
– mysql查询练习

cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin

– 学生表
– Student
– 学号
– 姓名
– 性别
– 出生年月日
– 所在班级
create table student(
sno varchar(20) primary key,
sname varchar(20) not null,
ssx varchar(10) not null,
sbirthday datetime,
class varchar(20)

– 教师表
– Teacher
– 教师编号
– 教师名字
– 教师性别
– 出生年月日
– 职称
– 所在部门
create table teacher(
tno varchar(20) primary key,
tname varchar(20) not null,
tsex varchar(10) not null,
tbirthday datetime,
prof varchar(20) not null,
depart varchar(20) not null

– 课程表
– Course
– 课程号
– 课程名称
– 教师编号
create table course(
cno varchar(20) primary key,
cname varchar(20) not null,
tno varchar(20) not null,
foreign key(tno) references teacher(tno)

– 成绩表
– Score
– 学号
– 课程号
– 成绩
create table score(
sno varchar(20) not null,
cno varchar(20) not null,
grade decimal,
foreign key(sno) references student(sno),
foreign key(cno) references course(cno),
primary key(sno,cno)

– -- 尝试解决"incorrect string value",失败,与"foreign key"有关
alter table student convert to character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin;
alter table teacher convert to character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin;
alter table course convert to character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin;
alter table score convert to character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin;

ERROR 1833 (HY000): Cannot change column ‘cno’: used in a foreign key constraint ‘score_ibfk_2’ of table ‘selecttest.score’

– -- 再尝试解决"incorrect string value",虽本次操作成功,但并不能解决"incorrect string"报错
ALTER DATABASE selecttest CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;

mysql> ALTER DATABASE selecttest CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

– -- 后通过网上帖子,更改my.ini配置文件内默认格式utf8mb4和utf8mb4_general_ci,解决。

– 往数据表中添加数据
insert into student values(“101”,“曾华”,“男”,“1977-09-01”,“95033”);
insert into student values(“102”,“匡明”,“男”,“1975-10-02”,“95031”);
insert into student values(“103”,“王丽”,“女”,“1976-01-23”,“95033”);
insert into student values(“104”,“李军”,“男”,“1976-02-20”,“95033”);
insert into student values(“105”,“王芳”,“女”,“1975-02-11”,“95031”);
insert into student values(“106”,“陆君”,“男”,“1974-06-03”,“95031”);
insert into student values(“107”,“王尼玛”,“男”,“1976-02-20”,“95033”);
insert into student values(“108”,“张全蛋”,“男”,“1975-02-11”,“95031”);
insert into student values(“109”,“赵铁柱”,“男”,“1974-06-03”,“95031”);

insert into teacher values(“804”,“李诚”,“男”,“1958-12-02”,“副教授”,“计算机系”);
insert into teacher values(“856”,“张旭”,“男”,“1969-03-12”,“讲师”,“电子工程系”);
insert into teacher values(“825”,“王萍”,“女”,“1972-05-05”,“助教”,“计算机系”);
insert into teacher values(“831”,“刘冰”,“女”,“1977-08-14”,“副教授”,“电子工程系”);

insert into course values(“3-105”,“计算机导论”,“825”);
insert into course values(“3-245”,“操作系统”,“804”);
insert into course values(“6-166”,“数字电路”,“856”);
insert into course values(“9-888”,“高等数学”,“831”);

insert into score values(“103”,“3-245”,“86”);
insert into score values(“105”,“3-245”,“75”);
insert into score values(“109”,“3-245”,“68”);
insert into score values(“103”,“3-105”,“92”);
insert into score values(“105”,“3-105”,“88”);
insert into score values(“109”,“3-105”,“76”);
insert into score values(“103”,“6-166”,“85”);
insert into score values(“105”,“6-166”,“79”);
insert into score values(“109”,“6-166”,“81”);

– 如果表字段设置错误,需要删除原表后重新建表,则 drop table score 再重新create。

– 如果插入记录时把课程号cno误写为"2-245",需要改成"3-245",则可以如下操作:
mysql> delete from course where cno=“2-245”;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> insert into course values(“3-245”,“操作系统”,“804”);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> select * from course;
| cno | cname | tno |
| 3-105 | 计算机导论 | 825 |
| 3-245 | 操作系统 | 804 |
| 6-166 | 数字电路 | 856 |
| 9-888 | 高等数学 | 831 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 查询练习

– 1、查询student表的所有记录。
mysql> select * from student;
| sno | sname | ssx | sbirthday | class |
| 101 | 曾华 | 男 | 1977-09-01 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 102 | 匡明 | 男 | 1975-10-02 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 103 | 王丽 | 女 | 1976-01-23 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 104 | 李军 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 105 | 王芳 | 女 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 106 | 陆君 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 107 | 王尼玛 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 108 | 张全蛋 | 男 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 109 | 赵铁柱 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 2、查询student表的所有记录的sname、ssex和class列。

select sname,ssex,class from student;

