1. You can sort statically declared items in a Page_Loadevent handler. Add the following code the
Page_Loadevent handler.
[C#] Sorting statically declared items
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// We only need to sort items the first time the page is loaded
if (!IsPostBack)
// Sort the statically-bound items in ascending order
RadComboBox1.Sort = RadComboBoxSort.Ascending;
2. To sort the items in a data-bound combo box, you must use the DataBoundevent, which occurs once all
the items have been added to the combo box.
Because we sorted the last set of items using an ascending order, this time, set the sort order to
"Descending'. This time, also, use the Sortmethod of the Itemscollection rather than the SortItems
method you used for the other combo box.
[CS] Sorting data-bound items
protected void RadComboBox2_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Data-bound items must be sorted in the DataBound event handler
// Sort them in descending order
RadComboBox2.Sort = RadComboBoxSort.Descending;