An early fire-detection method based on image processing (英文论文翻译)




An early fire-detection method based on image processing

Thou-Ho Chen, Ping-Hsueh Wu& Yung-Chuen Chiou



The paper presents an early fire-alarm raising method based on video processing. The basic idea of the proposed of fire-detection is to adopt a RGB (red, green, blue) model based chromatic and disorder measurement for extracting fire-pixels and smoke-pixels. The decision function of fire-pixels is mainly deduced by the intensity and saturation of R component. The extracted fire-pixels will be verified if it is a real fire by both dynamics of growth and disorder, and further smoke. Based on iterative checking on the growing ratio of flames, a fire-alarm is given when the alarm-raising condition is met. Experimental results show that the developed technique can achieve fully automatic surveillance of fire accident with a lower false alarm rate and thus is very attractive for the important military, social security, commercial applications, and so on, at a general cost.



Generally, the fire accident frequently causes economical and ecological damage as well as endangering people’s lives. To avoid the fire’s disasters, many early fire-detection techniques have been explored and most of them are based on particle sampling, temperature sampling, relative humidity sampling, air transparency testing, smoke analysis, in addition to the traditional ultraviolet and infrared fire detectors. However, those detectors either must be set in the proximity of a fire or can’t provide the additional information about the process of burning, such as fire location, size, growing rate, and so on. Thus, they are not always reliable because energy emission of non-fires or byproducts of combustion, which can be yielded in other ways, may be detected by misadventure. This usually results in false alarms. To provide more reliable information about fires, the visual-based approach is becoming more and more interesting.

就火灾特征的分割而言,与灰度处理相比,色彩处理由于光照条件(例如自然背景照明)的变化而产生的虚假警报更少。为了提高夜间的火警探测能力,Cappellini等人。[1]介绍了彩色视频以识别烟雾中的火焰。最近基于彩色视频的研究[2] – [3] [4] [5]提出了一些增强的彩色图像处理技术,以实现对火焰的实时检测。但是,以上方法都着重于对火灾的识别,但是无法提供对真实火灾的可靠验证,也无法提供有关火焰会燃烧还是燃烧的任何信息。考虑到商业成本,这非常重要,因为操作人员必须手动验证每个错误警报。为了降低森林火灾探测中的误报率,提出了一个复杂的混合系统,该系统具有多个由视觉摄像机,红外摄像机,气象传感器和地理信息数据库提供的输入[6]。。在不失一般性的前提下,混合方法总是带来更高的成本和组合维护。这激发了有吸引力的火灾探测方法可以针对通用,高可靠性和低成本特征[7]。它使用两阶段决策策略,第一个决策阶段将检测是否存在火灾,第二个决策阶段将进一步检查火灾是否会在以后蔓延。无论如何,某些火灾别名可能会使第一个决策阶段失败,并且需要完善第二个决策阶段以降低错误的火警发生率。

In point of the segmentation of fire features, the color processing will have less false alarms from the variation of lighting conditions, e.g., natural background illumination, than that of the gray-scale processing. To increase the fire-detection capability during the night, Cappellini et al. [1] introduces the color video to recognize the fire flame from smokes. Recent color-video based researches [2]–[3][4] [5], propose some enhanced color image processing techniques for achieving a real-time detection of fire flame. However, the above methods all focus on recognition of a fire but can’t provide a reliable validation of a real fire and any information about whether the flame will burn up or low. This is very important when the commercial cost is considered, since human operators must manually validate each false alarm. To reduce false alarm rate in forest-fire detection, a complex hybrid system with multiple inputs provided by the visual camera, the infrared camera, meteorological sensors and a geographical information database is presented [6]. Without losing the generality, a hybrid approach always brings a higher cost and maintenance on combination. This motivates that the attractive fire-detection method may be aimed at the general purpose, high reliable and low cost features [7]. It uses a 2-stage decision strategy that the first decision stage is to detect if there is a existing fire and the second decision stage is to further check whether the fire will spread out or not later on. Anyway, some fire aliases may make the first decision stage to be failed and the second decision stage needs to be refined for reducing false fire-alarm rate.