– -- 发现之前建表的时候把ssex输入成ssx了,如何改正?
mysql> ALTER TABLE student CHANGE ssx ssex varchar(10) not null;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

mysql> select sname,ssex,class from student;
| sname | ssex | class |
| 曾华 | 男 | 95033 |
| 匡明 | 男 | 95031 |
| 王丽 | 女 | 95033 |
| 李军 | 男 | 95033 |
| 王芳 | 女 | 95031 |
| 陆君 | 男 | 95031 |
| 王尼玛 | 男 | 95033 |
| 张全蛋 | 男 | 95031 |
| 赵铁柱 | 男 | 95031 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 3、查询教师所有的单位即不重复的depart列。
– 使用 distinct 排除重复
mysql> select distinct depart from teacher;
| depart |
| 计算机系 |
| 电子工程系 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 4、查询score表中成绩在60到80之间的所有记录。
– 查询区间
mysql> select * from score where grade between 60 and 80;
| sno | cno | grade |
| 105 | 3-245 | 75 |
| 105 | 6-166 | 79 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
| 109 | 3-245 | 68 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 直接使用运算符比较(个人尝试新方法,发现可行,如下:)
mysql> select * from score where grade>60 and grade<80;
| sno | cno | grade |
| 105 | 3-245 | 75 |
| 105 | 6-166 | 79 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
| 109 | 3-245 | 68 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 5、查询score表中成绩为85,86或88的记录。
– 表示或者关系的查询 in
mysql> select * from score where grade in (85,86,88);
| sno | cno | grade |
| 103 | 3-245 | 86 |
| 103 | 6-166 | 85 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 6、查询student表中“95031”班或性别为“女”的同学记录。
– or 表示或者
mysql> select * from student where class=“95031” or ssex=“女”;
| sno | sname | ssex | sbirthday | class |
| 102 | 匡明 | 男 | 1975-10-02 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 103 | 王丽 | 女 | 1976-01-23 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 105 | 王芳 | 女 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 106 | 陆君 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 108 | 张全蛋 | 男 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 109 | 赵铁柱 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 7、以class降序查询student表的所有记录。
– 升序,降序
mysql> select * from student order by class desc;
| sno | sname | ssex | sbirthday | class |
| 101 | 曾华 | 男 | 1977-09-01 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 103 | 王丽 | 女 | 1976-01-23 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 104 | 李军 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 107 | 王尼玛 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 102 | 匡明 | 男 | 1975-10-02 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 105 | 王芳 | 女 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 106 | 陆君 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 108 | 张全蛋 | 男 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 109 | 赵铁柱 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- (一般默认升序,不用写asc) select * from student order by class; asc;

– 8、以cno升序、degree降序查询score表的所有记录。
mysql> select * from score order by cno asc, grade desc;
| sno | cno | grade |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
| 103 | 3-245 | 86 |
| 105 | 3-245 | 75 |
| 109 | 3-245 | 68 |
| 103 | 6-166 | 85 |
| 109 | 6-166 | 81 |
| 105 | 6-166 | 79 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 9、查询“95031”班的学生人数。
– 统计count
select count() from student where class=“95031”;
mysql> select count(
) from student where class=“95031”;
| count(*) |
| 5 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

– 10、查询score表中的最高分的学生学号和课程号。(子查询或者排序)
mysql> select sno,cno,grade from score where grade=(select max(grade) from score);
| sno | cno | grade |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

– 11、查询每门课的平均成绩。

select * from course;

– -- avg()
select avg(grade) from score where cno=“3-105”;
select avg(grade) from score where cno=“3-245”;
select avg(grade) from score where cno=“6-166”;
select avg(grade) from score where cno=“9-888”;

select grade from score where cno=“3-105”;

– 我能不能够在一个sql语句中写呢?
mysql> select cno,avg(grade) from score group by cno;
| cno | avg(grade) |
| 3-105 | 85.3333 |
| 3-245 | 76.3333 |
| 6-166 | 81.6667 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 12、查询score表中至少有2名学生选修的并以3开头的课程的平均分数。
– 使用having,而不是where (此处如需详细了解,可详细搜帖子,秒懂)
– 模糊查询使用 like"3%"

select cno,grade,count(*) from score group by cno
having count(cno)>=2 and cno like “3%”;

mysql> select cno,grade,count() from score group by cno
-> having count(cno)>=2 and cno like “3%”;
| cno | grade | count(
) |
| 3-105 | 92 | 3 |
| 3-245 | 86 | 3 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 输漏一点点,结果如下:
mysql> select cno from score group by cno
-> having count(cno)>=2 like “3%”;
| cno |
| 3-105 |
| 3-245 |
| 6-166 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 13、查询分数大于70,小于90的sno列。
– 以下两种方式互通

mysql> select sno,grade from score
-> where grade between 70 and 90;
| sno | grade |
| 103 | 86 |
| 103 | 85 |
| 105 | 88 |
| 105 | 75 |
| 105 | 79 |
| 109 | 76 |
| 109 | 81 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select sno,grade from score
-> where grade>70 and grade<90;
| sno | grade |
| 103 | 86 |
| 103 | 85 |
| 105 | 88 |
| 105 | 75 |
| 105 | 79 |
| 109 | 76 |
| 109 | 81 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 14、查询所有学生的sname、cno和grade列。

select sname,cno,grade from student,score
where student.sno=score.sno;

