翻译 Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja 边译边学(4)

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja 边译边学(4)

1.3 Cross-browser considerations

Perfecting our JavaScript programming skills will get us far, but when developing browser-based JavaScript applications sooner, rather than later, we’re going to run face first into The Browsers and their maddening issues and inconsistencies.


  In a perfect world, all browsers would be bug-free and support Web Standards in a consistent fashion, but we all know that we most certainly do not live in that world.


  The quality of browsers has improved greatly as of late, but it’s a given that they all still have some bugs, missing APIs, and specific quirks that we’ll need to deal with. Developing a comprehensive strategy for tackling these browser issues, and becoming intimately familiar with their differences and quirks, is just as important, if not more so, than proficiency in JavaScript itself.


  When writing browser applications, or JavaScript libraries to be used in them, picking and choosing which browsers to support is an important consideration. We’d like to support them all, but development and testing resources dictates otherwise. So how do we decide which to support, and to what level?


  Throughout this book, an approach that we will employ is one that we’ll borrow from Yahoo! that they call Graded Browser Support.


  This technique, in which the level of browser support is graded as one of A, C, or X, is described at http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/articles/gbs, and defines the three level of support as:


  • A: Modern browsers that take advantage of the power capabilities of web standards. These browsers get full support with advanced functionality and visuals.

  • C: Older browsers that are either outdated or hardly used. These browsers receive minimal support; usually limited to HTML and CSS with no scripting, and bare-bones visuals.

  • X: Unknown or fringe browsers. Somewhat counter-intuitively, rather than being unsupported, these browsers are given the benefit of the doubt, and assumed to be as capable as A-grade browsers. Once the level of capability can be concretely ascertained, these browsers can be assigned to A or C grade.

  • A:利用Web标准的强大功能的现代浏览器。这些浏览器完全支持高级功能和视觉效果.

  • C:过时或很少使用的旧浏览器。这些浏览器得到的支持很少;通常仅限于HTML和不带脚本的CSS,以及简单的视觉效果。

  • X:未知或边缘浏览器。这些浏览器在某种程度上与直觉相反,相比不被支持,它们暂且获得了支持,而且假定具备和A级别浏览器一样的功能。一旦可以具体确定功能级别,就可以将这些浏览器正式定义成A或C级。

  As of early 2011, the Yahoo! Graded Browser Support matrix was as shown in Table 1.1. Any ungraded browser/platform combination, or unlisted browser, is assigned a grade of X.


表1.1 2011年初,雅虎分级浏览器支持矩阵

  Note that this is the support chart as defined by Yahoo! for YUI 2 and YUI 3 – it is not a recommendation on what we, in this book, or you, in your own projects, should support. But by using this approach to come up with our own support matrix, we can determine the balance between coverage and pragmatism to come up with the optimal set of browsers and platforms that we should support.

  注意这是由雅虎定义的支持表,用于YUI 2和YUI 3(YUI 库,全称Yahoo! UI Library。是一组工具和控件),而不是在本书中我们推荐的,或者你自己项目中使用的分级策略。但是通过使用这种方法可以绘制我们自己的支持矩阵,方便我们在覆盖范围和实用主义之间找到一个平衡点,提出最佳的浏览器和平台支持集合。

  It’s impractical to develop against a large number of platform/browser combinations, so we must weigh the cost versus benefit of supporting the various browsers, and create our own resulting support matrix.


  This analysis must take in account multiple considerations, the primary of which are:


  • The market share of the browser

  • The amount of effort necessary to support the browser

  • 该浏览器的市场份额

  • 支持该浏览器需要付出的成本

  Figure 1.2 shows a sample chart that represents your authors’ personal choices when developing for some browsers (not all browsers included for brevity) based upon March 2011 market share:



  Charting the benefit versus cost in this manner shows us at a glance where we should put our effort to get the most “bang for the buck”. Things that jump out of this chart:


  • Even though it’s relatively a lot more effort to support Internet Explorer 7 and later than the standards-compliant browsers, it’s large market share makes the extra effort worthwhile.

  • Supporting Firefox and Chrome is a no-brainer since that have large market share and are easy to support.

  • Even though Safari has a relatively low market share, it still deserves support, as its standard-compliant nature makes its cost small.

  • Opera, though no more effort than Safari, loses out because of its minuscule market share.

  • Nothing really need be said about IE 6

  • 尽管支持IE 7浏览器所需要的工作量远远超出标准浏览器,但是它巨大的市场份额使得额外的工作付出是值得的。

  • 支持火狐和Chrome是很容易做的决定,因为它们有很大的市场份额并且不需要付出额外精力。

  • 尽管Safari所占的市场份额相对较低,但它仍然值得支持,因为它本身的标准兼容性使得开发支持它的库付出很少。

  • 尽管支持Opera所需付出成本低于Safari,但由于其极微小的市场份额使其被淘汰。

  • 至于IE6没什么可说的,答案显而易见。

  Of course, nothing is ever quite so cut-and-dried. It might be safe to say that benefit is more important than cost; it ultimately comes down to the choices of those in the decision-making process, taking into account factors such as the skill of the developers, the needs of the market, and other business concerns. But quantifying the costs versus benefits is a good starting point for making these important support decisions.


  Minimizing the cost of cross-browser development is significantly affected by the skill and
experience of the developers, and this book is intended to boost your skill level, so let’s get
to it by looking at best practices as a start.



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