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原创 如何设置 proxy
Git proxy[http] proxy =[user] email = name@email.com name = nameAPT PROXYIn file /etc/apt/apt.conf Acquire::http::proxy ""; Acquire::https::proxy ""; Acquire::http::No
2022-05-07 04:06:34 3008
原创 SPDK 入门
SPDK installation and Hardware checkCompile SPDK $ cd spdk_repo/spdk $ git submodule update --init $ ./configure --enable-debug --enable-lto --with-shared $ makeVerify we have an NVMe device$ lspci | grep "Non-Volatile" 00:0e.0 Non-Vola
2022-03-30 15:05:04 1616
原创 QEMU 安装与使用
这里写自定义目录标题下载并安装qemu下载并安装qemu下载git clone https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu.git安装#!/bin/bashrm -rf buildmkdir buildcd buildsudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev pkg-config libglib2.0-dev binutils-dev libboost-all-dev autoconf
2022-02-01 02:39:16 5156 1
原创 Bash basic
Bash hello worldCreate a .sh fileemac task.shAdd some commands#!/bin/bashecho "Hello World"给 task.sh 添加 executable 属性By default, any newly created files are not executable regardless of its file extension suffix.chmod +x task.sh执行./
2021-12-19 04:04:52 182
原创 如何 编译 uswap
1. 编译 uswap下载 qemu 和 uswap的代码git clone url/to/code修改qemu 的 configure- slirp=""+ slirp="no"-capstone=""+capstone="no"在 qemu directory下运行命令下载需要的包git submodule update --init --recursive运行shell进行编译./build-uswap-and-qemu.sh编译qemu (in q
2021-12-18 02:16:00 929
原创 Linux内核源码解析 | system call part 2
Linux内核源码解析 | system call part 2摘要回顾: 应用程序如何调用 system call初始化 system calls table2. 回顾应用程序必须首先将 对应的 system call 在 系统调用表中对应的编号 存入rax寄存器,然后以正确的顺序 将正确的system call参数值填充通用寄存器 rdi ,rsi,rdx ,rcx ,r8 中,并使用syscall指令进行实际的系统调用由syscall指令,系统 将跳入 存储在 MSR_LSTAR
2021-04-29 03:26:33 788
原创 Linux内核源码解析 | system call part 1
system call part 11. 摘要system call 章节主要内容简介System call. What is it?Implementation ofwrite system call2. system call` 章节主要内容简介在本章节,我们将看到与系统调用相关的许多不同方面的概念。例如:what’s happening when a system call occurs from userspaceLinux内核中几个系统调用处理程序的实现VDSO 和 vs
2021-04-28 05:10:56 982
原创 Linux 驱动的第一个程序:hello world | 内核编程 part 1
Linux 驱动的第一个程序:hello world | 内核编程 part 11.内容摘要前提条件hello world程序如何 编译 一个 modul加载和卸载一 个 模块2.前提条件2.1 Kernel headers当前内核的内核头文件:通常,除非您已编译自己定制的内核,否则您将无法在系统上调用该 头文件2.1.1获得头文件的两种方式编译 并安装 自己定制的内核:参考我上一篇帖子输入以下命令从 网上下载# Arch, my fav :)$ pacman -S lin
2021-04-20 05:14:47 747
原创 如何 在 linux | ubuntu 安装 使用 更新 visual studio code
摘要如何安装 visual studio code如何 在命令行中 打开 vsc如何安装安装所需要的 依赖关系sudo apt updatesudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget引入Microsoft GPG keywget -q https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
2021-04-05 21:44:56 1698
原创 Linux 内核 下载 编译 安装 2021 ubuntu
Linux 内核 下载 编译 安装 ubuntu 2021摘要为什么要进行 调试 安装自定义的内核Linux 内核 下载Linux 内核 解压linux 内核 配置linux 内核编译linux 内核 安装1. 为什么要进行 调试 安装自定义的内核对 内核 进行开发去除 内核中 无用的模块学习 如何 对内核进行 安装2.下载内核推荐下载地址使用 git clone 命令 下载最新的 linux 内核 到本地git clone git://git.kerne
2021-04-04 23:51:19 3949 5
原创 Lecture 3 Control | CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Spring 2020
Print and NoneNone Indicates that Nothing is Returned,The special value None represents nothing in PythonA function that does not explicitly return a value will return NoneCareful: None is not di...
2020-04-08 15:38:35 190
原创 lecture 2 Names|CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Spring 2020
Names# Importsfrom math import pipi * 71 / 223from math import sinsin(pi/2)# Assignmentradius = 102 * radiusarea, circ = pi * radius * radius, 2 * pi * radiusradius = 20# Function values...
2020-04-08 12:13:42 231
原创 Lecture1 Functions|CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Spring 2020
Lecture1 Functions# Numeric expressions20202000 + 20-1 + 2 + 3 + 4 * ((5 // 6) + 7 * 8 * 9)# Call expressionsmax(3, 4.5)pow(100, 2)pow(2, 100)max(1, -2, 3, -4)# Importing and arithmetic wi...
