

    1. sound engineer

    2. Rumor has it that 人们都说怎么样

    3. in another life 都过去了

    4. in that former life 你以前的生活

    5. none of that matters 无所谓

     matter to you 对你很重要

        no matter to you 对你不重要

        counterfeit 假的 genuine 真的





    1. who do sb like for sth


    2. Oh,gee. Oh,my gosh.


    3. Go ahead.




    1. can't get over=can't forget


    2. not dwell on=stop thinking about

        忘掉,去掉not, dwell on 停留,记住

        eg:we should't dwell on sb's past



    1. get down 趴下

        crouch down a little bit 蹲下

    2.face down , flat on the ground 趴下

        freeze 不许动

        duck     把头低下

    3. have the right to


    4. what the hell is going on?


    4. play chicken


    5. don't be a baby 不要抱怨

        don't complain.eg:~,go talk to your boss

    5. keep my edge 保持锋利,stay sharp

    6. honing your skills

        = practice/improve your skills



    1. Screen Adaptation 改编

    2. take your pick 任你选

    3. That was bad line 表示向异性示爱的话说的不太好

        I'm not good at meeting girls because I don't have any pick up lines.


    4. pick up lines 花言巧语

    5. stutter n/v 口吃,结巴

        she's totally buying it             buy=believe,是相信的意思。

    6. Kin = family

        insult 侮辱



    1. log keeper 场记

    2. It's up to you 由你决定

    3. what do you mean get up? xxx是什么意思?

    4. Can I get a minute? 能不能等一下?(打电话不能说,要说 just a minute)

    5. what's the matter with you? you sick?你怎么了?

        =what's got into you?=what's going on?

    6. can a guy propose? 能让我求婚吗?

    7. A got engaged to B A和B订婚

     A got married to B         A和B结婚



    1. crew 剧组

    2. bust my ass



        e.g.stop busting my ass

    3. smooth

        1.he's very smooth with..    对..很有一套

        2.make a difficult task look easy 让困难的事情变简单的人

        3.be good at influencing people    非常有感染力的人

    4. sneak    潜入

        explain:move silently without being seen

    5. head

        go somewhere

        e.g.I'm so tired , I'm heading home

            Are you heading to class later?

        home here there 前加行为动词省略 to

    6. memorize

        to remember something

        e.g.I have to memorize forty vocabulary words today.


    1. actor 演员(包括男女)

        actress    女演员

        star    主演,明星

    2. pretend(to)假装

    3. pass

        1.equal give

            pass sth to sb

            pass sb sth

        2.超远 equal move in front of

            i was running as fast as i could,but that guy passed me.

        3.成功 equal succeed in doing

            e.g.I'm free.I've passed the final exams,finally.

    4. kill    狂胜

        I'm killing you===I'm winning by a large margin

    5. sharp


        2.穿着精神 clean stylish(时髦的) new

            e.g. that's a really sharp looking suit

                    that's a sharp presentation

    6. eat + 国家adj == 想吃什么菜

        eat american/japanese/chinese

    7. here's to you 给你的


    1. editing 剪辑

    2. the order of the day 头等大事

    3. beat sb. to the draw 抢先一步,谁胜过谁

        e.g. John beats Leon to the draw

    4. 闭嘴

        1.be quiet    对长辈和上司。means 少说两句

            e.g. could you be quiet for a while ?

        2.shut up 比上面强烈,通用性

        3.knock it off    闭嘴

            jinx 美 [d???ks] 诅咒 :~ me

    5. make oneself useful (can you 能不能)干点正事

        e.g. Can I make myself useful? 我能帮上什么忙么



    1. thriller 惊悚片

    2. bluff = lie 欺骗

        e.g. he's bluffing all day

    3. what's going on? = what the matter? = what's got into you?

    3. have/get something under control 控制住了某事

        e.g. Everything is under control

        get sth. out of control

    4. cops 警察

    5. any idea(发音/ai'diya/)== do you know + 句子(正常结构)

    6. ten-four 消息收到

    7. despair 绝望



    1. close-up 特写镜头(针对人)

     close shot    近景(人物)

    2. ready to roll? == are you ready to go?

        on the set on time 按时到场

    3. believe it or not(注意连读) 信不信由你

        e.g.i had to deliver(接触) you

    4. find out 通常用过去式 found out     发现

    5. get理解

        got it? 你懂了吗

        i don't get it

        e.g. the guy has only been here(刚到这) a month

    5. hakuna matata 意思是没问题



    1. studio 制片公司

    2. hold on! == wait

        电话里:hold on please!

        e.g.hold on !could you move a little bit closer? 你可以把镜头拉近一点吗

    3. all in all 总而言之

    4. bleach 使变白,漂白

    5. except

        1.+for 词/短语

        2.+        句子

    6. tease +sb    戏弄某人,只是和某人玩玩而已

        e.g. she's just teasing you

    7. must have done

        must've been(注意缩写)

    8. chuck sb 甩掉某人(情侣)



    1. western 西部片

    2. straight up 完全正确(非正式)

        absolutely    exactly    right    correct

        you said it.

