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原创 Python-字典

Python 字典

2022-08-16 12:00:00 185 1

原创 Python-if语句


2022-08-15 12:00:00 215

原创 Python-操作列表


2022-08-14 12:00:00 160

原创 Python-列表简介


2022-08-13 18:30:00 228

原创 python-变量和简单数据类型

Python 变量和简单数据类型

2022-08-11 12:15:00 53

原创 python hdf5读取问题(closed dataset)

python hdf

2022-08-09 16:30:00 1001

原创 Why indigenous forest guardianship is crucial to climate action?

Why indigenous forest guardianship is crucial to climate action?

2022-08-08 20:08:05 133

原创 Could the Earth be swallowed by a black hole?

TED english reading

2022-08-05 14:00:00 103

原创 python入门级_读取文本文件


2022-07-21 21:59:09 743

原创 python入门级_用户输入、while循环及函数的定义、matplotlib、类的定义

python while函数及类的应用

2022-07-14 22:52:02 94

原创 Python入门级_列表、字典操作


2022-06-27 15:00:00 164

原创 雅思词汇笔记_2


2022-06-25 15:28:52 233

原创 Python入门级_变量/简单数据类型及列表的增删排序操作


2022-06-23 10:15:38 108

原创 雅思词汇笔记_1


2022-06-22 23:50:06 170

原创 2 questions to uncover your passion and turn it into a career

2 question to uncover your pasison and turn it into a career

2022-06-18 17:40:10 478

原创 浅聊Python-入门级

####pycharm 如何安装简单的dos命令dir //获取文件夹下的所有文件cd //进入指定目录cd .. //返回上一级目录 . //表示当前目录 //上下键查找历史命令 //table 自动补全del //删除一个文件cls //清楚屏幕rd 删除一个目录md 创建一个目录 //创建文档与文件夹cd //进入到某个目录......

2022-06-06 17:08:54 78

原创 Trackingthe whole worlds carbon emissions - with satellites and AI

What is causing climate change? I mean, it’s greenhouse gas emissions from human activities, of course. But which human activities? Who specifically is burning all of these fossil fuels? And for what and where?It sounded strange when I first heard it..

2022-05-30 09:30:00 512

原创 How I went from child refugee to international model

This is me at age seven. And this is also me. To be standing here in Kakuma refugee camp feels so surreal, and I’am overcome with so much emotion. These very grounds are where I was born and spent the first seven years of my life.I think many people ar.

2022-05-17 13:00:00 299

原创 The case for stubborn optimism on climate

It’s hard to do …

2022-05-15 15:23:06 234

原创 An ode to living on Earth

Hello. I’m sure by the time I get to end of this sentence, given how I talk, you’ll all have figured out that I’m from a place called planet Earth.Earth is pretty great. It’s home to us. And germs. Those (blip) take a back seat for the time being, beca.

2022-05-10 12:30:00 235

原创 The secret to giving great feedback

If you look at a carpenter, they have a toolbox; a dentist, they have their drills. In our era and the type of work most of us are doing, the tool we most need is actually centered around being able to give and receive feedback well.Humans have been ta.

2022-05-06 11:15:00 969

原创 How burnout makes us less creative

A few years ago, my obsession with productivity got so bad that I suffered an episode of burnout that scared the hell out of me.I’m talking insomnia, weight gain, hair loss – the works. I was so overworked that my brain literally couldn’t come up with .

2022-05-05 16:00:00 329

原创 Reading notes-17

AIRS measures approximately 200 channels in the 7.66 um absorption band of CH4, of which 71 channels are used to retrieve CH4. The retrieval algorithm of CH4 is similar to the AIRS ozone retrieval and CO retrieval.In these retrievals, the atmospheric t.

2022-05-04 11:00:00 137

原创 Reading notes-16

This paper documents the retrieval of CH4 using AIRS on EOS/Aqua, its validation, and examples of this product. Section 2 is a brief introduction of AIRS and its use for the retrieval of CH4, including the retrieval methodology and some characteristics. S.

2022-05-03 10:59:48 113

原创 Reading notes-15

This paper presents the characterization and validation of retrievals of atmospheric methane(CH4) vertical profiles by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder(AIRS) on the EOS/Aqua platform. AIRS channels near 7.6um are used for CH4 retrieval, and they are most .

