GCC's bacl-end & assemble emission (27)    Build finite state automaton

The finite state automaton (FSA) is categorized as deterministic (DFA) and nondeterministic (NDFA). For deterministic one, by start state and the triggering event, we can definitely know the state we will transit, while for nondeterministic ones, it will lead to several destinations. In machine description file, for instruction, in unit reservation which contains alternatives (“|” operator) will introduce nondeterministic FSA.

However, we can control the output of these alternatives by using “-ndfa” option during producing the automata. By default, without this option, alternatives are treated in deterministic way, only transition for first qualified alternative is regarded. While with the option, all qualified alternatives are used to form the nondeterministic automaton. But after that, a NDFA to DFA tansformation is taken to put the automaton into DFA. Obviously, the automaton generated by ndfa_flag of 0 is less efficient than that generated by ndfa_flag of 1, however the former automaton can be generated faster, and the efficience loss is not as large as imaging.


6401 static void

6402 build_automaton (automaton_t automaton)                                                  in genautomata.c

6403 {

6404   int states_num;

6405   int arcs_num;


6407   ticker_on (&NDFA_time );

6408   if (progress_flag )

6409   {

6410     if (automaton->corresponding_automaton_decl == NULL)

6411       fprintf (stderr , "Create anonymous automaton");

6412     else

6413       fprintf (stderr , "Create automaton `%s'",

6414             automaton->corresponding_automaton_decl->name);

6415       fprintf (stderr , " (1 dot is 100 new states):");

6416   }

6417   make_automaton (automaton);


make_automaton is invoked to build the automaton, which will according to “-ndfa” option, build nondeterministic or deterministic automaton with alternatives’ presence (operator “|” in define_insn_reservation).


5693 static void

5694 make_automaton (automaton_t automaton)                                                  in genautomata.c

5695 {

5696   ainsn_t ainsn;

5697   struct insn_reserv_decl *insn_reserv_decl;

5698   alt_state_t alt_state;

5699   state_t state;

5700   state_t start_state;

5701   state_t state2;

5702   ainsn_t advance_cycle_ainsn;

5703   arc_t added_arc;

5704   vla_ptr_t state_stack;

5705   int states_n;

5706   reserv_sets_t reservs_matter = form_reservs_matter (automaton);


5708   VLA_PTR_CREATE (state_stack, 150, "state stack");

5709   /* Create the start state (empty state).  */

5710   start_state = insert_state (get_free_state (1, automaton));

5711   automaton->start_state = start_state;

5712   start_state->it_was_placed_in_stack_for_NDFA_forming = 1;

5713   VLA_PTR_ADD (state_stack, start_state);

5714   states_n = 1;


Here, form_reserv_matter will again fill a bitmap of unit reservation. However, this time the bitmap is per automaton. In 8.1.3. Overview of DEFINE_INSN_RESERVATION pattern , it sees that units would be distributed to automaton (by define_cpu_unit pattern, every unit should belong to one automaton), and among different units of the same automaton, there is dependent or exclusive relation (defined by EXCLUSION_SET pattern etc.).

Besides, define_insn_reservation describes units’ reservation by every instruction class (note strictly speaking, insn mentions instruction class). Summarizing information of these classes, it can know the reservation of the unit in whole approximately, which is done in previous section.

Bitmaps of instruction class for units’ reservation per cycle can’t display such information. Here it needs collect these information into the bitmaps for the automata.


5669 static reserv_sets_t

5670 form_reservs_matter (automaton_t automaton)                                      in genautomata.c

5671 {

5672   int cycle, unit;

5673   reserv_sets_t reservs_matter = alloc_empty_reserv_sets();


5675   for (cycle = 0; cycle < max_cycles_num ; cycle++)

5676     for (unit = 0; unit < description ->units_num; unit++)

5677       if (units_array [unit]->automaton_decl

5678             == automaton->corresponding_automaton_decl

5679            && (cycle >= units_array [unit]->min_occ_cycle_num

5680               /* We can not remove queried unit from reservations.  */

5681               || units_array [unit]->query_p

5682               /* We can not remove units which are used

5683                    `exclusion_set', `presence_set',

5684                   `final_presence_set', `absence_set', and

5685                  `final_absence_set'.  */

5686               || units_array [unit]->in_set_p))

5687         set_unit_reserv (reservs_matter, cycle, unit);

5688   return reservs_matter;

5689 }


At line 5679 min_occ_cycle_num indicates the minmum cycle in all reservations of the unit. In here treatment, in cycles after, the unit will be regarded as reserved by the owner. It is conservative, but enough simple and absolutelt right.