        You can say that again.

    3. gorgeous

        美 [?g?rd??s]

        1.gorgeous 最强        beautiful 次强        pretty    最弱(不错)

        2.cool(人/物)    killer (人)    hot(人:性感的)    personality    nice(人:好 物:美)

            e.g. she has killer legs.

    4. feed    助长

        feed her perfectionism 助长完美主义情节

            e.g. you have to feed your dreams

    5. separate from +sb 与某人离婚

    6. wanderer = vagabond 流浪汉

    7. wide-eyed 睁大了眼睛



    1. movie camera 电影摄影机

        crane camera 移动摄影机(crane 升降机)

        cameraman 摄影师(仅仅是拿着摄像机拍摄)

        cinematography 摄影师(决定如何拍摄)

    2. can i get a lift?    我能搭一下你的车吗?

        lift 电梯

        e.g. I can give you a lift

    3. better luck next time    祝你下次走运

        good look 告别

        just my luck = bad luck 我的真够背的

    4. make it up to sb 对谁进行弥补

        make up for sth. 对某物进行弥补

        make up with sb 与谁重归于好

        make up v.化妆

        makeup    n.化妆品

    5. as old as time 时间永远存在

    6. bend 妥协,改变,让步

    6. to say the least 非常



    1. bootleg 盗版

    2. whacked out 精神完全失常

        completely insane                very very crazy

        chill 保持镇定、

    3. I had a hunch on that . 我对这个有预感

        i have a hunch that I'll never see the money again.我有预感,他不会还我的钱了

        bet all the money on the horse. 把所有的钱都压在那匹马上

    4. You got that ?                yes,i (do 加强) got it.

        do you understand? yes , understand totally.

    5. turn over a new leaf. 重新做人

        I'm turning ~

    6. I'm at a loss for words.    我真不知道该怎么说了.

        ~.            how dare you accuse me of stealing (of stealing 做名词)




    1. science fiction 科幻片

    2. tell sb1 on sb2 向某人1告某人2的状(sb1可省)

    3. that was idiotic。I'm an idiot. 傻得,愚蠢的

    4. I'm a little edgy.

        1.to be nervous

        2.to be impatient or angry.



    1. sound track 原声碟

    2. get a head start on sb. 先某人一步

    3. i have no idea (strong) = i don't know.

    4. You're mad . (here doesn't mean crazy) 你愤怒了/生气了

        sb1 be mad at sb2. 某人1生某人2的气

    5. what's up?

        1. = how are you (只用于熟人之间)

        2. =what's the matter with you? 怎么了




    1. costume 行头 costumer服装师

    2. wardrobe服饰(普通的)

    3. what's up (with you)?

        1.how are you?

        2.what's the matter with you?

    4. make a difference(is to matter)


    5. you're heart is still (连读)in it 你的心仍在

    6. you're up.    轮到你了




    1. stunt 替身

        stuntman/stuntwoman 替身演员

    2. pawn sth1/sb1 off on sb2    把sth1/sb1便宜卖给sb2

        sell sth cheaply

    3. go for sth = like to do = be willing to do

        EG: I didn't go for it.

    4. on the verge(edge) of 在..边缘,快要接近..,..就差一点了

        EG: i'm on the verge of hitting you

    5. hold sb back = prevent sb from doing sth 拉某人的后腿

    6. tear sb1 away from sb2 把sb1和sb2分开

    1. cuz = because 口语化





    1. director 导演

    2. tiger 父亲称呼儿子

        EG: there's nothing to be afraid of ,tiger.

    3. pumpkin 称呼女孩(本意:南瓜)

        称呼亲切的人: honey ,sweet heart ,darling

    4. to strip = to take off your clothes

        EG: strip the shirt off,it's a terrible color on you.

