
1 Dyld Steps

  1. Map all dependent dylibs, recurse
  2. Rebase all images
  3. Bind all images
  4. ObjC prepare images
  5. Run initializers

1.1 Loading Dylibs

  1. Parse list of dependent dylibs
  2. Find requested mach-o file
  3. Open and read start of file
  4. Validate mach-o
  5. Register code signature
  6. Call mmap() for each segment

1.1.1 Recursive Loading

  1. All your app’s direct dependents are loaded
  2. Plus any dylib’s needed by those dylibs
  3. Rinse and repeat
  4. Apps typically load 100 to 400 dylibs!
    • Most are OS dylibs
    • We’ve optimized loading of OS dylibs

1.2 Fix-ups

  1. Code signing means instructions cannot be altered
  2. Modern code-gen is dynamic PIC (Position Independent Code)
    • Code can run loaded at any address and is never altered
    • Instead, all fix ups are in __DATA

1.2.1 Rebasing and Binding

  1. Rebasing: Adjusting pointers to within an image
  2. Binding: Setting pointers to outside image


  1. Rebasing is adding a “slide” value to each internal pointer
  2. Slide = actual_address - preferred_address
  3. Location of rebase locations is encoded in LINKEDIT
  4. Pages-in and COW page
  5. Rebasing is done in address order, so kernel starts prefetching


  1. All references to something in another dylib are symbolic
  2. Dyld needs to find symbol name
  3. More computational than rebasing
  4. Rarely page faults

1.2.2 Notify ObjC Runtime

  1. Most ObjC set up done via rebasing and binding
  2. All ObjC class definitions are registered
  3. Non-fragile ivars offsets updated
  4. Categories are inserted into method lists
  5. Selectors are uniqued

1.3 Initializers

  1. C++ generates initializer for statically allocated objects
  2. ObjC +load methods
  3. Run “bottom up” so each initializer can call dylibs below it
  4. Lastly, Dyld calls main() in executable

1.4 Pre-main() Summary

Dyld is a helper program

  1. Loads all dependent dylibs
  2. Fixes up all pointers in DATA pages
  3. Runs all initializers

2 Improving Launch Times

2.1 Goals

  1. Launch faster than animation
    • Duration varies on devices
    • 400ms is a good target
  2. Don’t ever take longer than 20 seconds
    • App will be killed
  3. Test on the slowest supported device

2.2 Launch recap

  1. Parse images
  2. Map images
  3. Rebase images
  4. Bind images
  5. Run image initializers
  6. Call main()
  7. Call UIApplicationMain()
  8. Call applicationWillFinishLaunching

2.3 Warm vs. cold launch

  1. Warm launch
    • App and data already in memory
    • App is not in kernel buffer cache
  2. Warm and cold launch times will be different
    • Cold launch times are important
    • Measure cold launch by rebooting

2.4 Measurements

  1. Measuring before main() is difficult
  2. Dyld has built in measurements
    • DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS environment variable
      • Available on shipping OSes
      • Significantly enhanced in new OSes
      • Available in seed 2
  3. Debugger pauses every dylib load
    • Dyld subtracts out debugger time
    • Console times less than wall clock

2.5 Optimizing

2.5.1 Dylib Loading

  1. Embedded dylibs are expensive
  2. Use fewer dylibs
    • Merge existing dylibs
    • Use static archives
  3. Lazy load, but…
    • dlopen() can cause issues
    • Actually more work overall

2.5.2 Rebase/Binding

  1. Reduce __DATA pointers
  2. Reduce Objective C metadata
    • Classes, selectors, and categories
  3. Reduce C++ virtual
  4. Use Swift structs
  5. Examine machine generated code
    • Use offsets instead of pointers
    • Mark read only

2.5.3 ObjC Setup

  1. Class registration
  2. Non-fragile ivars offsets updated
  3. Category registration
  4. Selector uniquing

2.5.4 Initializers


  1. ObjC +load methods
    • Replace with +initiailize
  2. C/C++ __attribute__((constructor))
  3. Replace with call site initializers
    • dispatch_once() dsfgsdfgsed
    • pthread_once() 3452342
    • std::once()


  1. C++ statics with non-trivial constructors
    • Replace with call site initializers
    • Only set simple values (PODs)
      Rewrite in Swift
      1. Do not call dlopen() in initializers
      2. Do not create threads in initializers


  1. Measure launch times with DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS
  2. Reduce launch times by
    • Embedding fewer dylibs
    • Consolidating Objective-C classes
    • Eliminating static initializers
  3. Use more Swift
  4. dlopen() is discouraged
    • Subtle performance and deadlock issues



Optimizing App Startup Time

如何优化 App 的启动时间

Revision History








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