dsa算法(11) 导入全局常量




GraphBuilder:: GraphBuilder(续)


179          // If there areany constant globals referenced in this function, merge

180          // theirinitializers into the local graph from the globals graph.

181          // Thisresolves indirect calls in some common cases

182          // Only mergeinfo for nodes that already exist in the local pass

183          // otherwiseleaf functions could contain less collapsing than the globals

184          // graph

185          if (g.getScalarMap().global_begin() !=g.getScalarMap().global_end()) {

186            ReachabilityCloner RC(&g,g.getGlobalsGraph(), 0);

187            for(DSScalarMap::global_iterator I = g.getScalarMap().global_begin(),

188                 E = g.getScalarMap().global_end();I != E; ++I) {

189              if (constGlobalVariable * GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable > (*I))

190                if (GV->isConstant())

191                  RC.merge(g.getNodeForValue(GV),g.getGlobalsGraph()->getNodeForValue(GV));

192            }

193          }


这里,我们没有选择让全局图及函数图共享DSNode,而是让它们持有独立但相同的DSNode。这涉及DSNode的克隆及克隆节点间的简并,ReachabilityCloner提供这样的操作。其最重要的成员是NodeMap,类型为std::map<const DSNode*, DSNodeHandle>,第一部分保存源图的DSNode地址,第二部分保存目标图中援引与第一部分保存的DSNode对应的简并后DSNode的DSNodeHandle。在186行首先构建它的一个实例。


658      ReachabilityCloner(DSGraph* dest, const DSGraph* src, unsigned cloneFlags,

659                         bool _createDest = true)

660        : Dest(dest), Src(src),CloneFlags(cloneFlags), createDest(_createDest) {

661        assert(Dest!= Src && "Cannot clone from graph to same graph!");

662        BitsToKeep = ~DSNode::DeadNode;

663        if (CloneFlags &DSGraph::StripAllocaBit)

664          BitsToKeep &= ~DSNode::AllocaNode;

665        if (CloneFlags &DSGraph::StripModRefBits)

666          BitsToKeep &= ~(DSNode::ModifiedNode| DSNode::ReadNode);

667        if (CloneFlags &DSGraph::StripIncompleteBit)

668          BitsToKeep &=~DSNode::IncompleteNode;

669      }




840    void ReachabilityCloner::merge(const DSNodeHandle &NH,

841                                   const DSNodeHandle &SrcNH) {

842      if (SrcNH.isNull()) return// Noop

843      if (NH.isNull()) {

844        // If there isno destination node, just clone the source and assign the

845       // destinationnode to be it.

846        NH.mergeWith(getClonedNH(SrcNH));

847        return;

848      }


850      // Okay, at thispoint, we know that we have both a destination and a source

851      // node that needto be merged.  Check to see if the sourcenode has already

852      // been cloned.

853      const DSNode*SN = SrcNH.getNode();

854      DSNodeHandle &SCNH = NodeMap[SN];  //SourceClonedNodeHandle

855      if (!SCNH.isNull()) {   // Node alreadycloned?

856        DSNode *SCNHN = SCNH.getNode();

857        NH.mergeWith(DSNodeHandle(SCNHN,

858                                 SCNH.getOffset()+SrcNH.getOffset()));

859        return// Nothing to do!

860      }






862      // Okay, so thesource node has not already been cloned. Instead of creating

863      // a new DSNode,only to merge it into the one we already have, try to perform

864      // the mergein-place.  The only case we cannot handlehere is when the offset

865      // into theexisting node is less than the offset into the virtual node we are

866      // mergingin.  In this case, we have to extend theexisting node, which

867      // requires anallocation anyway.

868      DSNode *DN = NH.getNode();   // Make sure the Offset is up-to-date

869      if (NH.getOffset() >= SrcNH.getOffset()) {

870        if(!DN->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {

871          // Make surethe destination node is folded if the source node is folded.

872          if (SN->isNodeCompletelyFolded()) {

873            DN->foldNodeCompletely();

874            DN = NH.getNode();

875          } else if (SN->getSize() !=DN->getSize()) {

876            // If thetwo nodes are of different size, and the smaller node has the

877            // arraybit set, collapse!


879            if (SN->getSize() < DN->getSize()) {

880              if (SN->isArrayNode()) {

881                DN->foldNodeCompletely();

882                DN = NH.getNode();

883              }

884            } else if (DN->isArrayNode()) {

885              DN->foldNodeCompletely();

886              DN = NH.getNode();

887            }

888    #endif

889          }



892          // FIXME:Addcomments.

