

[root@master ~]#  yum -y install epel-release
[root@master ~]#  yum -y install cowsay

[root@master ~]# cowsay -l
Cow files in /usr/share/cowsay:
beavis.zen blowfish bud-frogs bunny cheese cower default dragon
dragon-and-cow elephant elephant-in-snake eyes flaming-sheep fox
ghostbusters head-in hellokitty kiss kitty koala kosh luke-koala
mech-and-cow meow milk moofasa moose mutilated ren sheep skeleton small
stegosaurus stimpy supermilker surgery telebears three-eyes turkey turtle
tux udder vader vader-koala www

[root@master ~]# cowsay hello
< hello >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
[root@master ~]# cowthink hello
( hello )
        o   ^__^
         o  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

[root@master ~]# cowsay -f milk hello
< hello >
 \     ____________ 
  \    |__________|
      /           /\
     /           /  \
    |          |     |
    |  ==\ /== |     |
    |   O   O  | \ \ |
    |     <    |  \ \|
   /|          |   \ \
  / |  \_____/ |   / /
 / /|          |  / /|
/||\|          | /||\/
        | |    | | 
       <__/    \__>

[root@master ~]# cowsay -f skeleton hello
< hello >
          \      (__)      
           \     /oo|  
            \   (_"_)*+++++++++*
                   I[I|I|||||I I `
                   I`I'///'' I I
                   I I       I I
                   ~ ~       ~ ~

[root@master ~]# cowthink -f turkey 123
( 123 )
  o                                  ,+*^^*+___+++_
   o                           ,*^^^^              )
    o                       _+*                     ^**+_
     o                    +^       _ _++*+_+++_,         )
              _+^^*+_    (     ,+*^ ^          \+_        )
             {       )  (    ,(    ,_+--+--,      ^)      ^\
            { (@)    } f   ,(  ,+-^ __*_*_  ^^\_   ^\       )
           {:;-/    (_+*-+^^^^^+*+*<_ _++_)_    )    )      /
          ( /  (    (        ,___    ^*+_+* )   <    <      \
           U _/     )    *--<  ) ^\-----++__)   )    )       )
            (      )  _(^)^^))  )  )\^^^^^))^*+/    /       /
          (      /  (_))_^)) )  )  ))^^^^^))^^^)__/     +^^
         (     ,/    (^))^))  )  ) ))^^^^^^^))^^)       _)
          *+__+*       (_))^)  ) ) ))^^^^^^))^^^^^)____*^
          \             \_)^)_)) ))^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^)
           (_             ^\__^^^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^^^^)
             ^\___            ^\__^^^^^^))^^^^^^^^)\\
                     ___) >____) >___   ^\_\_\_\_\_\_\)
                    ^^^//\\_^^//\\_^       ^(\_\_\_\)
                      ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^


[root@master ~]# yum -y install sl

[root@master ~]# sl --help

                                      (  ) (@@) ( )  (@)  ()    @@    O     @     O     @      O
                             (    )

                        (   )
                       ++      +------ ____                 ____________________ ____________________
                       ||      |+-+ |  |   \@@@@@@@@@@@     |  ___ ___ ___ ___ | |  ___ ___ ___ ___ |
                     /---------|| | |  |    \@@@@@@@@@@@@@_ |  |_| |_| |_| |_| | |  |_| |_| |_| |_| |
                    + ========  +-+ |  |                  | |__________________| |__________________|
                   _|--/~\------/~\-+  |________________|_| |__________________| |__________________|
                   \O=O      \/       (O)       (O)        (O)        (O)       (O)        (O)

[root@master ~]# man sl
       sl - cure your bad habit of mistyping

       sl [ -alFc ]

       sl is a highly advanced animation program for curing your bad habit of mistyping.

       -a     An accident is occurring. People cry for help.

       -l     Little version

       -F     It flies like the galaxy express 999.

       -c     C51 appears instead of D51.



