The Review For PostGraduate No.16

It has been a long time since I last wrote blog.There are many reasons,such as lacking time,lazy blabla.Now that I decided to recored the process of my review for postgraduate,I will keep going.This is my final promise to myself during college time.If I can not finish this,I will never graduate.And my server cost 1 yuan per month,It worth a lot.

Strictly speaking,I have been a senior student from today.After experienced so much things,I find myself a little different.When I was a fresh man,I thought that what I only need to concern about is just studying and score.It is absolutely wrong.Now I realize that what I really need to think about is studying how to be a person rarher than a studying machine.

Actually ,there are many things that are more important than the score.One of my senior high school classmate got cancer last year,I can not imagine that how fragile life is.Maybe tomorrow will nerver come.

Cherishing time and taking full anvantage of it is the most important thing for me now.I do not want to regret for my lazy and wasting time after for months.The key to my ideal life is in my hand and whether it belongs to me or not depends on my decision.

Tomorrow I still have a day of class.I will go to study room tomorrow evening.

补全以下代码private String cid;// Course id, e.g., CS110. private String name;// Course name, e.g., Introduce to Java Programming. private Integer credit;// Credit of this course private GradingSchema gradingSchema; //Grading schema of this course // enum GradingSchema{FIVE_LEVEL, PASS_FAIL} private Integer capacity;// Course capacity. private Integer leftCapacity;// Course capacity left. You should update the left capacity when enrolling students. private Set<Timeslot> timeslots;// One course may have one or more timeslots. e.g., a lecture in Monday's 10:20-12:10, and a lab in Tuesday's 14:00-15:50. public Course(String cid, String name, Integer credit, GradingSchema gradingSchema, Integer capacity) // constructor public void addTimeslot(Timeslot timeslot) //Record a timeslot for this course private Integer id;// A unique student id, should be an 8-digit integer: Undergraduates' ids should start with 1; Postgraduates' ids should start with 3. e.g., 12213199. private String name;// Student’s name private Map<Course, Grade> courses;// Enrolled courses, using Map structure to store course and its grade as a pair. Grade is an enum type enum Grade{PASS,FAIL,A,B,C,D,F}with an attribute: Double gradePoint protected Student(Integer id, String name) // constructor public abstract boolean canGraduate() // Checks if this student satisfies all the graduating conditions. Hint: you are allowed to change this abstract method into non-abstract to check if the student satisfies the common graduation conditions. public void enroll(Course course) // Tries to enroll the course, do some checks before enrolling. public void recordGrade(Course course, Grade grade)// Records the grade of a course that is current learning. public double getGpa() // Calculates the GPA for this student. public UndergraduateStudent(Integer id, String name)// constructor public boolean canGraduate() //Additional graduating conditions for undergraduate students public PostgraduateStudent(Integer id, String name)// constructor public boolean canGraduate() //Additional graduating conditions for postgraduate students




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