– -- 分步解析上面语句,如下:
mysql> select sno,sname from student;
| sno | sname |
| 101 | 曾华 |
| 102 | 匡明 |
| 103 | 王丽 |
| 104 | 李军 |
| 105 | 王芳 |
| 106 | 陆君 |
| 107 | 王尼玛 |
| 108 | 张全蛋 |
| 109 | 赵铁柱 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select sno,cno,grade from score;
| sno | cno | grade |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 103 | 3-245 | 86 |
| 103 | 6-166 | 85 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 105 | 3-245 | 75 |
| 105 | 6-166 | 79 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
| 109 | 3-245 | 68 |
| 109 | 6-166 | 81 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 得最终语句
mysql> select sname,cno,grade from student,score
-> where student.sno=score.sno;
| sname | cno | grade |
| 王丽 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 王丽 | 3-245 | 86 |
| 王丽 | 6-166 | 85 |
| 王芳 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 王芳 | 3-245 | 75 |
| 王芳 | 6-166 | 79 |
| 赵铁柱 | 3-105 | 76 |
| 赵铁柱 | 3-245 | 68 |
| 赵铁柱 | 6-166 | 81 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 15、查询所有学生的sno、cname和grade列。

– -- 个人先尝试,一次搞定,棒!
mysql> select sno,cname,grade from score,course
-> where course.cno=score.cno;
| sno | cname | grade |
| 103 | 计算机导论 | 92 |
| 103 | 操作系统 | 86 |
| 103 | 数字电路 | 85 |
| 105 | 计算机导论 | 88 |
| 105 | 操作系统 | 75 |
| 105 | 数字电路 | 79 |
| 109 | 计算机导论 | 76 |
| 109 | 操作系统 | 68 |
| 109 | 数字电路 | 81 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 下面根据视频教程步骤走一遍。
mysql> select cno,cname from course;
| cno | cname |
| 3-105 | 计算机导论 |
| 3-245 | 操作系统 |
| 6-166 | 数字电路 |
| 9-888 | 高等数学 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select cno,sno,grade from score;
| cno | sno | grade |
| 3-105 | 103 | 92 |
| 3-245 | 103 | 86 |
| 6-166 | 103 | 85 |
| 3-105 | 105 | 88 |
| 3-245 | 105 | 75 |
| 6-166 | 105 | 79 |
| 3-105 | 109 | 76 |
| 3-245 | 109 | 68 |
| 6-166 | 109 | 81 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 然后推导出最终完整的查询语句(详见一开头)。

– 16、查询所有学生的sname、cname和grade列。

select sname,cname,grade from score,student,course
where student.sno=score.sno and course.cno=score.cno;

– -- 个人尝试,一次搞定,无缝连接,棒!
mysql> select sname,cname,grade from score,student,course
-> where student.sno=score.sno and course.cno=score.cno;
| sname | cname | grade |
| 王丽 | 计算机导论 | 92 |
| 王丽 | 操作系统 | 86 |
| 王丽 | 数字电路 | 85 |
| 王芳 | 计算机导论 | 88 |
| 王芳 | 操作系统 | 75 |
| 王芳 | 数字电路 | 79 |
| 赵铁柱 | 计算机导论 | 76 |
| 赵铁柱 | 操作系统 | 68 |
| 赵铁柱 | 数字电路 | 81 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 尝试加上sno和cno,第一次报错。
mysql> select sname,cname,grade,sno,cno from score,student,course
-> where student.sno=score.sno and course.cno=score.cno;
ERROR 1052 (23000): Column ‘sno’ in field list is ambiguous

– -- 在sno和cno前加上表归属,成功。
mysql> select sname,cname,grade,student.sno,course.cno from score,student,course
-> where student.sno=score.sno and course.cno=score.cno;
| sname | cname | grade | sno | cno |
| 王丽 | 计算机导论 | 92 | 103 | 3-105 |
| 王丽 | 操作系统 | 86 | 103 | 3-245 |
| 王丽 | 数字电路 | 85 | 103 | 6-166 |
| 王芳 | 计算机导论 | 88 | 105 | 3-105 |
| 王芳 | 操作系统 | 75 | 105 | 3-245 |
| 王芳 | 数字电路 | 79 | 105 | 6-166 |
| 赵铁柱 | 计算机导论 | 76 | 109 | 3-105 |
| 赵铁柱 | 操作系统 | 68 | 109 | 3-245 |
| 赵铁柱 | 数字电路 | 81 | 109 | 6-166 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 也可以将sno和cno另起别名,对比一样。
mysql> select sname,cname,grade,student.sno as stu_sno,student.sno,course.cno as cou_cno,course.cno
-> from score,student,course
-> where student.sno=score.sno
-> and course.cno=score.cno;
| sname | cname | grade | stu_sno | sno | cou_cno | cno |
| 王丽 | 计算机导论 | 92 | 103 | 103 | 3-105 | 3-105 |
| 王丽 | 操作系统 | 86 | 103 | 103 | 3-245 | 3-245 |
| 王丽 | 数字电路 | 85 | 103 | 103 | 6-166 | 6-166 |
| 王芳 | 计算机导论 | 88 | 105 | 105 | 3-105 | 3-105 |
| 王芳 | 操作系统 | 75 | 105 | 105 | 3-245 | 3-245 |
| 王芳 | 数字电路 | 79 | 105 | 105 | 6-166 | 6-166 |
| 赵铁柱 | 计算机导论 | 76 | 109 | 109 | 3-105 | 3-105 |
| 赵铁柱 | 操作系统 | 68 | 109 | 109 | 3-245 | 3-245 |
| 赵铁柱 | 数字电路 | 81 | 109 | 109 | 6-166 | 6-166 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 17、查询“95031”班学生每门课的平均分。