[root@master ~]# yum -y install figlet
[root@master ~]#  figlet 123
 _ ____  _____ 
/ |___ \|___ / 
| | __) | |_ \ 
| |/ __/ ___) |
[root@master ~]#  figlet hello world
 _          _ _                            _     _ 
| |__   ___| | | ___   __      _____  _ __| | __| |
| '_ \ / _ \ | |/ _ \  \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ _` |
| | | |  __/ | | (_) |  \ V  V / (_) | |  | | (_| |
|_| |_|\___|_|_|\___/    \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\__,_|

[root@master ~]#  figlet -r  hello world
                             _          _ _                            _     _ 
                            | |__   ___| | | ___   __      _____  _ __| | __| |
                            | '_ \ / _ \ | |/ _ \  \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ _` |
                            | | | |  __/ | | (_) |  \ V  V / (_) | |  | | (_| |
                            |_| |_|\___|_|_|\___/    \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\__,_|

[root@master ~]#  figlet -c  hello world
               _          _ _                            _     _ 
              | |__   ___| | | ___   __      _____  _ __| | __| |
              | '_ \ / _ \ | |/ _ \  \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ _` |
              | | | |  __/ | | (_) |  \ V  V / (_) | |  | | (_| |
              |_| |_|\___|_|_|\___/    \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\__,_|

[root@master ~]# man figlet


[root@master ~]# yum -y install fortune-mod
[root@master ~]# fortune -n 20
Microsoft is like a mountain with their installed base.  Like it
or not, no matter how loud the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow
to it.

        - Jeff Merkey on linux-advoca^Wkernel
微软的装机量就像一座山。 不管你喜不喜欢,不管风吹得多响,山都不能向它低头。向它低头。

[root@master ~]# man fortune

[root@master ~]# fortune 
In Pierre Trudeau, Canada has finally produced a Prime Minister worthy of
                -- John Diefenbaker
[root@master ~]# fortune 
I would much rather have men ask why I have no statue, than why I have one.
                -- Marcus Porcius Cato


[root@master ~]# wget https://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/cmatrix/cmatrix/1.2a/cmatrix-1.2a.tar.gz

[root@master ~]# du -sh cmatrix-1.2a.tar.gz 
76K     cmatrix-1.2a.tar.gz
[root@master ~]# tar xf cmatrix-1.2a.tar.gz
[root@master ~]# cd cmatrix-1.2a/
[root@master cmatrix-1.2a]#  yum -y install gcc gcc-c++
[root@master cmatrix-1.2a]# yum -y install ncurses-libs ncurses-devel
[root@master cmatrix-1.2a]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/cmatrix
creating cache ./config.cache
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... no
checking for working aclocal... missing
checking for working autoconf... missing
checking for working automake... missing
checking for working autoheader... missing
checking for working makeinfo... missing
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
53 文件已删除
[root@master cmatrix-1.2a]# make && make install
-bash: make: 未找到命令
[root@master cmatrix-1.2a]# yum -y install make
[root@master cmatrix-1.2a]# make && make install
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.     -g -O2 -Wall -Wno-comment -c cmatrix.c
gcc  -g -O2 -Wall -Wno-comment  -o cmatrix  cmatrix.o  -lncurses  -lncurses
make[1]: 进入目录“/root/cmatrix-1.2a”
/bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/local/cmatrix/bin
mkdir /usr/local/cmatrix
mkdir /usr/local/cmatrix/bin
  /usr/bin/install -c  cmatrix /usr/local/cmatrix/bin/cmatrix
make  install-man1
make[2]: 进入目录“/root/cmatrix-1.2a”
/bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/local/cmatrix/man/man1
mkdir /usr/local/cmatrix/man
mkdir /usr/local/cmatrix/man/man1
 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./cmatrix.1 /usr/local/cmatrix/man/man1/cmatrix.1
make[2]: 离开目录“/root/cmatrix-1.2a”
 Installing matrix fonts in /usr/lib/kbd/consolefonts...
make[1]: 离开目录“/root/cmatrix-1.2a”
[root@master cmatrix-1.2a]# echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/cmatrix/bin:$PATH' > /etc/profile.d/cmatrix.sh
[root@master cmatrix-1.2a]# source /etc/profile.d/cmatrix.sh
[root@master ~]# cmatrix --help
 Usage: cmatrix -[abBfhlsVx] [-u delay] [-C color]
 -a: Asynchronous scroll  
 -b: Bold characters on
 -B: All bold characters (overrides -b)
 -f: Force the linux $TERM type to be on
 -l: Linux mode (uses matrix console font)
 -o: Use old-style scrolling
 -h: Print usage and exit
 -n: No bold characters (overrides -b and -B, default)
 -s: "Screensaver" mode, exits on first keystroke
 -x: X window mode, use if your xterm is using mtx.pcf
 -V: Print version information and exit
 -u delay (0 - 10, default 4): Screen update delay
 -C [color]: Use this color for matrix (default green)