2022-05-02 11:00:00 188

原创 Reading notes-14

Accurate modelling of the radiative transfer through the atmosphere plays an important role in the inversion.The forward model adopted in the retrieval algorithm of AIUSis the RFM (reference forward model) from DUdhia, with the latest release being ver.

2022-05-01 13:45:51 121

原创 Reading notes-13

AIUS is a Michelson interferometer for measuring occultation transmittance spectra in the middle and upper atmosphere.Its interferometer model is depocted in Figure1. AIUS has the characteristics similar to those of ACE-FTS. Both instruments have a spe.

2022-04-28 12:30:00 217

原创 Reading notes-12

AIUS( Atmospheric Infrared Ultraspectral Sounder) is an infrared occultation spectrometer onboard the Chinese GaoFen-5 satellite, which covers a spectral range of 2.4-13.3 um(750-4100cm-1) with a spectral resolution of about 0.02cm-1.AIUS was designed .

2022-04-27 14:47:43 104

原创 Reading notes-11

Tropomi will feature a wide swath of ~ 2600 km with a ground pixel area of 7×7 km2 (for the sub-satellite point)mapping into daily global coverage with ~7×10E6 exposures per day. The spectrometer will cover various spectral ranges.Here, we suggest to u.

2022-04-23 23:31:30 88

原创 Reading notes-10

The Tropospheric monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) will be part of ESA’s Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite platform scheduled for launch in late 2014. One of TROPOMI’s primary goals will be to accurately monitor methane(CH4) concentrations in the Earth’s atmos.

2022-04-19 20:10:28 111

原创 Reading notes-9

This review describes the sources, fate, and transport of perfluorocarboxylates (PFCAs) in the environment, with a specific focus on perfluorooctanoate (PFO). The global historical industry-wide emissions of total PFCAs from direct (manufacture, use, cons.

2022-03-25 22:15:00 231

原创 Reading notes-8

For more than 20 years the global emissions and the lifetime of methane have probably been constant, so the buildup of methane in the atmosphere has been slowing down for as long. During this time, there have been periodic events occurring every seven to .

2022-03-24 13:00:00 135

原创 Reading notes-8

Understanding and quantifying the global methane (CH4) buget is important for assessing realistic pathways to mitigate climate change. Atmospheric emissions and concentrations of CH4 continue to increase, making CH4 the second most important human-influen.

2022-03-19 14:30:00 102

原创 python基础-1


2022-03-17 14:00:00 414

原创 Reading notes-7

Methane(CH4) is the most abundant organic trace gas in the atmosphere. In the distant past, variations in natural sources of methane were responsible for trends in atmospheric methane levels recorded in ice cores.Since the 1700s, rapidly growing human .

2022-03-15 20:31:23 444

原创 Reading notes-6

The Reference Forward Model (RFM) is a general purpose line-by-line radiative transfer model, currently supported by the UK National Centre for Earth Observation. This paper outlines the algorithms used by the RFM, focusing on standard calculations of ter.

2022-03-15 17:25:57 510

原创 Reading notes-5

The economy has developed rapidly in China during recent decades, especially in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH) region. Environmental problems have thus become increasingly prominent, particularly the presence of fine particulate matter with aerodynamic cl.

2022-03-07 14:02:23 190

原创 Reading notes-4

Satellite-derived aerosol products provide long -term and large-scale observations for analysing aerosol distributions and variations, climate-scale aerosol simulations, and aerosol-climate interactions. Therefore, a better understanding of the consistenc.

2022-03-07 13:05:34 139

原创 Reading notes-3

A new technique called cloud slicing has been developed for measuring upper tropospheric O3. Cloud slicing takes advantage of the opaque property of water vapor clouds to ultraviolet wavelength radiation. Measurements of above-cloud column O3 from the Nimb

2022-03-02 21:45:00 139

原创 Reading notes-2

Global climate and the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide(CO2) are correlated over recent glacial cycle. The combination of processes responsible for a rise in atmospheric CO2 at the last glacial termination, however, remains uncertain. Establishi

2022-02-27 12:00:00 73



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