Then in make_automaton , at line 5710, a new start_state is saved in state_stack . It will be the start point of the automaton under built. So it satisfies condition at line 5715 initially.


make_automaton (continued)


5715   while (VLA_PTR_LENGTH (state_stack) != 0)

5716   {

5717     state = VLA_PTR (state_stack, VLA_PTR_LENGTH (state_stack) - 1);

5718     VLA_PTR_SHORTEN (state_stack, 1);

5719     advance_cycle_ainsn = NULL;

5720     for (ainsn = automaton->ainsn_list;

5721         ainsn != NULL;

5722         ainsn = ainsn->next_ainsn)

5723       if (ainsn->first_insn_with_same_reservs)

5724       {

5725         insn_reserv_decl = ainsn->insn_reserv_decl;

5726         if (insn_reserv_decl != DECL_INSN_RESERV (advance_cycle_insn_decl ))

5727         {

5728           /* We process alt_states in the same order as they are

5729             present in the description.  */

5730           added_arc = NULL;

5731            for (alt_state = ainsn->alt_states;

5732               alt_state != NULL;

5733               alt_state = alt_state->next_alt_state)

5734           {

5735             state2 = alt_state->state;

5736             if (!intersected_state_reservs_p (state, state2))

5737             {

5738               state2 = states_union (state, state2, reservs_matter);

5739               if (!state2->it_was_placed_in_stack_for_NDFA_forming)

5740               {

5741                 state2->it_was_placed_in_stack_for_NDFA_forming

5742                         = 1;

5743                 VLA_PTR_ADD (state_stack, state2);

5744                 states_n++;

5745                 if (progress_flag && states_n % 100 == 0)

5746                   fprintf (stderr , ".");

5747               }

5748               added_arc = add_arc (state, state2, ainsn, 1);

5749               if (!ndfa_flag )

5750                 break ;

5751              }

5752           }

5753           if (!ndfa_flag && added_arc != NULL)

5754           {

5755             added_arc->state_alts = 0;

5756             for (alt_state = ainsn->alt_states;

5757                 alt_state != NULL;

5758                 alt_state = alt_state->next_alt_state)

5759             {

5760               state2 = alt_state->state;

5761               if (!intersected_state_reservs_p (state, state2))

5762                 added_arc->state_alts++;

5763             }

5764           }

5765         }

5766         else

5767           advance_cycle_ainsn = ainsn;

5768       }

5769       /* Add transition to advance cycle.  */

5770       state2 = state_shift (state, reservs_matter);

5771       if (!state2->it_was_placed_in_stack_for_NDFA_forming)

5772       {

5773         state2->it_was_placed_in_stack_for_NDFA_forming = 1;

5774         VLA_PTR_ADD (state_stack, state2);

5775         states_n++;

5776         if (progress_flag && states_n % 100 == 0)

5777           fprintf (stderr , ".");

5778       }

5779       if (advance_cycle_ainsn == NULL)

5780         abort ();

5781       add_arc (state, state2, advance_cycle_ainsn, 1);

5782   }

5783   VLA_PTR_DELETE (state_stack);

5784 }


In this automaton, we use states to track the resource usage and state transition indicates the issue of instruction. There are two types of state transition. First, certain instruction can be issued under the state (that is, the instruction will not compete for resource with those already issued). And if no more instruction can be issued, we can do nothing but wait CPU to advance one cycle.

In previous section, it shows if sets first_insn_with_same_reservs , the ainsn is the first define_insn_reservation pattern using the units’ reservation in the machine description file. It indicates, at that point, these units expected may be available and worthes a searching. While if first_insn_with_same_reservs is 0, it means other instruction class using the same units has been arranged, we could just wait for next cycle (head for line 5770).

Above, at line 5761, intersected_state_reservs_p returns nonzero if the two states, at lease one of which represents instruction, compete the same CPU unit in a cycle, and on the other hand, returns zero which means we can iusse the speicified instruction.

