金融公有云 私有云 混合云

Classification of finance cloud.
The first one is public cloud.Those enterprises produce those cloud service for financial institutions and enterprises.And then those Services build those cloud resources lake on the internet enterprises apply to be the users through the internet and then those users can Visit those Computer basic facilities shared by those clouds service providers including those resources of hardware ,Storage and Bandwhdth.The public cloud can adjust the resources according to the user’s needs and to calculate the fees and they have the characteristics of low cost and easy technology requirements and convenience of exploration for the storage resources.The second one is about private cloud.The private cloud is controlled by the user themselves and it Fits the patterns for a single cloud service user and the Dedicated resources.The private cloud is built managed and operated by the finance enterprises themselves and it is said in the working environment or the data center of the enterprises or those private cloud Purchase的operation from those cloud service providers so as to put those private cloud to the data centers directed area from the service providers and set the single areas and the single rights of those specific areas so as to protect the data security.The private Claude has the characteristics of high levels of security protection and specification requirements of it and high quality of service.The third one is the Mixed cloud.Mixed cloud is the combination of public cloud and private cloud.To ensure and control and regulate the actions all those finance enterprises Information can not be SAT on the public cloud so the Service of finance enterprises are both SAT on the public cloud and private cloud.The public cloud satisfy the requirements of finance enterprises for flexible exploration and Creation of affairs.And the private cloud satisfied the requirements of finance enterprises for security, privacy and regulatory.And the advantages of makes the cloud support flexible requirements and satisfied requirements of safety so as to have the Advantages of both public cloud and private cloud.Finance cloud is one of the cloud services and it has the characteristics of Cloud service.The private cloud satisfies the needs of finance industry for the requirements of data security and private storage and the requirements of regulatory authorization.And public cloud satisfies the needs of flexible exploration and rapidly standardized set of affairs so that makes the cloud is more suitable for finance industry.

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