PREP 语法笔记 5

句子结构: Research has shown that when speaking, individuals who have been… and have…

make hand motions just as…as sighted people do, and that they will…


93. (29569-!-item-!-188;#058&003953)


Both the complexity of the phenomenon known as extinction and the vastness of the biosphere,

having prompted many scientists to call for a large increase in the number of biologists working

both in the field and in laboratories to clarify the relationships among the planet's many endangered



(A) and the vastness of the biosphere, having prompted many scientists to call for a large increase

in the number of biologists working both

(B) and the vastness of the biosphere has prompted many scientists calling for a large increase in

the number of biologists both working

(C) and the vastness of the biosphere have prompted many scientists to call for a large increase in

the number of biologists working both

(D) as well as the vastness of the biosphere have prompted many scientists to call for a large

increase in the number of biologists who both work

(E) as well as the vastness of the biosphere has prompted many scientists to call for a large

increase in the number of biologists who work both


考点: 句子结构(Grammatical Construction                                 习惯用语(Idiom        平行对称(Parallelism                                                 


1)  一个正确的句子中,主语和谓语是必不可少的,缺少主语和谓语都会导致句子结构不完整

2)  习惯用法: both…and…,结构一定要平行

3)  主谓一致: both…and…结构构成复合主语,谓语动词用复数


(A) 整个句子缺乏谓语结构

(B) 主谓不一致,both…and…结构需要用复数谓语动词,has应该改为have; both working in the field

and in laboratories结构不平行

(C)  正确, 注意到了主谓一致,并且第二个both…and结构平行

(D) both…as well as结构不符合习惯用法; both work in the field and in laboratories结构不平行

(E) both…as well as结构不符合习惯用法; has应该改为have


句子结构: Both the complexity…and the vastness…have prompted many scientists to call… 


94. (29615-!-item-!-188;#058&003960)


The decline of the mountain yellow-legged frog in the high reaches of the Sierra Nevada has

become severe enough for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service quite possibly to list it as an

endangered species in the near future.


(A) severe enough for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service quite possibly to list it

(B) severe enough so that the United States Fish and Wildlife Service could well list them

(C) severe enough for it quite possibly to be listed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service

(D) so severe that the United States Fish and Wildlife Service could well list it

(E) so severe that they could well be listed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service


考点: 有效用词(Diction)、逻辑表达(Logical Predication

1) enough to, so/such…that…, so/such…as to三者都表示结果,区别在于:enough to表示主观满足,



标准书面语中很少使用;so/such...that不用考虑逻辑主语问题;so/ to逻辑主语等于句子主语,

即句子主语可以执行as to后面动词所表达的作用,实战中发现选项中含有这三者,首先排除enough to


2)  主动语态优于被动语态


(A) severe enough to表达的意思错误。

(B) enough so that…不符合习惯用法; them没有指代

(C) severe enough to表达的意思错误。

(D) 正确; it指代mountain yellow-legged frog;                      使用主动语态,     表达更加有效

(E) they没有指代;    被动语态不如主语语态表达更有效


句子结构: The decline… has become so… that…


95. (29661-!-item-!-188;#058&003962)


Unlike frogs that metamorphose from tadpoles into adults within a one-year period, it takes three to

four years for the mountain yellow-legged frog of the Sierra Nevada to reach adulthood, and so they

are restricted to deeper bodies of water that do not dry up in summer or freeze solid in winter.


(A) it takes three to four years for the mountain yellow-legged frog of the Sierra Nevada to reach

adulthood, and so they are

(B) it takes the mountain yellow-legged frog of the Sierra Nevada three to four years until it reaches

adulthood, and therefore it is

(C) in the Sierra Nevada, mountain yellow-legged tree frogs take three to four years to reach

adulthood, thus being

(D) mountain yellow-legged frogs of the Sierra Nevada take three to four years until they reach

adulthood, thus

(E) mountain yellow-legged frogs of the Sierra Nevada take three to four years to reach adulthood,

and so they are


考点: 平行对称(Parallelism   指代一致(Agreement  逻辑表达(Logical Predication

1)  比较结构的双方必须要对应:                   包括概念对等,     数量对等(单对单,多对多)

2)  在用like/unlike表达对比时,最有效的句子结构为: Unlike/like A…, B…(A,B为比较双方), B要出现


3)  现在分词短语和过去分词短语都可以做伴随状语,现在分词短语表示与主句的主语在逻辑上有主


4)  伴随状语出现的条件是由一个主语发出两个动作或同一个主语处于两种状态,或同一个主语发出

一个动作时又伴随有某一种状态.    伴随状语的逻辑主语一般情况下必须是全句的主语伴随状语与谓


5)  习惯用法:take sth/some time to do


(A) 不符合Unlike/like句式的最佳表现形式,                                                                            应该将对比物mountain yellow-legged frog放在句首;

