void launch_cumsum_cuda_kernel(const TensorBase& result, const TensorBase& self, int64_t dim) {
ScalarType::Half, ScalarType::BFloat16,
self.scalar_type(), "cumsum_cuda",
[&]() {
scalar_t init = 0;
template<typename scalar_t, typename BinaryFunction>
void scan_dim(const TensorBase& self, const TensorBase& result,
int64_t dim, scalar_t init, BinaryFunction binary_op) {
int ndim = self.dim();
auto self_ = self.expect_contiguous();
if (self.numel() == self.size(dim)) {
cuda::cub::inclusive_scan(self_->const_data_ptr<scalar_t>(), result.mutable_data_ptr<scalar_t>(), binary_op, self.numel());
} else if (dim == ndim - 1) {
scan_innermost_dim<scalar_t>(*self_, result, init, binary_op);
} else {
scan_outer_dim<scalar_t>(*self_, result, dim, init, binary_op);
template<typename scalar_t, class BinaryFunction>
__host__ void scan_outer_dim(const TensorBase& self, const TensorBase& result,
int dim, scalar_t init, BinaryFunction binary_op) {
const int64_t row_size = self.size(dim);
auto sizes = self.sizes();
// Treat all outer dimensions (i.e. dim_ < dim) as one.
const int64_t num_orows = c10::multiply_integers(sizes.begin(), sizes.begin() + dim);
// Treat all inner dimensions (i.e. dim > dimension) as one.
const int64_t num_irows = c10::multiply_integers(sizes.begin() + dim + 1, sizes.end());
dim3 threads(std::min(512, int(num_irows)));
int64_t maxGridDim = at::cuda::getCurrentDeviceProperties()->maxGridSize[1];
dim3 grid(std::min(maxGridDim, num_orows), std::min(maxGridDim, ceil_div(num_irows, int64_t{threads.x})));
check_fits_in_unsigned(num_irows, "num_irows");
check_fits_in_unsigned(num_orows, "num_orows");
check_fits_in_unsigned(row_size, "row_size");
tensor_kernel_scan_outer_dim<scalar_t><<<grid, threads, 0, at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream()>>>(
result.mutable_data_ptr<scalar_t>(), self.const_data_ptr<scalar_t>(),
num_orows, num_irows, row_size, init, binary_op);
template <typename scalar_t, class BinaryFunction>
void scan_innermost_dim(const TensorBase& self, const TensorBase& result,
scalar_t init, BinaryFunction binary_op) {
int64_t ndim = self.dim();
// Treat all outer dimensions as a single dimension.
int64_t row_size = self.size(ndim - 1);
int64_t num_rows = self.numel() / row_size;
// assuming max_num_threads per block is 512
const uint32_t num_threads = 512;
const uint32_t log_num_threads_x = get_log_num_threads_x_inner_scan<uint32_t>(num_rows, row_size);
const uint32_t num_threads_x = (1 << log_num_threads_x);
const uint32_t num_threads_y = num_threads / num_threads_x;
dim3 threads(num_threads_x, num_threads_y);
int64_t maxGridDim = at::cuda::getCurrentDeviceProperties()->maxGridSize[0];
dim3 grid(std::min(maxGridDim, ceil_div(num_rows, int64_t{threads.y})));
check_fits_in_unsigned(num_rows, "Number of rows (self.numel()/self.size(self.dim()-1))");
check_fits_in_unsigned(row_size, "row_size");
tensor_kernel_scan_innermost_dim<scalar_t><<<grid, threads, num_threads * 2 * sizeof(scalar_t),
result.mutable_data_ptr<scalar_t>(), self.const_data_ptr<scalar_t>(),
num_rows, row_size, log_num_threads_x, init, binary_op);
template <typename integer>
constexpr inline integer get_log_num_threads_x_inner_scan(integer num_rows, integer row_size) {
integer log_num_threads_x = 0;
integer log_num_threads_y = 0;
while (((integer)1 << log_num_threads_x) < row_size) {
while (((integer)1 << log_num_threads_y) < num_rows) {
// we want to keep the ratio between the x-threads and y-threads about the same as
// the ratio between the row_size and num_rows, but the total number of threads in
// a block should be about 512
integer diff = log_num_threads_x - log_num_threads_y;
// 9 is from log2(512)
log_num_threads_x = ((integer)9 + diff) / (integer)2;
// I found that in having larger log_num_threads_x can give significant speed up in some cases,
// but detrimental in another case, so just keep the lower bound to be log2(16) == 4 to make it
// similar to the previous implementation
// Keeping the upper bound to be log2(512) == 9 as the maximum number of threads in a block.
log_num_threads_x = std::min(std::max((integer)4, log_num_threads_x), (integer)9);
return log_num_threads_x;
使用对数进行计算是便于计算出的x的结果可以整除,关键点在于最后平衡二者的比例的那行代码。可以预见,在某些情况下由于待处理数据的大小超过512造成线程块不能够完全分配的情况,此时就需要顾及线程块的比例,那么如果两个维度上线程块的对数值分别为x和y,对应的线程数分别为X,Y,也即 X = 2 x X=2^x X=2x。此时X与Y的比例 X / Y X / Y X/Y 的结果也即 2 x − y 2^{x - y} 2x−y ,其实也就是 2 d i f f 2 ^ {diff} 2diff。那么如果将x变为(diff+9) / 2, y也就是 (9 - diff) / 2,二者相减也就是diff,因此保证了变换前后的比例。