    5. go over = contact someone's superior

        Eg: go over sb's head 越级告状

    6. gravy 肉汁




    1. screenplay 电影剧本大纲(不包括演员对白)

     script 脚本,剧本(包括演员对白)

    2. birthday suit = naked 裸体的

    3. It wasn't my fault。

    4. on one's side = to support someone in a conflict。支持某人(在争吵中)

    5. humble flat 普通的公寓




    1. tragedy 悲剧

     comedy     喜剧

    2. she was suspend again. 她又被停学了。

    3. sb1 make a/any crack(s) about sb2 1嘲笑2

    4. want a word with sb 想和某人说话

    3. make time 抽时间

    4. put down in words 写下来



    1. make-up artist 化妆师

    2. spike 加麻醉剂或者酒精

        1. what? Did somebody spike her coke?

        2. i'm spiked.

    3. mark

        1. 标记

            I marked the spot where I buried the money

        2. 一眼就认出

            I marked you as a girl-chaser the minute I saw you

            (make sb1 as sth/sb2) 一眼就认出 sb1 是 sth/sb2

    4. good work(job) 干得好

        good work! I'm really proud of you!

    5. classic somebody 某人的惯用手法

        this mess is just classic Jay

        this writing style is just classic Mr.jin

        香烟:classic flavor 最正宗的味道

    6. love don't come easy (口语 don't = does not)

    7. give-and-take 得到伴随着失去



    1. screen 银幕

    2. Ten-four 收到

        A :We found him under the bridge,his leg is broken.

        B: Ten-four,Ten-four.

    3. you ready to roll? 你准备走了吗?

    4. you want to = you wanna

        I'm not gonna call him,But you want to.

    5. owe 欠

        1. 钱 you owe me a hundred and forty bucks(buck-[美]钱,元).

        2. 人情 I owe her a lot

    6. 货币

        coin 硬币    bill 钞票    note 钞票

        penny 1美分        nickle 5美分        dime[da?m] 10美分

        quarter 25美分



    1. staring role 主角

        supporting role 配角

    2. in vogue == fashionable 时尚的

        you are in vogue

    3. what a pleasant surprise 多么出乎意料啊(好事)

        Helen ! I don't know you were coming to the party!what a pleasant surprise

    4. in one's shoes = in one's situation 在某人的处境下(和某人一样)

        There isn't a girl in town who would't love to be in your shoes.

        The boss is mad at you. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes

        you won the lottery!I'd love to be in your shoes.

    5. I'm speechless.= I'm at a loss for words. 我不知道说什么了

        I'm so surprised and I don't know what to say.



    1. directorial debut 导演的处女座

    2. finest = best 最好的

        Bring out our finest china

        china 瓷器,餐具

        whatever makes you happy,dear.

    3. take one's place 代替某人

        take me instead(adv).

        you would take his place?

    4. you have my word


        I will pay your money back . 返还

    5. done 同意别人说的话

        --- could you sell it to me for $5?

        --- Done。


    1. drive-in 汽车电影院

    2. shut it = shut your mouth

        it's not a swear ,but it's very very strong

    3. Down here you big horse's ass.

    4. come and get me before i call the police.

    5. the hell

        leave it on the doorstep,and get the hell out of here

        what the hell is wrong with this CD player?

    6. keep the change. 拿上剩下的钱(小费)

        you filthy animal

        I'm not tipping you.The service is so bad. 我不会给你小费的

    7. Cheapskate = someone who doesn't like to spend money. 小气鬼



    1. plot development 情节发展

    2. heads up 当心 =pay attention fast

        hey,heads up! A car is coming.

    3. pack a suitcase 准备行李去旅游 = prepare your luggage for a trip

        Pack your bags,we are going to Hainan.

    4. tough

        1). that's tough. = what a pity = what a shame. 多遗憾

        2). sarcastic version (嘲讽)知足吧,够了吧

        3). very difficult to defeat. 很难对付,牛逼

            that guy,he's a tough negotiator.



    1. nativity [n??t?v?ti] 圣诞演出

    2. give me a hand = help me

        can you give me a hand moving it?

    3. dope = stupid person = idiot 傻子

        hey,you dope,it's your mother tongue.

    4. whineing = complain

        hey ,will you stop whining?

        well,he's whining about the weather.

    5. you're completely helpless.

        Newborn babies are completely helpless.

    6. music: jingle bell



    1. pan 摇镜头

    2. are you nuts?=are you crazy?

        hey,don't put your hands in the tiger cage,are you nuts?

    3. freaky = strange ,it's very informal.

        that's freaky looking.

    4. I mean (before you explain something further)

        that's a freaky dress!