符合比较双方的数量对等原则,frogsmountain yellow-legged frog数量上不对等; they指代frogs,     

能指代mountain yellow-legged frog,   导致逻辑意思错误

(B) 错误同A, takes sb until…不符合习惯用法

(C)  不符合Unlike/like句式的最佳表现形式,  应该将对比物mountain yellow-legged frogs放在句首;

being多余,可以直接用过去分词做伴随状语, 但即使伴随状语形式正确,但是用在这里逻辑意思错误,





(D) take … until不符合习惯用法;       使用伴随状语不符合逻辑

(E)  正确, 比较对象mountain yellow-legged frogs置于句首,比较更加有效,且符合比较双方数量对等

原则; take some time to do符合习惯用法; 使用and连接因果关系的句子符合逻辑意思


句子结构: Unlike frogs that…, mountain yellow-legged frogs…take… to reach…, and so they are…


96. (29707-!-item-!-188;#058&003977)


In some species of cricket, the number of chirps per minute used by the male for attracting females

rise and fall in accordance with the surrounding temperature, and they can in fact serve as an

approximate thermometer.


(A) for attracting females rise and fall in accordance with the surrounding temperature, and they can

in fact serve

(B) for attracting females rises and falls in accordance with the surrounding temperature, which can

in fact serve

(C) in attracting females rise and fall in accordance with the surrounding temperature, in fact

possibly serving

(D) to attract females rises and falls in accordance with the surrounding temperature, and it can in

fact serve

(E) to attract females rises and falls in accordance with the surrounding temperature, in fact

possibly serving


考点: 逻辑表达(Logical Predication)主谓一致(Agreement

1)  若在题中的划线部分(A选项)中出现情态动词,那么在最后的正确答案中必须有此情态动词或类

似语气的词出现,                                                                                                        实战中,不含此情态动词或类似语气词的选项均为错误选项,立即排除.                                                   情态动词也


2) the number of + 复数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数形式; a number of +  复数名词作主语,      谓语动



(A) for doing结构表示目的,不如to do结构有效;                                            主谓不一致,主语是the number,                                                                谓语应该用单数;

they只能指代some species, 导致逻辑错误

(B) for doing使用错误, which就近指代temperature,导致逻辑错误

(C) in doing使用错误;                   主谓不一致;      使用伴随状语导致逻辑错误,有作后置定语修饰temperature的歧

义存在;rise and fallserve不是同时发生的动作,                      不存在逻辑关系;    can改为possibly,改变了原句


(D)  正确, 注意到了主谓一致;                                           使用to do表示目的更加有效;   and连接句子,       意思符合逻辑

(E)  伴随状语使用错误,有作后置定语修饰temperature的歧义存在;possibly使用错误


句子结构: …, the number of… rises and falls…, and it can… serve as…


97. (29753-!-item-!-188;#058&003991)


Industrialization and modern methods of insect control have improved the standard of living around

the globe while at the same time they have introduced some 100,000 dangerous chemical

pollutants, having gone virtually unregulated since they were developed more than 50 years ago.


(A) while at the same time they have introduced some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants,


(B) while at the same time introducing some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants that have

(C) while they have introduced some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants at the same time,



which have

(D) but introducing some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants at the same time that have

(E) but at the same time introducing some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants, having


考点: 指代一致(Agreement   简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction

1)  现在分词的完成时态不能作修饰语

2) while 引导从句时,如主从句的主语一致,且从句谓语又含有 be,则从句主语和 be 可省略。while 后可


We are teachers while (we are) serving as students.我们边当老师边当学生。

3)  限定性定语从句表示的是局部概念:                                                                                    : I am checking up the models who are in black T-shirt.                                                                        



4)  非限定定语从句表示的是整体的概念:  : I am checking up the models, who are in black T-shirt.



(A)第二个they有指代不清的嫌疑,    既可能指代第一个they所指代的Industrialization and modern

methods of insect control又可以指代chemical pollutants;句尾的分词结构having gone…目的是作


(B) 正确, 使用sb do… while doing          结构,           省掉了they,     避免了同第二个they产生指代不清的嫌疑;


(C)  使用which作非限定定语从句,导致逻辑错误,       表明所有的chemical pollutants have gone

virtually unregulated; 第二个they有指代不清的嫌疑

(D) but introducing不能和have improved构成并列

(E) but… introducing不能和have improved构成并列;   句尾的分词结构having gone…目的是作



句子结构: Industrialization and modern methods… have improved… while… introducing…


98. (29799-!-item-!-188;#058&004009)


A decade after initiating the nation's most comprehensive and aggressive antismoking program, per

capita consumption of cigarettes in California declined from over 125 packs annually per person to

about 60, a drop more than twice as great as in the nation as a whole.