– -- 一开始个人尝试,尝试失败,如下:
select sno,sname,cname,avg(grade) from score,course,student group by sno
where class=“95031”;

– -- 跟住视频教程老师节奏,如下:
select * from student where class=“95031”;
select sno from student where class=“95031”;

– -- 先找出sno
select * from score where sno in (select sno from student where class=“95031”);

mysql> select * from score where sno in (select sno from student where class=“95031”);
| sno | cno | grade |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 105 | 3-245 | 75 |
| 105 | 6-166 | 79 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
| 109 | 3-245 | 68 |
| 109 | 6-166 | 81 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 接下来找平均成绩
select cno,avg(grade),student.class
from score,student
where score.sno in (select sno from student where class=“95031”)
group by cno;

mysql> select cno,avg(grade) from score
-> where sno in (select sno from student where class=“95031”) group by cno;
| cno | avg(grade) |
| 3-105 | 82.0000 |
| 3-245 | 71.5000 |
| 6-166 | 80.0000 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 可以试试如何加上class列,以下个人尝试,纠错3次,最后成功。
mysql> select cno,avg(grade),student.class
-> from score,student
-> where score.sno in (select sno from student where class=“95031”)
-> group by cno;
| cno | avg(grade) | class |
| 3-105 | 82.0000 | 95033 |
| 3-245 | 71.5000 | 95033 |
| 6-166 | 80.0000 | 95033 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 18、查询选修“3-105”课程的成绩高于“109”号同学“3-105”成绩的所有同学的记录。

– -- 先个人尝试,首次成功,没有任何报错,棒!
select * from score
where grade>(select grade from score where sno=“109” and cno=“3-105”);
| sno | cno | grade |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 103 | 3-245 | 86 |
| 103 | 6-166 | 85 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 105 | 6-166 | 79 |
| 109 | 6-166 | 81 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 随后检查发现查询结果包含了课程“3-105”以外的其他课程成绩,所以必须通过加多一个限制条件来剔除。

select * from score
where cno=“3-105” and grade>(select grade from score where sno=“109” and cno=“3-105”);
| sno | cno | grade |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 19、查询成绩高于学号为“109”、课程号为“3-105”的成绩的所有记录。

select * from score where grade>(select grade from score where sno=109 and cno=“3-105”);
| sno | cno | grade |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 103 | 3-245 | 86 |
| 103 | 6-166 | 85 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 105 | 6-166 | 79 |
| 109 | 6-166 | 81 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 20、查询和学号为108、101的同学同年出生的所有同学的sno、sname和sbirthday列。
– 使用 year 函数

– 个人尝试不出来,直接跟住视频教程指导,如下:

select * from student where sno in(108,101);

mysql> select * from student where sno in(108,101);
| sno | sname | ssex | sbirthday | class |
| 101 | 曾华 | 男 | 1977-09-01 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 108 | 张全蛋 | 男 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select year(sbirthday) from student where sno in(108,101);
| year(sbirthday) |
| 1977 |
| 1975 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select sno,sname,sbirthday from student
-> where year(sbirthday) in (select year(sbirthday) from student where sno in(108,101));
| sno | sname | sbirthday |
| 101 | 曾华 | 1977-09-01 00:00:00 |
| 102 | 匡明 | 1975-10-02 00:00:00 |
| 105 | 王芳 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 |
| 108 | 张全蛋 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 21、查询“张旭”教师任课的学生成绩。
– 多层嵌套子查询

– -- 先个人尝试,如下:

select cno,cname,tname from course,teacher where course.tno=teacher.tno;
| cno | cname | tname |
| 3-245 | 操作系统 | 李诚 |
| 3-105 | 计算机导论 | 王萍 |
| 9-888 | 高等数学 | 刘冰 |
| 6-166 | 数字电路 | 张旭 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 进一步筛选出教师“张旭”
select cno,cname,tname from course,teacher where course.tno=teacher.tno
having tname=“张旭”;
| cno | cname | tname |
| 6-166 | 数字电路 | 张旭 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 开始选学生成绩,但尝试失败。
mysql> select * from score
-> where cno=(select sno from (select cno,cname,tname from course,teacher where course.tno=teacher.tno
-> having tname=“张旭”));
ERROR 1248 (42000): Every derived table must have its own alias