        I mean,it looks strange.

    5. the heck < the hell

        what the heck is it anyway?

        - You're fired!

        - Get the heck out of my face!



    1. producer 制片人

    2. sidetracked 偏离轨道

        it's just that i got a a little bit sidetracked.(got sidetracked)

    3. come up with

        1. 找到

            I couldn't find your brother. all i could come up with is some footprints.

        2. 解决问题

            I've been working on this problem for hours,and haven't come up with a solution.

        3. 想出主意

            it's a great idea,but I didn't come up with by myself.

    4. keep up (to move very fast,to stay near something or someone)

        could you talk a little slower? I can't keep up.

    5. pull yourself together

        1. calm down/relax

            stop screaming.Pull yourself together,ok? the car didn't hit me!

        2. 振作起来,重新找回自己

            I know your dog died,and you are sad. but that was three years ago!

            pull yourself together, ok?

            Pull yourself together and go to work!



    1. epic 史诗片

    2. bang

        a. 用力敲门

            Don't bang the door.

        b. 惊喜

            that suspense(悬疑) movie gave me a big bang at the end.

    3. presume 以为,认为

    4. gave sb a heart-attack 吓了某人一大跳

    5. it was an accident. 这纯属事故



    1. cast 全体演员

     casting director 负责挑选演员的导演

     talentscout 星探

    2. are you thick in the head. = stupid

    3. miss 1.错过 2.想念 miss + doing

    4. homesick 有相思病的

    5. i think = i suppose = I guess

    6. step on it (熟人之间)快点



    1. action 开拍

     cut 停机

    2. give it everything you've got.(means :just to try as much as possible)

    3. just in case

    4. this is a standoff. 僵持不下

    5. be tied 平局

    6. park ranger 公园巡警

    7. you have some input, you wish to share with us?你有一些高见,你愿意分享给我们吗




    1. wide screen (16:9) TV screen (4:3)

    2. shut me down = defeat me

     shut sb down 打到某人

     shut sth down 关闭,倒闭

    3. blink 眨眼睛

    4. if you look at the big picture. 如果你看到(想到、考虑)全局

    5. That's the spirit. 好样的,精神可嘉(长辈,老板)

    6. buddy 朋友,兄弟

    7. glorious 美妙的

    8. lane 街道

     eg: we'll walk down the lane



    1. biographical movie 传记

    2. what a rush! 多让人刺激啊

        eg: i get a rush from snowboarding.

    3. nerd = geek/i:/ 书呆子

        eg: you probably thought i was just a computer nerd.

    4. we'll call it square. 我们扯平了

    5. fair and square 公平的

    6. I think he'd fold 我认为他齐全了(folded)

    7. lonesome 孤独 stray 漫无目地走 memory ~ 神游



    1. blood curdling(凝固) 恐怖片

    2. come off as + adj 让人...

        eg: I think I'm just coming off as annoying.

    4. get to sb 让谁烦 = bothers sb

        eg: Don't let it get to you.

    5. generosity 慷慨

    6. so you wanna do it the hard way?

        it's always used as threat.

    7. surrender 投降

    8. It's getting on my nerves.



    1. box office 票房

        ~ hit 高票房 ~ flop 票房毒药

    2. Draw:

        take out a weapon ,take out the sword

    3. get ready for + n 准备干什么

    4. gather sb up 把...集合起来

    5. be happy 高兴点

    6. you back-stabbing murderer! 你这个背后伤人的小人 stab(戳) back-stabber 小人

    7. A lesser man would've(读音) talked.

    8. turn me on 让我着迷

    9. blow my mind 很奇妙



    1. sound stage 摄影棚 set 布景(many kind of part )

    2. use the noodle(brain) = use the smarts

    3. you've got ripped-off. 你被骗了

    4. snap out of it 重新振作起来

    5. i'm just a little depressed.

