【运筹优化】TS禁忌搜索算法求解TSP问题 + Java代码实现


旅行推销员问题(TSP)提出以下问题:“给定 n n n 个城市的列表,其中有一个起始城市,以及每对城市之间的距离,访问每个城市一次并返回起始城市的最短可能路线是什么?”。



让我们考虑一组 n n n 个城市,其中每个城市 i i i 具有坐标 ( x i , y i ) , i = 1 , 2 , . . . , n (x_i,y_i),i = 1,2,...,n (xi,yi),i=1,2,...,n

在这种情况下,状态空间的每个点 X X X 必须代表我们访问 n n n 个城市的顺序中的一个可能的排列。


目标函数评估在于计算对应于任意向量 X X X 的旅程的长度 f f f

f ( X ) = ∑ i = 1 n − 1 d ( X i , X i + 1 ) + d ( X N , X 1 ) f(X)=\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} d\left(X_i, X_{i+1}\right)+d\left(X_N, X_1\right) f(X)=i=1n1d(Xi,Xi+1)+d(XN,X1)

其中, X i X_i Xi X X X 的第 i i i 个元素,如果 X i = k , X i + 1 = l X_i = k,X_{i+1} = l Xi=kXi+1=l ,则城市 k k k 城市 l l l 的欧式距离为:

d 1 ( X i , X i + 1 ) = ( x l − x k ) 2 + ( y l − y k ) 2 d_1\left(X_i, X_{i+1}\right)=\sqrt{\left(x_l-x_k\right)^2+\left(y_l-y_k\right)^2} d1(Xi,Xi+1)=(xlxk)2+(ylyk)2

城市 k k k 城市 l l l 的伪欧式距离为:

d 2 ( X i , X i + 1 ) = ( x l − x k ) 2 + ( y l − y k ) 2 10 d_2\left(X_i, X_{i+1}\right)=\sqrt{\frac{\left(x_l-x_k\right)^2+\left(y_l-y_k\right)^2}{10}} d2(Xi,Xi+1)=10(xlxk)2+(ylyk)2

注意,在 f f f 的上述定义中,最后一项 d ( X N , X 1 ) d(X_N,X_1) d(XN,X1) 表示返回起始城市的旅程的最后一段。

众所周知,与旅行推销员问题相关联的复杂性远高于背包问题。对于一个有 n n n 个城市的问题,要考虑的潜在旅行次数是 n ! n! n! ,它随 n n n 的增长速度比 2 n 2^n 2n 快得多:

为了说明问题的复杂性,如果目标函数的一次评估需要 109 109 109 秒,那么评估每个可能解决方案的简单枚举算法将需要以下CPU时间:



有关禁忌搜索算法的详细介绍请看:【运筹优化】元启发式算法详解:禁忌搜索算法(Tabu Search,TS)+ 案例讲解&代码实战

TSP问题的一个最简单的邻域算子是在当前解向量 X X X 中随机交换两个位置(见图1.8)。


这种操纵状态空间的点的方式确保了所产生的邻居保持排列,即 n n n 个城市的旅行。

在SA算法中实现这样一个操作符会产生可接受的结果,但是SA的性能可以通过使用另一个邻域操作符来提高,该邻域操作符交换两个随机选择的索引 ( m , n ) (m,n) (m,n) 之间的所有位置,如图1.9所示:


交换两个元素可以使用位运算,例如想交换 a 和 b,可以采用下面的代码:

b = a ^ b;
a = a ^ b;
b = a ^ b;



本项目的所有数据和代码均上传至 GitHub 仓库:https://github.com/WSKH0929/MetaHeuristics(如果对你有帮助的话可以点个Star❤️哟~)

4.1 测试案例说明




NAME : att48
COMMENT : 48 capitals of the US (Padberg/Rinaldi)
1 6734 1453
2 2233 10
3 5530 1424
4 401 841
5 3082 1644
6 7608 4458
7 7573 3716
8 7265 1268
9 6898 1885
10 1112 2049
11 5468 2606
12 5989 2873
13 4706 2674
14 4612 2035
15 6347 2683
16 6107 669
17 7611 5184
18 7462 3590
19 7732 4723
20 5900 3561
21 4483 3369
22 6101 1110
23 5199 2182
24 1633 2809
25 4307 2322
26 675 1006
27 7555 4819
28 7541 3981
29 3177 756
30 7352 4506
31 7545 2801
32 3245 3305
33 6426 3173
34 4608 1198
35 23 2216
36 7248 3779
37 7762 4595
38 7392 2244
39 3484 2829
40 6271 2135
41 4985 140
42 1916 1569
43 7280 4899
44 7509 3239
45 10 2676
46 6807 2993
47 5185 3258
48 3023 1942