-a 异步滚动
-f:强制linux $TERM类型为on
-l: Linux模式(使用矩阵控制台字体)
-x: X窗口模式,如果你的xterm使用mtx.pcf
-u delay(0 - 10,默认4):屏幕更新延迟
-C [color]:使用此颜色作为矩阵(默认为绿色)

[root@master ~]# cmatrix  -a
    ! V   P ?   T     0   H ^ 2 K       . %       ,   t         Q   G     f   h   6   D   . S   =     O ]     7     2 >       x     j p     i   R   <         T n + x     . Z   8 s     A { 
      V     -   2 l           v o       z k       G   $     W   (   w     Y   { * K   p   6     R     " [     m x   b H       X     x $     ? @ l   B       ! b , z V     7 _   I { +   D { 
      K     Q   3 G           ( T       , 6       c       s &       *     !   k 5 L   0   e     p     a O     0 i   V x   +   V     ; '     c Y M   B       _ ? 8 g &     z   T W ] 5   5 [ 
      *     @   o i           ' 6   X   P c               + e       F         > H $   d   B     ?     ^ !     i u   * `   H   `     s X     J 5 q           2 R 0 j +     ?   | $ 9 ,   t B 
      H     Z V v ;           ` ]   k   N . 0         S   y M       .         r } 6   [   n     ]     x c     b 3   t ^   Z m g     6 `     O X R j       r l a < > \     .   & o d f   8 E 
        _   7 M m k         y 2 A   o   9 \ `   E     9   3         W         U j o   /   |     N     G c     ; V B < R   I y J     S l     _ R 3 T       F - z } j !         = [ Y h   : q 
*       T   5 k & V         f D w   5   - K d   v     9   )         >         \ [ }   O   z     K     9 ^     k 5 [ p >   6 $ . ;   R M     A Z 9 h       < 7 { W N           u } B O     m 
r       s   H ( r w         $ % g   u   > W 6   S     =   ^         r         d J @   y   e   T K     f }     x u | N t   < ] / 3   Q v     , '   `   A   L   d # X           H v c ,     J `
{ P     c     = Z ,         | X #       (       x     .   w         (         c H $   +   N   p ?     " u     l f u G ?   2 $ . "   e u     \ F   q   ^   &   ^ T             ` ` F e     P 9
? |     U     } ! 4         k U %       )       :     ^   E         U         # [ l   *   _   4   c R P {       i E _       { $ B   = A     { K   =   G   y   3                 ' D y     l e
y X     _   t y / 7         D S ^       0       ) x       :         ;         3 _ A   j   u   4   O 9 $         # < !   (   g S p B [ o     h ]   b   e   _   L                 7 G 9     > \
t R     d   : ( D 6 z 7     R !         t       " e       /       _ w L       " ^ _ B &   m   X   S +           k T ]   #   a - , J , d e   B +   %   .   C   g                 % | U     y r
v       W o B O R   6 A H   y W         3     b l x       r       -   y         P \ I @   J   }   ^ E       5   `   %   W   1 q 6 Z E \ +   = M   &   M   @   p                 &   E       _
<       k ; w 5 -   s t /   s *         2     y * K       @   t   7   Q     6   P { 0 2   \ 5 z   o U     x e   ^       X   * g v Z   % )   < p   B   E ` &   T                 A   v   7   B
, 2     E Y u K %   S W .   ( J         i     s y [       m   +   ,   5     .   m   4     X @ -   u [     N W   V       6 _ .   2 H     `     F       [ G !   3                 U   8   6   a
k &     - [ d k G   W # _   ! F         m     a E i     { H   k   9   j I   Q   t   .   A B W d     Z     q )   9       i 2 (   9 6     ; ;   !       u u Z             n       ;   -   @   %
P 1     ) ( , Y p   n P }   ^                 P { : ^   e 2   6   o   R m   ]   T   =   x   u :     @     i =   n       [ ' M   5       ( 4   x       m Y "             l -   ? y   4   |   >
j ' Z   \ f ) W G   " =     F     d             f   % ` O > 6 u   y   I 3   o   A   o   p   c ;     O : / # J   @       l ^ D   X       n m   .       " L c           4 T *   # O   X   i   z
. ' c   # h - u "   Y W     ?     v         *   H   , A T V D Y   ]   ^ q   q   I       E   g N     ) T | . >   e       g p &           X ,   C   2   ! 9 U   2       s r Y   ; 9       s v I
u > 3   W   ' 1 O   v [     E     2   $   8 2 O |   L O Y " ! N   #   > y   :   M       |   \ L     . ' j I )   b       s O V           u J       d   G H F   \       v q Z   %       T ^ W R
  1 S   q   y Q x   a b           n   k   m F % G   h = ) b w Y   .     6 X '   >       g     _     } U N 6 >   o       9 , O         0 D `       I   S \ c 4 8       S D     ^       G $ i ,
  $     l   M P     L             w   Z   H u ' 4   1 K & M } s D .     K )     r       9     j     Y Y R n )       ;   m " \         H x j       L   Z S j ] F       X 4     {       P R H 5
! i     S   Z W     7     f       =   T   H { ^ \   e | f + _ 8 z z     < ,     d       p     k q   ? i , b P       a   u B G         [ x ;       9  