    6. I can't even fly out of a window.

    7. sham 赝品 fake phony 假的

    8. losing ones marbles means "going crazy" or "lose ones mind"

    9. take a spill 跌倒 parade 检阅,游行



    1. movie buff 痴迷电影,电影迷

    2. a pep talk 鼓舞士气的话

    3. close the deal 完成交易,达成协议

    4. prom 很正式,party 聚会

    5. she's in pretty bad shape 情况很糟糕

    6. be tough on 对...很严格,对...很吃力

    7. get accepted to college 进入大学

    8. let's not make it any harder than it has to be 多此一举



    1. out takes 不选用镜头

        blooper 大挫折

    2. Ya right 我不相信你

    3. Here's the deal 你看这样行不行

    4. it is in bad condition. 他有问题,出在困境

    5. give it a go 试一把

    6. for 30% off 降价30%



    1. Credits 片(头)片尾字幕

        opening credits 片头字幕

        closing credits 片尾字幕

    2. you bet 当然了

    3. took this course 学过这个课程

    4. round and round 兜圈子

        cut to the chase 很直接

    5. he's got a gift. 他是有天赋的

    6. temptation 诱惑 all the way 一直

    7. see sb's way clear of sth 某人避开某物,某人从某事走出

    8. second chance 第二次机会 a big break 机会



    1. build up 铺垫 climax 铺垫

    2. just hang on there a minute or two. 停在这,打电话

    3. get in the middle of sth . 卷入某事

    4. get lost in sth 迷失方向

    5. he's a good man. 人品

    6. made it 做到了某事



    1. cameo role 友情客串角色

    2. fill me in on means tell me

    3. have a word with you

    4. with all due respect 我冒昧的说一句

    5. I've worked my tail off 我拼命的工作学习

    6. mend 修补



    1. Screen Test 视镜 audition

         camera shy 怯场

    2. rendezvous 美 [?rɑnd?vu] n./v. 在指定地点集合

    3. look up to sb 尊敬

    4. you hesitate 你犹豫了

    5. lay something on the line 用..去下注

    6. boxing match 拳击比赛

    7. you suffer the consequences 后果自负

    8. nice and warm 温暖舒适

    9. pal 朋友



    1. ensemble cast 全明星阵容

    2. that radio's history. ...的成为了过去式

    3. dump sb 丢下了某人,与某人分手

    4. all ahead full 全速前进

    5. fire sth off 全力做某事

    6. Mayday signal 海上或者空中的求救信号

    7. arcade 电子游戏厅 virtual golf

    8. a few rounds of virtual golf 几局

    9. get out of the mess 理清头绪 get into the mess 陷入困境

    10. take sb's chances 赌一把,冒险试一试

    11. wilderness 荒野



1. musical 音乐舞台剧


    2. See to it 负责关照


    3. Go up against 遭遇对手


    4. It doesnt't get much prettier that that 那再好不过了


    5. Busted 坏的 broken 被抓住




    1. Sit-com == situatuib-comedy 情景喜剧


    2. chief 一个值得尊敬的人


    3. be a little fuzzy about/on 对不清楚


    4. go get them (鼓励)放手去干吧,加油


    5. Running out of time 没有机会了,没有时间了


    6. I need you so (much)





    1. Sequel 续集


    2. Cute act 小伎俩


    3. Flaw 缺点,错误


    4. Swap 交换 he had them swapped out to fool the scanners.


        swap sth for another one .换成另一个


    5. crawl your way out of one hole 摆脱困境


        ~,just to find yourself in another.祸不单行


    6. Dig up the past 旧事重提


    7. Disguise 掩饰





    1. tag 抓住


        sb got tagged. 某人被抓住


        tag sb for sth. 抓住某人做某事


    2. Tap into 开发,探索


    3. sometimes in order to see the light,you have to risk the dark.




    4. When the chips are down 在最脆弱的时候


    5. Skipping classes 逃课 count on sb 信任某人




    1. slapstick 闹剧

    2. I'm not being set up. (被)n./v.陷害

    3. mafia 黑手党 minority report 少数派的报道 cannon-bailing 要发生的事情很大

     by going up the fire escape 通过走紧急通道

    4. read sb's mind 读懂某人的心思

    5. you're (on the lam 潜逃)

    6. we spend so much time together 我们相处了这么久

    7. In need you to hack into her 我需要你(非法)入侵她的思维



    1. commercial film 商业电影

    2. break it up


        b.把事情分开来做 divide the task

    3. new material 新点子

    4. cold blooded means deceitful,heartless,selfish

    5. turn one's back




    6. dressed up to the nines 精心打扮



    1. production 拍摄期 pre-production拍摄前期

     post-production 后期制作

    2. watch it

    3. show some backbone 展示你的勇气

    4. clear up 天气转晴

     clear something right up 解决问题/误会

    5. ain't = is not

     EG: I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed



    1. extras 群众演员

    2. come on,hot stuff 宝贝

    3. you'll always have next year 你还有机会

    4. before you know it 不知不觉

    5. motorcycle 摩托车

    6. she was out to get me 她找我的麻烦



    1. narration 旁白 narrator 旁白者 voice-over 画外音

    2. fool=idiot 傻子 geek=nerd 书呆子

    3. he never get things right

    4. let me practice on your head 让我教训一下你

    5. up for 愿意干...(有能力)



