Database | Subjects | Samples per subject | Total images | Expressions | Poses | 3D | Color | Institution | License |
Bosphorus[1] | 105 | 31-54 | 4652 | 34: action units and 6 expressions, labeled; 24 facial landmarks labeled | 13 pitch, yaw, and cross rotations | Yes; structured light acquisition | Yes | Bogazici University, Turkey | case-by-case, non-commercial, privacy protections[2] |
York-3DFace[3] | 350 | 15 | 5250 | neutral face, 5 expressions: anger, happiness, sadness, eyes closed, eyebrows raised | Uncontrol led up and down | Yes | ? | University of York, United Kingdom | ? |
ND2006[4] | 888 | 1-63 | 13450 | 5: happiness, sadness, surprise, disgust, other | n/a | Yes | ? | University of Notre Dame, United States | ? |
CASIA[5] | 123 | 37-38 | 4624 | 5: Anger, smile, laugh, surprise, closed eyes | n/a | Yes | ? | Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences, China | ? |
BU-3DFE[6] | 100 | 25 | 2500 | neutral face, and 6 expressions: anger, happiness, sadness, surprise, disgust, fear (4 levels) | n/a | Yes | ? | Binghamton University, United States | ? |
FRAV3D[7] | 106 | 16 | 1696 | netral face, smaile and mouth and eyes open | Left, right, up, down ? | Yes; structured light acquisition | Yes | Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain | ? |
BJUT-3D-R1[8] | 500 | 4 | 2000 | neutral face, joy, anger and surprise | n/a | Yes | ? | Beijing University of Technology, China | ? |
FRGC v.2[9] | 466 | 1-22 | 4007 | 6: anger, happiness, sadness, surprise, disgust, puffy | n/a | Yes | ? | National Institute Of Standards and Technology, United States | ? |
GavabDB[10] | 61 | 9 | 549 | neutral face, smile, frontal accentuated laugh, frontal random gesture | Left, right, up, down | Yes | ? | Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain | publications must reference; available for immediate download |
3D_RMA[11] | 100 | 20+ | 9971 | Mostly neutral, some unconstrained; neutral are labeled, unconstrained not further labeled | head turning from left to right, head nodding, raised/lowered head turning left to right | Yes | Yes | Royal Military Academy, Belgium | ? |
PUT | 120 | 6 | 720 | n/a? | Slight left/right and up/down | No | ? | ? | case-by-case, non-commercial, publications must reference; available for download after email correspondence[12] |
MUCT | 624 | slightly different but unlabeled | 3755 | ? | 5 camera perspectives | No | Yes | University Of Cape Town | Immediate download possible, citation of paper is desired |