


QA Is Not The Enemy(QA不是敌人)

Know What You Are Being Tested On 知道你在测试什么​

Test Your Own Stuff First 首先测试你自己的东西

Avoid The Bug/Fix Cycle 避免缺陷/修复周期

Help With Automation 帮助实现自动化

What About That One Asshat?那个蠢货怎么办?​




It’s a bit humorous and somewhat unexpected, but for many software developers, one of the most difficult parts of their jobs is dealing with QA, quality assurance… yes, those dreaded… testers.


In a previous chapter, we talked about testing and laid out the basics of what it is and how it’s done.


But just because you understand testing doesn’t mean you understand testers.


So, that is what this short chapter is about.


It’s about you, as a developer and how you can deal with testers and QA in general.


QA Is Not The Enemy(QA不是敌人)

It’s important to start out this chapter by letting you in on a little secret… QA is not the enemy.

通过让你了解一个小秘密来开始这一章很重要...... QA不是敌人。

I know it may seem that way. 我知道可能就是这样。

I know things are set up that way. 我知道事情就是这样的。

I mean, here you are making stuff, building features, kicking ass, getting shit done, and there is QA over there picking their noses, making sneering comments, reading the latest post on sticky minds, and—oh yeah—breaking your code.

我的意思是,在这里你正在制作东西,建立功能,踢屁股,搞屁股,并且有QA在那里挑三拣四,发表嘲笑的评论,阅读最新的关于思想的帖子,以及 - 哦,是的 - 破坏你的代码。

But, are they really breaking your code? 


Is it really QA’s fault that the code you wrote has bugs in it and they are trying to find those bugs?


It’s not. 不是

It’s your fault, or it’s no one’s fault, if you like to be one of those “let’s not blame anyone” type of people. (But it is really your fault.)

这是你的错,或者没有人的错,如果你想成为那些“不要责怪任何人”的人之一。 (但这确实是你的错。)

Anyway, the point is you are actually on the same team.


You actually have the same end goal: to produce high quality working software.


Yes, it can seem at times that you are enemies, because it seems that your goals conflict.


And I’m not going to say that there aren’t testers who aren’t hell bent on breaking your code and making sure it doesn’t ship.


There are plenty of QA people who forget that the goal is to actually create working software, not to prevent any software from ever being released. We’ll get to them a little later.

有很多QA人忘记了工作目标是创建工作软件,而不是阻止任何软件发布。 我们稍后会谈到他们。

But, in general, you have to recognize that it is not you versus them.


Because if you start that battle and you make it you versus them, you are going to have a really difficult time trying to do your job.


Whatever notions you have of QA being the enemy, get rid of them now.


It’s not going to help you, it’s only going to hurt you in your software development career.


Oh, and I’m talking from personal experience on this one.


Trust me, I’ve had many epic battles with testers over the years.


I’ve even being accused of throwing a chair—utter nonsense.

我甚至被指控扔了一把椅子 - 完全是胡说八道。

Know What You Are Being Tested On 知道你在测试什么

Here is where most QA/developer conflicts start(这是大多数QA /开发人员冲突开始的地方):

“Hey, what the heck, this isn’t a bug.” “嘿,这到底是什么,这不是一个bug。”

“Yes it is, your code doesn’t sort non-alpha characters correctly.” “是的,你的代码没有正确排序非字母字符。”

“It’s not supposed to. That’s not a valid test. The feature works.” “这不应该。 那不是一个有效的测试。 该功能有效。“

“Well, it should. It’s a bug.” “好吧,它应该。 这是一个缺陷。“

“No, it’s not a bug. I’m going to throw this f—- chair at you mother f—-!” “不,这不是一个缺陷。 我要把这个f--椅子扔给你妈妈f--!“

What we have here is a failure to communicate. 我们在这里的是沟通失败。

No, really. That’s all it is. 不完全是。 这就是全部。

Problems like this one can be resolved extremely easily, simply by talking to QA before you write any code and agreeing, together, on what is going to be tested.


In that situation, a five-minute conversation could have prevented a perfectly good chair from being destroyed.


If I—ahem, I mean the software developer involved in this “incident”—had talked with this ass—I mean tester—ahead of time, and simply discussed what was going to be tested, then this software developer would know that they should make their code handle sorting non-alpha characters.

如果I-ahem,我的意思是涉及这个“事件”的软件开发人员提前 - 与这个屁股谈话 - 我的意思是测试人员 - 并且只是简单讨论将要测试的内容,然后这个软件开发人员会知道他们应该 让他们的代码处理排序非alpha字符。

Or they could have disputed it before writing the code, before any ego was invested, and the conversation could have been much more civil.


You wouldn’t take a test in school without knowing what you are going to be tested on first, right?


I mean, I don’t think very many lawyers walk into the bar exam without knowing exactly what is going to be on the test.


It’s not like they sit down to take the exam and say, “I have no idea what is going to be on this test, but let’s just hope it’s what I studied.”


So, don’t write code that is going to be tested without knowing in which way and on what it is going to be tested. Duh.


Test Your Own Stuff First 首先测试你自己的东西

I briefly covered this in the other chapter on testing, but I’m going to mention this again since it’s so important.


Test your own stuff first. 首先测试你自己的东西(引申:开发人员自测)

QA is not a babysitter who tests your code for you so that you don’t have to. QA不是为您测试代码的保姆,因此您不必自己测试。

QA is a last defense before your code goes out and wreaks havoc on your customers.


Don’t expect testers to find your bugs, expect them to validate that your code works.


In fact, good testers often call what they do verification, not testing.


(Oh, don’t get me started on this. I went to a QA conference one time and I was lectured for hours on the difference between verification and manual testing.)


