clab8 总结|CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019


Lab 8: HashMap

 *  Compilation:  javac
 *  Execution:    java SeparateChainingHashST < input.txt
 *  Dependencies:
 *  Data files:
 *  A symbol table implemented with a separate-chaining hash table.

 *  The {@code SeparateChainingHashST} class represents a symbol table of generic
 *  key-value pairs.
 *  It supports the usual <em>put</em>, <em>get</em>, <em>contains</em>,
 *  <em>delete</em>, <em>size</em>, and <em>is-empty</em> methods.
 *  It also provides a <em>keys</em> method for iterating over all of the keys.
 *  A symbol table implements the <em>associative array</em> abstraction:
 *  when associating a value with a key that is already in the symbol table,
 *  the convention is to replace the old value with the new value.
 *  Unlike {@link java.util.Map}, this class uses the convention that
 *  values cannot be {@code null}—setting the
 *  value associated with a key to {@code null} is equivalent to deleting the key
 *  from the symbol table.
 *  <p>
 *  This implementation uses a separate chaining hash table. It requires that
 *  the key type overrides the {@code equals()} and {@code hashCode()} methods.
 *  The expected time per <em>put</em>, <em>contains</em>, or <em>remove</em>
 *  operation is constant, subject to the uniform hashing assumption.
 *  The <em>size</em>, and <em>is-empty</em> operations take constant time.
 *  Construction takes constant time.
 *  <p>
 *  For additional documentation, see <a href="">Section 3.4</a> of
 *  <i>Algorithms, 4th Edition</i> by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
 *  For other implementations, see {@link ST}, {@link BinarySearchST},
 *  {@link SequentialSearchST}, {@link BST}, {@link RedBlackBST}, and
 *  {@link LinearProbingHashST},
 *  @author Robert Sedgewick
 *  @author Kevin Wayne
public class SeparateChainingHashST<Key, Value> {
    private static final int INIT_CAPACITY = 4;

    private int n;                                // number of key-value pairs
    private int m;                                // hash table size
    private SequentialSearchST<Key, Value>[] st;  // array of linked-list symbol tables

     * Initializes an empty symbol table.
    public SeparateChainingHashST() {

     * Initializes an empty symbol table with {@code m} chains.
     * @param m the initial number of chains
    public SeparateChainingHashST(int m) {
        this.m = m;
        st = (SequentialSearchST<Key, Value>[]) new SequentialSearchST[m];
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
            st[i] = new SequentialSearchST<Key, Value>();

    // resize the hash table to have the given number of chains,
    // rehashing all of the keys
    private void resize(int chains) {
        SeparateChainingHashST<Key, Value> temp = new SeparateChainingHashST<Key, Value>(chains);
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            for (Key key : st[i].keys()) {
                temp.put(key, st[i].get(key));
        this.m  = temp.m;
        this.n  = temp.n; =;

    // hash value between 0 and m-1
    private int hash(Key key) {
        return (key.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % m;

     * Returns the number of key-value pairs in this symbol table.
     * @return the number of key-value pairs in this symbol table
    public int size() {
        return n;

     * Returns true if this symbol table is empty.
     * @return {@code true} if this symbol table is empty;
     *         {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return size() == 0;

     * Returns true if this symbol table contains the specified key.
     * @param  key the key
     * @return {@code true} if this symbol table contains {@code key};
     *         {@code false} otherwise
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is {@code null}
    public boolean contains(Key key) {
        if (key == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument to contains() is null");
        return get(key) != null;

     * Returns the value associated with the specified key in this symbol table.
     * @param  key the key
     * @return the value associated with {@code key} in the symbol table;
     *         {@code null} if no such value
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is {@code null}
    public Value get(Key key) {
        if (key == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument to get() is null");
        int i = hash(key);
        return st[i].get(key);

     * Inserts the specified key-value pair into the symbol table, overwriting the old 
     * value with the new value if the symbol table already contains the specified key.
     * Deletes the specified key (and its associated value) from this symbol table
     * if the specified value is {@code null}.
     * @param  key the key
     * @param  val the value
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is {@code null}
    public void put(Key key, Value val) {
        if (key == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("first argument to put() is null");
        if (val == null) {

        // double table size if average length of list >= 10
        if (n >= 10*m) resize(2*m);

        int i = hash(key);
        if (!st[i].contains(key)) n++;
        st[i].put(key, val);

     * Removes the specified key and its associated value from this symbol table     
     * (if the key is in this symbol table).    
     * @param  key the key
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is {@code null}
    public void delete(Key key) {
        if (key == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument to delete() is null");

        int i = hash(key);
        if (st[i].contains(key)) n--;

        // halve table size if average length of list <= 2
        if (m > INIT_CAPACITY && n <= 2*m) resize(m/2);

    // return keys in symbol table as an Iterable
    public Iterable<Key> keys() {
        Queue<Key> queue = new Queue<Key>();
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            for (Key key : st[i].keys())
        return queue;

     * Unit tests the {@code SeparateChainingHashST} data type.
     * @param args the command-line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
        SeparateChainingHashST<String, Integer> st = new SeparateChainingHashST<String, Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; !StdIn.isEmpty(); i++) {
            String key = StdIn.readString();
            st.put(key, i);

        // print keys
        for (String s : st.keys()) 
            StdOut.println(s + " " + st.get(s)); 



Copyright © 20002017, Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
Last updated: Fri Oct 20 12:50:46 EDT 2017.

CLab8 Heaps and Hashes

  1. 声明和使用java 自带的 “import java.util.PriorityQueue;”

a. 引用 “import java.util.PriorityQueue;”包

b. 声明

 PriorityQueue<Flight> minStartTime=new PriorityQueue<>(new ComparatorStartTime());

private class ComparatorStartTime implements java.util.Comparator<Flight>{
       * Compares its two arguments for order. Returns a negative integer,
       * zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than,
       * equal to, or greater than the second.
       * */
      public int	compare(Flight o1, Flight o2){
          return o1.startTime-o2.startTime;

若不在声明PQ时传入一个实现了Comparator的类,基于和HEAP 的PQ 会使用“natur order” 进行排序,既Java为每一个对象或数组默认实现的comparaTo方法。

2.关于HEAP 中排序的问题(从大到小还是从小到大)

    private class ComparatorStartTime implements java.util.Comparator<Flight>{
         * Compares its two arguments for order. Returns a negative integer,
         * zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than,
         * equal to, or greater than the second.
         * */
        public int	compare(Flight o1, Flight o2){
            return o1.startTime-o2.startTime;
3.StringBuilder class中有很多可用的方法,例如```

4.You may need to use comparators in your solution for comparing objects. You can construct a concrete class (which can be somewhat verbose) or use lambda functions instead. The syntax for declaring a lambda for a comparator is:

   Comparator<Integer> intComparator = (i, j) -> i - j;
        Comparator<Integer> intComparatorEquivalent = (i, j) -> {
          int diff = i - j;
          return diff;

5.Rolling hash:A rolling hash (also known as recursive hashing or rolling checksum) is a hash function where the input is hashed in a window that moves through the input.

A few hash functions allow a rolling hash to be computed very quickly—the new hash value is rapidly calculated given only the old hash value, the old value removed from the window, and the new value added to the window—similar to the way a moving average function can be computed much more quickly than other low-pass filters.

public void addChar(char c) {
        /* FIX ME */


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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


