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翻译 如何用回调来衡量javascript代码的执行时间

I have a piece of javascript code that I am executing using the node.js interpreter. 我有一段javascript

2020-07-31 17:35:28 121

翻译 如何在git历史中查找/识别大型提交?

I've got a git repo of 300 MB. 我有一个300 MB的git repo。 My currently checked-out files weigh 2 MB, and

2020-07-31 17:05:27 367

翻译 将edittext限制为单行

possible duplicate : android-singleline-true-not-working-for-edittext 可能重复: android-singleline-true

2020-07-31 16:35:26 774

翻译 在每个‘when‘块中具有多个值的Case语句

The best way I can describe what I'm looking for is to show you the failed code I've tried thus far

2020-07-31 16:05:25 1151

翻译 选择随机行PostgreSQL的最佳方法

I want a random selection of rows in PostgreSQL, I tried this: 我想在PostgreSQL中随机选择一行,我试过这个: select

2020-07-31 14:35:22 1450

翻译 如何在Windows中获取批处理脚本的路径?

I know that %0 contains the full path of the batch script, eg c:\\path\\to\\my\\file\\abc.bat 我知道%0

2020-07-31 13:05:19 829

翻译 什么是C中的>>> =运算符?

Given by a colleague as a puzzle, I cannot figure out how this C program actually compiles and runs

2020-07-31 12:35:18 1436

翻译 Android并以dp为单位以编程方式设置宽度和高度

I'm doing: 我正在做: button.setLayoutParams(new GridView.LayoutParams(65, 65)); According to the d

2020-07-31 10:05:13 1181

翻译 Python中没有多行Lambda:为什么不呢?

I've heard it said that multiline lambdas can't be added in Python because they would clash syntact

2020-07-30 16:35:07 1233

翻译 Visual Studio中Rebuild和Clean + Build之间的区别

What is the difference between just a Rebuild and doing a Clean + Build in Visual Studio 2008? 只是重建

2020-07-30 16:05:06 1007

翻译 AngularJS - 创建使用ng-model的指令

I am trying to create a directive that would create an input field with the same ng-model as the el

2020-07-30 13:35:00 461

翻译 将Double值格式化为2个小数位的最佳方法[重复]

This question already has answers here : 这个问题已经在这里有了答案 :

2020-07-30 13:04:59 965

翻译 对于内联和块代码片段,<code> vs <pre> vs <samp>

My site is going to have some inline code ("when using the foo() function...") and some block snipp

2020-07-29 16:21:58 373

翻译 “ display:none”会阻止图像加载吗?

Every responsive website development tutorial recommends using the display:none CSS property to hid

2020-07-29 13:41:49 2001

翻译 $ rootScope。$ broadcast vs. $ scope。$ emit

Now that the performance difference between $broadcast and $emit has been eliminated, is there any

2020-07-28 17:51:22 248

翻译 无效的JSON Web令牌

For a new node.js project I'm working on, I'm thinking about switching over from a cookie based ses

2020-07-28 16:11:16 1521

翻译 错误:“'dict'对象没有属性'iteritems'”

I'm trying to use NetworkX to read a Shapefile and use the function write_shp() to generate the Sha

2020-07-28 15:51:15 610

翻译 获取int的位数的方法?

获取int的长度是否比这种方法更简洁? int length = String.valueOf(1000).length();

2020-07-28 14:51:12 2408 2

翻译 MySQL错误1045(28000):用户'bill'@'localhost'的访问被拒绝(使用密码:是)

First let me mention that I've gone through many suggested questions and found no relevent answer.

2020-07-28 10:30:58 886

翻译 枚举中定义的项目总数


2020-07-23 16:42:33 221

翻译 我应该将Visual Studio 2015 .vs文件夹添加到源代码管理中吗?

Visual Studio 2015 creates a new folder called ".vs". Visual Studio 2015创建一个名为“.vs”的新文件夹。 What is t

2020-07-23 16:02:30 666

翻译 使用JavaScript将光标放在文本输入元素中的文本末尾


2020-07-23 13:22:13 994

翻译 我如何知道一个对象是否是一个承诺?

Whether it's an ES6 Promise or a bluebird Promise, Q Promise, etc. 无论是ES6 Promise还是bluebird Promise

2020-07-23 12:22:08 107

翻译 如何为多行命令添加行注释[重复]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题已经在这里有了答案: Commenting in a Bash script 7 answ

2020-07-23 11:22:05 662

翻译 错误“输入设备不是TTY”

I am running the following command from my Jenkinsfile . 我从我的Jenkinsfile运行以下命令。 However, I get the

2020-07-23 11:02:04 950

翻译 将目录永久添加到PYTHONPATH?

Whenever I use sys.path.append , the new directory will be added. 每当我使用sys.path.append ,都会添加新目录。 Ho

2020-07-23 10:02:01 891

翻译 连接到MySQL数据库时有关SSL连接的警告

With the two classes below, I've tried connect to a MySQL database. 在下面的两个类中,我尝试连接到MySQL数据库。 Howeve

2020-07-23 09:42:00 986

翻译 按降序对矢量进行排序

Should I use 我应该用吗? std::sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), std::greater<int>()); or 要么

2020-07-22 17:21:56 184

翻译 从Bash中的文件中删除最后一行

I have a file, foo.txt , containing the following lines: 我有一个文件foo.txt ,包含以下行: abc I want a si

2020-07-22 13:41:36 863

翻译 通过反射使用字符串值设置属性

I'd like to set a property of an object through Reflection, with a value of type string . 我想通过Refle

2020-07-22 09:41:00 1169

翻译 在bash [duplicate]中提取没有路径和扩展名的文件基名

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案: Extract filename and extension in Ba

2020-07-21 17:40:57 102

翻译 Bootstrap 4-Glyphicons迁移?

We have a project that uses glyphicons intensively. 我们有一个项目大量使用字形图标。 Bootstrap v4 drops the glyphic

2020-07-21 14:40:46 442 1

翻译 从Vimeo获取img缩略图?

I want to get a thumbnail image for videos from Vimeo. 我想从Vimeo获取视频的缩略图。 When getting images from

2020-07-20 16:50:16 296

翻译 如何在PHP中获取当前时间(以毫秒为单位)?

time()以秒为单位 - 是否有一个毫秒?

2020-07-20 13:50:05 956

翻译 SPI和API之间的区别?

What is the difference between Service Provider Interface (SPI) and Application Programming Interfa

2020-07-20 10:29:55 500

翻译 带有ASP.NET按钮回发的jQuery UI对话框

I have a jQuery UI Dialog working great on my ASP.NET page: 我有一个jQuery UI Dialog在我的ASP.NET页面上工作得很好:

2020-07-20 10:09:49 244

翻译 将2D数组传递给C ++函数

I have a function which I want to take, as a parameter, a 2D array of variable size. 我有一个函数,希望将可变大小

2020-07-20 09:49:48 241

翻译 指针与参数和返回值中的值

In Go there are various ways to return a struct value or slice thereof. 在Go中,有多种方法可以返回struct值或其片段。

2020-07-19 17:49:44 383

翻译 视图中的多个模型

I want to have 2 models in one view. 我想在一个视图中有2个模型。 The page contains both LoginViewModel and Regis

2020-07-19 16:29:40 294

翻译 在numpy数组中查找最接近的值

Is there a numpy-thonic way, eg function, to find the nearest value in an array? 是否有numpy-thonic方法(

2020-07-19 14:49:34 8451



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