4.2 Java 完整代码

4.2.1 TSP_Instance 实例类

package com.wskh.classes.tsp;

import lombok.Data;
import lombok.ToString;

 * @Author:WSKH
 * @ClassName:TSP_Instance
 * @Description:
 * @Time:2023/5/13/22:20
 * @Email:1187560563@qq.com
 * @Blog:wskh0929.blog.csdn.net
public class TSP_Instance {
    // 实例名
    String name;
    // 城市数量
    int n;
    // 每个城市的坐标
    double[][] locations;

4.2.2 TSP_Solution 结果类

package com.wskh.classes.tsp;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.ToString;

import java.util.Arrays;

 * @Author:WSKH
 * @ClassName:TSP_Solution
 * @Description:
 * @Time:2023/5/13/22:52
 * @Email:1187560563@qq.com
 * @Blog:wskh0929.blog.csdn.net
public class TSP_Solution {
    // 路程长度
    double pathLen;
    // 路径
    int[] path;

    public TSP_Solution copy() {
        return new TSP_Solution(pathLen, path.clone());

    public String toString() {
        return "pathLen = " + pathLen + " , path = " + Arrays.toString(path);

4.2.3 TSP_Util 工具类

package com.wskh.utils;

import com.wskh.classes.tsp.TSP_Instance;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;

 * @Author:WSKH
 * @ClassName:TSP_Util
 * @Description:
 * @Time:2023/5/13/22:15
 * @Email:1187560563@qq.com
 * @Blog:wskh0929.blog.csdn.net
public class TSP_Util {
    // 读取tsp数据
    public static TSP_Instance readTSP_Instance(String path) throws IOException {
        TSP_Instance tspInstance = new TSP_Instance();
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path));
        String line = null;
        int row = 1;
        while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
            if (line.contains("NAME")) {
                tspInstance.setName(line.split(" : ")[1]);
            } else if (line.contains("DIMENSION")) {
                tspInstance.setN(Integer.parseInt(line.split(" : ")[1]));
                tspInstance.setLocations(new double[tspInstance.getN()][2]);
            } else if (row >= 7 && row < 7 + tspInstance.getN()) {
                String[] split = line.split(" ");
                int index = Integer.parseInt(split[0]) - 1;
                int x = Integer.parseInt(split[1]);
                int y = Integer.parseInt(split[2]);
                tspInstance.getLocations()[index][0] = x;
                tspInstance.getLocations()[index][1] = y;
        return tspInstance;

    // 计算两点之间的取整的伪欧式距离
    public static double calcDistance(double[] p1, double[] p2) {
        return Math.ceil(Math.sqrt((Math.pow(p1[0] - p2[0], 2) + Math.pow(p1[1] - p2[1], 2)) / 10d));

    // 评价函数,传入一个路径和距离矩阵,返回该路径的长度
    public static double calcPathLen(int[] path, double[][] distances) {
        double pathLen = 0d;
        for (int i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
            pathLen += distances[path[i]][path[i + 1]];
        // 还要算上从最后一个城市回到起始城市的距离
        pathLen += distances[path[path.length - 1]][path[0]];
        return pathLen;


4.2.4 TSP_Solver_TS 算法类

package com.wskh.meta_heuristics.TS.tsp;

import com.wskh.classes.tsp.TSP_Instance;
import com.wskh.classes.tsp.TSP_Solution;
import com.wskh.utils.TSP_Util;
import lombok.Data;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Random;

 * @Author:WSKH
 * @ClassName:TSP_Solver_TS
 * @Description:
 * @Time:2023/5/17/9:38
 * @Email:1187560563@qq.com
 * @Blog:wskh0929.blog.csdn.net
public class TSP_Solver_TS {
    // 随机数种子
    Long seed;
    // 禁忌长度
    int tabuLen = 30;
    // 迭代次数
    int epochs = 50000;
    // 局部搜索次数
    int localSearchCnt = 100;

    // 构造函数
    public TSP_Solver_TS(Long seed, int tabuLen, int epochs, int localSearchCnt) {
        this.seed = seed;
        this.tabuLen = tabuLen;
        this.epochs = epochs;
        this.localSearchCnt = localSearchCnt;

    // 城市数量
    int n;
    // 城市坐标
    double[][] locations;
    // 距离矩阵
    double[][] distances;
    // 禁忌表(存储序列的哈希值)
    LinkedList<Integer> tabuList;
    // 随机数生成对象
    Random random;
    // 当前解
    TSP_Solution curSolution;
    // 最优解
    TSP_Solution bestSolution;