– 开始跟住视频教程节奏走。

select * from teacher where tname=“张旭”;
| tno | tname | tsex | tbirthday | prof | depart |
| 856 | 张旭 | 男 | 1969-03-12 00:00:00 | 讲师 | 电子工程系 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select cno from course where tno=(select tno from teacher where tname=“张旭”);
| cno |
| 6-166 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select * from score
where cno=(select cno from course where tno=(select tno from teacher where tname=“张旭”));
| sno | cno | grade |
| 103 | 6-166 | 85 |
| 105 | 6-166 | 79 |
| 109 | 6-166 | 81 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 22、查询选修某课程的同学人数多于5人的教师姓名。
– 多表查询

– -- 先个人尝试
select cno,count() from score group by cno;
| cno | count(
) |
| 3-105 | 3 |
| 3-245 | 3 |
| 6-166 | 3 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 个人尝试失败
mysql> select cno from score
-> where count(select count() from score group by cno)>5;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'select count(
) from score group by cno)>5’ at line 2

– 跟住视频教程节奏走:

select * from score;

– 发现最多每门课程只有三位同学选修,所以要先添加一些数据。

insert into score values(“101”,“3-105”,“92”);
insert into score values(“102”,“3-105”,“91”);
insert into score values(“104”,“3-105”,“89”);

select cno from score group by cno having count(*)>5;
| cno |
| 3-105 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 个人悄悄尝试了一下,不添加“group by cno”居然也能得出一样的结果,如下:
select cno from score
having count(*)>5;
| cno |
| 3-105 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

– 按照视频教程继续。

select * from teacher;

select tno from course where cno=(select cno from score having count(*)>5);

select tname from teacher
where tno=(select tno from course where cno=(select cno from score having count(*)>5));
| tname |
| 王萍 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select * from teacher
where tno=(select tno from course where cno=(select cno from score having count(*)>5));

– 23、查询95033班和95031班全体学生的记录。
– in 表示或者

insert into student values(“110”,“张飞”,“男”,“1974-06-03”,“95038”);

select * from student;

select * from student where class in (“95031”,“95033”);
| sno | sname | ssex | sbirthday | class |
| 101 | 曾华 | 男 | 1977-09-01 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 102 | 匡明 | 男 | 1975-10-02 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 103 | 王丽 | 女 | 1976-01-23 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 104 | 李军 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 105 | 王芳 | 女 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 106 | 陆君 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 107 | 王尼玛 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 108 | 张全蛋 | 男 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 109 | 赵铁柱 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 24、查询存在有85分以上的课程Cno。
– where 条件

– -- 个人尝试,一次搞定。

select * from score where grade >85;

select cno,grade from score where grade >85;
| cno | grade |
| 3-105 | 92 |
| 3-105 | 91 |
| 3-105 | 92 |
| 3-245 | 86 |
| 3-105 | 89 |
| 3-105 | 88 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 25、查询出“计算机系”教师所有课程的成绩表。
– 子查询

– -- 先个人尝试

select * from teacher where depart=“计算机系”;
| tno | tname | tsex | tbirthday | prof | depart |
| 804 | 李诚 | 男 | 1958-12-02 00:00:00 | 副教授 | 计算机系 |
| 825 | 王萍 | 女 | 1972-05-05 00:00:00 | 助教 | 计算机系 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select tno from teacher where depart=“计算机系”;

select cno from course where tno in(select tno from teacher where depart=“计算机系”);
| cno |
| 3-245 |
| 3-105 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 感觉要成功了,结果报错了。
selcet * from score
where cno in(select cno from course where tno in(select tno from teacher where depart=“计算机系”));
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘selcet * from score
where cno in(select cno from course where tno in(select tno’ at line 1

– 下面跟住视频教程节奏

– -- 第一步与个人尝试一致
select * from teacher where depart=“计算机系”;

– -- 第二步,还是与个人尝试接近一致
select * from course where tno in(select tno from teacher where depart=“计算机系”);
| cno | cname | tno |
| 3-245 | 操作系统 | 804 |
| 3-105 | 计算机导论 | 825 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 将上一步的 * 改成 cno,继续代入查询语句,感觉还是和个人尝试的几乎完全一致啊,
– -- 然而视频教程步骤跑出结果了,个人尝试失败了
select * from score
where cno in(select cno from course where tno in(select tno from teacher where depart=“计算机系”));
| sno | cno | grade |
| 103 | 3-245 | 86 |
| 105 | 3-245 | 75 |
| 109 | 3-245 | 68 |
| 101 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 102 | 3-105 | 91 |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 104 | 3-105 | 89 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 原因在哪呢?对比了好几遍语句,完全一致。脑壳疼。
– -- 再对比,还是一致。网上搜错误代码,确实有这情况存在,但是就是找不出差别啊。。。
– -- 算了先放下,以后遇到再解决,说不定就秒懂了。2019.3.12

– 26、查询“计算机系”与“电子工程系”不同职称的教师的tname和prof。
– union 求并集
– not in()