Above at line 5761, state stands for the source state, and state2 stands for the possible target state, see that these two states are within the same cycle, transition is possible only they won’t compete for the CPU units. intersected_state_reservs_p checks if these two states will compete for resource, it returns 0, if no such competition found.


4168 static int

4169 intersected_state_reservs_p (state_t state1, state_t state2)                        in genautomata.c

4170 {

4171   if (state1->automaton != state2->automaton)

4172     abort ();

4173   return reserv_sets_are_intersected (state1->reservs, state2->reservs);

4174 }


Of course, these two states must belong to same automaton. In reservs field of state is the bitmap recording the usage of units in every cycle (the number of cycle is determined by the largest cycle number of all define_insn_reservation patterns), so if condition at line 3881 satisfied, it means the states conflict.


3867 static int

3868 reserv_sets_are_intersected (reserv_sets_t operand_1,                             in genautomata.c

3869                           reserv_sets_t operand_2)

3870 {

3871   set_el_t *el_ptr_1;

3872   set_el_t *el_ptr_2;

3873   set_el_t *cycle_ptr_1;

3874   set_el_t *cycle_ptr_2;


3876   if (operand_1 == NULL || operand_2 == NULL)

3877     abort ();

3878   for (el_ptr_1 = operand_1, el_ptr_2 = operand_2;

3879       el_ptr_1 < operand_1 + els_in_reservs ;

3880       el_ptr_1++, el_ptr_2++)

3881     if (*el_ptr_1 & *el_ptr_2)

3882       return 1;

3883   reserv_sets_or (temp_reserv , operand_1, operand_2);

3884   for (cycle_ptr_1 = operand_1, cycle_ptr_2 = operand_2;

3885       cycle_ptr_1 < operand_1 + els_in_reservs ;

3886       cycle_ptr_1 += els_in_cycle_reserv , cycle_ptr_2 += els_in_cycle_reserv )

3887   {

3888     for (el_ptr_1 = cycle_ptr_1, el_ptr_2 = get_excl_set (cycle_ptr_2);

3889         el_ptr_1 < cycle_ptr_1 + els_in_cycle_reserv ;

3890         el_ptr_1++, el_ptr_2++)

3891       if (*el_ptr_1 & *el_ptr_2)

3892         return 1;

3893     if (!check_presence_pattern_sets (cycle_ptr_1, cycle_ptr_2, FALSE))

3894       return 1;

3895     if (!check_presence_pattern_sets (temp_reserv + (cycle_ptr_2

3896                                 - operand_2),

3897                                 cycle_ptr_2, TRUE))

3898       return 1;

3899     if (!check_absence_pattern_sets (cycle_ptr_1, cycle_ptr_2, FALSE))

3900       return 1;

3901     if (!check_absence_pattern_sets (temp_reserv + (cycle_ptr_2 - operand_2),

3902                                  cycle_ptr_2, TRUE))

3903       return 1;

3904   }

3905   return 0;

3906 }


If these states don’t compete for resource, it is too earily to make conclusion, we need further check if there is conflict due to units’ dependence or exclusion.

First check exclusion among units. In initiate_excl_sets , it sets unit_excl_set_table according to the EXCLUDE_SET patterns present (see Data initialization ). It is a bitmap too, which in fact is an two dimensions array of unit_num * unit_num (as exclusion is a symetric relation, it is in fact is a symetric matrix), for exclusive set unit 1 and 2, at poisiton 1*2 of the array, is 1.


4582 static reserv_sets_t

4583 get_excl_set (reserv_sets_t in_set)

4584 {

4585   int excl_char_num;

4586   int chars_num;

4587   int i;

4588   int start_unit_num;

4589   int unit_num;


4591   chars_num = els_in_cycle_reserv * sizeof (set_el_t);

4592   memset (excl_set , 0, chars_num);

4593   for (excl_char_num = 0; excl_char_num < chars_num; excl_char_num++)

4594     if (((unsigned char *) in_set) [excl_char_num])

4595       for (i = CHAR_BIT - 1; i >= 0; i--)

4596         if ((((unsigned char *) in_set) [excl_char_num] >> i) & 1)

