

Qt 5.6

Core Internals

Qt 5.6.0 Reference Documentation


Core Internals

Qt contains a rich set of fundamental enablers, mainly from the Qt Core module. Qt uses these enablers to provide higher-level UI and application development components. The following topics explain the most important enablers and show how to use them to implement specialized functionality not already provided by Qt.

Objects, Properties, and Events

The QObject class forms the foundation of Qt's object model and is the parent class of many Qt classes. The object model introduces many mechanisms such as a meta-object system which allows run-time introspection, manipulation, and invocation of properties and methods in the object. It also serves as the basis for Qt's event system, which is a low-level way of communicating between QObject-based objects. Another high-level form of communication is provided in Qt's signals and slots mechanism. These features can also be used in combination with the State Machine Framework which provides a formally defined and predictable way of managing the states of your application. In addition, QObject provides a simple timing mechanism with QObject::startTimer(). Alternatively, the QTimer class provides a high-level interface for timers.

Container Classes

A container is a data structure whose instances are collections of other objects. Some examples of containers are: dynamic arrays, queues, linked lists, and associative arrays. Qt provides a set of general purpose, template-based container classes for structuring data in memory.

See the full list of Container Classes for more details.


Qt uses Unicode for the encoding of displayable text strings. Unicode provides support for all commonly used writing systems in the world and is ideal for cross-platform development. Applications can also be written to support any number of different languages with one code base using Qt's powerful internationalization system.

Inter-Process Communication

Qt provides several classes to support communication between processes. You can also launch and manage external processes using the QProcess class.


Qt provides functionality to manage threads and parallelized code in a safe and platform-independent way.

Platform Support

Qt allows you to write platform-independent code, where the same code base can be compiled for and deployed on different platforms without any changes. In cases where you need to use platform-specific features and integrate with system libraries, Qt also provides solutions for this.

Qt integrates with the windowing system on the target platform using Qt Platform Abstraction (QPA). QPA is an abstraction of a windowing system which makes porting Qt to new platforms simple and quick. One such system is the Wayland protocol. Qt can be used together with Wayland as a light-weight windowing system on embedded hardware to support a multi-process graphical user interface.

The Qt Platform Abstraction uses Qt's plugin system. This plugin system provides APIs to extend Qt in specific areas (such as adding support for new image formats, database drivers, and so on) and also for writing your own extensible Qt applications which support third-party plugins.

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### 回答1: Qt是一款流行的跨平台C++框架,有着强大的功能和丰富的类库。Qt核心机制包括Qt的元对象系统和信号槽机制Qt的元对象系统是Qt的一个重要特性,它是Qt实现反射的基础。在C++中,反射能够在运行时获取类的信息,如类名、属性、方法等,并在运行时动态地创建、调用对象。Qt的元对象系统通过为每个QObject派生的子类生成一个元对象,实现了C++的反射机制。元对象系统使得Qt能够在运行时获取QObject派生类的信息,并提供了一系列函数来操作这些对象。 Qt的信号槽机制Qt核心机制之一,它用于实现对象之间的通信。信号槽机制基于发布-订阅模式,其中一个对象发送信号,而另一个对象通过连接到这个信号的槽函数来接收信号并进行相应的处理。信号槽机制具有松耦合的特性,可以实现对象之间的解耦。 在信号槽机制中,信号是由QObject派生类定义的特殊函数,用于声明某个特定事件发生时要发送的信号。槽函数是QObject派生类中的普通函数,用于接收这个信号,并且执行相应的处理逻辑。信号和槽通过信号槽连接函数进行连接,这样当信号触发时,与之连接的槽函数就会被自动调用。 Qt的元对象系统和信号槽机制Qt强大功能的基石。元对象系统实现了C++的反射机制,允许在运行时获取和操作对象的信息。信号槽机制使对象之间的通信变得简单和易用,提供了一种灵活而高效的方式来实现对象间的解耦。通过这些核心机制Qt能够帮助开发人员更快速、更简便地开发高质量的跨平台应用程序。 ### 回答2: qt核心机制是指Qt框架的底层机制,主要包括Qt元对象系统和Qt信号槽原理。 Qt元对象系统是Qt框架中的一个重要概念,它在C++语言的基础上添加了一套元对象(Meta Object)系统。元对象系统在编译过程中生成了额外的代码,使得我们可以在运行时获得更多的对象信息。通过元对象系统,Qt实现了信号槽机制、宏(MOC)编译和反射等功能。元对象系统实际上是一种面向对象的编程方式,通过它可以实现Qt特有的功能,如动态属性、动态信号和槽等。 Qt信号槽原理是Qt框架中的一个重要特性,用于对象间的通信。信号槽是一种异步通信方式,通过信号发送者(Sender)发送信号,接收者(Receiver)通过槽函数(Slot)响应信号。信号和槽是通过元对象系统实现的,编译器会在MOC编译阶段解析信号和槽的声明,并在运行时建立连接关系。这种机制使得Qt程序的耦合性更低,灵活性更高,同时也为多线程编程提供了一种方便的方式。 总的来说,Qt核心机制包括了Qt的元对象系统和信号槽原理。元对象系统为Qt框架提供了反射、动态属性和动态信号槽等功能,信号槽机制实现了对象间的异步通信。这些机制使得Qt框架具有高度的可扩展性、灵活性和跨平台性,为开发者提供了一种便捷、高效的方式来构建应用程序。 ### 回答3: Qt是一种跨平台的应用程序框架,具有丰富的功能和强大的性能。Qt核心机制是指Qt框架的基础机制,包括Qt元对象系统和Qt信号槽原理。 Qt元对象系统是Qt框架的核心组成之一,用于实现Qt的一些特殊功能,如信号槽机制和动态属性。Qt元对象系统通过将所有的类对象都派生自QObject基类,实现了一种反射机制,使得对象之间可以动态地连接和交互。通过使用元对象系统,Qt可以实现面向对象编程的高级特性,如对象间的信号和槽的连接,对象的属性系统以及对象的内省(即动态获取对象的属性和方法信息)等。 Qt信号槽原理是Qt框架实现事件驱动的关键机制。信号槽机制允许不同对象之间进行松散的耦合,通过信号和槽的方式进行通信。信号是一种特殊的成员函数,用于表示某个事件的发生,槽是一种普通的成员函数,用于响应信号的发出。当一个信号被发出时,Qt框架会自动将信号与槽进行匹配,并调用对应的槽函数。这种机制使得对象之间的通信更加灵活和高效,可以实现事件的传递和处理,避免了显式的函数调用和回调函数的使用。 综上所述,Qt核心机制包括Qt元对象系统和Qt信号槽原理。通过元对象系统,Qt实现了一种反射机制,使得对象之间可以动态地连接和交互;通过信号槽机制Qt实现了一种松散耦合的事件处理方式,提高了对象之间的通信效率和灵活性。这些机制Qt框架的重要组成部分,为开发者提供了更加强大和易用的工具和功能。


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