This is a sample sketch to show how to use the OneButtonLibrary to detect double-click events on a button.
Copyright (c) by Matthias Hertel, http://www.mathertel.de
This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See http://www.mathertel.de/License.aspx
More information on: http://www.mathertel.de/Arduino
The library internals are explained at
Setup a test circuit:
* Connect a pushbutton to pin A1 (Uno) or D3 (ESP8266) and ground.
* The pin 13 (UNO) or D4 (ESP8266) is used for output attach a led and resistor to ground
or see the built-in led on the standard arduino board.
The Sketch shows how to setup the library and bind a "machine" that can blink the LED slow or fast.
A click on the button turns the led on.
A doubleclick on the button changes the blink rate from ON to SLOW to FAST and back.
In the loop function the button.tick function has to be called as often as you like.
| +-------\
V V |
-------- ------ |
| OFF |<--click-+->| ON | |
-------- | ------ |
| | |
| d-click |
| | |
| V |
| ------ |
+- | SLOW | |
| ------ |
| | |
| d-click |
| | |
| V d-click
| ------ |
+--| FAST |---/
// 06.10.2012 created by Matthias Hertel
// 26.03.2017 state diagram added, minor changes
#include "OneButton.h"
// The actions I ca do...
typedef enum {
ACTION_ON, // set LED "ON"
// Example for Arduino UNO with input button on pin 2 and builtin LED on pin 13
#define PIN_INPUT A1
#define PIN_LED 13
#elif defined(ESP8266)
// Example for NodeMCU with input button using FLASH button on D3 and using the led on -12 module (D4).
// This LED is lighting on output level LOW.
#define PIN_INPUT D3
#define PIN_LED D4
#elif defined(ESP32)
// Example pin assignments for a ESP32 board
// Some boards have a BOOT switch using GPIO 0.
#define PIN_INPUT 0
// Attach a LED using GPIO 25 and VCC. The LED is on when output level is LOW.
#define PIN_LED 25
// Setup a new OneButton on pin PIN_INPUT.
OneButton button(PIN_INPUT, true);
MyActions nextAction = ACTION_OFF; // no action when starting
// setup code here, to run once.
void setup() {
// enable the standard led on pin 13.
pinMode(PIN_LED, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
// link the myClickFunction function to be called on a click event.
// link the doubleclick function to be called on a doubleclick event.
// set 80 msec. debouncing time. Default is 50 msec.
} // setup
// main code here, to run repeatedly:
void loop() {
unsigned long now = millis();
// keep watching the push button:
// You can implement other code in here or just wait a while
if (nextAction == ACTION_OFF) {
// do nothing.
digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LOW);
} else if (nextAction == ACTION_ON) {
// turn LED on
digitalWrite(PIN_LED, HIGH);
} else if (nextAction == ACTION_SLOW) {
// do a slow blinking
if (now % 1000 < 500) {
digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LOW);
} else {
digitalWrite(PIN_LED, HIGH);
} // if
} else if (nextAction == ACTION_FAST) {
// do a fast blinking
if (now % 200 < 100) {
digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LOW);
} else {
digitalWrite(PIN_LED, HIGH);
} // if
} // if
} // loop
// this function will be called when the button was pressed 1 time and them some time has passed.
void myClickFunction() {
if (nextAction == ACTION_OFF)
nextAction = ACTION_ON;
nextAction = ACTION_OFF;
} // myClickFunction
// this function will be called when the button was pressed 2 times in a short timeframe.
void myDoubleClickFunction() {
if (nextAction == ACTION_ON) {
nextAction = ACTION_SLOW;
} else if (nextAction == ACTION_SLOW) {
nextAction = ACTION_FAST;
} else if (nextAction == ACTION_FAST) {
nextAction = ACTION_ON;
} // if
} // myDoubleClickFunction
// End
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