History, development and application of radar

电子科技大学 格拉斯哥学院 2017级 李粲
Abstract:Radar first large-scale use during world war ii, during the second world war, with the development of various new techniques, such as microelectronics technology, computer technology, the development of electronic countermeasure technology, flying stealth technology, greatly accelerated the development of a new type radar, at the same time in the field of civil, the use of radar also have more space.
Key words: history, radar, application
1 The history of radar
The basic concept of radar was formed in the early 20th century.But it was not until around world war ii that radar developed rapidly.As early as the early 20th century, some scientists in Europe and the United States have known that electromagnetic waves are reflected by objects.1922 Italian g. Marconi published a paper on the possibility of radio waves detecting objects.The U.S. navy laboratory found that ships passing through it could be detected using bistatic continuous wave radar.In 1925, the United States began to develop range-finding pulse-modulated radar, which was first used to measure the height of the ionosphere.In the early 1930s, some European and American countries began to develop pulse-modulated radar for detecting aircraft.In 1936, the United States developed a pulse radar with a range of 40 kilometers and a resolution of 457 meters for a detection aircraft.In 1938, Britain had installed an early warning radar chain on the coast near France to observe enemy aircraft.
During the second world war, radar technology developed very rapidly due to the operational needs.In terms of the frequency band used, prewar devices and technologies can only reach tens of megahertz.At the beginning of the war, Germany first developed high-power three-pole and four-pole electron tubes, increasing the frequency to more than 500 MHZ.This not only improves the accuracy of radar search and guidance of aircraft, but also improves the performance of anti-aircraft gun control radar, so that the anti-aircraft gun has a higher hit rate.In 1939, the British invented and worked on a 3,000mhz power magnetron, which was equipped with microwave radar on the ground and on airplanes. This magnetron enabled the allied forces to gain advantages in air and air-to-sea operations.Later in the war, the United States further increased the frequency of magnetron to 10 gigahertz, realized the miniaturization of airborne radar and improved the measurement accuracy.In terms of anti-aircraft gun fire control, the precision automatic tracking radar scr-584 developed by the United States has increased the anti-aircraft gun hit rate from thousands of shells shot down an aircraft in the early stage of the war to dozens of shots hit an aircraft.
In the late 1940s, moving target display technology appeared, which was helpful to find targets in ground clutter, cloud and rain background.High performance moving target display radar must emit coherent signals, so power traveling wave tube, klystron, forward wave tube and other devices are developed.The emergence of high-speed jets in the 1950s, low-altitude penetration aircraft and medium-and long-range missiles as well as military satellites in the 1960s promoted the rapid improvement of radar performance.In the 1960s and 1970s, electronic computers, microprocessors, microwave integrated circuits and large-scale digital integrated circuits were applied to radar, which greatly improved radar performance, reduced volume and weight, and improved reliability.In terms of radar new system and new technology, dynamic target display, monopulse angular measurement and tracking and pulse compression technology have been widely used in 1950s.Phased array radar appeared in the 1960s.Solid-state phased array radar and pulse doppler radar came into being in the 1970s.
Radar technology has only been developed in China since the early 1950s.The radar developed by China has been equipped with the army.China has developed two - and three-coordinate warning and guidance radars for air defense, ground-to-air missile guidance radars, long-range missile initial range measurement radars and re-entry range measurement and recovery radars.The large radar developed by China is also used to observe man-made satellites launched by China and other countries.In the civil field, navigation and anti-collision radar for ocean-going ships, navigation control radar for airports and meteorological radar have been produced and applied.The airborne synthetic aperture radar developed by China has been able to obtain clear mapping of large areas.The new-generation radars developed in China have all adopted computers or microprocessors, and applied the digital information processing technology of medium and large-scale integrated circuits, and the frequency has been extended to millimeter band.
2 Development and application of radar
Traditional radar is based on the flying principle of bats. It USES the echo reflected from the target to determine the distance and position of the target.The original purpose of radar was to measure the distance and direction of incoming enemy aircraft and provide early warning and guidance information for intercepting aviation forces.With the development of signal generation technology, high-power transmission technology, antenna technology, information processing technology and other electronic information technology, the range, measurement accuracy and resolution of radar are constantly improved.The current advanced radar can not only detect stealth aircraft, ballistic missiles, ground forces and maritime formations from a distance, but also accurately control the target tracking and guidance of strike weapons, as well as carry out continuous reconnaissance and surveillance in key areas, so as to obtain high-resolution battlefield intelligence.
In addition to single radar technology development, all kinds of radar array is also one of the main development direction of radar in the future, although a single radar still USES a mechanical scanning principle to certain areas of the target loop scanning, but in many cases, the echo of target itself will be weaker, while using radar array, like the compound eye of insects, multiple radar target from multiple directions, the faint target signal is stronger, so as to improve the detection ability of radar.
Looking back on the history of war, countless science fiction has become a reality. Today’s science fiction also has the possibility of developing into future science and technology.Pulse compression technology, pulse doppler technology, monopulse technology, phased array technology, synthetic aperture technology and other technologies have spawned a generation of radar systems, but also constitute the basic working mode and function generation mode of radar.Based on the present prospect of radar technology is likely to become the next generation of war radar system practical technology.
In addition to the new principle of radar development direction, all kinds of radar signal processing technology is also in full swing.Many conventional radar carrier is a variety of planes and ships, at this time in radar signal will be accompanied by a variety of ground (sea) clutter and distractions, while using spatial adaptive signal processing technology can effectively avoid the interference, under normal circumstances, the space adaptive signal processing technology can effectively compensate for airborne radar platform motion effect generated in a random turns, two-dimensional combined processing technology for some of the factors affecting the signal processing can realize the adaptive compensation.
Secondly, radar target recognition technology is also one of the key research and development directions of new radar in the future.Further research on radar target recognition technology can not only effectively reduce all kinds of errors in war, but also more precisely identify the real enemy targets, such as some carefully disguised enemy targets.It is difficult to solve the problem of target recognition with a single technology, and it can be considered to combine multiple technologies to improve the correct recognition rate. The combination of high resolution, polarization radar and automatic classification technology of intelligent signal processing will provide a good way for radar target recognition.
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