4597           {

4598            start_unit_num = excl_char_num * CHAR_BIT + i;

4599            if (start_unit_num >= description ->units_num)

4600              return excl_set ;

4601            for (unit_num = 0; unit_num < els_in_cycle_reserv ; unit_num++)

4602            {

4603             excl_set [unit_num]

4604                |= unit_excl_set_table [start_unit_num] [unit_num];

4605           }

4606          }

4607   return excl_set ;

4608 }


At line 4594 and 4596, only reserved unit will be searched for excluding units, and the result is put in array excl_set , of which the elements are also bitmaps, which should be the exclusive bitmap of unit having number of the index to other units. No doubt if the exclusive unit appears in the other state, these two states can’t be combined.

Beside exclusive relation, it needs check dependence. At line 3883, first get the combination of the states in temp_reserv . In 8.1.3. Overview of DEFINE_INSN_RESERVATION pattern , we know that presence and absence relationships have final and non-final variants. The final one requires check in target state, while non-final one requires check in source state, so temp_reserv is used as assumed target state. Above expression “temp_reserv + (cycle_ptr_2 - operand_2)” gives the bitmap of units’ reservation of the assumed target state at specified cycle.

The task of check_presence_pattern_sets is quite clear, based on units reserved in original_set, searches dependent units in unit_final_presence_set_table or unit_presence_set_table . If the depenendent units are all present in checked_set, then these two states are compatible possibly.


4692 static int

4693 check_presence_pattern_sets (reserv_sets_t checked_set,

4694                           reserv_sets_t origional_set,

4695                           int final_p)

4696 {

4697   int char_num;

4698   int chars_num;

4699   int i;

4700   int start_unit_num;

4701   int unit_num;

4702   int presence_p;

4703   pattern_reserv_t pat_reserv;


4705   chars_num = els_in_cycle_reserv * sizeof (set_el_t);

4706   for (char_num = 0; char_num < chars_num; char_num++)

4707     if (((unsigned char *) origional_set) [char_num])

4708       for (i = CHAR_BIT - 1; i >= 0; i--)

4709         if ((((unsigned char *) origional_set) [char_num] >> i) & 1)

4710         {

4711            start_unit_num = char_num * CHAR_BIT + i;

4712            if (start_unit_num >= description ->units_num)

4713              break ;

4714            if ((final_p

4715                && unit_final_presence_set_table [start_unit_num] == NULL)

4716              || (!final_p

4717                  && unit_presence_set_table [start_unit_num] == NULL))

4718              continue ;

4719            presence_p = FALSE;

4720              for (pat_reserv = (final_p

4721                            ? unit_final_presence_set_table [start_unit_num]

4722                           : unit_presence_set_table [start_unit_num]);

4723                pat_reserv != NULL;

4724                pat_reserv = pat_reserv->next_pattern_reserv)

4725             {

4726             for (unit_num = 0; unit_num < els_in_cycle_reserv ; unit_num++)

4727                  if ((checked_set [unit_num] & pat_reserv->reserv [unit_num])

4728                     != pat_reserv->reserv [unit_num])

4729                   break ;

4730             presence_p = presence_p || unit_num >= els_in_cycle_reserv ;

4731            }

4732             if (!presence_p)

4733               return FALSE;

4734          }

4735   return TRUE;

4736 }


The process in check_absence_pattern_sets is similar, only when all units of absent-set are absent in checked_set, these two states may be compatible.


4741 static int

4742 check_absence_pattern_sets (reserv_sets_t checked_set,

4743                          reserv_sets_t origional_set,

4744                          int final_p)

4745 {

4746   int char_num;

4747   int chars_num;

4748   int i;

4749   int start_unit_num;

4750   int unit_num;

4751   pattern_reserv_t pat_reserv;


4753   chars_num = els_in_cycle_reserv * sizeof (set_el_t);

4754   for (char_num = 0; char_num < chars_num; char_num++)

4755     if (((unsigned char *) origional_set) [char_num])

4756       for (i = CHAR_BIT - 1; i >= 0; i--)

4757         if ((((unsigned char *) origional_set) [char_num] >> i) & 1)

4758          {

4759            start_unit_num = char_num * CHAR_BIT + i;

