Basic of computer Network 8:The process of data transmission across a data network

Each layer in the OSI 7-layer reference model receives the data from the upper layer and adds the control information of the layer to the header of the data unit. Some layers also attach the checksum information to the tail of the data unit. This process is called Encapsulation. It is like mailing an item, a data packet itself is like the item, and encapsulation is like filling in all kinds of mailing information.
After each layer encapsulates the data unit name is different, after the application layer, presentation layer, session layer protocol data unit are called Data; in the transport layer, it is called Segment; in the network layer, it is called Packet; In data link layer protocol data unit called Frame; in the physical layer, it is called Bits.
When the data arrives at the receiving end, each layer reads the corresponding control information and transfers the data unit to the upper layer according to the content of the control information. Before passing the information to the upper layer, the control header and tail information (if any) of this layer are removed. This process is called Decapsulation.

The process of data encapsulation in OSI 7 Layer Reference model as follows:


  1. The user information is converted into data for transmission on the network from Application layer to Session layer by adding header on the user data, there are AH (Application Header), PH (Presentation Header) and SH (Session Header).
  2. Convert data into segments and establish a reliable connection between the sender and recipient hosts in Transport layer and add TCP Header, and then submit to next layer.
  3. The data segment is converted into a packet and IP address is placed in the header so that each packet can be transmitted over the Internet.
  4. Data packets is converted to frames in Data Link Layer and add MAC header and LLC header to the frames. The layer also adds FCS (Frame Check Sequence is use for error checking) on the tail of the frame.
  5. The frame is converted to bit in the Physical Layer and put into digital signal (so it can be read by devices). Of course, there are few 1 and 0 are added in front of frame, thus, the receiver can synchronize with the digital signal it will receive. And then transfer it into cable (Transmission Media).
  6. The receiving computer will synchronize with the digital signal first and read the extra 1 and 0 which is added on step 5. After that, the extra 1 and 0 will be removed, and the frame will be transfer to Data Link Layer.
  7. The data link layer will execute CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) on the frame. If it is correct, the MAC header, LLC header and FCS tail will be removed, and the packet will be transfer to Network Layer; if it is incorrect, the frame would be discarded.
  8. Similarly, the network layer, transport layer, session layer, presentation layer, and application layer also need to do similar work (remove the header which is added by each layer). Ultimately, the raw data is delivered to the specific application on the receiving computer.

Mahak Kalal, The Tech Win, What is Ethernet data encapsulation and data decapsulation? 24 June 2018, Available from [28/02/20], Data Encapsulation & Decapsulation in the OSI Model, available from [28/02/20]





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