    // 求解函数
    public TSP_Solution solve(TSP_Instance tspInstance) {
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // 初始化操作
        System.out.println("城市数量为: " + n);
        System.out.println("初始解为: " + bestSolution);
        // 禁忌搜索过程
        for (int i = 0; i < epochs; i++) {
            // 在当前解进行邻域搜索,获得最佳邻域解
            Object[] localSearchResult = localSearch();
            int localBestHashValue = (int) localSearchResult[0];
            TSP_Solution localBestSolution = (TSP_Solution) localSearchResult[1];
            // 最佳邻域解不为null时,进行位置更新
            if (localBestSolution != null) {
                // 更新当前解
                curSolution = localBestSolution;
                // 更新禁忌表
                // 更新全局最优解
                if (curSolution.getPathLen() < bestSolution.getPathLen()) {
                    bestSolution = curSolution;
        // 输出结果
        System.out.println("最终找到的最优解为: " + bestSolution);
        System.out.println("求解用时: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000d + " s");
        return bestSolution;

    // 在当前解进行邻域搜索,获得最佳邻域解
    private Object[] localSearch() {
        TSP_Solution localBestSolution = null;
        int localBestHashValue = -1;
        for (int j = 0; j < localSearchCnt; j++) {
            // 随机使用两个邻域算子构造新解
            int[] newPath = random.nextInt(2) == 0 ? neighborhoodOperator1(curSolution.getPath()) : neighborhoodOperator2(curSolution.getPath());
            int newHashValue = Arrays.hashCode(newPath);
            if (!isInTabuList(newHashValue)) {
                double newPathLen = TSP_Util.calcPathLen(newPath, distances);
                if (localBestSolution == null || newPathLen < localBestSolution.getPathLen()) {
                    localBestSolution = new TSP_Solution(newPathLen, newPath);
                    localBestHashValue = newHashValue;
        return new Object[]{localBestHashValue, localBestSolution};

    // 将解向量X的hash值加入禁忌表
    private void putInTabuList(int hashValue) {
        if (tabuList.size() == tabuLen) {

    // 判断解向量X的hash值是否在禁忌表中
    private boolean isInTabuList(int hashValue) {
        for (int tabuHashValue : tabuList) {
            if (tabuHashValue == hashValue) {
                return true;
        return false;

    // 邻域算子1:在当前解向量 X 中随机交换两个位置
    private int[] neighborhoodOperator1(int[] X) {
        int[] newX = X.clone();
        int i = random.nextInt(n);
        int j = random.nextInt(n);
        while (i == j) {
            j = random.nextInt(n);
        // 采用位运算交换 i 和 j 处的两个元素
        newX[j] = newX[i] ^ newX[j];
        newX[i] = newX[i] ^ newX[j];
        newX[j] = newX[i] ^ newX[j];
        return newX;

    // 邻域算子2:交换两个随机选择的索引 (i,j) 之间的所有位置
    private int[] neighborhoodOperator2(int[] X) {
        int[] newX = X.clone();
        int i = random.nextInt(n);
        int j = random.nextInt(n);
        while (i == j) {
            j = random.nextInt(n);
        // 确保 i < j
        if (i > j) {
            j = i ^ j;
            i = i ^ j;
            j = i ^ j;
        // 交换 (i,j) 之间的所有位置
        int sum = i + j;
        int maxI = sum / 2;
        if (sum % 2 == 0) {
        for (; i <= maxI; i++) {
            newX[sum - i] = newX[i] ^ newX[sum - i];
            newX[i] = newX[i] ^ newX[sum - i];
            newX[sum - i] = newX[i] ^ newX[sum - i];
        return newX;

    // 初始化操作
    private void init(TSP_Instance tspInstance) {
        tabuList = new LinkedList<>();
        n = tspInstance.getN();
        locations = tspInstance.getLocations();
        random = seed == null ? new Random() : new Random(seed);
        // 计算距离矩阵
        distances = new double[n][n];
        for (int i = 0; i < distances.length; i++) {
            for (int j = i + 1; j < distances.length; j++) {
                // i到j等于j到i
                distances[i][j] = TSP_Util.calcDistance(locations[i], locations[j]);
                distances[j][i] = distances[i][j];
        // 生成初始解,为简单起见,我们考虑使用字典顺序的生成初始解决方案
        curSolution = new TSP_Solution();
        curSolution.setPath(new int[n]);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            curSolution.getPath()[i] = i;
        curSolution.setPathLen(TSP_Util.calcPathLen(curSolution.getPath(), distances));
        bestSolution = curSolution.copy();