2020-04-08 11:28:09 176
原创 Lecture 1 2 Pipelining of Non-Recursive System| HW/SW Codesign for DSP
2 Pipelining of Non-Recursive System2.1 Basic Principles1.Flow graphs basically consist of two types of elements:operators (i.e. computational or logic functions)delay elements (i.e. registers...
2020-04-06 21:34:28 330
原创 SQL1| CS186
SQL1SQL Pros and ConsDeclarative!Say what you want, not how to get itImplemented widelyWith varying levels of efficiency, completenessConstrainedNot targeted at Turing-complete tasks...
2020-04-03 16:11:32 289
原创 课程要求
第六学期Angewandte intelligente:SignalanalyseMustererkennung4 SWS Vorlesung, 1 SWS Übung, 1 SWS Praktikum und SelbststudiumVoraussetzungenSignalverarbeitungModul SignaltheorieDigitale Signal...
2020-04-02 03:46:19 237
原创 Decomposition and Reductions|cs61b 2019 lec 27 |图总结
Graph Problems So FarDepthFirstPaths.javaBreadthFirstPaths.javaDijkstrasSP.javaA*: Same as Dijkstra’s but with h(v, goal) added to priority of each vertex.LazyPrimMST.javaPrimMST.javaKruskalM...
2020-03-26 22:33:26 308
原创 Lecture 23: Graphs and Traversals | cs61b 2019
Lecture 23: Graphs and TraversalsTree TraversalsGraphsDepth First SearchBreadth First SearchTrees and TraversalsTree DefinitionA tree consists of:A set of nodes.A set of edges that connect...
2020-03-26 20:13:33 350
原创 Lecture 26: Minimum Spanning Trees | cs61b 2019
Lecture 26: Minimum Spanning TreesMST, Cut Property, Generic MST AlgorithmPrim’s AlgorithmKruskal’s AlgorithmSpanning TreesMST vs. SPTA shortest paths tree depends on the start vertex:Becau...
2020-03-26 13:54:14 356
原创 Lecture 25: Shortest Paths| CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019
CategoriesSummary So Far: DFS vs. BFSDijkstra’s AlgorithmDijkstra’s Correctness and RuntimeA*A* Heuristics (188 preview)demo1demo2>As we discussed last time, BFS would not be a good ch...
2020-03-25 22:59:42 304
原创 Lecture 24: Graphs II: Graph Traversal Implementations |cs61b 2019
Lecture 24: Graphs II: Graph Traversal ImplementationsTree and Graph TraversalsJust as there are many tree traversals:Preorder: DBACFEGInorder: ABCDEFGPostorder: ACBEGFDLevel order: DBFACEGg...
2020-03-25 15:30:31 300
原创 Wildcard (Java)
wikiA bounded wildcard is one with either an upper or a lower inheritance constraint. The bounds can be both class and interface types. Upper bounds are expressed using the extends keyword and lower ...
2020-03-25 01:21:46 258
原创 HW 3: Hashing| CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019
equalsAs mentioned in class, writing a proper equals method is a little tricker than it might sound at first blush. According to the Java language specification, your equals method should have the fo...
2020-03-25 01:07:38 224
原创 clab8 总结|CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019
实战总结Lab 8: HashMap/****************************************************************************** * Compilation: javac SeparateChainingHashST.java * Execution: java SeparateChainingHashST &l...
2020-03-25 00:55:03 521
原创 Range Searching and Multi-Dimensional Data|Quadtrees|K-d Trees|CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019
Multi-Dimensional DataMotivation: 2D Range Finding and Nearest NeighborsSuppose we want to perform operations on a set of Body objects in space?2D Range Searching: How many objects are in the high...
2020-03-23 15:41:54 273
原创 Prefix Operations and Tries | CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019
Data Structures SummaryThe problem we are presented: Given a stream of data, retrieve(搜索) information of interest.All of the data structures we have discussed so far have been to solve the search pr...
2020-03-23 03:16:09 533
原创 Heaps and PQs(The Priority Queue) | CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019
Heaps and PQs(The Priority Queue)The Priority Queue InterfaceIf we want to cared more about quickly finding the smallest or largest element instead of quickly searchingNow we come to the Abstract ...
2020-03-22 22:37:09 653
原创 Hashing | CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019
Hashingreading: 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, Algs 458-468, 478-479, 468-475 (extra)Lecture 19: HashingSet Implementations, DataIndexedIntegerSetInteger Representations of Strings, Integer Overfl...
2020-03-20 02:44:54 548
原创 Red Black Trees | CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019
Red Black Trees | CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019reading:11.4, 11.5, Algs 424-431, 432-448 (extra)Why we need Red black TreesWonderfully balanced as they are, B-Trees are really difficult to im...
2020-03-19 19:23:11 688
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