Why do animals have such differenct lifespans?

For the microscopic lab worm, C.elegans, life equates to just a few short weeks on Earth. Compare that with the tortoise, which can age to more than 100 years. Mice and rats reach the end of their lives after just four years, while for the bowhead whale, Earth’s longest-lived mammal, death can come after 200. Like most living things, the vast majority of animals gradually degenerate after reaching sexual maturity in the process known as aging. But what does it really mean to age?
microscopic adj. 极小的,微小的;显微镜的; worm n. 蠕虫;(某些昆虫的)幼虫;寄生虫; tortoise n. 龟; mice n. 老鼠(mouse的复数); rat n. 老鼠; bowhead whale 北极露脊鲸; mammal n. 哺乳动物; degenerate v. 恶化,堕落,退化;

The drivers behind this process are varied and complicated, but aging is ultimately caused by cell death and dysfunction. When we’re young, we constantly regenerate cells in order to replace dead and dying ones. But as we age, this process slows down. In addition, older cells don’t perform their functions as well as young ones. That makes our bodies go into a decline, which eventually results in disease and death. But if that’s consistently true, why the huge variance in aging patterns and lifespan within the animal kingdom?
dysfunction n. 功能紊乱;regenerate vt. 使再生;革新; kingdom n. 王国;

The answer lies in several factors, including environment and body size. These can place powerful evolutionary pressures on animals to adapt, which in turn makes the aging process different across species. Consider the cold depths of the Atlantic and Arctic Seas, where Greenland sharks can live to over 40 years, and the Arctic clam known as the quahog can live up to 500. Perhaps the most impressive of these ocean-dwelling ancients is the Antarctic glass sponge, which can survive over 10,000 years in frigid waters.
quahog n. 圆蛤类; sponge n 海绵; frigid adj. 寒冷的,严寒的;冷淡的

In cold environments like these, heartbeats and metabolic rates slow down. Researchers theorize that this also causes a slowing of the aging process. In this way, the environment shapes longevity. When it comes to size, it’s often, but not always, the case that larger species have a longer lifespan than smaller ones. For instance, an elephant or whale will live much longer than a mouse, rat, or vole, which in turn have years on flies and worms. Some small animals, like worms and flies, are also limited by the mechanics of their cell division.
heartbeats n. 心跳; metabolic adj. 新陈代谢的; vole

They’re mostly made up of cells that can’t divide and be replaced when damaged, so their bodies expire more quickly. And size is a powerful evolutionary dirver in animals, Smaller creatures are more prone to predators. A mouse, for instance, can hardly expect to survive more than a year in the wild. So, it has evolved to grow and reproduce more rapidly, like an evolutionary defense mechanism against its shorter lifespan. Larger animals, by contrast, are better at fending off predators, and so they have the luxury of time to grow to large sizes and reproduce multiple times during their lives. Exceptions to the size rule include bats, birds, moles, and turtles, but in each case, these animals have other adaptations that allow them to escape predators. But there are still cases where animals with similar defining features, like size and habitat, age at completely different rates.
prone adj. 有做……倾向的; predators 捕食者; fend off v. 避开;挡开; bats 蝙蝠;

In these cases, genetic differences, like how each organism’s cells respond to threats, often account for the discrepancies in longevity. So it’s the combination of all these factors playing out to differing degrees in different animals that explains the variability we see in the animal kingdom. So what about us? Humans currently have an average life expectancy of 71 years, meaning that we’re not even clode to being the longest living inhabitants on Earth. But we are very good at increasing our life expectancy.

In the early 1900s, humans only lived an average of 50 years. Since then, we’re learned to adapt by managing many of the factors that cause deaths, like environmental exposure and nutrition. This, and other increases in life expectancy make us possibly the only species on Earth to take control over our natural fate.


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数字乡村和智慧农业的数字化转型是当前农业发展的新趋势,旨在通过应用数字技术,实现农业全流程的再造和全生命周期的管理服务。中国政府高度重视这一领域的发展,提出“数字中国”和“乡村振兴”战略,以提升国家治理能力,推动城乡融合发展。 数字乡村的建设面临乡村治理、基础设施、产业链条和公共服务等方面的问题,需要分阶段实施《数字乡村发展战略纲要》来解决。农业数字化转型的需求包括满足市民对优质农产品的需求、解决产销对接问题、形成优质优价机制、提高农业劳动力素质、打破信息孤岛、提高农业政策服务的精准度和有效性,以及解决农业融资难的问题。 数字乡村建设的关键在于构建“1+3+4+1”工程,即以新技术、新要素、新商业、新农民、新文化、新农村为核心,推进数据融合,强化农业大数据的汇集功能。数字农业大数据解决方案以农业数字底图和数据资源为基础,通过可视化监管,实现区域农业的全面数字化管理。 数字农业大数据架构基于大数据、区块链、GIS和物联网技术,构建农业大数据中心、农业物联网平台和农村综合服务指挥决策平台三大基础平台。农业大数据中心汇聚各类涉农信息资源和业务数据,支持大数据应用。信息采集系统覆盖市、县、乡、村多级,形成高效的农业大数据信息采集体系。 农业物联网平台包括环境监测系统、视频监控系统、预警预报系统和智能控制系统,通过收集和监测数据,实现对农业环境和生产过程的智能化管理。综合服务指挥决策平台利用数据分析和GIS技术,为农业决策提供支持。 数字乡村建设包括三大服务平台:治理服务平台、民生服务平台和产业服务平台。治理服务平台通过大数据和AI技术,实现乡村治理的数字化;民生服务平台利用互联网技术,提供各类民生服务;产业服务平台融合政企关系,支持农业产业发展。 数字乡村的应用场景广泛,包括农业生产过程、农产品流通、农业管理和农村社会服务。农业生产管理系统利用AIoT技术,实现农业生产的标准化和智能化。农产品智慧流通管理系统和溯源管理系统提高流通效率和产品追溯能力。智慧农业管理通过互联网+农业,提升农业管理的科学性和效率。农村社会服务则通过数字化手段,提高农村地区的公共服务水平。 总体而言,数字乡村和智慧农业的建设,不仅能够提升农业生产效率和管理水平,还能够促进农村地区的社会经济发展,实现城乡融合发展,是推动中国农业现代化的重要途径。


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