4.2.5 RunAndPlot 运行类

package com.wskh.meta_heuristics.TS.tsp;

import com.wskh.classes.tsp.TSP_Instance;
import com.wskh.classes.tsp.TSP_Solution;
import com.wskh.utils.TSP_Util;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas;
import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
import javafx.scene.shape.LineTo;
import javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo;
import javafx.scene.shape.Path;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.util.Duration;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

 * @Author:WSKH
 * @ClassName:Run
 * @Description:
 * @Time:2023/5/14/11:52
 * @Email:1187560563@qq.com
 * @Blog:wskh0929.blog.csdn.net
public class RunAndPlot extends javafx.application.Application {

    // 可视化区域的宽度
    int stageW = 1000;
    // 可视化区域的高度
    int stageH = 1000;
    // 坐标偏移
    int offsetX = 100;
    int offsetY = 100;

    // 主要函数
    public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {

        // 初始化画布和面板
        AnchorPane pane = new AnchorPane();
        Canvas canvas = initCanvas(stageW - offsetX * 2, stageH - offsetY * 2);
        canvas.relocate(offsetX, offsetY);

        // 读取tsp数据
        TSP_Instance tspInstance = TSP_Util.readTSP_Instance("data/tsp/att48.tsp");
        // 固定使用随机数种子
        Long seed = 2023L;
        System.out.println("------------------------- 禁忌搜索算法求解TSP问题 -----------------------------");
        TSP_Solution solution = new TSP_Solver_TS(seed, 30, 100000, 100).solve(tspInstance);

        // 获取最佳路径
        int[] bestPath = solution.getPath().clone();

        // 按照屏幕尺寸等比例调整城市坐标
        List<double[]> fitLocationList = fitLocation(tspInstance.getLocations());

        // 绘制城市
        HashMap<Integer, Circle> map = new HashMap<>();
        List<Circle> circleList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (double[] position : fitLocationList) {
            Circle circle = new Circle(position[0], position[1], 5);

        // 添加播放按钮
        Button button = new Button("播放");
        final int[] pCnt = {0};
        button.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
            // 按钮点击事件
            public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
                // 路径 动画
                Timeline animation = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(50), new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
                    public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
                        if (pCnt[0] < bestPath.length - 1) {
                            int cur = bestPath[pCnt[0]];
                            int next = bestPath[pCnt[0] + 1];
                            double[] p1 = fitLocationList.get(cur);
                            double[] p2 = fitLocationList.get(next);
                            Path path = new Path();
                            path.getElements().add(new MoveTo(p1[0], p1[1]));
                            path.getElements().add(new LineTo(p2[0], p2[1]));
                        } else if (pCnt[0] == bestPath.length - 1) {
                            int cur = bestPath[pCnt[0]];
                            int next = bestPath[0];
                            double[] p1 = fitLocationList.get(cur);
                            double[] p2 = fitLocationList.get(next);
                            Path path = new Path();
                            path.getElements().add(new MoveTo(p1[0], p1[1]));
                            path.getElements().add(new LineTo(p2[0], p2[1]));

        // 一切就绪,准备展示
        primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(pane, stageW, stageH));

    private List<double[]> fitLocation(double[][] locations) {
        List<double[]> locationList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (double[] location : locations) {
        // 获取宽度和高度方向上的最大值
        double maxX = locationList.get(0)[0];
        double maxY = locationList.get(0)[1];
        for (double[] position : locationList) {
            maxX = Math.max(maxX, position[0]);
            maxY = Math.max(maxY, position[1]);
        // 计算缩放比例
        double rateX = (stageW - 2 * offsetX) / maxX;
        double rateY = (stageH - 2 * offsetY) / maxY;
        // 按照比例自适应调整
        List<double[]> fitLocationList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (double[] position : locationList) {
            fitLocationList.add(new double[]{position[0] * rateX + offsetX, position[1] * rateY + offsetY});
        return fitLocationList;

    // 初始化画布对象
    private Canvas initCanvas(double l, double w) {
        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(l, w);
        GraphicsContext gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
        // 边框
        gc.strokeRect(0, 0, l, w);
        // 填充
        gc.setFill(new Color(127 / 255d, 255 / 255d, 170 / 255d, 1d));
        gc.fillRect(0, 0, l, w);
        return canvas;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