    1. experimental film 实验电影(真人变动画)

    2. okey dokey 好的

    3. I brought a spare 我带了一个备用的

     This tire is flat(爆了)

    4. be in town , we are counting on you 进城,我们都指望你

    5. let sb down 失望

    6. but he never showed up. 他再也没有出现

    7. stare straight 直视



    1. gangster movie 黑帮电影

    2. Let's get this show on the road 让我们开始吧

    3. Nice work ,emperor 皇帝,jealous嫉妒的,flirt调情

    4. spineless 软弱无力的,pale 苍白的,pathetic 可怜的



    1. silent movie 无声电影

    2. Move it

     1) go faster

     2) get out of the way

    3. Don't stand in the doorway |talking|.Move it.

    4. Those boys are on more fit to be soldiers than you are to be captain

     1) be fit for

     2) be fit to do

    5. mess with 搞砸了...



    1. Romance

    2. blonde 金发的(女) blond金发的(男)

     dumb blonde 金发碧眼的蠢美女

    3. a different world 大不一样

    4. dicking around 混日子,随便玩玩

    5. break up 分手



    1. role/character

    2. I could stuff a whole chicken |down| my stomach

    3. put you on the spot 让谁难堪

    4. kick sb out 把某人轰出去

    5. no biggie 没啥大不了的



    1. documentary film 纪录片

    2. spill

        a) 向别人倾吐心事

        b) 泄密

    3. blew off 吹掉

        make all the other girls look bad

        slam dunk a basketball 灌篮

        get to see 能看清

        hypos 疑病

    4. walking felony 危险人物

    5. Am I on glue?我脑袋糊涂了吗?(on glue)

    6. come on ,be serious 拜托,现实一点



    1. splatter movie 暴力片

    2. I blew sth 我把..搞砸了

    3. we all tried to (talk her out of it)

        talk sb out of it 劝说某人不要做某事

    4. a good look for sb 某人穿x很漂亮

        It's a good look for you

    5. a cardinal rule 最基本的原则



    1. release 发行

    2. a stunt 特技

        I'm not interested in those kinds of stunts.

    3. sb was out of his mind 某人是疯了

    4. a little bell goes off in your mind 你想起了什么/什么提醒你

    5. I don't even know who you are anymore 我甚至都不认识你了



    1. dissolve 叠化

    2. boogie 跳舞

    3. time is running out 你有的时间不多了

    4. I'll make it easy on you. 我放你一把/我让事情对你来说简单一点

    5. wait a minute

        ~,I just thought of something 我想到一件事



    1. montage 蒙太奇手法

    2. you're nuts 你疯了

    3. If you know what I mean

    4. dropped me 抛弃/开除

    5. They treated me like I never existed. 他们对待我就像我从来没存在过



    1. studio 电影制片场

    2. a hot idea 好主意

    3. Yeah,no kidding 很显然/当然了

    4. That was close 那可真够悬的

        that car almost ran (right) into you 差点撞到你

    5. brace yourself 做好准备



    1. boom 话筒

    2. bimbo 胸大无脑的女人/妓女

    3. Hit me (big time ) 给我一个大份的

        big time 大量地(程度)

    4. barking up the wrong tree 找错人了

    5. catch you later 回头见(当天)

        see you later 没有特指

        see you tomorrow 明天

    6. tattoo 文身



    1. First AD 第一副导演

    2. take a rain check 改天

        I'll take a rain check 我改天

    3. a babe fest 帅哥美女云集的地方(主题+fest)

        meat fest,jazz fest,film fest

    4. grease some wheels 把关系拉的更近一点/贿赂

    5. fanciful 玩笑的



    1. Computer graphics (CG)

    2. clueless 脑子有点笨/慢

        I'm clueless when it comes to women 当他们谈到/轮到女人的时候,我脑子有点不够用

    3. buddy up to/with sb 和谁交朋友/和谁走的近一些

    4. draw a blank 脑子里一片空白

    5.beat it out of sb 逼某人说出来/屈打成招



    1. best picture 最佳影片

    2. creepy 奇怪的/吓人的

    3. sb got nothing on me 某人根本没有抓住我的把柄

    4. right back at you 彼此彼此(当别人夸你的时候)

    5. shot your mouth 信口开河

        have a heart 讲道理

        grip 紧握





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