(A) per capita consumption of cigarettes in California declined from over 125 packs annually per

person to about 60, a drop more than twice as great as

(B) annual per capita consumption of cigarettes in California declined from over 125 packs to about

60, more than twice as great as that

(C) California's annual per capita consumption of cigarettes declined from over 125 packs per

person to about 60, more than twice as great as the drop

(D) California has seen per capita consumption of cigarettes decline from over 125 packs annually

to about 60, a drop more than twice as great as that

(E) California has seen annual per capita consumption of cigarettes decline from over 125 packs

per person to about 60, more than twice as great as that


考点: 逻辑表达(Logical Predication     比较(Comparision

1)  逻辑主语

2)  比较双方要对等


(A) per capita consumption of cigarettes作为initiating的逻辑主语,不符合逻辑; a drop more than



twice as great as in the nation比较双方不对等,应该改为that in the nation, that代替a drop, 构成对等


(B) annual per capita consumption of cigarettes作为initiating的逻辑主语,不符合逻辑; more than

twice as great as that不符合同位语构成方式,应该补上a drop对前面的现象进行概括

(C) California's annual per capita consumption作为initiating的逻辑主语,不符合逻辑; more than结构


(D)  正确, California作为initiating的逻辑主语,符合逻辑; a drop…结构符合同位语构成; that代替a


(E) more than 结构不符合同位语构成; per capita per person 重复; 改变了原意人均吸烟量每年下

……”,而 E 年人均吸烟量下降……”



句子结构: … after initiating…, California has seen…capita consumption…decline from.. to…, a



99. (29845-!-item-!-188;#058&004015)


A study of food resources in the North Pacific between 1989 and 1996 revealed that creatures of

the seabed were suffering from dwindling food supplies, possibly resulting from increasing sea

surface temperatures during the same period.


(A) that creatures of the seabed were suffering from dwindling food supplies, possibly resulting from


(B) that creatures of the seabed were suffering because food supplies were dwindling, possibly as a

result of an increase in

(C) that creatures of the seabed were suffering because of food supplies, which were dwindling

possibly as a result of increasing

(D) creatures of the seabed that were suffering from food supplies that were dwindling, possibly

resulting from an increase in

(E) creatures of the seabed that were suffering because food supplies were dwindling, which

possibly resulted from increasing


考点: 逻辑表达(Logical Predication  简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction

1)  动词的现在分词作形容词,一般含有正在进行的意思

2) which/it 都不能指代整个句子


(A) sb. suffer from B,表示sb.遭受了B, B表示的是遭受的结果,因此使用dwindling不好,现在分词一般

表示过程,                                                       应该使用名词或过去分词表示结果;     同样increasing也不好, result from后面接事实,表示原

, 应该用increased或者an increase来代替increasing

(B) 正确。

(C) because of food supplies强调的是food supplies,  而从逻辑上应该强调dwindle; increasing不好,

应该用increased或者an increase来表示结果

(D) revealed creature of the seabed强调的是名词creature of the seabed,   不能准确的表达revealed


(E)  除了D中的错误外, which不能指代整个句子,使用错;increasing使用错误


句子结构: A study… revealed that creatures… were suffering because…


100. (29891-!-item-!-188;#058&004023)



To help counteract the adverse effects of trout stocking on the amphibian populations in certain

mountain lakes, biologists are recommending cutting back on trout stocking on the part of some

states and even their being removed from some popular fishing lakes.


(A) cutting back on trout stocking on the part of some states and even their being removed

(B) cutting back on trout stocking on the part of some states and even that they remove them

(C) that trout stocking be cut back in some states and they even remove the trout

(D) that some states cut back on trout stocking and even their being removed

(E) that some states cut back on trout stocking and even remove the trout


考点: 习惯用语(Idiom  句子结构(Grammatical Construction

1)  习惯用法: recommend sth., recommend that (使用虚拟语气), recommend doing sth.

