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原创 Financial technology.

So as we talk about the basic knowledge of computer science and network technology, so we need to know the upper layer of application layer so as to know about those system and management system or finance industry. And we need to know something about fina

2024-08-01 21:53:23 449

原创 Financial technology in Shenzhen.

In the fu Tian subway station there existed Shenzhen trading market and as soon as possible some fund institutions and companies procedures high frequency trading and they said they are working base and working environment Just decide to trade marketing so

2024-08-01 09:15:59 389

原创 Bank of America.

With the development of artificial Intelligence, it has already get into the field of investment with high ranked level of majority.And the combination of artificial Intelligence with investment field has come into reality.Some international banks and fina

2024-07-03 21:43:44 478

原创 Intelligent investment.

In the finance institutions, the artificial Intelligence plays an important role.With the development of artificial Intelligence technology, it has changed the industries including finance medical insurance, vehicles and securities.So finance industry is t

2024-07-03 21:33:18 329

原创 Advantages of intelligent investment.

The advantage of intelligent investment.Diverse from the traditional investment products there exists several advantages of intelligent investment itself.Firstly, It has more characteristics of intelligent investment, and it depends on the finance situati

2024-05-29 00:14:28 142

原创 Artificial Intelligence with insurance.

Intelligent risk management and control.With the development of internet finance, the risk and Challenge of finance affairs has become much bigger and those intelligent risk Management and control stake out some limitation of traditional risk management a

2024-05-29 00:13:33 545

原创 Intelligent investment.

To Application scenarios of artificial Intelligence in finance area.The first one is about intelligent investment in finance area Intelligence firstly used in intelligent investment area.And those companies included in intelligent investment there are thr

2024-05-25 01:10:28 454

原创 Methods of machine learning.

Methods so as to realize machine learning.There are various of methods to realize machine learning and in procedure languages we call them algorithms or training methods and nowadays machine learning has three main algorithms the first one is supervised l

2024-05-22 18:50:00 699

原创 The principles of artificial Intelligence.

The principles of machine learning.The target of artificial Intelligence is making those Robots and machines as smart as human beings.And technology of machine learning is one of the techniques in the area of artificial Intelligence. So as to train those

2024-05-22 14:13:25 733

原创 Classification of artificial Intelligence technologies.

Classification of artificial intelligence we usually divide artificial Intelligence into three aspects. The first one is about artificial narrow Intelligence and the second one is about artificial general Intelligence and the third one is about artificial

2024-05-22 14:03:42 665

原创 Applied scenery of artificial Intelligence.

Application scenarios.The first one is about natural language process.It is used to handle and use human language, including all kinds of theories and methods. It is the highest task of Artificial Intelligence only if those machines have the ability to pr

2024-05-22 00:25:29 294

原创 Definition and characteristics of artificial Intelligence.

The conceptions of artificial Intelligence. We need to talk about deep learning and the neural network and machine learning and then we talk about artificial Intelligence.Firstly, the conception of artificial Intelligence is contained in the subject of com

2024-05-21 21:16:00 1068

原创 Artificial Intelligence application and practiceIn financial technology security area.

The application and practice of the technology of artificial Intelligence in the area of financial technology security.Those artificial Intelligence conception Significant the birth of the majority Of artificial Intelligence and it has got the wide attent

2024-05-21 19:51:18 964

原创 Financial technology security.

The first one is about the conception and definition of financial technology security.With the deep connection of finance and technology, it technologies had already been the part of financial affairs so as to promote the abilities of finance industry and

2024-05-18 22:36:33 356

原创 Review

For the past one week I have almost spend eight hours per day to read those two books about financial technology and financial technology security.Those two books have two different logical ways to introduce technology and application and security problems

2024-05-18 22:33:33 369

原创 西太平洋 混合平台及服务


2024-05-18 21:12:49 111

原创 兴业银行 银银合作品牌

The applied cases of cloud computing in financial technology industry.The second one we talk about bank of society general banking platform business.And this brand is created in two thousand and seven and it is created for the service solutions for middle

2024-05-18 21:09:35 393

原创 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

The applied cases.With the rapid development of the cloud computing, the combination of financial technology security and cloud computing has come into Enterprises.And those huge quantities of financial institutions are comparing strictly with those finan

2024-05-18 19:12:00 247

原创 Service area of finance big data.

