CSC8016_Advanced Programming--Race Conditions and 2PL

Concurrent Programming

Something is concurrent if many different “things” are allowed to happen “at the same
time” (concurrēns).
Multiprogramming or Physical Concurrency
we mimic parallelism by running multiple processes on one single machine (interleaving).
Multiprocessing or Logical Concurrency
multiple processes are now run on multiple processors

At first, we might argue that multiprogramming and multiprocessing entail different types of problems.
On the contrary, they exhibit the same kind of problems, as we cannot predict the speed or the sequence on which the operations are going to be performed.
Therefore, we are going to use several different approaches for “forcing” process to exhibit a “proper” behaviour.


Multiprogramming is usually achieved in two different ways:
Data Parallelism: when the same operation is performed over distinct data, where each thread is accessing a distinct portion of it.
Operation Parallelism: when we apply multiple operations to the same data set, and each thread carries out a distinct operation.


For the moment, you have been using Java by creating one single process, which is an instance of a program running (in this case) on the JVM.
Each process provides the resources needed to execute a program.
Each process has an isolated memory.
With the exception of POSIX’s shmem at the OS level!
Each process is started with a single “running component”, called thread.
– Thread.currentThread()



A thread is a “running subset” of a process, with which it shares the same process memory and resources.
A process may also be made up of multiple threads of execution that execute instructions concurrently.
Synchronizing the access to the shared data is now relevant!

Shared Memory Synchronisation

mechanisms allowing to enforce a specific scheduling order.
The communication between two processes happens through a shared variable in memory.
To enforce a specific order, we need to exploit specific techniques to ensure that no conflict arise:
Through Atomic* classes ensuring that the operations over the shared variable are atomic (e.g., AtomicInteger).
Through synchronisation protocols prescribing the correct usage of constructs of the language (e.g., Strict 2PL).
通过Atomic* 类,确保对共享变量的操作是原子的(例如,原子能)。

Atomic Operations

An operation is atomic if it can run to completion in one go,or have no effect.
Simple assignments or read for data of a word size can be considered as atomic.
They don’t need to be executed necessarily in one CPU cycle(e.g., transaction)
Multiprogramming: the context switch between a process running an atomic operation must occur either before or after it, but never during it!
Multiprocessing: we need to guarantee that the action does not interfere with the other threads/processes.

Conflict/Data Race

Two operations in a schedule are said to conflict if they satisfy all three of the following conditions, that potentially leave the process into an inconsistent state:
they belong to different threads
they access the same shared variable
at least one operation is a write

Depending on when the read and the write operation occur, we could have three distinct types of conflicts:
Write-Read conflict
Read-Write conflict
Write-Write conflict


Lost Update: two threads accessing the same database items have their operations interleaved in a way that makes the value of some database items incorrect (Write-Write Conflict).

Dirty Read (or Temporary Update): reading a value that has been updated by a transaction that has not committed and that hence could abort later on (Write-Read Conflict)

Non-repeteable Read: a transaction T1 reads a value that is going to be updated by T2 prior to T1’s conflict (Read-Write Conflict)

Phantom (or Inconsistent Read): subsequent retrieval of the same set of unchanged objects from the transaction, give different results




Phantom(或Inconsistent Read):后续从事务中检索同一组未更改的对象,给予不同的结果


Interlevaing is required, but not all of the possible schedules must be allowed.
Some actions must be “rolled back” on abortion

Synchronisation is used to restrict the possible interleavings of process executions:

Mutual exclusion prevents certain statements in different processes from executing at the same time

Condition synchronisation enables processes to delay their execution until a particular condition is true

Appropriate use of synchronisation makes it possible to prevent interference by avoiding race conditions

Shared and Exclusive Locks

Locks are used to implement mutual exclusions. Locks might be defined over
single objects.
eXclusive locks, X(A):
If an object A is exclusively locked, shared locks cannot be obtained
If an object A is exclusively locked, other exclusive locks cannot be obtained.

Shared locks, S(A):
Multiple shared locks can co-exist.
If one or more shared locks over one object A already exist, exclusive locks cannot be obtained.