[root@master ~]# wget https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/K/KB/KBAUCOM/Term-Animation-2.6.tar.gz
[root@master ~]# du -sh Term-Animation-2.6.tar.gz
20K     Term-Animation-2.6.tar.gz

[root@master ~]# tar xf Term-Animation-2.6.tar.gz
[root@master Term-Animation-2.6]#  yum install -y cpan perl-Curses.x86_64 perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker
[root@master Term-Animation-2.6]# ls
Changes  examples  lib  Makefile.PL  MANIFEST  META.yml  MIGRATION  README  t
[root@master Term-Animation-2.6]#  perl Makefile.PL && make && make install
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for Term::Animation
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
cp lib/Term/Animation.pm blib/lib/Term/Animation.pm
cp lib/Term/Animation/Entity.pm blib/lib/Term/Animation/Entity.pm
Manifying 2 pod documents
Manifying 2 pod documents
Installing /usr/local/share/perl5/Term/Animation.pm
Installing /usr/local/share/perl5/Term/Animation/Entity.pm
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man3/Term::Animation.3pm
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man3/Term::Animation::Entity.3pm
Appending installation info to /usr/lib64/perl5/perllocal.pod

[root@master ~]# wget http://www.robobunny.com/projects/asciiquarium/asciiquarium.tar.gz
[root@master ~]# du -sh asciiquarium.tar.gz 
16K     asciiquarium.tar.gz
[root@master ~]# tar xf asciiquarium.tar.gz
[root@master ~]# cd asciiquarium_1.1/
[root@master asciiquarium_1.1]# cp asciiquarium /usr/local/bin/
[root@master asciiquarium_1.1]# asciiquarium
-bash: /usr/local/bin/asciiquarium: 权限不够
[root@master asciiquarium_1.1]# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/asciiquarium
[root@master asciiquarium_1.1]# asciiquarium
                                                                                                                            .'       `.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ (o)       \~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
^^^^ ^^^  ^^^   ^^^    ^^^^      ^^^^ ^^^  ^^^   ^^^    ^^^^      ^^^^ ^^^  ^^^   ^^^    ^^^^      ^^^^ ^^^  ^^^   ^^^    (__,          \_.'/ ^^^   ^^^    ^^^^      ^^^^ ^^^  ^^^   ^^^    ^
^^^^      ^^^^     ^^^    ^^     ^^^^      ^^^^     ^^^    ^^     ^^^^      ^^^^     ^^^    ^^     ^^^^      ^^^^     ^^^    ^^     ^^^^      ^^^^     ^^^    ^^     ^^^^      ^^^^     ^^^
^^      ^^^^      ^^^    ^^^^^^  ^^      ^^^^      ^^^    ^^^^^^  ^^      ^^^^      ^^^    ^^^^^^  ^^      ^^^^      ^^^    ^^^^^^  ^^      ^^^^      ^^^    ^^^^^^  ^^      ^^^^      ^^^
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                                                                   < '  )     =<             \\\;;:::::::o                                                   [ ]_[ ]_[ ]/ _   _ \[ ]_[,,///;,
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          (                                     ( )                                     ((      (   )         )   )                                    (      

        q       quit 按q退出
        r       redraw (will recreate all entities) 重绘
        p       toggle pause  暂停

  • 0
  • 1
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