2)  require, demand等表建议,命令意义的词之后的that从句,要求用虚拟语气动词,即动词原形,



(A) and even their being removed表达笨拙; 

(B) and even thatcutting back不平行

(C)  使用被动语态,不如主动语态有效;and they…是独立的句子,语法上与主句biologist are


(D) even their being removed表达笨拙,     并且跟cut bank不平行

(E)  正确,使用recommend that表达虚拟语气, some states cut back …and remove…结构平行


句子结构: To help…, biologists are recommending that some states cut back…and even remove…


101. (29937-!-item-!-188;#058&004052)


Many environmentalists, and some economists, say that free trade encourages industry to relocate

to countries with ineffective or poorly enforced antipollution laws, mostly in the developing world,

and that, in order to maintain competitiveness, rich nations have joined this downward slide toward

more lax attitudes about pollution.


(A) that, in order to maintain competitiveness, rich nations have joined this downward slide toward

more lax attitudes about pollution

(B) that, for maintaining competitiveness, rich nations join in this downward slide toward more lax

attitudes about pollution

(C) that rich nations join this downward slide toward more lax attitudes about pollution because of

wanting to maintain competitiveness

(D) that in rich nations, joining this downward slide toward more lax attitudes about pollution is a

result of wanting to maintain competition

(E) that wanting to maintain competition is making rich nations join in this downward slide toward an

attitude about pollution that is more lax


句子结构:Many environmentalists, and some economists, say that… and that… 

主语是Many environmentalists and some economists,谓语是say,后跟由that引导的两个并列宾语




1) 并列结构-宾语从句,say 后接宾语从句,必须由 that 引导,并列的宾语从句 that 不可以省略。

2) 逻辑表达-修饰歧义,定语从句修饰紧临的名词。

3) 动词形式-原文时态不应随意改变,如果选项将时态没有理由的进行了改变,即改变了原句要表达




4)        简洁有效,in order to do 等于不定式 to do,是表达目的的最好方式,常见一些错误的表达方式

because of doing sth, a result of doing sth


(A) 正确,say 后跟两个由 that 引导的并列宾语从句;in order to do sth 表达目的。

B: for doing sth 表达目的的方式错误;改变了原句完成时态。

(C)  介词 because of 后加名词表原因,改变了原句表达目的的意思;wanting to do 等于 to do,不简


(D) doing sth is a result of doing sth 的表达方式不简洁;wanting to do 等于 to do

(E) that   引导的定语从句修饰对象错误,根据原句意思应该修饰                 attitudes,但在       E     中错误地修饰

pollutionwanting to do sth is making sb do sth 的表达方式不简洁;wanting to do 等于 to do


102. (29983-!-item-!-188;#058&004080)


Recent breakthroughs in technology have made it possible that high-definition digital video

cameras are able to capture material with a degree of fidelity that nearly compares to 35-millimeter

film and to project it digitally in theaters with no resulting loss of image quality.


(A) it possible that high-definition digital video cameras are able to capture material with a degree of

fidelity that nearly compares to

(B) it possible to have high-definition digital video cameras that can capture material at a degree of

fidelity almost like that with

(C) it possible for high-definition digital video cameras to capture material with a degree of fidelity

nearly comparable to that of

(D) possible high-definition digital video cameras that can capture material at a degree of fidelity

almost like

(E) possible high-definition digital video cameras able to capture material with a degree of fidelity

that nearly compares to that with


句子结构:Recent breakthrough… have made it possible for… to do… and to do…

主语是breakthrough,谓语是have madeit是形式宾语,真正的宾语是并列的不定式结构to capture

and to project



1)        比较-比较对象对等,compare, like等词连接比较相同对象时,要由thatthose指代,否则会使比


2)        句子结构-it作形式宾语,注意形式宾语的格式及用法,及物动词+it+宾语补语+不定式,动词有find,

deem, make等(详见补充材料1)。

3)        逻辑表达-维持原句强调重心,注意原句使用形式宾语所强调的内容,在本句中make possible

cameras to capture material而不是have cameras,不能改变原句的合理重心。

4)        简洁有效,形容词作定语比that引导的定语从句更简洁。


(A) compare to的比较对象成为fidelity35-millimeter film,不对等。

(B) 第一个that引导定语从句修饰cameras,改变原句强调重心;第二个that的位置不正确,应该置于

almost like前面;介词with应为of,即that(fidelity) of 35-millimeter film

(C)  正确,it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式结构to capture material with a degree of fidelity

camerasfidelity35-millimeter filmfidelity比较。

(D) 缺少形式宾语itlike的比较对象成为fidelity35-millimeter film,不对等。

(E)  缺少形式宾语it;宾语从句谓语不完整,应为bable to dothat nearly compares to从句修饰fidelity







He makes it a rule to give short speeches.