893          if(!DN->isArrayNode() &&SN->isArrayNode()) {

894            if(DN->getSize() != 0 &&SN->getSize() != 0) {

895              if((DN->getSize() !=SN->getSize() &&

896                  (NH.getOffset() != 0 ||SrcNH.getOffset() != 0)

897                  && DN->getSize() >SN->getSize())) {

898                DN->foldNodeCompletely();

899                DN = NH.getNode();

900              }

901            }

902          }

903          if(!SN->isArrayNode() &&DN->isArrayNode()) {

904            if(DN->getSize() != 0 &&SN->getSize() != 0) {

905              if((DN->getSize() !=SN->getSize() &&

906                  (NH.getOffset() != 0 ||SrcNH.getOffset() != 0)

907                  && DN->getSize() <SN->getSize())) {

908                DN->foldNodeCompletely();

909                DN = NH.getNode();

910              }

911            }

912          }


914          if (SN->isArrayNode() &&DN->isArrayNode()) {

915            if((SN->getSize() !=DN->getSize()) && (SN->getSize() != 0)

916               && DN->getSize() != 0) {

917              DN->foldNodeCompletely();

918              DN = NH.getNode();

919            }

920          }

921          if (!DN->isNodeCompletelyFolded()&& DN->getSize() < SN->getSize())

922            DN->growSize(SN->getSize());



925          // Merge thetype entries of the two nodes together...

926          if (!DN->isNodeCompletelyFolded())

927            DN->mergeTypeInfo(SN,NH.getOffset() - SrcNH.getOffset());

928        }


930        assert(!DN->isDeadNode());


如果目标图还未克隆SN,也不一定非要克隆SN,前提是目标图所指向的偏移超过源图(这样我们可以使用已经克隆的NH作为这个节点的克隆)。869行的if直到958行才结束,而870行的if结束在927行。870~927行首先确定DN是否需要缩合。缩合的原因无非就是要算法正确处理计算量太大、太困难,这些都涉及数组。如果DN逃过了缩合的命运,在921~928行根据SN调整DN,这几行可以放在下面。927行对offset的调整,NH.getOffset() -SrcNH.getOffset()是目标节点相对源节点的偏移差,因为927行是简并源节点与目标节点的类型信息进入目标节点,这个偏移差是必须的。




932        // Merge theNodeType information.

933        DN->mergeNodeFlags(SN->getNodeFlags()& BitsToKeep);


935        // Before westart merging outgoing links and updating the scalar map, make

936        // sure it isknown that this is the representative node for the src node.

937        SCNH = DSNodeHandle(DN,NH.getOffset()-SrcNH.getOffset());


939        // If thesource node contains any globals, make sure they end up in the

940        // scalar mapwith the correct offset.

941        if (SN->globals_begin() !=SN->globals_end()) {

942          // Update theglobals in the destination node itself.

943          DN->mergeGlobals(*SN);


945          // Update thescalar map for the graph we are merging the source node

946          // into.

947          for(DSNode::globals_iterator I = SN->globals_begin(),

948               E = SN->globals_end(); I != E;++I) {

949            constGlobalValue *GV = *I;

950            const DSNodeHandle &SrcGNH = Src->getNodeForValue(GV);

951            DSNodeHandle &DestGNH =NodeMap[SrcGNH.getNode()];

952            assert(DestGNH.getNode()==NH.getNode()&&"Global mapping inconsistent");

953            Dest->getNodeForValue(GV).mergeWith(DSNodeHandle(DestGNH.getNode(),

954                                                            DestGNH.getOffset()+SrcGNH.getOffset()));

955          }

956          NH.getNode()->mergeGlobals(*SN);

957        }





因此,在953行对Globals的每个成员构建DSNodeHandle,因为DestGNH来自NodeMap,它的偏移减去了SrcNH的偏移(927行),因此只要加上SrcGNH的偏移即可,而不是DestGNH.getOffset() +SrcGNH.getOffset()-SrcNH.getOffset()。注意,因为NodeMap只能(需要)映射一对DSNode与DSNodeHandle,获取其他DSNodeHandle的方法就是通过getNodeForValue,这会生成一个空的DSNodeHandle,而mergeWith把生成的DSNodeHandle直接拷贝给这个DSNodeHandle。





958      } else {

959        // We cannothandle this case without allocating a temporary node.  Fall

960        // back onbeing simple.

