import os
import cv2
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
def yolo_to_voc_bbox(x, y, w, h, image_w, image_h):
center_x = x * image_w
center_y = y * image_h
box_w = w * image_w
box_h = h * image_h
xmin = int(center_x - (box_w / 2))
ymin = int(center_y - (box_h / 2))
xmax = int(center_x + (box_w / 2))
ymax = int(center_y + (box_h / 2))
return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
def convert_yolo_to_xml(yolo_anns, image_filename, image_width, image_height, output_folder):
将Yolo格式的注释转换为VOC XML格式。
yolo_anns: Yolo格式的注释列表,每个元素为[class_id, x_center, y_center, width, height]
image_filename: 图像文件名
image_width: 图像宽度
image_height: 图像高度
output_folder: 输出XML文件的目录
annotation = ET.Element('annotation')
ET.SubElement(annotation, 'folder').text = 'images'
ET.SubElement(annotation, 'filename').text = os.path.basename(image_filename)
size = ET.SubElement(annotation, 'size')
ET.SubElement(size, 'width').text = str(image_width)
ET.SubElement(size, 'height').text = str(image_height)
ET.SubElement(size, 'depth').text = '3'
for ann in yolo_anns:
obj = ET.SubElement(annotation, 'object')
# ET.SubElement(obj, 'name').text = str([ann[0]) # 假设类别ID直接作为类别名称
ET.SubElement(obj, 'name').text = str(CLASS_DICT[ann[0]]) # 假设类别ID直接作为类别名称
bndbox = ET.SubElement(obj, 'bndbox')
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = yolo_to_voc_bbox(*ann[1:], image_width, image_height)
ET.SubElement(bndbox, 'xmin').text = str(xmin)
ET.SubElement(bndbox, 'ymin').text = str(ymin)
ET.SubElement(bndbox, 'xmax').text = str(xmax)
ET.SubElement(bndbox, 'ymax').text = str(ymax)
xml_str = ET.tostring(annotation, encoding='utf8').decode('utf8')
xml_pretty_str = minidom.parseString(xml_str).toprettyxml(indent=" ")
output_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_filename))[0] + '.xml'
output_path = os.path.join(output_folder, output_filename)
with open(output_path, 'w') as f:
print(f"XML saved to {output_path}")
def get_yolo_annotations(yolo_file):
with open(yolo_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
data = f.readlines()
yolo_annotations = []
for i in data:
line = [x for x in i.strip().split(' ')]
yolo_annotations.append([int(line[0]), float(line[1]),float(line[2]),float(line[3]),float(line[4])])
# image_file = './dataset/images/1.jpg' #图像路径
# img = cv2.imread(image_file)
# image_width, image_height = img.shape[1], img.shape[0]
# yolo_file = "./dataset/yololabel/1.txt" #yolo标签路径
# yolo_annotations = get_yolo_annotations(yolo_file)
# # # 示例使用
# # yolo_annotations = [
# # [0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1, 0.2], # 类别ID, 中心X, 中心Y, 宽比例, 高比例
# # [1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.15, 0.1]
# # ]
# output_folder = '/workspace/data/BiaoJi/biandianzhan_shuxian/digital_yolov5_dataset/Annotations'
# os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)
# convert_yolo_to_xml(yolo_annotations, image_file, image_width, image_height, output_folder)
# 自定义的标签字典
CLASS_DICT = {0:'LEDD_0', 1:'LEDD_1', 2:'LEDD_2', 3:'LEDD_3', 4:'LEDD_4', 5:'LEDD_5', \
6:'LEDD_6', 7:'LEDD_7', 8:'LEDD_8', 9:'LEDD_9', 10:'LEDD_-'}
imgpath = '/workspace/data/BiaoJi/biandianzhan_shuxian/digital_yolov5_dataset/images'
yolotxtpath = "/workspace/data/BiaoJi/biandianzhan_shuxian/digital_yolov5_dataset/yololabel"
output_folder = '/workspace/data/BiaoJi/biandianzhan_shuxian/digital_yolov5_dataset/Annotations'
os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)
for imgname in os.listdir(imgpath):
if '.jpg' not in imgname:
img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(imgpath, imgname))
image_width, image_height = img.shape[1], img.shape[0]
yolo_file = os.path.join(yolotxtpath, imgname.replace('.jpg', '.txt'))
yolo_annotations = get_yolo_annotations(yolo_file)
convert_yolo_to_xml(yolo_annotations, imgname, image_width, image_height, output_folder)
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