– -- 先个人尝试,看样子是搞定了。
select * from teacher where depart in(“计算机系”,“电子工程系”);
| tno | tname | tsex | tbirthday | prof | depart |
| 804 | 李诚 | 男 | 1958-12-02 00:00:00 | 副教授 | 计算机系 |
| 825 | 王萍 | 女 | 1972-05-05 00:00:00 | 助教 | 计算机系 |
| 831 | 刘冰 | 女 | 1977-08-14 00:00:00 | 副教授 | 电子工程系 |
| 856 | 张旭 | 男 | 1969-03-12 00:00:00 | 讲师 | 电子工程系 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select tname,prof from teacher where depart in(“计算机系”,“电子工程系”);
| tname | prof |
| 李诚 | 副教授 |
| 王萍 | 助教 |
| 刘冰 | 副教授 |
| 张旭 | 讲师 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 然后来看看视频教程,看完之后发现个人尝试部分解题解错了。

select prof from teacher where depart=“电子工程系”;

select * from teacher
where depart=“计算机系” and prof not in(select prof from teacher where depart=“电子工程系”);
| tno | tname | tsex | tbirthday | prof | depart |
| 825 | 王萍 | 女 | 1972-05-05 00:00:00 | 助教 | 计算机系 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select * from teacher
where depart=“电子工程系” and prof not in(select prof from teacher where depart=“计算机系”);
| tno | tname | tsex | tbirthday | prof | depart |
| 856 | 张旭 | 男 | 1969-03-12 00:00:00 | 讲师 | 电子工程系 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 然后使用 union 把它们联结起来

select * from teacher
where depart=“计算机系” and prof not in(select prof from teacher where depart=“电子工程系”)
select * from teacher
where depart=“电子工程系” and prof not in(select prof from teacher where depart=“计算机系”);
| tno | tname | tsex | tbirthday | prof | depart |
| 825 | 王萍 | 女 | 1972-05-05 00:00:00 | 助教 | 计算机系 |
| 856 | 张旭 | 男 | 1969-03-12 00:00:00 | 讲师 | 电子工程系 |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

– 27、查询选修编号为“3-105”课程且成绩至少高于选修编号为“3-245”的同学的Cno、Sno和Grade,
– 并按 grade 从高到低依次排序。
– any 语句表示至少

– -- 先个人尝试
select * from score where cno=“3-245”;
| sno | cno | grade |
| 103 | 3-245 | 86 |
| 105 | 3-245 | 75 |
| 109 | 3-245 | 68 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 不懂了,直接看视频教程。

select * from score where cno=“3-245”;
| sno | cno | grade |
| 103 | 3-245 | 86 |
| 105 | 3-245 | 75 |
| 109 | 3-245 | 68 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from score where cno=“3-105”;
| sno | cno | grade |
| 101 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 102 | 3-105 | 91 |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 104 | 3-105 | 89 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 至少?大于其中至少一个,any

– -- 又开始个人尝试,虽然没报错但感觉结果不对。
select * from score
where cno=“3-105”
having grade>any(select grade from score where cno=“3-245”);
| sno | cno | grade |
| 101 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 102 | 3-105 | 91 |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 104 | 3-105 | 89 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 继续回到视频教程,发现,教程用“and”替换个人尝试的“having”,结果一样。
select * from score
where cno=“3-105”
and grade>any(select grade from score where cno=“3-245”);
| sno | cno | grade |
| 101 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 102 | 3-105 | 91 |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 104 | 3-105 | 89 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from score
where cno=“3-105”
and grade>any(select grade from score where cno=“3-245”)
order by grade desc;
| sno | cno | grade |
| 101 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 102 | 3-105 | 91 |
| 104 | 3-105 | 89 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 28、查询选修编号为“3-105”课程且成绩高于选修编号为“3-245”的同学的Cno、Sno和Grade。
– 且? all 表示所有的关系

– -- 老规矩,先个人尝试,出了个结果。
select * from score
where cno=“3-105”
and grade>all(select grade from score where cno=“3-245”);
| sno | cno | grade |
| 101 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 102 | 3-105 | 91 |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 104 | 3-105 | 89 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 接着看视频教程,完全一致。

– 29、查询所有教师和同学的name、sex和birthday。

– 别名? as
– 联合? union

select tname as name,tsex as sex,tbirthday as birthday from teacher
select sname,ssex,sbirthday from student;
| name | sex | birthday |
| 李诚 | 男 | 1958-12-02 00:00:00 |
| 王萍 | 女 | 1972-05-05 00:00:00 |
| 刘冰 | 女 | 1977-08-14 00:00:00 |
| 张旭 | 男 | 1969-03-12 00:00:00 |
| 曾华 | 男 | 1977-09-01 00:00:00 |
| 匡明 | 男 | 1975-10-02 00:00:00 |
| 王丽 | 女 | 1976-01-23 00:00:00 |
| 李军 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 |
| 王芳 | 女 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 |
| 陆君 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 |
| 王尼玛 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 |
| 张全蛋 | 男 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 |
| 赵铁柱 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 |
| 张飞 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 30、查询所有“女”教师和“女”同学的name、sex和birthday。

