对流耦合的热带波动 | MJO

对流耦合的热带波动 | MJO


  • 缓慢的东传速度(5~8 m/s)
  • 大尺度的对流包络(~ 1 0 3 10^3 103 km)
  • 多尺度对流系统
  • 多级对流结构(浅对流、深对流、层云…)

. Schematic diagram of the discharge–recharge mechanism associated with the MJO

CISK (Conditional Instability of the Second Kind) theory

  • Jule Gregory Charney (January 1, 1917 – June 16, 1981)






  • 表面摩擦作为能量来源
  • 单个积云细胞体和大尺度运动的协同作用

a) Instability of the tropical depression.

The depression and cumulus convection as cooperative phenomena. In analogy with the theory of extratropical cyclones, it is tempting to ascribe the formation of the hurricane to some form of hydrodynamic instability, and in fact a number of such mechanisms have been proposed. The growth of disturbances has been variously attributed to the instability of temperature discontinuities (frontal instability), of horizontal temperature gradients (baro- clinic instability), of radially decreasing angular mo- mentum along isentropic surfaces in a circular vortex (rotational instability), or of horizontal shear with an extremum in the absolute vorticity profile (Rayleigh instability). The fourth may very well be responsible for the cold-core easterly wave but almost certainly not for the hurricane. In the opinion of the writers no good evidence has been cited to indicate that the other in- stabilities exist, or, if they did, that they would give rise to the observed motions. There is, however, a fifth kind of instability that undoubtedly does exist. It is the gravitational instability associated with a decrease in the entropy of saturated air with height (conditional instability). Is it possible, then, that the tropical dis- turbance is simply a large-scale convective overturning? This is unlikely, for, while such large-scale motions are theoretically possible, J. Bjerknes (1938) and E. Höiland (1939) have shown that conditional instability favors the smallest possible scale of cumulus convection. In- deed, were it not for friction and entrainment of dry air, the preferred convection cell would have an infinitely narrow ascending branch. And even when the motion is absolutely unstable, the theory of Bénard convection (Rayleigh, 1916), predicts roughly the same horizontal and vertical dimensions for the convection cells and hence a horizontal dimension of the order of 10 km. The energy of a cumulus cloud is derived from the un- balanced vertical pressure forces acting on buoyant elements of saturated air; there is no evidence that such forces exist on the scale of the tropical depression.

热带低气压的不稳定性 。低气压和积云对流是一种合作现象。与热带外气旋理论类似,飓风的形成很容易归因于某种形式的流体动力不稳定性。扰动的增长有多种原因,如温度不连续的不稳定性(锋面不稳定性)、水平温度梯度的不稳定性(气压不稳定性)、圆形涡旋中沿等熵面径向递减的角熵的不稳定性(旋转不稳定性),或绝对涡度剖面中具有极值的水平剪切力的不稳定性(瑞利不稳定性)。


然而,第五种不稳定性无疑是存在的。这就是与饱和空气熵随高度降低有关的重力不稳定性(条件不稳定性)。那么,热带扰动有可能仅仅是大尺度对流翻腾吗?这不太可能,因为虽然这种大尺度运动在理论上是可能的,但 J. Bjerknes(1938 年)和 E. Höiland (1939 年)已经证明,条件不稳定性有利于尽可能小尺度的积云对流。实际上,如果没有摩擦和干燥空气的夹带,首选的对流单元会有一个无限狭窄的上升分支。积云的能量来自于作用在饱和空气浮力要素上的不平衡垂直压力;没有证据表明热带低气压存在这种强迫。

Nevertheless, conditional instability, by permitting cumulonimbus convection, must play a role in the formation of the hurricane. The most striking charac- teristic of the pre-hurricane depression as well as of the level convergence; the latent heat energy released is two orders of magnitude greater than the amount needed to maintain the kinetic energy against frictional dissipation. This suggests that we should look upon the competing for the same energy, for in this competition the cumulus cell must win; rather we should consider the two as supporting one another-the cumulus cell by supplying the heat energy for driving the depression, and the depression by producing the low-level con-vergence of moisture into the cumulus cell. The primary pre-hurricane depression and the cumulus cell not as
purpose of the present paper is to show that this type of interaction does lead to a large-scale self-amplifica-tion, which we may call conditional instability of the second kind(CISK) to contrast it with the conditional instability responsible for small-scale cumulus convection.




MJO 动力学 | 主要理论


  • low-frequency equatorial waves
  • convective latent heating
  • moisture distribution and convergence

MJO 主要理论

  • Equatorial wave-cisk (Lindzen 1974;Hayashi 1970;)

  • Exaporation-wind feedback (e.g., Emanuel 1987; Wang 1988; Jones and Weare 1996)

  • Stratiform instability (Mapes 2000)

  • Frictional coupled moist kelvin-rossby waves (Wang 1988; Maloney and Hartmann 1998)

  • Discharge–recharge mechanism (Bladé and Hartmann 1993; Hu and Randall 1994; Kemball-Cook and Weare 2001).

  • Atmosphere-ocean interaction (Flatau et al. 1997)

  • Moisture mode (Sobel and Malone 2012,2013; Adames 2016)

  • Multi-scale interaction (Majda and Stechmann 2009a,b)

  • Convective self-aggregation (Pritchard and Yang 2016, Emanuel 2019)

  • Non-instantaneous Convection–Convergence Feedback (Liu et al. 2019,2022)

Debate between CISK and QE

  • energy source
  • CAPE variance
  • correlation between heating and termperature

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