961        DSNode *NewDN = newDSNode(*SN, Dest, true /* Null out all links */);

962        NewDN->maskNodeTypes(BitsToKeep);


964    #ifndef NDEBUG

965        unsigned NHOffset = NH.getOffset();

966    #endif

967        NH.mergeWith(DSNodeHandle(NewDN,SrcNH.getOffset()));


969    #ifndef NDEBUG

970        assert(NH.getNode()&&

971               (NH.getOffset() > NHOffset ||

972                (NH.getOffset() == 0 &&NH.getNode()->isNodeCompletelyFolded())) &&

973               "Merging did not adjust theoffset!");

974    #endif


976        // Before westart merging outgoing links and updating the scalar map, make

977        // sure it isknown that this is the representative node for the src node.

978        SCNH = DSNodeHandle(NH.getNode(),NH.getOffset()-SrcNH.getOffset());


980        // If thesource node contained any globals, make sure to create entries

981        // in thescalar map for them!

982        for(DSNode::globals_iterator I = SN->globals_begin(),

983             E = SN->globals_end(); I != E; ++I){

984          const GlobalValue*GV = *I;

985          constDSNodeHandle &SrcGNH = Src->getNodeForValue(GV);

986          DSNodeHandle &DestGNH =NodeMap[SrcGNH.getNode()];

987          assert(DestGNH.getNode()==NH.getNode()&&"Global mapping inconsistent");

988          assert(SrcGNH.getNode()== SN && "Global mapping inconsistent");

989          Dest->getNodeForValue(GV).mergeWith(DSNodeHandle(DestGNH.getNode(),

990                                                           DestGNH.getOffset()+SrcGNH.getOffset()));

991        }

992      }






994      //  DOUT << "LLVA: mergeWith: "<< SN << " becomes " << DN << "\n";


996      // Next,recursively merge all outgoing links as necessary.  Note that

997      // adding theselinks can cause the destination node to collapse itself at

998      // any time, andthe current node may be merged with arbitrary other nodes.

999      // For thisreason, we must always go through NH.

1000    DN = 0;

1001    for(DSNode::const_edge_iterator ii = SN->edge_begin(), ee = SN->edge_end();

1002         ii != ee; ++ii) {

1003      constDSNodeHandle &SrcEdge = ii->second;

1004      if (!SrcEdge.isNull()) {

1005        // Computethe offset into the current node at which to

1006        // merge thislink.  In the common case, this is alinear

1007        // relationto the offset in the original node (with

1008        // wrapping),but if the current node gets collapsed due to

1009        // recursivemerging, we must make sure to merge in all remaining

1010        // links atoffset zero.

1011        DSNode *CN = SCNH.getNode();

1012        unsigned MergeOffset =(ii->first+SCNH.getOffset()) % CN->getSize();


1014        DSNodeHandle Tmp =CN->getLink(MergeOffset);

1015        if (!Tmp.isNull()) {

1016          // Performthe recursive merging.  Make sure tocreate a temporary NH,

1017          // becausethe Link can disappear in the process of recursive merging.

1018          merge(Tmp, SrcEdge);

1019        } else {

1020          Tmp.mergeWith(getClonedNH(SrcEdge));

1021          // Mergingthis could cause all kinds of recursive things to happen,

1022          //culminating in the current node being eliminated.  Since this is

1023          //possible, make sure to reaquire the link from 'CN'.


1025          unsigned MergeOffset = 0;

1026          CN = SCNH.getNode();

1027          MergeOffset = (ii->first +SCNH.getOffset()) % CN->getSize();

1028          CN->getLink(MergeOffset).mergeWith(Tmp);

1029        }

1030      }

1031    }

1032  }






750    DSNodeHandle ReachabilityCloner::getClonedNH(const DSNodeHandle &SrcNH) {

751      if (SrcNH.isNull()) returnDSNodeHandle();

752      const DSNode*SN = SrcNH.getNode();


754      DSNodeHandle &NH = NodeMap[SN];

755      if (!NH.isNull()) { //Node already mapped?

756        DSNode *NHN = NH.getNode();

757        unsigned NewOffset = NH.getOffset() +SrcNH.getOffset();

758        if (NHN) {

759          NHN->checkOffsetFoldIfNeeded(NewOffset);

760          NHN = NH.getNode();

761        }

762        returnDSNodeHandle(NHN, NewOffset);

763      }


765      // If SrcNH hasglobals and the destination graph has one of the same globals,

766      // merge this nodewith the destination node, which is much more efficient.