They kept it quiet that he was dead.


He soon made it clear why he had asked for a conference.

2fidelity: noun. the quality of being accurate精确性,准确性


103. (30029-!-item-!-188;#058&004082)


Simply because they are genetically engineered does not make it any more likely for plants to

become an invasive or persistent weed, according to a decade-long study published in the journal



(A) because they are genetically engineered does not make it any more likely for plants to

(B) because it is genetically engineered does not make a plant any more likely to

(C) being genetically engineered does not make it any more likely that plants will

(D) being genetically engineered does not make a plant any more likely to

(E) being genetically engineered does not make a plant any more likely that it will become


句子结构:Simply being genetically engineered does not make a plant any more likely to become…,

according to…

主语是 being genetically engineered,谓语是 does not make,宾语是 a plantany more likely   是形






简洁有效,Likely 用法: sth be likely to do…, likely that…(由 it 作形式主语  it is likely that…)两种



(A) because 引导原因状语从句,句子缺少主语;未划线部分的 an invasive 应该由单数形式 a plant

来对应;Be more likely to do 更加简洁。

(B) because 引导原因状语从句,句子缺少主语。

(C)  未划线部分的 an invasive 应该由单数形式 a plant 来对应;Be more likely to do 更加简洁。

(D) 正确,动名词 being 作主语,谓语是 does not make

(E) make 后缺少形式宾语 itmore likely to do 更加简洁。









The little girl smiled.


She knows English.




He told us a story.


She looked delighted.


The news made us sad.


104. (30075-!-item-!-188;#058&004088)


In Britain, "pig" refers to any member of the class of domestic swine, but the United States uses the

term when referring only to younger swine not yet ready for market and weighing less than 82

kilograms (180 pounds).


(A) the United States uses the term when referring

(B) the United States term refers

(C) in the United States the term refers

(D) in the United States they use the term as it refers

(E) it is used in the United States when referring


句子结构:In Britain, ”pig” refers to…, but in the United States the term refers to…

并列句第一个句子的主语是pig,谓语是refers to,宾语是any member,第二个句子的主语是the term

谓语是refers to,宾语是youngers swinenot yet ready for market是形容作后置定语,weighing less

than 82 kilograms是现在分词作后置定语,都是用来修饰名词younger swine的。



平行对称,but 连接两个并列(转折含义)句子,尽量在形式上能保持平行;留意未划线部分句子的






(A) 表达不简洁,而且referring有与未划线部分weighing并列的嫌疑,产生歧义。

(B) the United States term改变了原句意思,原句要表达的是同一个term,在不同国家的含义。

(C)  正确,the term”pig”

(D) 复数代词they没有指代对象;use sth as中的as是介词,后面只能跟名词或代词,不能连接句子。

(E)  表达不简洁,而且referring有与未划线部分weighing并列的嫌疑,产生歧义。


105. (30121-!-item-!-188;#058&004107)


Even though it was not illegal for the bank to share its customers' personal and financial information

with an outside marketing company in return for a commission on sales, the state's attorney general

accused the bank of engaging in deceptive business practices by failing to honor its promise to its

customers to keep records private.


(A) by failing to honor its promise to its customers to keep

(B) by its failure of honoring its promise to its customers to keep

(C) in its failing to honor its promise to its customers of keeping

(D) because of its failure in honoring its promise to its customers in keeping

(E) because of its failure to honor its promise to its customers of keeping


句子结构:Even though…, the state’ attorney general accused the bank of engaging in… by failing




主语是 attorney,谓语是 accused,宾语是 the bankof engaging in…是介词短语作宾语补语。



简洁有效,当 because of, by doing, because, due to, by +  名词等在选项句首,第一选择是 because

连词,其次是 by doing,因为动词比名词更能表达的意思更完整。

习惯用法,promise to do sth 或者 promise that…


(A) 正确,by doing to do 表示 engage in deceptive business practice 的方式;promise 的习惯用法

promise to do sth 或者 promise that…,而不是 promise of doing     in doing sth

(B)  名词 failure 不如动词 failing 简洁。

(C) its failing 是动名词不够简洁;promise of doing 的表达不正确。

(D)  名词 failure 不如动词 failing 简洁。

(E) its failing 是动名词不够简洁;promise of doing 的表达不正确。


106. (30167-!-item-!-188;#058&004112)


Officials at the United States Mint believe that the Sacagawea dollar coin will be used more as a

substitute for four quarters rather than for the dollar bill because its weight, only 8.1 grams, is far

less than four quarters, which weigh 5.67 grams each.


