Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja 边译边学(10)

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja 边译边学(10)

2.4 The Fundamentals of a Test Suite
2.4 测试套件的基本原理

The primary purpose of a test suite is to aggregate all the individual tests that your code base might have into a single location, so that they can be run in bulk - providing a single resource that can be run easily and repeatedly.

  To better understand how a test suite works it makes sense to look at how a test suite is constructed. Perhaps surprisingly JavaScript test suites are really easy to construct and a functional one can be built in only about 40 lines of code.

  One would have to ask, though: Why would I want to build a new test suite? For most cases it probably isn’t necessary to write your own JavaScript test suite, there already exist a number of good-quality suites to choose from (as already shown). It can serve as a good learning experience though, especially when looking at how asynchronous testing works.

2.4.1 The assertion
2.4.1 断言

The core of a unit-testing framework is its assertion method; usually named assert() . This method usually takes a value – an expression whose premise is asserted – and a description that describes the purpose of the assertion. If the value evaluates to true , in other words is “truth-y”, then the assertion passes, otherwise it is considered a failure. The associated message is usually logged with an appropriate pass/fail indicator.

  A simple implementation of this concept can be seen in Listing 2.8.

  The function named assert() (#1) is almost surprisingly straight-forward. It creates a new < li > element containing the description, assigns a class name pass or fail, depending upon the value of the assertion parameter ( value ), and appends the new element to a list element in the document body (#4).
  这个方法直接以assert命名(#1)。它创建了一个新的< li >标签,其中包含了描述,赋给它一个类名:pass或者fail,该值由断言的参数value确定,然后把这个元素附加到页面的一个list列表中(#4)

  The simple test suite consists of two trivial tests (#2): one that will always succeed, and one that will always fail.
  Style rules for the pass and fail classes (#3) visually indicate success or failure using color.
  This function is simple - but it will serve as a good building block for future development, and we’ll be using this assert() method throughout this book to test various code snippets, verifying their integrity.

2.4.2 Test groups
2.4.2 测试分组

Simple assertions are useful, but really begin to shine when they are grouped together in a testing context to form test groups.

  When performing unit testing, a test group will likely represent a collection of assertions as they relate to a single method in our API or application. If you were doing behavior-driven development the group would collect assertions by task. Either way the implementation is effectively the same.

  In our sample test suite, a test group is built in which individual assertions are inserted into the results. Additionally if any assertion fails then the entire test group is marked as failing. The output in Listing 2.8 is kept pretty simple, some level dynamic control would prove to be quite useful in practice (contracting/expanding the test groups and filtering test groups if they have failing tests in them).

清单2.9 一个测试分组的实现
``` Test Suite
    &emsp;&emsp;As we cab see seen in Listing 2.9, the implementation is really not much different from our basic assertion logging. The one major difference is the inclusion of a results variable, which holds a reference to the current test group (that way, the logging assertions are inserted correctly).

    var results;

    &emsp;&emsp;Beyond simple testing of code, another important aspect of a testing framework is handling of asynchronous operations.
    2.4.3 Asynchronous Testing
    2.4.3 异步测试
    A daunting and complicated tasks that many developers encounter while developing a JavaScript test suite, is handling asynchronous tests. These are tests whose results will come back after a non-deterministic amount of time has passed; common examples of this situation could be Ajax requests or animations.
    &emsp;&emsp;Often handling this issue is over-though and made much more complicated than it needs be. To handle asynchronous tests we need to follow a couple of simple steps:
    1. Assertions that are relying upon the same asynchronous operation will need to be grouped into a unifying test group.
    2. Each test group will need to be placed on a queue to be run after all the previous test groups have finished running.
    3. Thus, each test group must be capable of run asynchronously.
    1. 依赖于相同异步操作的断言需要分组到一个统一的测试组中。
    2. 每个测试组都需要放在一个队列中,这样就可以保证该队列在上一个测试组完成运行后才运行。
    3. 而且,每个测试组都必须具备异步运行的能力。
    Let’s look at the example of Listing 2.10.
    <table><tr><td bgcolor=#880015><font color=white><b>清单2.10 一个简单的异步测试的实现</b></font></td></tr></table>
    Test Suite
      <font color=green><b>函数名后面跟()代表立即执行。比如上例中queue.shift()();queue.shift()返回的是队列中取出的函数本身的定义对象,后面跟()代表立即执行该函数。</b></font>
      &emsp;&emsp;Let’s break down the functionality exposed in in Listing 2.10. There are three publicly accessible functions: test() , pause() , and resume() . These three functions have the following capabilities:
      - test(fn) takes a function which contains a number of assertions, that will be run either synchronously or asynchronously, and places it on the queue to await execution.
      - pause() should be called from within a test function and tells the test suite to pause executing tests until the test group is done.
      - resume() unpauses the tests and starts the next test running after a short delay pu inyo place to avoid long-running code blocks.
      - test(fn) 是一个接收许多断言语句作为传入参数的函数,这些断言既可以异步执行也可以同步执行,该函数将其放入一个队列中等待执行。
      - pause() 应该在一个测试函数中调用该函数,通知测试套件暂停执行,直到整个测试组执行完毕。
      - resume() 在短暂的停止之后,取消暂停,开始执行下一个测试,防止长时间的代码中断。
      &emsp;&emsp;The one internal implementation function, runTest() , is called whenever a test is queued or dequeued. It checks to see if the suite is currently unpaused and if there's something in the queue; in which case it'll dequeue a test and try to execute it. Additionally, after the test group is finished executing it will check to see if the suite is currently 'paused' and if not (meaning that only asynchronous tests were run in the test group) it will begin
      executing the next group of tests.
      &emsp;&emsp;We’ll be taking a closer look in chapter 8 which focuses on Timers, where we’ll make an in-depth examination of much of the nitty-gritty relating to delayed execution.
      2.5 Summary
      2.5 总结
      In this chapter we've looked at some of the basic technique surrounding debugging JavaScript code and constructing simple test cases based upon those results.
      &emsp;&emsp;We started off by examining how to use logging to observe the actions of our code as it is running and even implemented a convenience method that we can use to make sure that we can successfully log information in all modern browsers, despite their differences.
      &emsp;&emsp;We then explored how to use breakpoints to halt the execution of our code at a certain point, allowing us to take a look around at the state within which the code is executing.
      &emsp;&emsp;Our attention then turned to test generation, defining and focusing on the attributes of good tests: repeatability, simplicity and independence. The two major types of testing, deconstructive and constructive testing were then examined.
      &emsp;&emsp;Data collected regarding how the JavaScript community is using testing was presented, and we took a brief survey of existing test frameworks that you might want to explore and adopt should you want use a formalized testing environment.
      &emsp;&emsp;Building upon that, we introduced the concept of the assertion, and created a simple implementation that will be used throughout the remainder of this book to verify that our code does what we intend for it to do.
      &emsp;&emsp;Finally, we looked at how to construct a simple test suite capable of handling asynchronous test cases. Altogether, these techniques will serve as an important cornerstone to the rest of your development with JavaScript.




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