
QML States

States Elements

Many user interface designs are state driven; interfaces have configurations that differ depending on the current state. For example, a traffic signal will configure its flags or lights depending on its state. While in the signal's stop state, a red light will turn on while the yellow and the green lights will turn off. In the cautionstate, the yellow light is on while the other lights are turned off.


In QML, states are a set of property configurations defined in a State element. Different configurations could, for example:


  • Show some UI elements and hide others
  • 显示一些UI元素和隐藏其他的
  • Present different available actions to the user
  • 呈现不同的可用的行为给用户
  • Start, stop, or pause animations
  • 启动,停止,或者暂停动画
  • Execute some script required in the new state
  • 在新的状态执行一些需要的脚本
  • Change a property value for a particular item
  • 为特定的项更改了一个属性值
  • Show a different view or screen
  • 显示一个不同的视图或和屏幕

All Item-based objects have a state property, and can specify additional states by adding new State objects to the item's states property. Each state within a component has a unique name, an empty string being the default. To change the current state of an item, set the state property to the name of the state.


Non-Item objects may use states through the StateGroup element.


Creating States

To create a state, add a State object to the item's states property, which holds a list of states for that item.


A warning signal component may have two states, the NORMAL and the CRITICAL state. Suppose that in the NORMAL state, the color of the signal should be greenand the warning flag is down. Meanwhile, in the CRITICAL state, the color should be red and the flag is up. We may model the states using the State element and the color and flag configurations with the PropertyChanges element.

一个警告signal组件可能有两个状态,NORMAL 和CRITICAL 状态。假定在NORMAL 的状态,信号的颜色应该是green和警告flag是降下的。与此同时,在CRITICAL 状态下,颜色应该是red和旗是升起的。我们可以采用状态模型 使用State元素和用PropertyChanges元素配置的color和flag。

<img src="https://img-blog.csdn.net/20160128170336859?watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQv/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/Center" alt="" />

The PropertyChanges element will change the values of object properties. Objects are referenced through their id. Objects outside the component are also referenced using the id property, exemplified by the property change to the external flag object.

PropertyChanges元素将改变的对象属性的值。 可以通过id引用对象。组件外部的对象也能用id来引用,这里例证了外部flag对象的属性变化。

Further, the state may change by assigning the state property with the appropriate signal state. A state switch could be in a MouseArea element, assigning a different state whenever the signal receives a mouse click.


<img src="https://img-blog.csdn.net/20160128170359172?watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQv/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/Center" alt="" />

The State element is not limited to performing modifications on property values. It can also:


The Default State

Every Item based component has a state property and a default state. The default state is the empty string ("") and contains all of an item's initial property values. The default state is useful for managing property values before state changes. Setting the state property to an empty string will load the default state.

每个基于item的组件一个state属性和默认状态。默认状态是空字符串(" "),包含了项所有的初始的属性值。这是默认状态是非常有用的,在状态变化之前管理属性值。设置state属性为空字符串会加载默认状态。

The when Property

For convenience, the State element has a when property that can bind to expressions to change the state whenever the bound expression evaluates to true. The when property will revert the state back to the default state when the expression evaluates to false.

为了方便起见,State元素都有一个when属性,可以绑定表达式来改变状态,当绑定的表达式评估为true。当表达式评估为false,状态会退回到default state

<img src="https://img-blog.csdn.net/20160128170420126?watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQv/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/Center" alt="" />

The bell component will change to the RINGING state whenever the signal.state is CRITICAL.

当signal.state 是 CRITICAL,bell组件变换到RINGING 状态。

Animating State Changes

State changes induce abrupt value changes. The Transition element allow smoother changes during state changes. In transitions, animations and interpolation behaviors are definable. The Animation and Transitions article has more information about creating state animations.

状态变化会引起值的突然变化。Transition属性允许这变化在状态变化期间会更平滑。在transitions中,动画和插值行为是可定义的。Animation and Transitions文章中有更详细的信息关于创建状态动画。

The States and Transitions example demonstrates how to declare a basic set of states and apply animated transitions between them.





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