4.3 运行结果展示


------------------------- 禁忌搜索算法求解TSP问题 -----------------------------
城市数量为: 48
初始解为: pathLen = 49840.0 , path = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]
最终找到的最优解为: pathLen = 10628.0 , path = [42, 16, 26, 18, 36, 5, 27, 6, 17, 43, 30, 37, 7, 0, 8, 39, 14, 11, 10, 12, 24, 13, 22, 2, 21, 15, 40, 33, 28, 1, 25, 3, 34, 44, 9, 23, 41, 4, 47, 38, 31, 20, 46, 19, 32, 45, 35, 29]
求解用时: 0.692 s



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以下是遗传蚁群算法求解TSP问题的MATLAB代码实现: ```matlab % TSP问题求解的遗传蚁群算法 % 算法步骤: % 1. 初始化群体 % 2. 计算每个个体的适应度 % 3. 选择父代个体 % 4. 交叉操作 % 5. 变异操作 % 6. 计算新个体的适应度 % 7. 选择生存个体 % 8. 满足终止条件则输出结果,否则回到2 clear; clc; % TSP问题的数据 x = [0 4 2 5 6 1 3]; % 城市的x坐标 y = [0 1 5 2 4 7 6]; % 城市的y坐标 n = length(x); % 城市数量 % 遗传算法的参数 popSize = 50; % 种群大小 crossRate = 0.8; % 交叉概率 mutateRate = 0.02; % 变异概率 maxGen = 100; % 最大迭代次数 % 初始化群体 pop = zeros(popSize, n); for i = 1:popSize pop(i,:) = randperm(n); % 随机生成一条路径 end % 计算适应度 fit = zeros(popSize, 1); for i = 1:popSize fit(i) = tspLength(pop(i,:), x, y); % 计算路径长度 end % 迭代 for gen = 1:maxGen % 选择父代个体 parent = zeros(popSize, n); for i = 1:popSize % 轮盘赌选择 idx1 = roulette(fit); idx2 = roulette(fit); parent(i,:) = pop(idx1,:); % 选择父代 if rand < crossRate % 以交叉概率交叉 parent(i,:) = crossover(parent(i,:), pop(idx2,:)); % 交叉 end if rand < mutateRate % 以变异概率变异 parent(i,:) = mutate(parent(i,:)); % 变异 end end % 计算新个体的适应度 child = zeros(popSize, n); for i = 1:popSize child(i,:) = parent(i,:); fitChild = tspLength(child(i,:), x, y); if fitChild < fit(i) % 如果新个体更优,则替换 fit(i) = fitChild; pop(i,:) = child(i,:); end end % 输出结果 [~, idx] = min(fit); bestPath = pop(idx,:); bestLength = fit(idx); fprintf('第%d代:最短路径长度为%.2f\n', gen, bestLength); end % 绘制最优路径 figure; plot(x(bestPath), y(bestPath), 'r-o'); title(sprintf('最短路径长度为%.2f', bestLength)); % 计算路径长度 function len = tspLength(path, x, y) len = 0; n = length(path); for i = 1:n-1 len = len + sqrt((x(path(i+1))-x(path(i)))^2 + (y(path(i+1))-y(path(i)))^2); end len = len + sqrt((x(path(1))-x(path(n)))^2 + (y(path(1))-y(path(n)))^2); end % 轮盘赌选择 function idx = roulette(fit) popSize = length(fit); p = fit./sum(fit); % 计算选择概率 r = rand; for i = 1:popSize r = r - p(i); if r <= 0 idx = i; break; end end end % 交叉操作 function child = crossover(parent1, parent2) n = length(parent1); child = zeros(1, n); % 随机选择一段基因 idx1 = randi(n-1); idx2 = randi(n-idx1) + idx1; % 复制父代1的这段基因 child(idx1:idx2) = parent1(idx1:idx2); % 填充剩余的基因 j = 1; for i = 1:n if j == idx1 j = idx2 + 1; end if ~ismember(parent2(i), child) child(j) = parent2(i); j = j + 1; end end end % 变异操作 function child = mutate(parent) n = length(parent); child = parent; % 随机选择两个位置 idx1 = randi(n); idx2 = randi(n); % 交换这两个位置的基因 temp = child(idx1); child(idx1) = child(idx2); child(idx2) = temp; end ``` 其中,`tspLength`函数用于计算路径长度,`roulette`函数用于轮盘赌选择父代个体,`crossover`函数用于交叉操作,`mutate`函数用于变异操作。在主函数中,先初始化群体,然后迭代直到满足最大迭代次数,每次迭代都选择父代个体、进行交叉和变异操作,计算新个体的适应度,最后输出最优路径及其长度。


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