4760            if (start_unit_num >= description ->units_num)

4761              break ;

4762            for (pat_reserv = (final_p

4763                           ? unit_final_absence_set_table [start_unit_num]

4764                            : unit_absence_set_table [start_unit_num]);

4765                pat_reserv != NULL;

4766                pat_reserv = pat_reserv->next_pattern_reserv)

4767            {

4768             for (unit_num = 0; unit_num < els_in_cycle_reserv ; unit_num++)

4769                if ((checked_set [unit_num] & pat_reserv->reserv [unit_num])

4770                     != pat_reserv->reserv [unit_num]

4771                        && pat_reserv->reserv [unit_num])

4772                  break ;

4773             if (unit_num >= els_in_cycle_reserv )

4774                return FALSE;

4775            }

4776           }

4777   return TRUE;

4778 }


If the states are combinable, at line 5738, state_union combines them into a new state. This new state then is put into the state_stack as the start point for next step.


4179 static state_t

4180 states_union (state_t state1, state_t state2, reserv_sets_t reservs)

4181 {

4182   state_t result;

4183   state_t state_in_table;


4185   if (state1->automaton != state2->automaton)

4186     abort ();

4187   result = get_free_state (1, state1->automaton);

4188   reserv_sets_or (result->reservs, state1->reservs, state2->reservs);

4189   reserv_sets_and (result->reservs, result->reservs, reservs);

4190   state_in_table = insert_state (result);

4191   if (result != state_in_table)

4192   {

4193     free_state (result);

4194     result = state_in_table;

4195   }

4196   return result;

4197 }


Above parameter reservs is built by form_reservs_matter , which indicates the units’ reservation of the automaton. Collection of reservation of these two states may exceed that of automaton, so needs bit-and operation at line 4189.

Next we need to record this transition to this new state.


4319 static arc_t

4320 add_arc (state_t from_state, state_t to_state, ainsn_t ainsn,                      in genautomata.c

4321        int state_alts)

4322 {

4323   arc_t new_arc;


4325   new_arc = find_arc (from_state, to_state, ainsn);

4326   if (new_arc != NULL)

4327     return new_arc;

4328   if (first_free_arc == NULL)

4329   {

4330 #ifndef NDEBUG

4331     allocated_arcs_num ++;

4332 #endif

4333     new_arc = create_node (sizeof (struct arc ));

4334     new_arc->to_state = NULL;

4335     new_arc->insn = NULL;

4336     new_arc->next_out_arc = NULL;

4337   }

4338   else

4339   {

4340     new_arc = first_free_arc ;

4341     first_free_arc = first_free_arc ->next_out_arc;

4342   }

4343   new_arc->to_state = to_state;

4344   new_arc->insn = ainsn;

4345   ainsn->arc_exists_p = 1;

4346   new_arc->next_out_arc = from_state->first_out_arc;

4347   from_state->first_out_arc = new_arc;

4348   new_arc->next_arc_marked_by_insn = NULL;

4349   new_arc->state_alts = state_alts;

4350   return new_arc;

4351 }


arc is defined in below. For all to_states outgoing, they are linked by next_out_arc , and to_state indicates the target of the transition.


1140 struct arc                                                                                             in genautomata.c

1141 {

1142   /* The following field refers for the state into which given arc

1143     enters.  */

1144   state_t to_state;

1145   /* The following field describes that the insn issue (with cycle

1146     advancing for special insn `cycle advancing' and without cycle

1147     advancing for others) makes transition from given state to

1148     another given state.  */

1149   ainsn_t insn;

1150   /* The following field value is the next arc output from the same

1151     state.  */

1152   arc_t next_out_arc;

1153   /* List of arcs marked given insn is formed with the following

1154     field. The field is used in transformation NDFA -> DFA.  */

1155   arc_t next_arc_marked_by_insn;

1156   /* The following field is defined if NDFA_FLAG is zero. The member

1157     value is number of alternative reservations which can be used for

1158     transition for given state by given insn.  */

1159   int state_alts;

1160 };


Arc instances must have one-to-one relationship with pair (source state target state insn). This decision has profound impact in automata minization later. The uniqueness is promised by find_arc .