(A) more as a substitute for four quarters rather than for the dollar bill because its weight, only 8.1

grams, is far less than

(B) more as a substitute for four quarters than the dollar bill because it weighs only 8.1 grams, far

lighter than

(C) as a substitute for four quarters more than for the dollar bill because it weighs only 8.1 grams,

far less than

(D) as a substitute for four quarters more than the dollar bill because its weight of only 8.1 grams is

far lighter than it is for

(E) as a substitute more for four quarters rather than for the dollar bill because its weight, only 8.1

grams, is far less than it is for


句子结构:Officials believe that the Sacagawea dollar coin will be used as a substitute for… more

than for… because it weighs… 

主语是 officials,谓语是 believe,宾语是由 that 引导的宾语从句。



比较,less/more + adj. … than…                                                                         ,比较对象要对等,介词不可省略;more… than            经常会出现 rather

than 作为混淆;如果比较结构中的 than 前面有多个名词,than 后面需要补充出介词以避免产生


指代,单数代词 it 在句中指代出现过的名词,要注意逻辑意思是否合理。


(A) more… rather than 搭配错;its weitht 和后面 four quarters 比较对象不对等。

(B) more as… than the dollarthe dollar 和前面比较对象有歧义。

(C)  正确,介词短语 a substitute for… more than for…形式上并列。

(D) more than 后面省略介词 for 使句子产生歧义;it 没有指代对象,根据句意 it 应该指 weight,不能

指代 its weight,因为原句是将 dollar weight for quarter weight 进行比较,两个 weight 不同,

如果用 it 指代,则不符合逻辑。

(E) more… rather than  搭配错;it 没有指代对象,根据句意 it 应该指 weight,不能指代 its weight



原因同选项 D


107. (30213-!-item-!-188;#058&004113)


Women are expected to be the majority of students entering law school this fall, a trend ultimately

placing more women in leadership positions in politics and business.


(A) Women are expected to be the majority of students entering law school this fall, a trend

ultimately placing

(B) The majority of students entering law school this fall are expected to be women, a trend that will

ultimately place

(C) The majority of students entering law school this fall are expected to be women, which will

ultimately place

(D) It is expected that the majority of students entering law school this fall will be women, a trend

ultimately placing

(E) It is expected for women to be the majority of students entering law school this fall, which will

ultimately place


句子结构:The majority of students… are expected to be woman, a trend that…

主语是 the majority,谓语是 are expected toa trend that 是同位语从句。



句子结构-(概括性)同位语,a trend 概括前面描述的现象。

指代一致-which 指代,which 和同位语结构同时出现,表明应该用同位语结构,因为 which 不能指代


逻辑表达-修饰,分词和 that 从句修饰一个名词,要看从句是否有表达分词不能表达的逻辑含义,如



(A) 同位语 a trend 的分词后置定语 placing,不能表现出即将发生的趋势,而是表达了一直发生的含


(B) correct,用 that 定语从句修饰同位语 trend,清楚地表明了要发生的动作。

(C) which 不能指代前面整个句子。

(D) 同位语 a trend 的分词后置定语 placing,不能表现出即将发生的趋势,而是表达了一直发生的含

义;it is expected that…的表达不简洁。

(E) which 不能指代前面整个句子;it is expected for sb to…的表达不简洁。










1)名词性同位语:名词解释名词。N., n.; n., a/an + n. a/an + n., n.; the + n., n.(前面的 the + n


2)内容具体化同位结构:抽象名词(theory/evidence/belief/principle+that 从句,that 从句对抽象

名词进行具体化解释(注意与 of 结构的区别)

3)概括性同位语:用一个概括性的名词去概括前面的修饰对象:短语/句子,a program/information/an



effort/a practice that...

4)名词重复性同位结构:n,n(重复所修饰的名词)+that 定语从句

5)代词代替性同位结构:n,one/ones+that 定语从句


108. (30307-!-item-!-188;#058&004171)


According to a new report by the surgeon general, women with less than a high school education

had three times the likelihood that they would begin smoking as women who went to college.


(A) had three times the likelihood that they would begin smoking

(B) had three times the likelihood of beginning smoking

(C) were three times more likely to begin to smoke

(D) were three times more likely that they would begin to smoke

(E) were three times as likely to begin smoking


句子结构:According to…, women… were three times as likely to… as women…

主语是women,系动词were,表语是three times as likely to…






(A) 比较结构不完整,未划线部分的as后面跟的是名词,所以as为介词,完整的形式应该为as+形容


(B)  错误与A选项相同;likelihood后接that从句与likelihood of doing sth两种表达方式都正确。

(C)  比较结构搭配错误,more likely to…应该跟than,而不是as

(D)  错误与C选项相同。

E:  正确,倍数+as+形容词+as


109. (30353-!-item-!-188;#058&004189)


The discovery of glass being expandable and able to be shaped by human breath revolutionized

glassworking to such an extent that today "glassblowing" has become the generic term for all

glassworking, whether the glass is blown or formed by other techniques.