The service areas of finance big data.The first one is about the big data credit in the area of personal credit, the technology of the day to connect those business payment and social media so as to get diverse kinds of data so as to know about the charac

2024-05-18 16:51:45 392

原创 Application of big data in finance area.

Application of Big data in the area of finance.With the deep hurricane or big data in finance industry it has brought some creation and imagination for traditional institutions and financialThose finance institutions can widely collect all kinds of Inform

2024-05-18 16:43:10 282

原创 大数据的类型。


2024-05-18 14:37:01 250

原创 大数据的特征

And then we talk about the difference of big data and data.To some extent we define data as some digital words including the quantity of customers, the quantities of affairs and the income of operation and profit and so on so those digital or coding text

2024-05-18 12:24:00 307

原创 大数据技术

Big data technologies.By collect, store, manage, analyse and dig and show the data we can find some useful or interesting rules and conclusion.For example, we can get those records for the pedestrians of the bus every day. So to analyze those records we ca

2024-05-18 09:20:27 269

原创 Bank cio

金融科技 #银行。

2024-05-18 01:02:07 276

原创 金融公有云 私有云 混合云

Classification of finance cloud.The first one is public cloud.Those enterprises produce those cloud service for financial institutions and enterprises.And then those Services build those cloud resources lake on the internet enterprises apply to be the use

2024-05-17 22:52:03 382

原创 Finance cloud service system.

The system of finance cloud services.Finance cloud has the ability combined with storage exploration ability and comprehensive connection of diverse platforms.And Disability is the core of the basic facilities or financial technology.Finance cloud is diff

2024-05-17 22:08:27 122

原创 Meaning of big data.

The meaning of big data.The strategic meaning of big data exists not only in the huge quantity of data Information, but the professional progress of those meaningful data.So the meaning of big data includes the following points.The first one is that the c

2024-05-17 21:11:54 238

原创 Definition of big data.

The meaning conception and techniques of the data.Nowadays we get data from everywhere not only from the history data, but also those new data from social media and click flow data of websites and applications and sensor data of those internet of things.M

2024-05-17 20:55:17 254

原创 Overview of big data.

Overview of big data.We take the example of net flicks, it went out the online films so as to collect much actions and Recording of all those users so as to conclude and dig out the Real start people are interested in David Fincher and the actor Kevin Spa

2024-05-17 20:54:27 205

原创 Cloud computing and financial ecology.

Combination of cloud computing and financial ecology.Connecting deeply with the financial ecology with Cloud computing is the main development direction in financial areas.The primary of the exchange for data center in the application of finance area Had

2024-05-17 10:29:06 368

原创 Cloud computing Combination.

Cloud computing.The combination of computing with big data artificial and block chain.The development of cloud computing technology had gradually connected and combined with the technologies of artificial big data and block chain.The technology of cloud

2024-05-17 10:19:30 365

原创 Products.

In the time that the data has become the important assets, some enterprises are already getting into the field of big data.Especially in the finance industry,Risk management oriented areas most Traditional finance institutes and new coming finance technolo

2024-05-17 09:55:49 298

原创 Risk management and control.

The risk management and control.Facing the future, especially for the coming of the big data time, the varieties of data will become much more and it will be much more comprehensive with more Information so as to bring some challenges and opportunities in

2024-05-17 09:45:43 787

原创 platform. siem

The second one is about the management platform of the data security.We can know that the finance technology security talk about the security problems of financial technology so in those systems and accounting notebooks we can use some Information technol

2024-05-16 17:32:17 247

原创 big data02

So we can summary the description of the users from three aspects. The first one is about the single user and the second one is about the finance institution the third one is about the government.We can use the technology of big data so as to get the user

2024-05-16 17:31:26 456

原创 Big data

For the technology of big data using in the area of financial technology security and its application and practice.The first one is about the description of the user.The main application of big data in the area of finance security implies On the descripti

2024-05-16 17:30:37 363

原创 Introduction

Financial technology.Financial technology security.How to define financial technology and how to define financial technology security and the differences between those two conceptions and definition.Firstly, the financial technology security is defined as

2024-05-16 17:29:12 519

原创 001链表反转


2023-12-06 18:57:57 1077 1

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2022-07-12 15:47:35 1004 1

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2022-07-12 15:41:56 1718





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