– union 求并集

– -- 个人尝试,直出。
select tname as name,tsex as sex,tbirthday as birthday from teacher where tsex=“女”
select sname,ssex,sbirthday from student where ssex=“女”;
| name | sex | birthday |
| 王萍 | 女 | 1972-05-05 00:00:00 |
| 刘冰 | 女 | 1977-08-14 00:00:00 |
| 王丽 | 女 | 1976-01-23 00:00:00 |
| 王芳 | 女 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 31、查询成绩比该课程平均成绩低的同学的成绩表。

– 复制表数据(尚不熟悉,需回顾)

select cno,avg(grade) from score group by cno;
| cno | avg(grade) |
| 3-105 | 88.0000 |
| 3-245 | 76.3333 |
| 6-166 | 81.6667 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 继续尝试失败
mysql> select sno,grade from score
-> where grade<in(select cno,avg(grade) from score group by cno);
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘in(select cno,avg(grade) from score group by cno)’ at line 2
mysql> select sno,grade from score
-> where grade<(select avg(grade) from score group by cno);
ERROR 1242 (21000): Subquery returns more than 1 row
mysql> select sno,grade from score
-> where grade<(select avg(grade) from score group by cno) group by cno;
ERROR 1242 (21000): Subquery returns more than 1 row

– -- 转视频教程

select * from score;

– a(下表为a表,另外复制一个表,标识为“b”)
| sno | cno | grade |
| 101 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 102 | 3-105 | 91 |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 103 | 3-245 | 86 |
| 103 | 6-166 | 85 |
| 104 | 3-105 | 89 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 105 | 3-245 | 75 |
| 105 | 6-166 | 79 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
| 109 | 3-245 | 68 |
| 109 | 6-166 | 81 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from score a
where grade <(select avg(grade) from score b where a.cno=b.cno);
| sno | cno | grade |
| 105 | 3-245 | 75 |
| 105 | 6-166 | 79 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
| 109 | 3-245 | 68 |
| 109 | 6-166 | 81 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 32、查询所有任课教师的Tname和Depart。
– 子查询

– -- 课程表里安排了课程
select * from course;
| cno | cname | tno |
| 3-105 | 计算机导论 | 825 |
| 3-245 | 操作系统 | 804 |
| 6-166 | 数字电路 | 856 |
| 9-888 | 高等数学 | 831 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select tname,depart from teacher where tno in(select tno from course);
| tname | depart |
| 李诚 | 计算机系 |
| 王萍 | 计算机系 |
| 刘冰 | 电子工程系 |
| 张旭 | 电子工程系 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 条件加分组

select * from student;
| sno | sname | ssex | sbirthday | class |
| 101 | 曾华 | 男 | 1977-09-01 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 102 | 匡明 | 男 | 1975-10-02 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 103 | 王丽 | 女 | 1976-01-23 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 104 | 李军 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 105 | 王芳 | 女 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 106 | 陆君 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 107 | 王尼玛 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 108 | 张全蛋 | 男 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 109 | 赵铁柱 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 110 | 张飞 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95038 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 这个错误,漏了 group by class
mysql> select class from student where ssex=“男”
-> having count(*)>1;
| class |
| 95033 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 以下正确
mysql> select class from student where ssex=“男” group by class
-> having count(*)>1;
| class |
| 95031 |
| 95033 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 34、查询student表中不姓“王”的同学记录。
– not like 模糊查询

select * from student;

select * from student where sname not like"王%";
| sno | sname | ssex | sbirthday | class |
| 101 | 曾华 | 男 | 1977-09-01 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 102 | 匡明 | 男 | 1975-10-02 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 104 | 李军 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 106 | 陆君 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 108 | 张全蛋 | 男 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 109 | 赵铁柱 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 110 | 张飞 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95038 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 35、查询student表中每个学生的姓名和年龄。

– 年龄 = 当前年份year(now())-出生年份year(sbirthday)

select year(now());
| year(now()) |
| 2019 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select year(sbirthday) from student;
| year(sbirthday) |
| 1977 |
| 1975 |
| 1976 |
| 1976 |
| 1975 |
| 1974 |
| 1976 |
| 1975 |
| 1974 |
| 1974 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select sname,year(now())-year(sbirthday) as “age” from student;
| sname | age |
| 曾华 | 42 |
| 匡明 | 44 |
| 王丽 | 43 |
| 李军 | 43 |
| 王芳 | 44 |
| 陆君 | 45 |
| 王尼玛 | 43 |
| 张全蛋 | 44 |
| 赵铁柱 | 45 |
| 张飞 | 45 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 36、查询student表中最大和最小的sbirthday日期值。
– max与min

select sbirthday from student order by sbirthday;

select max(sbirthday) as maxbirth, min(sbirthday) as minbirth from student;
| maxbirth | minbirth |
| 1977-09-01 00:00:00 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

