.There are only two boats on this island, the first one can hold n1 tourists ...

2020-01-31 16:22:53 337

原创 Codeforces 7C Line【扩展的欧几里得】

DiscriptionA line on the plane is described by an equation Ax + By + C = 0. You are to find any point on this line, whose coordinates are integer numbers from  - 5·1018 to 5·1018 inclusive, or to fin...

2020-01-31 15:23:30 289

原创 容斥原理、鸽笼原理


2020-01-30 15:35:21 741

原创 Restoring Number【找规律,有坑】

DiscriptionPavel had two positive integers a and b. He found their sum s and greatest common divisor g, and forgot a and b after that. Help him to restore the original numbers.InputA single line co...

2020-01-29 21:47:41 248

原创 求一个数所有因子个数和因子和

一、求一个数所有因子个数若能整除i,则不断除i,并记录i的次数。则除到最后存在两种情况当x == 1,这说明 x 没有其他因子了,得到答案;当x != 1, 这时 x 为其一个素数因子(且这个因子大于 根号x ),所以结果最后再乘2,得到因子个数。///求一个数所有因子的个数(包括1和它本身)ll countnum(ll x) { ll ans=1; for(ll i...

2020-01-27 23:22:55 1396

原创 POJ -3641Pseudoprime numbers【筛素数+快速幂+欧拉函数降幂】

DisciptionFermat’s theorem states that for any prime number p and for any integer a > 1, a^p = a (mod p). That is, if we raise a to the pth power and divide by p, the remainder is a. Some (but not...

2020-01-27 19:46:03 201

原创 2020年1月26日训练日记


2020-01-27 17:02:18 474

原创 2020年1月22日训练日记


2020-01-23 00:57:04 265

原创 SDAU数论练习四-I(我也不知道题号是啥,没搜到)【打表预处理】

DiscriptionI will show you the most popular board game in the Shanghai Ingress Resistance Team.It all started several months ago.We found out the home address of the enlightened agent Icount2three ...

2020-01-22 21:53:46 211

原创 hdu6441 Find Integer

Discriptionpeople in USSS love math very much, and there is a famous math problem .give you two integers n,a,you are required to find 2 integers b,c such that a^n + b^n= c^n.Inputone line contain...

2020-01-21 15:44:12 166

原创 本原勾股数组

本原勾股数组是指一个自然数三元组(a,b,c),其中a,b,c没有公因数,且满足a² +b² =c²。a,b奇偶性不同,且c是奇数若a是奇数,令a=st;则b=(s²-t²)/2;c = (s²+t²)/2。其中s>t>=1是没有公因数的奇数c-b与c+b总是平方数,并且c-b与c+b没有公因数。证明:假设有公因数,设d是c-b与c+b的公因数,则d也整除(c+b)+(...

2020-01-21 15:37:29 1473

原创 2020年1月19日训练日记


2020-01-19 22:42:55 267

转载 杜教筛模板

资源来源杜教筛还看不太懂,先转载大佬博客求杜教筛μ和φ#include<bits/stdc++.h>#include<tr1/unordered_map>#define N 6000010using namespace std;template<typename T>inline void read(T &x){ x=0; ...

2020-01-19 12:08:11 124

原创 莫比乌斯反演入门

一、引入假设有两个函数F(n),f(d),且d∈{x| x|n(即n被d整除)}并有以下关系:F(n)等于所有f(d)之和。即二、推导【μ(d)】由公式得到:F(1)=f(1)F(2)=f(1)+f(2)F(3)=f(1)+ f(3)F(4)=f(1)+f(2)+f(4)F(5)=f(1)+f(5)F(6)=f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+f(6)进而:f(1)=F(1...

2020-01-18 15:57:56 204

原创 2020年1月15日训练日记


2020-01-15 22:21:37 262

原创 K - GCD Again【欧拉函数】

DiscriptionDo you have spent some time to think and try to solve those unsolved problem after one ACM contest?No? Oh, you must do this when you want to become a “Big Cattle”.Now you will find that ...

2020-01-15 20:56:25 329

原创 C - GCD【化简+欧拉定理】

DiscriptionThe greatest common divisor GCD(a,b) of two positive integers a and b,sometimes written (a,b),is the largest divisor common to a and b,For example,(1,2)=1,(12,18)=6.(a,b) can be easily fo...

2020-01-15 20:47:40 353

原创 H - Description has only two Sentences【推导+欧拉定理】

Discriptiona n = X*a n-1 + Y and Y mod (X-1) = 0.Your task is to calculate the smallest positive integer k that a k mod a 0 = 0.InputEach line will contain only three integers X, Y, a 0 ( 1 < X...

2020-01-15 16:08:27 214

原创 G - Calculation【欧拉公式降幂】

DiscriptionAssume that f(0) = 1 and 0^0=1, f(n) = (n%10)^f(n/10) for all n bigger than zero. Please calculate f(n)%m. (2 ≤ n , m ≤ 10^9, x^y means the y th power of x).InputThe first line contains ...

2020-01-15 15:38:04 283

原创 B - HeHe【规律+积性函数+筛法求素数】

DiscriptionIn the equation X^2≡X(mod N) where x∈[0,N-1], we define He[N] as the number of solutions.And furthermore, define HeHe[N]=He[1]*……*He[N]Now here is the problem, write a program, output He...

2020-01-14 10:35:13 227

原创 I - How many integers can you find【容斥定理】

DiscriptionNow you get a number N, and a M-integers set, you should find out how many integers which are small than N, that they can divided exactly by any integers in the set. For example, N=12, and...

2020-01-13 19:45:46 104


JavaWeb实现名片管理系统,分为用户端和管理端。 用户端主要实现对名片的增删查改以及修改自己信息的功能。 管理端实现对名片的和用户的增删查改


Java Web图书管理系统源代码

Java Web实现图书管理系统源代码+sql+项目录屏。 包括用户端和管理端。用户端实现对图书的查找,借阅,还书,续借等功能。 管理端实现对图书的增删查改和对用户的增删查改。



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