
本文翻译自:Xcode process launch failed: Security

I have been developing an app for 1 or 2 weeks now and just yesterday I have updated my iPhone 5S to the iOS 8 GM. 我已经开发了一个应用程序1或2周了,就在昨天我已经将我的iPhone 5S更新到iOS 8 GM。 Everything worked fine and I could test on my device as well until I deleted the app from my phone and wanted to build again. 一切正常,我也可以在我的设备上测试,直到我从手机中删除应用程序并想再次构建。 The following error appeared: 出现以下错误:

Could not launch "My App"
process launch failed: Security


When I test with the simulator it works fine. 当我用模拟器测试时它工作正常。 Is this because of the iOS 8 GM update and how can I fix this launch problem? 这是因为iOS 8 GM更新以及如何解决此启动问题? I want to be able to test on my iPhone and in the simulator. 我希望能够在我的iPhone和模拟器上进行测试。




I have the same issue. 我有同样的问题。 I click ok in xcode and when launching the app on my iPhone I'm asked if I want to trust this application. 我在xcode中单击确定,当我在iPhone上启动应用程序时,我被问到是否要信任此应用程序。 Doing it, the app runs and further build-and-run from xcode went without any issue until deleting the app from the iPhone and reinstalling it. 这样做,应用程序运行,并从xcode进一步构建和运行没有任何问题,直到从iPhone删除应用程序并重新安装它。 Then goto first line ;-) 然后转到第一行;-)


If you get this, the app has installed on your device. 如果您这样做,则该应用已安装在您的设备上。 You have to tap the icon. 你必须点击图标。 It will ask you if you really want to run it. 它会问你是否真的想要运行它。 Say “ yes ” and then Build & Run again . 说“ yes ”然后Build & Run again

As from iOS 9, it is required to go to Settings → General → DeviceManagement → DeveloperApp → Trust . 从iOS 9开始,需要转到Settings → General → DeviceManagement → DeveloperApp → Trust


Xcode is able to build and install the app, but isn't able to launch it the first time. Xcode能够构建和安装应用程序,但无法在第一次启动它。 You just need to tap on the app's icon on the phone, then you will be prompted to ask if you want to trust the developer. 您只需点击手机上的应用程序图标,系统就会提示您是否要信任开发人员。 Allow it and the app will launch, then Xcode will be able to automatically install & launch this and your other apps. 允许它,应用程序将启动,然后Xcode将能够自动安装和启动此和您的其他应用程序。


Hey so the accepted answer works, except if you need to debug the initial launch of the app. 嘿所以接受的答案是有效的,除非你需要调试应用程序的初始启动。 However I think that answer is more of a work around, and not an actual solution. 但是我认为答案更多的是一种解决方法,而不是一种实际的解决方案。 From my understanding this message occurs when you have some weirdness in your provisioning profile / cert setup so make extra sure everything is in tip-top shape in that dept. 根据我的理解,当您在配置文件/证书设置中有一些奇怪之处时会出现此消息,因此请确保该部门中的所有内容都处于最佳状态。 before ramming your head against the wall repeatedly. 在反复撞击墙壁之前。

What worked for me was as follows from the apple docs : 对我来说有用的苹果文档中的以下内容

Provisioning Profiles Known Issue If you have upgraded to the GM seed from other betas you may see your apps crashing due to provisioning profile issues. 供应配置文件已知问题如果您已从其他测试版升级到GM种子,则可能会发现您的应用由于配置配置文件问题而崩溃。

Workaround: 解决方法:

  1. Connect the device via USB to your Mac 通过USB将设备连接到Mac

  2. Launch Xcode Choose Window ->Devices 启动Xcode选择Window - > Devices

  3. Right click on the device in left column, choose "Show Provisioning Profiles" 右键单击左栏中的设备,选择“显示配置文件”

  4. Click on the provisioning profile in question 单击相关的配置文件

  5. Press the "-" button Continue to removing all affected profiles. 按“ - ”按钮继续删除所有受影响的配置文件。

  6. Re-install the app 重新安装该应用程序

Make sure you right click on the image of the device not the name of the device or you won't see the provisioning profiles option. 确保右键单击设备的图像而不是设备名称,否则您将看不到配置文件选项。 I restored my new phone from an old backup and there was a lot of cruft hanging around, i also had 2 different dev. 我从一个旧的备份恢复了我的新手机,并且有很多残酷的闲置,我也有两个不同的开发。 certs active (not sure why) but i deleted one, made a new profile got rid of all the profiles on device and it worked. 证书活跃(不知道为什么),但我删除了一个,使一个新的配置文件摆脱了设备上的所有配置文件,它的工作。

Hope this helps someone else. 希望这有助于其他人。


"If you get this, the app has installed on your device. You have to tap the icon. It will ask you if you really want to run it. Say “yes” and then Build & Run again." “如果你得到这个,应用程序已安装在你的设备上。你必须点击图标。它会询问你是否真的要运行它。说”是“然后再建立并运行。”

To add to that, this only holds true the moment you get the error, if you click OK, then tap on the app. 要添加到此,只有在出现错误时才会出现这种情况,如果单击“确定”,则点击应用程序。 It will do nothing. 它什么都不做。 Scratched my head on that for 30 odd minutes, searching for alternative ways to address the problem. 我抓了30分钟,寻找解决问题的其他方法。





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