【Technology】 The Integrated World

My understanding of 6G, integrated circuit and artificial intelligence

Teddy van Jerry


We are living in an integrated world, where in the near future 6G, integrated circuit and artificial intelligence all play a fundamental role and support each other. High technology like that shapes our life and future. These kinds of cutting-edge technology cooperate to build an intelligent and harmonious world!


6G network, integrated circuit (IC), artificial intelligence (AI)

Main body

As a new visitor to the fascinating Internet world, I have already been exposed to loads of cutting-edge technology. When I am about to say hello to 5G, which has made numerous headlines, 6G is around the corner. Quite accustomed though we are to the integrated circuit, it is one of the most innovative invention of the last century and it is shining even more brightly as it works as an engine for almost all modern technology. When it comes to artificial intelligence, we have benefited a lot from the newly introduced technology and anticipate its promising prospect.
From my point of view, the world is increasingly more integrated. It is no exaggeration to say that 6G, integrated circuit and artificial intelligence are three fundamental ingredients of the Internet era. They all play an indispensable role and support each other.
With the application of THz and Sub-THz thanks to HEMT [1] and other innovative technology, the next generation of cellular technology will make huge improvements in bandwidth utilization, data delivery, and application enablement. It’s expected that 6G will offer download speeds approaching 1 (or even 10 [2]) terabit per second, one micro-second latency and unlimited bandwidth. [3] It will make communication more convenient and we will be linked together. Higher speed is what we experience most directly, but 6G brings us much more and there are also many obstacles for us to overcome.
The IC (integrated circuit) industry, as the core strategic industry of the national economy, is the focus of various countries. At present, with advances in technology and changes of the market, the global IC industry has entered a period of significant adjustment. [4] The IC industry is also the basis of modern e-information industry. For example, its development affected and pushed many innovation and upgrade of the traditional industry. [5] The benefits of IC include small size, light weight, long life and low cost. [6]
Artificial intelligence (AI) enables computers and machines to mimic the perception, learning, problem-solving, and decision-making capabilities of the human mind. [7] To put it in another way, we ‘clone’ obedient assistants to serve us human beings. For example, they drive for us or they cook for us or even collect and analyze information and offer us the final solution. The core of future research is human beings, and the future is largely shaped by human values. Though humans have made remarkable breakthroughs in technology, which is attributed to our enhancement in cognitive ability and the acceleration of building an industrial world, we have made little progress in our physical and mental ability. [8] Thus our society is almost the same in terms of ethics and we humans cannot adjust to other standards where AI differs largely from humans. AI is intended to aid us, and as a good assistant, it follows rules, so designers should keep in mind that AI should obey ethics of humans. [9] Recently, AI plays a significant role in terms of facing the challenge of COVID-19 [10]. It is such a useful tool that now AI is almost known to every household in China.
When 6G, IC, AI are combined together, they consist of the main part of future life. Nowadays, 5G heavily depends on AI and IC. [11] For one thing, only with the solid foundation of IC can 5G or 6G perform excellently as IC is employed to provide physical support such as mmWave front end modules (FEMs), standalone or integrated mmWave transceivers and baseband chips, and high-performance application processors for mobile and networking. [11] For another, 6G functions as a medium for AI to act properly with a higher speed and an unlimited bandwidth. [3] To be more exact, for example, when every electronic device has an IP address, information transmitted by 6G will be dealt with more easily owing to its high speed and large bandwidth. [3] Now the development of 5G is conducive to electric Internet of Things (IoT). [12] We can imagine that when 6G is mature, we can witness another leap of the development of IoT. Finally, they all make for one result that we successfully build an intelligent and harmonious world where almost everything is integrated together.


[1] Wikipedia. 6G (network) [EB/OL]. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/6G_(network)
[2] Zhao Y J, Yu G H, Xu H Q. 6G mobile communication networks: vision, challenges, and key technologies (in Chinese) [J]. Sci Sin Inform, 2019, 49: 963-987, DOI: 10.1360/N112019-00033
[3] Keysight Technology. 6G Technology, Envision the future of wireless communications [EB/OL]. https://www.keysight.com/cn/zh/solutions/emerging-technologies/6g-technology.html
[4] LIU Wen, MA Xiao-hui, LIU Wu. Development Trend of IC Industry in the Mainland China and Some Recommendations (in Chinese) [A]. China soft science magazine, 2015, 11:186-192
[5] Wang P F. Research on the development of integrated circuit industry in China (in Chinese) [D]. Wuhan. Wuhan University, 2014
[6] Song H C, Song L A. Artificial Intelligence Technology in Integrated Circuit (in Chinese) [J]. Applications of IC, 2020, 37(3):40-41, DOI: 10.19339/j.issn.1674-2583.2020.03.015
[7] IBM. What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) [EB/OL]. https://www.ibm.com/cloud/learn/what-is-artificial-intelligence
[8] Li Xianxi. Engineering system theory (in Chinese) [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2007. 255
[9] Li J P. The ethical Problems of Artificial Intelligence and its Countermeasures (in Chinese) [D]. Wuhan. Wuhan University of Technology, 2013
[10] TANG Chuan, LI Ruonan. Analysis and Discussion on the Application of Information Technology in COVID-19 Prevention and Control (in Chinese) [J]. WORLD SCI-TECH R&D, 2020, 42(4):426-438, DOI: 10.16507/j.issn.1006-6055.2020.04.020
[11] Peter A Rabbeni. AI at the Edge Optimizes 5G mmWave Networks [EB/OL]. Global foundries, 2019. (Yuan Quan (translate). AI at the Edge Optimizes 5G mmWave Networks (in Chinese) [J]. China integrated circuit, 2020, 1-2: 28-30, 84) https://www.globalfoundries.com/news-events/press-releases/ai-edge-optimizes-5g-mmwave-networks
[12] WANG Yi, CHEN Qixin, ZHANG Ning, et al. Fusion of the 5G Communication and the Ubiquitous Electric Internet of Things: Application Analysis and Research Prospects (in Chinese) [A] Power System Technology, 2019, 43(5):1575-1585

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2020 Teddy van Jerry

This is the first homework of Seminars for Freshmen of Chien-Shiung Wu College of SEU.

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