Strict Two Phase Locking (Strict 2PL)

Processes must ensure that there are no conflicts and aborted transactions:

Strict two-phase locking (Strict 2PL):
Write operation require use eXclusive locks, read ones use Shared locks.
The transaction unlocks all of its locks at commit time

Strict 2PL guarantees serializability:
If transactions handle different objects, they could be freely interleaved
If at least two transactions want to handle the same object, then such transactions has to be run serially.

The Strict Two Phase Locking protocol enforces the application of the following programming practice:

At each line of code of the thread accessing a variable x:
If x was already accessed in the past, do nothing
Otherwise, if x is either now or in the future accessed in writing, then put an exclusive lock on the variable before the operation on x,whichever that is now.
Otherwise, x will be always accessed on read, then put a shared lock on the variable before the current read operation.

At the end of the program, be it either commit or abort, release the locks in the reserved order of acquisition. Abort should also roll back the value to the variable as it was before the locking phase.



Strict 2PL in Java

Each thread will do: X(A),R(A),W(A),S(B),R(B),commit()


final ReentrantReadWriteLock rwlA = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(),
rwlB = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
volatile long A, B; // process shared variables

Thread #1 and #2
rwlA.writeLock().lock() // exclusive
localA = A; // some read and tmp copy
localA += 3; // some local write
rwlB.readLock().lock() // shared
localB = B; // some read operation
rwlB.readLock().unlock(); // commit…
A = localA; // at commit, before unlocking, updating the global
rwlA.writeLock().unlock(); // …!


var x = openTransaction() // Bank account: 30
x.withdraw(20); // now, it should be 10, but I haven’t committed yet.
x.abort(); // If any change is performed, the bank account should be
rolled back at 30. All of the operations are considered as ignored.
var x = openTransaction() // Bank account: 30
x.withdraw(20); // now, it should be 10, but I haven’t committed yet.
x.withdraw(20); // ineffective, as the bank account is 10
x.commit(); // The bank account is now committed, and therefore you
should have 2 successful operations.
Scenario: Optimistic Protocol
// Thread 1
var x = openTransaction() // Bank account: 30
x.withdraw(20); // now, it should be 10, but I haven’t committed yet.
x.withdraw(20); // ineffective, as the bank account is 10
// Thread 2
var y = openTransaction() // Same Bank account: maybe 30?
y.withdraw(20); // Maybe I can withdraw? I can try to do the operation, but I don’t
know whether to ignore it or not!
x.commit(); // Bank account is 10, no ignored operation
y.commit(); // the withdraw is not effective, y’s withdraw should be ignored,
and the bank account still be 10.
Scenario: Low Hanging Fruit
// Thread 1
var x = openTransaction() // Bank account: 30
x.withdraw(20); // now, it should be 10, but I haven’t committed yet.
x.withdraw(20); // ineffective, as the bank account is 10
// Thread 2
var y = openTransaction() // Same Bank account: maybe 30? So, I’m waiting for any other
thread to commit
x.commit(); // Bank account is 10, no ignored operation
y.withdraw(20); // ineffective, as the bank account is 10
y.commit(); // No operation is ignored at commit, because I have been
already informed the user that the withdraw was unsuccessful, so everything went as


import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
public class MyClass {
/// The the main part of the code required for the exam starts here
final ReentrantReadWriteLock rwlA = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
final ReentrantReadWriteLock rwlB = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
volatile long A, B;
public Thread generateThread(int i, boolean op) { // Using an explicit method is
not required…
return new Thread(() -> {
var localA = A;
localA = op ? (localA + i): (localA * i);
var localB = B;
// commit! No need to set the localB, as this value was not updated
// commit! Updating the only variable that has been updated locally. Then,
releasing the lock
A = localA;
/// The main part of the code required for the exam ends here! The rest is mainly
for you and running the code, but is not part of the exam.
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
var global = new MyClass();
for (int i = 0; i<5; i++) {
global.A = 0; global.B = 0; // Re-setting the globals
Thread t1 = global.generateThread(10, true), t2 = global.generateThread(25,
t1.start(); t2.start();
t1.join(); t2.join();
System.out.println(global.A+" vs "+global.B);

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