4305 static arc_t

4306 find_arc (state_t from_state, state_t to_state, ainsn_t insn)

4307 {

4308   arc_t arc;


4310   for (arc = first_out_arc (from_state); arc != NULL; arc = next_out_arc (arc))

4311     if (arc->to_state == to_state && arc->insn == insn)

4312       return arc;

4313   return NULL;

4314 }



Above, at line 5749, ndfa_flag , if non-zero, indicates the using of option “-ndfa” (handling alternatives in nondeterministic way). In nondeterministic way, for all alternatives of one define_insn_reservation, every possible transition will be recorded; while in deterministic way, for all alternatives of one define_insn_reservation, only the first qualified one will be recorded tegother with the number of all possible transitions (however transition except the first will never be taken). For example, assuming that an define_insn_reservation has three alternatives: A, B, and C. From start state S, we get following arcs:

S à A (can transit, create state SA, push in state_stack )

S à B (can transit, create state SB, push in state_stack )

S à C (can v, create state SC, push in state_stack )

While in deterministic automata, an arc will be created for first possible transition. For above example, we can get:

S à A (can i transit, create state SA, push in state_stack ), and state_alts of arc of 3.

Assuming that the following define_insn_reservation has two alternatives: E, and F. For nondeterministic automata we get:

S à E (can transit, create state SE, push in state_stack )

S à F (can transit, create state SF, push in state_stack )

And for deterministic automata we get:

S à E (can transit, create state SE, push in state_stack ), and state_alts of arc of 2

So the FOR loop at line 5720 tries to find out the possible transition under current state. Then in make_automaton at line 5769, state_shift will advance current state one cycle ahead by shifting the content of reservs field – of course, a new state and arc should be created for transition. Once created, the state (here is state2 ) will be put in the state_stack as the start state later (now in state_stack are: SA, SB, SC, SE, SF for nondeterministic automaton, and SA, SE for deterministic automaton. Notice that no state2 here, as start_state SA = SA).

In next run of WHILE loop at line 5715, SF is fetched from state_stack . For nondeterministic automaton we get following transitions, and remember that alternatives must share certain CPU units in valid automaton declaration:

F à E (NOT possible, intersected_state_reservs_p returns 1)

F à A (create FA, push in state_stack , assuming not intersect of CPU unit)

F à B (create FB, push in state_stack , assuming not intersect of CPU unit)

F à C (create FC, push in state_stack , assuming not intersect of CPU unit)

F à F1 (advancing one cycle, create F1, push in state_stack )

While for deterministic automata we get following transitions:

F à E (NOT possible, intersected_state_reservs_p returns 1)

F à A (create FA, push in state_stack , assuming not intersect of CPU unit)

F à F1 (advancing one cycle, create F1, push in state_stack )

Then in next run, F1 is fetched, we get following transitions:

F1 à A (NOT possible, assume intersected_state_reservs_p returns 1)

F1 à B (NOT possible, assume intersected_state_reservs_p returns 1)

F1 à C (create F1C, push in state_stack , assuming not intersect of CPU unit)

F1 à E (NOT possible, assume intersected_state_reservs_p returns 1)

F1 à F (NOT possible, assume intersected_state_reservs_p returns 1)

F1 à F2 (advancing F1 one cycle, create F2, push in state_stack )

And for deterministic automata E is fetched, we get following transitions:

F1 à A (NOT possible, assume intersected_state_reservs_p returns 1)

F1 à B (NOT possible, assume intersected_state_reservs_p returns 1)

F1 à C (create F1C, push in state_stack , assuming not intersect of CPU unit)

F1 à E (NOT possible, assume intersected_state_reservs_p returns 1)

F1 à F (NOT possible, assume intersected_state_reservs_p returns 1)

F1 à F2 (advancing F1 one cycle, create F2, push in state_stack )

At that point, arcs are linked into states by add_arc , we can get following figure. In the figure, arc* records information for the transition, field next_out_arc links all transitions departed from the same state, and field to_state refers to the destination state.


figure 73  : building DFA, stage 1

By this way, all transition opportunities are found out and recorded by arcs. In common sense, we have built the automaton. However, if alternatives present, NDFA may be created by using “-ndfa” option. NDFA is not what we want, we need to transfer it into DFA following.





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