(A) of glass being expandable and able to be

(B) of glass that is capable of expansion and

(C) of glass being capable of expansion and that it can be

(D) that glass can be expanded and it is able to be

(E) that glass can be expanded and


句子结构:The discovery that… revolutionized glassworking to such an extent that…


such an extent是宾语补语,that引导定语从句修饰名词extent




1      同位语从句,名词+that同位语从句结构常被名词+of being混淆,将that位置改变,使引


2      连词and在连接句子时,只能连接并列的独立句子(即主句),and后面的句子不能与从








(A) discovery后面应该跟同位语从句解释discovery的内容;being expandableable to be shaped


(B) that引导的定语从句修饰glass,改变了句子强调重心;is capable of expansionshaped不平行,

再者shaped前面省略的is应该是被动语态中的助动词,与is capable of的系动词is功能不同,这种省


(C) discovery后面应该跟同位语从句解释discovery的内容;and that没有并列对象。

(D) and连接独立的句子,所以it is able to be shaped…无法与从句that glass can be expanded并列,


(E)  正确,discovery后跟同位语从句解释discovery的内容;expandedshaped并列作同位语从句的





He referred to Copernicus’s statement that the earth moves round the sun.


The rumour spread that a new school would be built here.


He had no idea why she left.


110. (30399-!-item-!-188;#058&004205)


The federal immigration station on Ellis Island, which was first opened in 1892, then rebuilt in 1900,

processing nearly three quarters of all immigrants entering the United States in the first quarter of

the twentieth century.


(A) The federal immigration station on Ellis Island, which was first opened in 1892, then rebuilt in

1900, processing nearly three quarters of all immigrants entering the United States in the first

quarter of the twentieth century.

(B) Having processed nearly three quarters of all immigrants who enter the United States in the first

quarter of the twentieth century, the federal immigration station on Ellis Island first opened in 1892

and then was rebuilt in 1900.

(C) Processing nearly three quarters of all immigrants to enter the United States in the first quarter

of the twentieth century, the federal immigration station on Ellis Island first opened in 1892, being

rebuilt in 1900.

(D) First opened in 1892, then rebuilt in 1900, the federal immigration station on Ellis Island

processed nearly three quarters of all immigrants entering the United States in the first quarter of

the twentieth century.

(E) Of all immigrants to enter the United States in the first quarter of the twentieth century, the

federal immigration station on Ellis Island processed nearly three quarters of them, having first

opened in 1892 and rebuilt in 1900.


句子结构:First opened in…, then rebuilt in…, the federal immigration station… processed…

immigrants entering…

主语是the federal immigration station,由并列的两个过去分词定语opened in, rebuilt in修饰,谓语是




(A) which引导定语从句修饰主语immigration station,句子缺少谓语,现在分词processing应改为谓


(B) 句子谓语结构不完整,主语为the federal immigration station,谓语应该是被动语态was opened

(后面的was rebuilt与其并列);将原句修饰主语的定语成分first opened and then was rebuilt变为


entering作用相同,但时间状语in the first quarter of the twentieth century所表达的是过去,应该用过

去时态who entered…

(C)  句子主语是the federal immigration stationopened in 1892, being rebuilt in 1900两个并列的分


(D)  正确,句子句子主语是the federal immigration station,由两个过去分词定语修饰,谓语是


(E)  分词结构having first opened in 1892 and rebuilt in 1900距离其修饰对象主语the federal

immigration station太远,导致修饰不清,而且其结构也不正确,应用被动形式having been opened…

of all immigrants…, the…station processed three quarter of them的表达不简洁。












111. (30445-!-item-!-188;#058&004235)


Hans Christian Andersen wrote fairy tales, which have been some of the most frequently translated

works in literary history, while he wrote plays, novels, poems, and travel books, as well as several

autobiographies, which remained almost unknown outside his native Denmark.