– 37、以班号和年龄从大到小的顺序查询student表中的全部记录。
– 多字段排序

select * from student order by class desc,sbirthday;
| sno | sname | ssex | sbirthday | class |
| 110 | 张飞 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95038 |
| 103 | 王丽 | 女 | 1976-01-23 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 104 | 李军 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 107 | 王尼玛 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 101 | 曾华 | 男 | 1977-09-01 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 106 | 陆君 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 109 | 赵铁柱 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 105 | 王芳 | 女 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 108 | 张全蛋 | 男 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 102 | 匡明 | 男 | 1975-10-02 00:00:00 | 95031 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 38、查询“男”教师及其所上的课程。
– 子查询

select * from teacher where tsex=“男”;
| tno | tname | tsex | tbirthday | prof | depart |
| 804 | 李诚 | 男 | 1958-12-02 00:00:00 | 副教授 | 计算机系 |
| 856 | 张旭 | 男 | 1969-03-12 00:00:00 | 讲师 | 电子工程系 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from course where tno=(select tno from teacher where tsex=“男”);
ERROR 1242 (21000): Subquery returns more than 1 row
mysql> select * from course where tno in (select tno from teacher where tsex=“男”);
| cno | cname | tno |
| 3-245 | 操作系统 | 804 |
| 6-166 | 数字电路 | 856 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 39、查询最高分同学的sno、cno和degree列。
– max函数与……

select max(grade) from score;

select * from score where grade=(select max(grade) from score);
| sno | cno | grade |
| 101 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 40、查询和“李军”同性别的所有同学的sname。
– 子查询

select ssex from student where sname=“李军”;

select sname from student
where ssex=(select ssex from student where sname=“李军”);
| sname |
| 曾华 |
| 匡明 |
| 李军 |
| 陆君 |
| 王尼玛 |
| 张全蛋 |
| 赵铁柱 |
| 张飞 |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)

– 41、查询和李军同性别并同班的同学的sname。
– 子查询

select sname from student
where ssex=(select ssex from student where sname=“李军”)
and class=(select class from student where sname=“李军”);
| sname |
| 曾华 |
| 李军 |
| 王尼玛 |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

– 42、查询所有选修“计算机导论”的“男”同学的成绩表。
– 子查询

select * from student where ssex=“男”;
| sno | sname | ssex | sbirthday | class |
| 101 | 曾华 | 男 | 1977-09-01 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 102 | 匡明 | 男 | 1975-10-02 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 104 | 李军 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 106 | 陆君 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 107 | 王尼玛 | 男 | 1976-02-20 00:00:00 | 95033 |
| 108 | 张全蛋 | 男 | 1975-02-11 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 109 | 赵铁柱 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95031 |
| 110 | 张飞 | 男 | 1974-06-03 00:00:00 | 95038 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select * from course where cname=“计算机导论”;
| cno | cname | tno |
| 3-105 | 计算机导论 | 825 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

– 个人尝试,先出错后更正,注意 “=” 和 “in”。
mysql> select * from score
-> where sno=(select sno from student where ssex=“男”)
-> and cno=(select cno from course where cname=“计算机导论”);
ERROR 1242 (21000): Subquery returns more than 1 row
mysql> select * from score
-> where sno in (select sno from student where ssex=“男”)
-> and cno in (select cno from course where cname=“计算机导论”);
| sno | cno | grade |
| 101 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 102 | 3-105 | 91 |
| 104 | 3-105 | 89 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– 42、假设使用下面命令建立了一个grade表:

create table grade(
low int(3),
upp int(3),
grade char(1)

insert into grade values(90,100,“A”);
insert into grade values(80,89,“B”);
insert into grade values(70,79,“C”);
insert into grade values(60,69,“D”);
insert into grade values(0,59,“E”);

– 现查询所有同学的sno、cno 和 rank 列。

– 按等级查询

select sno,cno,grade.grade from score,grade where score.grade between low and upp;
| sno | cno | grade |
| 101 | 3-105 | A |
| 102 | 3-105 | A |
| 103 | 3-105 | A |
| 103 | 3-245 | B |
| 103 | 6-166 | B |
| 104 | 3-105 | B |
| 105 | 3-105 | B |
| 105 | 3-245 | C |
| 105 | 6-166 | C |
| 109 | 3-105 | C |
| 109 | 3-245 | D |
| 109 | 6-166 | B |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

– -- 其实让新建表格里面的字段与之前的表的字段不重名(grade),可能更方便,如下:

– -- 先删除原grade表
drop table grade;

– -- 然后重新建表,更改字段名,使之不与历史字段重复( 本次将grade 改成 grade0 )

create table grade(
low int(3),
upp int(3),
grade0 char(1)

insert into grade values(90,100,“A”);
insert into grade values(80,89,“B”);
insert into grade values(70,79,“C”);
insert into grade values(60,69,“D”);
insert into grade values(0,59,“E”);

– -- 现查询所有同学的sno、cno 和 rank 列
select sno,cno,grade0 from score,grade where grade between low and upp;
| sno | cno | grade0 |
| 101 | 3-105 | A |
| 102 | 3-105 | A |
| 103 | 3-105 | A |
| 103 | 3-245 | B |
| 103 | 6-166 | B |
| 104 | 3-105 | B |
| 105 | 3-105 | B |
| 105 | 3-245 | C |
| 105 | 6-166 | C |
| 109 | 3-105 | C |
| 109 | 3-245 | D |
| 109 | 6-166 | B |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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