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转载 latex footnote numbering
2017-07-25 17:41:07 856
转载 git set proxy
2017-07-25 16:03:19 1332
转载 Ubuntu 查看Nvidia显卡驱动信息
Ubuntu 查看Nvidia显卡驱动信息转自:http://blog.csdn.net/xuezhisdc/article/details/48650565命令行中输入cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version查看显卡信息
2017-06-09 11:33:44 29794
原创 Python ndarray padding
Python ndarray paddingWith the bug about np.lib.pad reported here: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/7353 and the corresponding update here: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/7354#issuecomme
2017-05-28 20:38:09 3171
原创 Linux 批量杀死 进程
Linux 批量杀死 进程以kill 进程列表中的'MATLAB' 为例:ps aux | grep 'MATLAB' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
2017-05-09 21:50:15 704
原创 python 绘制三维数据
python 绘制三维数据https://matplotlib.org/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tutorial.html#d-plots-in-3d
2017-05-09 16:25:35 1069
原创 Matlab 文件按自然排序 转list文件名列表
s_SrcList_A = dirr( Src_A_Path ); c_List_A = struct2cell(s_SrcList_A); c_List_A = c_List_A(1,:);SrcList_A = (sort_nat(c_List_A))';获取基本列表,dirr.m 函数function [list,sumbytes,varargout] = DIRR(c
2017-04-26 21:12:08 3280
原创 Python cv2 图像自适应灰度直方图均衡化处理
Python cv2 图像自适应灰度直方图均衡化处理__author__ = 'Administrator'import numpy as npimport cv2ct_img = np.load('G:\Project\MMWHS_2017\dataset\ct_mri_case.tar\ct_mri_case\send1\ct_img.npy')mri_img = np.
2017-04-25 11:47:07 10155 1
原创 matlab 曲线填充 透明度
Matlab 画多条曲线并以不同透明度填充曲线下方figure(1),T1 = area(smooth(hist_C(1,:), 5)); xlim([0, 252]); T1.FaceColor='k'; T1.FaceAlpha=0.5; hold onT3 = area(smooth(hist_C(3,:), 5)); xlim([0, 252]); T3.FaceColor='g'
2017-04-02 16:41:36 9009
原创 [Python] Python 旋转、flip Nifti三维数据 (Python Rotate and Flip Nifti volume)
__author__ = 'xin yang'import osimport nibabel as nibimport numpy as npimport mathsrc_us_folder = 'G:/Temp/Data/src/us'src_seg_folder = 'G:/Temp/Data/src/seg'aug_us_folder = 'G:/Temp/Data/
2017-01-18 23:08:15 10670
转载 [Matlab] 三视图查看3D矩阵
load mri.mat; old_img = double(squeeze(D));old_M = [0.88 0.5 3 -90; -0.5 0.88 3 -126; 0 0 2 -72; 0 0 0 1];new_img = affine(old_img, old_M, 2);[x y z] = meshgrid(1:128,1:128,1:27);sz = size(new_
2017-01-18 21:46:32 2064 1
原创 深度学习-Caffe 使用问题整理
深度学习-Caffe 使用问题整理1. shape mismatch in weight initialisation (transfer). "Target shape is ..., but source shape is ...".possible solution: (1) layer name is wrong (2) 'Eltwise' or 'Concat' fusion m
2016-11-19 16:38:44 532
原创 ParaView Usage