(A) Hans Christian Andersen wrote fairy tales, which have been some of the most frequently

translated works in literary history, while he wrote plays, novels, poems, and travel books, as well

as several autobiographies, which remained

(B) Hans Christian Andersen wrote fairy tales, which, while among the most frequently translated

works in literary history, his plays, novels, poems, and travel books, as well as several

autobiographies remain

(C) Even as Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales have been among the most frequently translated

works in literary history, still his plays, novels, poems, and travel books, as well as several

autobiographies, remain

(D) Unlike the fairy tales written by Hans Christian Andersen, which are some of the most frequently

translated works in literary history, he wrote plays, novels, poems, and travel books, as well as

several autobiographies, which remained

(E) Although Hans Christian Andersen wrote fairy tales that are among the most frequently

translated works in literary history, his plays, novels, poems, and travel books, as well as several

autobiographies, remain


句子结构:Although…, his plays, novels, poems, and travel books, …, remain almost unknown…

主语是plays, novels, poems, and travel books,系动词是remain,表语是unknownthat引导定语从

句修饰名词fairy tales(状语从句的宾语)。







与主句之间准确的逻辑关系,本题中注意区分although, even as, while的区别。


简洁有效,在表达是最之一时用among the most…


(A) which引导非限定性定语从句,在本句中不恰当,应该用that引导非限定性定语从句来修饰fairy


(B) which引导的修饰fairy tales的定语从句缺少谓语动词,while位置错误,应该置于his plays前面。

(C) even as所表达的含义与原句不同,even as正当,恰好在时候,有at the same time的意思,

而原句表达的是让步转折含义;将原句定语从句内容fairy tales that…改变为句子谓语’s fairy tales

have been…,改变原句强调重心。

(D) Unlike的比较对象不对等(the fairy taleshe对比);两个which修饰对象都不清楚;be some of

the most…的表达方式不如be among the most…准确。

(E)  正确,although引导让步状语从句,其主语是Han Christian Andersen,谓语是wrote,宾语是由

that引导的从语从句所修饰的名词fairy tales;整个句子的主语是his plays, novels, poems, and travel







Rainforests are being cleared for valuable timber and other resources to speed up the economic

growth of the nationsin which they are located . 为了加速他们各自所在国家的经济发展,热带雨林







Earlier , the Babylonians had attempted to map the world , but they presented it in the form of a

flattened disc rather than a sphere , which was the form adopted by Ptolemy . (此句中,非限定性

定语从句是对先行词 a sphere 进行补充、说明。)更早之前,巴比伦人曾试图绘制世界地图,但是他



112. (30491-!-item-!-188;#058&004240)


Though certain breeds of dog are renowned for their sense of smell, there is often a greater

difference in scenting ability between two members of a single breed as there is between members

of different breeds.


(A) is often a greater difference in scenting ability between two members of a single breed as there


(B) is often more difference in scenting ability between two members of a single breed as to find


(C) is often a greater difference in scenting ability between two members of a single breed than

(D) are often greater differences in scenting ability between two members of a single breed as there




(E) are often greater differences in scenting ability between two members of a single breed than

there is


句子结构:there is often a greater difference… between… than between… 



比较,比较结构中的固定搭配包括:A as… as… or than B;   A at least as as B。常见的

错误用法有:A as… or than B(少 as; as…as compared to; as… than compared to; as…



有效用词,difference 在表达 the way in which two people or things are not like each other; the way in

which sb/sth has changed“差别,差异;不同(之处);变化(之处)时即可用作可数名词,又



(A) greater… as…搭配错误,应该是greater…than…as后面的there is多余,可以省略不影响句子


(B) more… as…搭配错误,应该是more… than…to find one比较对象不对等;one不能指代不可数


(C)  正确,greater difference between… than between…介词短语比较对象。

(D) difference在该选项中用作可数名词,所以用复数形式;greater… as…搭配错误,应该是great…

than…than后面的there are多余,可以省略不影响句子理解。

(E) difference在该选项中用作可数名词,所以用复数形式;than后面的there is多余,可以省略不影




one/ones(语法说明):     用以避免重复可数名词,在正式谈话或书面语中,不应使用。不能用以取代



113. (30537-!-item-!-188;#058&004273)


Thunderclouds form when warm, moist air rises into cooler air above, because either the ground is

warmer than usually or because the interaction of two air masses, one warm and one cold, forces

warm air to rise.


(A) because either the ground is warmer than usually or because

(B) because either the ground is warmer than usual or because of

(C) because of either the ground being warmer than usual or because

(D) either because of the ground's being warmer than usually or because of

(E) either because the ground is warmer than usual or because


句子结构:Thunderclouds form when…, either because… or because…


从句,由固定搭配either… or…  连接。



平行-从句,either… or…连接的并列结构形式要平行。

简洁有效,表示原因时用 because 引导从句的形式比用 because of 介词短语的方式更有效,因为动






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