The Euclidean Algorithm

Recall that the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two integers A and B is the largest integer that divides both A and B.

The Euclidean Algorithm is a technique for quickly finding the GCD of two integers.

The Algorithm

The Euclidean Algorithm for finding GCD(A,B) is as follows:

  • If A = 0 then GCD(A,B)=B, since the GCD(0,B)=B, and we can stop.  
  • If B = 0 then GCD(A,B)=A, since the GCD(A,0)=A, and we can stop.  
  • Write A in quotient remainder form (A = B⋅Q + R)
  • Find GCD(B,R) using the Euclidean Algorithm since GCD(A,B) = GCD(B,R)


Find the GCD of 270 and 192

  • A=270, B=192
  • A ≠0
  • B ≠0
  • Use long division to find that 270/192 = 1 with a remainder of 78. We can write this as: 270 = 192 * 1 +78
  • Find GCD(192,78), since GCD(270,192)=GCD(192,78)

A=192, B=78

  • A ≠0
  • B ≠0
  • Use long division to find that 192/78 = 2 with a remainder of 36. We can write this as:
  • 192 = 78 * 2 + 36
  • Find GCD(78,36), since GCD(192,78)=GCD(78,36)

A=78, B=36

  • A ≠0
  • B ≠0
  • Use long division to find that 78/36 = 2 with a remainder of 6. We can write this as:
  • 78 = 36 * 2 + 6
  • Find GCD(36,6), since GCD(78,36)=GCD(36,6)

A=36, B=6

  • A ≠0
  • B ≠0
  • Use long division to find that 36/6 = 6 with a remainder of 0. We can write this as:
  • 36 = 6 * 6 + 0
  • Find GCD(6,0), since GCD(36,6)=GCD(6,0)

A=6, B=0

  • A ≠0
  • B =0, GCD(6,0)=6

So we have shown:

GCD(270,192) = GCD(192,78) = GCD(78,36) = GCD(36,6) = GCD(6,0) = 6

GCD(270,192) = 6

Understanding the Euclidean Algorithm

If we examine the Euclidean Algorithm we can see that it makes use of the following properties:

  • GCD(A,0) = A
  • GCD(0,B) = B
  • If A = B⋅Q + R and B≠0 then GCD(A,B) = GCD(B,R) where Q is an integer, R is an integer between 0 and B-1

The first two properties let us find the GCD if either number is 0. The third property lets us take a larger, more difficult to solve problem, and reduce it to a smaller, easier to solve problem.

The Euclidean Algorithm makes use of these properties by rapidly reducing the problem into easier and easier problems, using the third property,  until it is easily solved by using one of the first two properties.

We can understand why these properties work by proving them.

We can prove that GCD(A,0)=A is as follows:

  • The largest integer that can evenly divide A is A.
  • All integers evenly divide 0, since for any integer, C, we can write C ⋅ 0 = 0. So we can conclude that A must evenly divide 0.
  • The greatest number that divides both A and 0 is A.

The proof for GCD(0,B)=B is similar. (Same proof, but we replace A with B).

To prove that GCD(A,B)=GCD(B,R) we first need to show that GCD(A,B)=GCD(B,A-B).

Suppose we have three integers A,B and C such that A-B=C.

Proof that the GCD(A,B) evenly divides C

The GCD(A,B), by definition, evenly divides A. As a result, A must be some multiple of GCD(A,B). i.e. X⋅GCD(A,B)=A where X is some integer

The GCD(A,B), by definition, evenly divides B. As a result,  B must be some multiple of GCD(A,B). i.e. Y⋅GCD(A,B)=B where Y is some integer

A-B=C gives us:

  • X⋅GCD(A,B) - Y⋅GCD(A,B) = C
  • (X - Y)⋅GCD(A,B) = C

So we can see that GCD(A,B) evenly divides C.

An illustration of this proof  is shown in the left portion of the figure below:

Proof that the GCD(B,C) evenly divides A

The GCD(B,C), by definition, evenly divides B. As a result, B must be some multiple of GCD(B,C). i.e. M⋅GCD(B,C)=B where M is some integer

The GCD(B,C), by definition, evenly divides C. As a result,  C must be some multiple of GCD(B,C). i.e. N⋅GCD(B,C)=C where N is some integer

A-B=C gives us:

  • B+C=A
  • M⋅GCD(B,C) + N⋅GCD(B,C) = A
  • (M + N)⋅GCD(B,C) = A

So we can see that GCD(B,C) evenly divides A.

An illustration of this proof  is shown in the figure below

Proof that GCD(A,B)=GCD(A,A-B)

  • GCD(A,B) by definition, evenly divides B.
  • We proved that GCD(A,B) evenly divides C.
  • Since the GCD(A,B) divides both B and C evenly it is a common divisor of B and C.

GCD(A,B) must be less than or equal to, GCD(B,C), because GCD(B,C) is the “greatest” common divisor of B and C.

  • GCD(B,C) by definition, evenly divides B.
  • We proved that GCD(B,C) evenly divides A.
  • Since the GCD(B,C) divides both A and B evenly it is a common divisor of A and B.

GCD(B,C) must be less than or equal to, GCD(A,B), because GCD(A,B) is the “greatest” common divisor of A and B.

Given that GCD(A,B)≤GCD(B,C) and GCD(B,C)≤GCD(A,B) we can conclude that:


Which is equivalent to:


An illustration of this proof  is shown in the right portion of the figure below.

Proof that GCD(A,B) = GCD(B,R)

We proved that GCD(A,B)=GCD(B,A-B)

The order of the terms does not matter so we can say GCD(A,B)=GCD(A-B,B)

We can repeatedly apply GCD(A,B)=GCD(A-B,B) to obtain:


But A= B⋅Q + R so  A-Q⋅B=R

Thus GCD(A,B)=GCD(R,B)

The order of terms does not matter, thus:


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Create a class called Rational for performing arithmetic with fractions. Use integer variables to represent the private data of the class – the numerator and the denominator. Provide a constructor that enables an object of this class to be initialized when it’s declared. The constructor should store the fraction in reduced form. For example, the fraction would be stored in the object as 1 in the numerator and 2 in the denominator. In order to compute the reduced form, you need to write a reduction function which uses the Euclidean algorithm to get the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator first and then divides GCD to get the reduced numerator and denominator. Provide public member functions that perform each of the following tasks:(a) (5%) Subtract a Rational number from the other Rational number. The result should be stored in reduced form. (b) (5%) Divide a Rational number by the other Rational number. The result should be stored in reduced form. (c) (5%) Print Rational numbers in the form a/b, where a is the numerator and b is the denominator. (d) (5%) Compare two Rational numbers to make sure which one is smaller or they are equal. (1 for the first number, 2 for the second number and 0 if they are equal) Please also write a main function to prompt the user to input two Rational numbers (5%). Subtract one number from the other from these two numbers using (a) and then print the result using (c). Divide one number from the other from these two numbers using (b) and then print the result using (c). Compare these two Rational numbers using (d) and indicate which one is smaller or they are equal. 用c++寫,並用using namespace std;




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