Anyway, it’s your responsibility to test your code before you hand it over to QA.


When I say this, some software developers get annoyed and ask me, “What is a tester’s job if I have to test my own code anyway? What good are they?”

当我这样说时,一些软件开发人员生气地问我:“如果我必须测试自己的代码,那么测试人员的工作是什么? 他们有什么用?“

It’s a fair question, and in some organizations testers exist solely to manually run tests, but in general, a tester’s main value is coming up with what should be tested and thinking about all the ways things could break or use cases which haven’t been thought of.


Think of it this way. 这样想吧。

Anyone can come up with the basic scenarios of how an obvious feature should work.


You should be testing all of those basic, obvious scenarios before you hand your code over to QA.


But a good tester might try running some of the not-so-obvious scenarios and corner cases which you might not have thought of.


(Of course, I still recommend that you run even those tests if you’ve talked to QA before you actually write your code and decided on what should be tested.)


The point is that the basic use cases, and anything you know is going to be tested, should work.


Testers should never waste their time finding bugs in your code which you could have easily caught yourself.


Which brings us to the next point. 这将我们带到下一点。

Avoid The Bug/Fix Cycle 避免缺陷/修复周期

The big reason for working with QA in this way has less to do with whose job something is and more to do with increasing the overall efficiency of the team.


As much as possible, we want to avoid the cycle of finding bugs, fixing bugs, verifying the bugs are fixed.


It takes a large amount of time and resources for a bug report to get filed, get assigned to a developer, be reproduced, fixed, sent back to QA, verified to be fixed, and then logged as fixed.


We want to avoid going through all that time and overhead as much as possible.


That is one of them main reasons you should test your own stuff.


If you find the bug before you even send the code to QA to be tested, you cut most of the steps out of that loop.


But… there is another way to shorten this loop.


Try to work directly with QA to fix any bugs as they find them rather than them filing a bug report and going through that whole formal process.


One simple way to do this is ask the tester who is going to test your code to come over to your desk, run through a few scenarios, and look at what you built before you even check it in.


You could also put the code on a development server or give them some other way to access it.


Or, if it has already reached QA officially, you can go over to their desk and watch them executing some of the tests. or ask them to let you know if they find anything, so you can figure out if you can do a quick fix for it instead of filing a bug.

或者,如果它已经正式到了QA那里,你可以去他们的办公桌看他们执行一些测试。 或者让他们告诉你他们是否发现任何东西,这样你就可以弄清楚你是否可以快速修复它,而不是归档一个缺陷。

Sometimes, an official bug report needs to be logged, and then it makes sense to track the bugs, prioritize them, and go through that whole process.


But, in general, if you can avoid that bug/fix cycle as much as possible, you are going to save the development project quite a bit of time.


Help With Automation 帮助实现自动化

Most testers are not software developers.


Even the ones who know how to write some code probably aren’t as good at writing code and architecting a system as you are.


Yet, many software development organizations want to have their testers automate their testing efforts.


As a software developer, this can be extremely frustrating when you get bug reports on your code that you know works, but some automated test failed because it wasn’t properly written or designed.


You should step in before this happens and help with creating automated tests, and especially with creating a test automation framework.


This is one area where you can be a huge benefit to QA. It is a great opportunity to bring the testers and developers closer, which can greatly reduce conflict and the me versus them attitude.

这是一个你可以为QA带来巨大好处的地方。 这是一个让测试人员和开发人员更加接近的绝佳机会,这可以大大减少冲突和我与他们对立的态度。

What About That One Asshat?那个蠢货怎么办?

Ok, so you are trying to get along with QA.


You are testing your own stuff first, you are making sure you know what is going to be tested before you even write your code, you even took the entire QA team out to lunch to show them how you aren’t such a bad guy.


But there’s this one QA dude—this asshat—who just seems to be gunning for you.

但是有一个QA老兄 - 这个蠢货 - 他们似乎正在与你而战。

No matter what you do or how friendly you are, he just seems to be hell bent on proving that your code sucks, derailing the project, and finding as many bugs as possible, whether they are relevant or not.


What do you do? 你该怎么办

Warning: what I am about to say is not politically correct and it’s going to piss some people off, but it’s the truth.


Look, here’s the deal. 看,这是交易。

Let’s be honest. 说实话。

Sometimes—not all the time—people who are in QA feel inferior to developers.

有时 - 并非所有时间 - QA中的人员都不如开发人员。

In the back of their head, they feel like they just couldn’t hack it as a developer, and they settled for a job as a tester.


Now, don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t describe every person in QA, but it does describe some people in QA and, most likely, that asshat you are struggling with.


One way of dealing with this feeling of inadequacy is to try and bring down other people, especially developers who you are envious of, in order to make yourself feel smarter and better.


I’ve seen this pattern enough times to know that it is fairly common.


And, in my experience, I’ve found that one of the best ways to deal with this kind of problem is to swallow a little of your pride and frustration and acknowledge the intelligence of your colleague.


It’s not easy to compliment someone who is purposely dishing out abuse at you, but it is the higher road.


I’ve found that in many cases, this person is just looking for some validation and acknowledgement, and once you give it to them, they are like a puppy following you around and wagging their tail.


A little genuine and sincere praise can go a very long way—remember that.

一点真诚和由衷的赞美可以发挥很长的作用 - 记住这一点。

And if your efforts still fail, at least you’ll know you’ve done what you can.



John Sonmez is the founder of Simple Programmer and a life coach for software developers. He is the best selling author of the book "Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual."

John Sonmez是Simple Programmer的创始人,也是软件开发人员的生活教练。 他是“软技能:软件开发人员生活手册”一书的畅销书作者。







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