ParaView Usage1. click eye icon to hide the box2. use "calculator" before "contour", and rename the "Result Array Name", so different contour can have different color property3. animation. choos
2016-10-15 17:25:11 834
原创 python 分割 画图像的轮廓
python 分割 画图像的轮廓import numpy as npimport cv2__author__ = 'xinyang'Img_N = 130algo_seg_folder = 'G:/Project/S_rnn_201605/our_paper/AAAI2017/Figure/src/ctx_bigseg/ctx_2'gt_seg_folder = 'G:
2016-09-15 19:40:47 5062
原创 Paraview 软件学习
Paraview 软件学习1. Paraview 读 NIFTI格式。Tools -> Manage Plugins -> Choose AnalyzeNIfTIIO -> load selected
2016-09-07 19:30:24 3127
原创 [OpenGL系列] VS2015+FreeGLUT+GLEW
【安装】OpenGL 安装Reference:1. http://www.cnblogs.com/helloj2ee/archive/2013/03/05/2944800.html2. http://www.jianshu.com/p/8bcc5799d8fa首先弄清楚,自己电脑上的OpenGL的GL.h, GLU.h在什么位置,然后才方便存放后续相关的文件。因为电脑上可能有很多个
2016-08-10 21:44:52 5976 3
原创 Numpy 二维矩阵 乘以 三维矩阵 (Numpy, 2D matrix multiplies 3D matrix)
Numpy 二维矩阵 乘以 三维矩阵 (Numpy, 2D matrix multiplies 3D matrix)Learn to apply the broadcast rule in Numpy.========goal: element-wise matrix multiplicationarguments:A: 2×3×4B: 2×4C = A*B (* me
2016-07-10 21:10:46 11834
原创 Ubuntu 安装 OpenCV3.0, 遇到的问题集合 (Problems encountered in installing OpenCV3.0 on Ubuntu)
Ubuntu 安装 OpenCV3.0, 遇到的问题集合 (Problems encountered in installing OpenCV3.0 on UbuntuProblem 1: ippicv, invalid MD5 hash. 参考:http://blog.csdn.net/u013915633/article/details/49886465注:如果cmake过程中
2016-06-20 18:32:54 1503
原创 Theano / Numpy, "ImportError: libatlas.so.3gf: cannot open shared object file"
Theano / Numpy, "ImportError: libatlas.so.3gf: cannot open shared object file"If you got the "ImportError: libatlas.so.3gf: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" as I di
2016-06-18 19:07:52 1713
原创 Matlab 连通分量处理, 二维和三维 (Matlab, Connected Component Process, 2D&3D)
Matlab 连通分量处理, 二维和三维 (Matlab, Connected Component Process, 2D&3D)The code for your reference, which is used to remove the minor components:function Connect_Elimi = Connection_Judge_3D(Binary_Img,
2016-06-13 22:10:19 4739 1
原创 图像分割评价标准 代码 (Image segmentation evaluation metrics code)
图像分割评价标准 代码 (Image segmentation evaluation metrics code)分享图像分割中用到的多种评价标准的代码:% test all segmentation metric functionsSEG = imread('0.png');GT = imread('1.png');% binarizeSEG = im2bw(SEG, 0.1);
2016-06-11 16:51:31 37122 43
原创 Python 读取文件夹下文件列表 自然排序
Python 读取文件夹下文件列表 自然排序import fnmatchimport osa_list = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir('F:/image'), '*.png')>>> import natsort>>> natsort.natsorted(a_list)That's all!