To overcome the previous problems mentioned above, we improve a real fire validation by verifying the extracted fire-pixels and smoke-pixels through RGB chromatic segmentation and disorder measurement. The decision function of fire-pixels is obtained by deducing with the intensity and saturation of R component, and the R, G, B as compared with each other and intensity is utilized to deduce that of the smoke. Based on iterative high reliable checking of flame if a fire flame will burn up or down can be achieved. If a fire is considered to be burning up, a fire alarm will be immediately given became the fire may lead to a disaster.



Most fuels will burn under appropriate conditions, reacting will oxygen from the air, generating combustion products, emitting light and releasing heat. Flame is a gas phase phenomenon and, clearly, flaming combustion of liquid and solid fuels must involve their conversion to gaseous form. In the point of general fires [8], the flames usually display reddish colors; besides, the color of the flame will change with the increasing temperature. When the fire temperature is low, the color shows range from red to yellow, and it may become white when there is a higher temperature. This reveals that a low-temperature flame emits a light of high color’s saturation and a high-temperature flame emits a low-saturation light. Furthermore, the color of fires during the day or with the extra light source has a stronger saturation than that of during the night or no light source. It should be pointed out that both the flame with a very high temperature and some special combustible materials may generate bluish flame. Another feature of fires demonstrates the changeable shapes due to the fact that airflow caused by wind will make flames oscillate or move suddenly as shown in Figure I. Based on video processing, this dynamic feature will reflect the corresponding effect especially on a variable flame area in an image. Besides, smokes are always generated with a burning fire and have various quantities and colors because of burning different combustible fuels. Based on the above analyses of fire, these features will be used to identify a real fire.


2.1 Chromatic Analysis of Flames

为了模拟人类视觉系统的色彩感应特性,通常将RGB颜色信息转换为数学空间,该数学空间将亮度(或亮度)信息与颜色信息分离。在这些颜色模型中,HSI(色相/饱和度/强度)颜色模型非常适合于提供一种更加以人为本的颜色描述方式,因为色相和饱和度成分与人类感知颜色的方式密切相关[ 9]。基于上述对火特征的讨论,可以合理地假设一般火焰的颜色属于红黄色范围。这将映射从0°到60°分布的一般火焰的色相值。如前所述,火的饱和度将随着各种背景照明而变化,即白天获得的饱和度要大于用彩色摄像机捕获可视图像时的夜晚的饱和度。这是因为如果没有其他背景照明,火将成为主要照明。在这种情况下,根据摄像机的操作,火焰的色调将显示为白色。另一方面,当背景照明与火光相当时,图像中的火光颜色在色调上的白色较少。在视频处理中提供足够的亮度。强度应超过某人的阈值。为避免导致火灾,应及早发现燃烧的火焰,并发出火警。尽管有多种颜色的火焰,但初始火焰通常会显示红色到黄色。为了降低计算复杂度,以前的火灾探测算法[7]基于RGB颜色模型,用于从图像中提取火焰区域。相应的RGB值将映射到以下条件:R≥G 和 G > B,即红色到黄色的颜色范围。因此,将要检测的火颜色的条件定义为R≥G>B拍摄的图像中的火灾区域。此外,由于R成为火焰火焰RGB图像中的主要成分,因此在捕获的火焰图像中应该有更强的R。这是因为火也是光源,并且摄像机在夜间需要足够的亮度才能捕获有用的图像序列。因此,R分量的值应超过阈值,[RŤ但是,背景照明可能会影响火焰的饱和度或产生类似火灾的别名,然后导致错误的火灾探测。为了避免受到背景照明的影响,提取的火焰的饱和度值必须超过某个阈值,才能排除其他类似火灾的别名。这将得出三个决





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