767      if (SN->globals_begin() != SN->globals_end()){

768        DSScalarMap &DestSM =Dest->getScalarMap();

769        for(DSNode::globals_iterator I = SN->globals_begin(),E = SN->globals_end();

770             I != E; ++I) {

771          constGlobalValue *GV = *I;

772          DSScalarMap::iterator GI = DestSM.find(GV);

773          if (GI != DestSM.end() &&!GI->second.isNull()) {

774            // We foundone, use merge instead!

775            merge(GI->second,Src->getNodeForValue(GV));

776            assert(!NH.isNull()&& "Didn't merge node!");

777            DSNode *NHN = NH.getNode();

778            unsigned NewOffset = NH.getOffset() +SrcNH.getOffset();

779            if (NHN) {

780              NHN->checkOffsetFoldIfNeeded(NewOffset);

781              NHN = NH.getNode();

782            }

783            returnDSNodeHandle(NHN, NewOffset);

784          }

785        }

786      }


788      if (!createDest) returnDSNodeHandle(0,0);



如果SrcNH所指向的DSNode还没有映射(实际上不一定是没有映射,因为NodeMap的类型是std::map<const DSNode*, DSNodeHandle>,当存在多个DSNodeHandle指向同一个DSNode时,即DSNode的Globals有多个元素,只有其中一个的DSNodeHandle被NodeMap记录,通过NodeMap是找不到其他元素的DSNodeHandle),769行遍历该DSNode所代表的内存对象,如果其中之一的DSNodeHandle已经记录在NodeMap中,说明这个DSNode实际已经映射了,那么在775行把这对DSNodeHandle节点克隆、简并起来就好了。因为merge会产生Globals中所有元素的DSNodeHandle。注释说到,这样做会效率更高。776行的NH是NodeMap的一个引用,因此775行的merge调用的结果会在其中反映出来。





790      DSNode *DN = newDSNode(*SN, Dest, true /* Null out all links */);

791      DN->maskNodeTypes(BitsToKeep);

792      NH = DN;


794      // Next,recursively clone all outgoing links as necessary.  Note that

795      // adding theselinks can cause the node to collapse itself at any time, and

796      // the current nodemay be merged with arbitrary other nodes. For this

797      // reason, we mustalways go through NH.

798      DN = 0;

799      for(DSNode::const_edge_iterator ii = SN->edge_begin(), ee = SN->edge_end();

800           ii != ee; ++ii) {

801        constDSNodeHandle &SrcEdge = ii->second;

802        if (!SrcEdge.isNull()) {

803          constDSNodeHandle &DestEdge = getClonedNH(SrcEdge);

804          // Compute theoffset into the current node at which to

805          // merge thislink.  In the common case, this is alinear

806          // relation tothe offset in the original node (with

807          // wrapping),but if the current node gets collapsed due to

808          // recursivemerging, we must make sure to merge in all remaining

809          // links atoffset zero.

810          unsigned MergeOffset = 0;

811          DSNode *CN = NH.getNode();

812          if (CN->getSize() != 1)

813            MergeOffset = (ii->first +NH.getOffset()) % CN->getSize();

814          CN->addEdgeTo(MergeOffset,DestEdge);

815        }

816      }


818      // If this nodecontains any globals, make sure they end up in the scalar

819      // map with thecorrect offset.

820      for(DSNode::globals_iterator I = SN->globals_begin(), E = SN->globals_end();

821           I != E; ++I) {

823        constGlobalValue *GV = *I;

824        constDSNodeHandle &SrcGNH = Src->getNodeForValue(GV);

825        DSNodeHandle &DestGNH =NodeMap[SrcGNH.getNode()];

826        assert(DestGNH.getNode()== NH.getNode() &&"Global mapping inconsistent");

827        Dest->getNodeForValue(GV).mergeWith(DSNodeHandle(DestGNH.getNode(),

828                                                        DestGNH.getOffset()+SrcGNH.getOffset()));

829      }

830      NH.getNode()->mergeGlobals(*SN);


832      DSNode* NHN = NH.getNode();

833     unsigned NewOffset = NH.getOffset() +SrcNH.getOffset();

834      if (NHN) {

835        NHN->checkOffsetFoldIfNeeded(NewOffset);

836        NHN = NH.getNode();

837      }

838      returnDSNodeHandle(NHN, NewOffset);

839    }


来到这里,目标图确实没有克隆源DSNode,因此首先创建一个DSNode节点。在792行,NH实际被赋予DSNodeHandle(DN, 0)。接着在799行遍历源节点所代表的对象所指向的对象,使目标节点指向对应的映射后的DSNode。最后,在820行,更新目标节点所代表的所有全局对象的引用(DSNodeHandle)。

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