2016-06-03 20:12:22 13604
原创 Matlab 提取二值图像中心线 (Matlab extract centreline of binary image)
Matlab 提取二值图像中心线 (Matlab extract centreline of binary image)close all; clear all; clc;binaryImage = imread('0.png');% SkeletonizeskeletonizedImage = bwmorph(binaryImage, 'skel', inf);% distanc
2016-05-30 23:01:00 16363 3
原创 Windows7 下安装Theano (Install Theano in Windows 7)
Install Theano in Window 7OS: Win 7GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITANXCUDA: 7.5It's OK for me to follow the Theano offical website to install all the needed components, including:1. Visual Stud
2016-05-19 21:46:10 1248
转载 Matab 灰度图 生成 伪彩色 图像 gray convert to pseudo color
Matab 灰度图 生成 伪彩色 图像 gray convert to pseudo color原文出处: http://www.alecjacobson.com/weblog/?p=1655In matlab you can view a grayscale image with:imshow(im)Which for my image
2016-04-16 16:11:01 23293 1
原创 Ubuntu, Pycharm, Theano, nvcc not found
Ubuntu, Pycharm, Theano, nvcc not foundRefer to this best answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21486528/environment-path-different-when-using-venv/21488010#21488010Then, what you need to do
2016-03-25 22:10:07 1551
原创 利用 Python 实现多线程多任务提交 - matlab 函数示例
利用 Python 实现多线程多任务提交、运行可先参考博客文章:https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000000414339
2016-01-14 19:44:40 2271
原创 命令行下运行 Matlab 及 函数
命令行下运行 Matlab 及 函数首先参考命令行下matlab的运行参数的定义与作用:http://www.cnblogs.com/beanocean/p/3677404.html创建示例程序:test.mfunction test(x, y) fprintf(num2str(x+y))endcmd下cd到test.m所在路径,输入如下命令:matlab -nojvm
2016-01-13 16:21:17 7858 1
原创 Matlab 生成任意扇形区域
Matlab 生成任意扇形区域% Generate sector mask as neededfunction Sect_Mask = Generate_SectMask(width, height, cen_x, cen_y, CenAng_s, CenAng_e, r_s, r_e)% Note: CenAng_s <= CenAng_e; CenAng_s, CenAng_e ~[-
2016-01-08 21:56:43 6673 1
原创 Recurrent Neural Network 学习之路
Recurrent Neural Network 学习之路1. Read paper: "A critical review of Recurrent Neural Networks for Sequence Learning".2. Read blog: http://blog.csdn.net/a635661820/article/details/45390671
2015-12-21 20:33:28 5479
原创 Python 安装 更新 Scipy
Python 安装 更新 Scipy 参考网站:问题提出:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26575587/cant-install-scipy-through-pip资源网站:http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#scipy
2015-12-07 20:20:05 3961
原创 Python 绘制 误差 箱线图 error boxplot
Python 绘制 误差 箱线图 error boxplot两个比较好的参考网址:http://blog.bharatbhole.com/creating-boxplots-with-matplotlib/http://blog.csdn.net/u012176591/article/details/44700551
2015-11-24 08:58:00 10699 1
原创 Python 中利用 matplotlib 进行曲线的部分填充 fill_betweenx
Python 中利用 matplotlib 进行曲线的部分填充 fill_betweenx实现效果:代码:def Plot_LSH_Curve(b, r, Sim_T): s = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01) p = 1 - np.power(1 - np.power(s, r), b) fig = plt.figure() ax
2015-11-20 19:55:47 18917
原创 Latex - 专辑 (长期更新)
Latex - 专辑 (长期更新)===================================================================转自:http://blog.csdn.net/xiazdong/article/details/8893369设置页边距 、页眉、页脚下面的例子是一个很真实的例子,设置了页眉、页脚、页边距。设置页眉页脚
2015-11-15 11:36:19 878
原创 Sublime 中对 matlab 文件语法高亮(Highlighting)
Sublime 中对 matlab 文件语法高亮(Highlighting)原方法链接来自:http://poquitopicante.blogspot.hk/2013/10/turn-off-objective-c-for-m-files-turn.html因为Sublime中对matlab的.m文件默认采用 objective-C的语法高亮处理,所以显示出来有问题。解决方法:1
2015-11-11 13:12:09 7538 4
转载 Python-PyCharm安装numpy和matplotlib
2015-10-23 13:08:11 63450 10
原创 金山词霸2016 代理设置 方法
金山词霸2016 代理设置 方法1. 下载 sockscap64 软件并安装 : http://www.sockscap64.com/2.设置 在 Apps中选择 Add an executable file,在profile自己为想要的软件取个名字,而后点击 browse 选择想要设置代理的软件的.exe文件所在的完整路径,然后点击 OK,这时你需要代理的软件的logo就会出现在
2015-10-01 19:05:03 2474
原创 Visual phenomenon
Visual phenomenon========================================================================================================
2015-09-20 15:06:17 511
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